  Fri May 24 11:28:39 2013 -0700
updating userApps list refs #9149
diff --git src/hg/utils/makefile src/hg/utils/makefile
index 2d485d9..097c9d2 100644
--- src/hg/utils/makefile
+++ src/hg/utils/makefile
@@ -1,82 +1,88 @@
 # Build all directories in utils
 # test comment
 # 	$Id: makefile,v 1.21 2010/06/04 00:12:42 larrym Exp $
 include ../../inc/common.mk
-	dbNsfpToBed.pl \
-	dumpDb.pl \
-	mergeOverlapBed4.pl \
-	mergeSortedBed3Plus.pl
-# List of directories to build
-DIRS = \
-	bedToPsl \
+# List of directories to build for userApps
 	bedExtendRanges \
+	bedToPsl \
 	bedWeedOverlapping \
 	chromGraphFromBin \
 	chromGraphToBin \
 	crTreeIndexBed \
 	crTreeSearchBed \
 	gapToLift \
-	hubCheck hubPublicCheck \
+	gff3ToGenePred \
+	gff3ToPsl \
+	gtfToGenePred \
+	hubCheck \
         makeTableList \
 	oligoMatch \
+	overlapSelect \
 	positionalTblCheck \
+	pslMap \
+	tdbQuery \
+	twoBitMask
+	dbNsfpToBed.pl \
+	dumpDb.pl \
+	mergeOverlapBed4.pl \
+	mergeSortedBed3Plus.pl
+# List of directories to build of interest only at UCSC
+DIRS = \
+	hubPublicCheck \
 	safePush \
 	toDev64 \
-	twoBitMask \
-	gff3ToGenePred \
-	gff3ToPsl \
-	gtfToGenePred \
 	automation \
 	refreshNamedSessionCustomTracks \
 	refSeqGet \
-	tdbQuery \
 	wigBedToStep \
-	overlapSelect \
-	pslMap \
 	pslUniq \
 	makeTrackIndex \
 	gff3ToGenePred \
 	gff3ToPsl \
 	gtfToGenePred \
 	overlapSelect \
 	pslMap \
 all:: utils
-utils: $(USE_DIRS:%=%.utils)
+utils: $(APPS:%=%.utils)
 	(cd $* && $(MAKE))
+userApps: $(UTILS_APPLIST:%=%.userApp)
+	( cd $* && echo $* && $(MAKE) )
 scripts: $(SCRIPT_FILES:%=%.scripts)
 	chmod +x $*
 	rm -f ${SCRIPTS}/$*
 	cp -p $* ${SCRIPTS}/$*
 alpha: scripts all
 test::	${TEST_DIRS:%=%.test}
 	(cd $* && ${MAKE} test)
-clean:: $(USE_DIRS:%=%.clean)
+clean:: $(APPS:%=%.clean)
 	- find . -name '*.o' -exec rm {} \;
 	(cd $* && ${MAKE} clean)
-compile:: $(USE_DIRS:%=%.compile)
+compile:: $(APPS:%=%.compile)
 	- find . -name '*.o' -exec rm {} \;
 	(cd $* && ${MAKE} compile)