  Fri May 24 12:15:43 2013 -0700
updating userApps buildlist refs #9149
diff --git src/userApps/README src/userApps/README
index 0f29380..cbd51cd 100644
--- src/userApps/README
+++ src/userApps/README
@@ -28,37 +28,38 @@
 1. Fetch the userApps directory from the kent source:
    git archive --format=zip -9 \
       --remote=git://genome-source.cse.ucsc.edu/kent.git \
       HEAD src/userApps > userApps.zip
    unzip -d userApps -j userApps.zip
    Creates the directory: ./userApps/ with several small files.
 2. Build the utilities:
    cd userApps
    This build fetches (with git) approximately 200 Mb/7,800 files of
-      kent source code, and constructs command binaries of approximately 200 Mb.
+      kent source code, and constructs about 200 command binaries
+      of approximate size near 500 Mb.
    The resulting binaries are in ./userApps/bin/
    Note: there are no required shell environment settings as discussed
          in the genome browser build instructions.  In fact, this build
-         system will ignore any shell environment settings you may have
-         for the genome browser build environment.
+         system will ignore and override any shell environment settings
+         you may have for the genome browser build environment.
 3. Install utilities
    The binaries are built into ./userApps/bin/
    To install them in a global bin/ directory, copy them
    to a desired location, e.g.:
       sudo rsync -a -P ./userApps/bin/ /usr/local/bin/kentUtils/
    The destination bin/kentUtils/ should be its own unique directory
    to avoid overwriting same-named binaries in a standard bin/ directory.
    Users add '/usr/local/bin/kentUtils' to their shell PATH
    to access the commands.