ee7b6397b91a4225028990e70517db4d89ce2058 hiram Thu May 23 15:46:43 2013 -0700 expanding the list of userApps in hg refs #9104 diff --git src/hg/makefile src/hg/makefile index de327d6..38e4838 100644 --- src/hg/makefile +++ src/hg/makefile @@ -1,271 +1,280 @@ # Build all directories in utils # $Id: makefile,v 1.156 2010/03/03 02:53:30 markd Exp $ BROWSER_BINS=cartReset das hgBlat makeDb/hgCgiData hgConvert hgHubConnect \ hgGateway hgGene hgGenome hgLogin hgPcr hgSession hgSuggest \ hgTables hgTracks hgTrackUi hgc hgApi cartDump near/hgNear \ hgLiftOver visiGene/hgVisiGene \ encode/mkEncodeFrameset encode/hgEncodeDataVersions \ encode/hgEncodeVocab encode/hgEncodeApi \ phyloGif hgCustom hgPal hgFileUi hgFileSearch\ makeDb/hgCgiData js htdocs/style ifdef LOWELAB BROWSER_BINS += $(HOME)/lowelab/src/browser/tooltip $(HOME)/lowelab/src/browser/chooseorg endif BROWSER_LOADERS = makeDb/hgLoadBed makeDb/hgLoadWiggle makeDb/hgLoadMaf ifneq ($(findstring $(shell hostname),hgwdev hgwbeta),) ENCODE_FILES = endif TEST_DIRS = lib autoDtd autoSql blastToPsl checkTableCoords embossToPsl \ genePredSingleCover genePredHisto genePredToBed genePredToGtf \ genePredToMafFrames gbGetEntries hgGetAnn liftAcross \ mrnaToGene pslCDnaFilter pslDiff pslHisto \ pslPartition pslSelect pslStats pslSwap pslToBed spideyToPsl \ sqlToXml xmlToSql utils BROKEN_TEST_DIRS = liftOver scaffoldFaToAgp -# List of directories to build -USE_DIRS = $(UTIL_DIRS) - BAD_DIRS = \ altGraph \ cgiExample \ geneOverlap \ hgBatch \ makeSeqs \ oneShot \ synMap \ encode \ wikiPlot +# List of directories to build for userApps +UTILS_APPLIST = \ + bedSort \ + liftUp \ + liftOver \ + bedIntersect \ + bedItemOverlapCount \ + bedToGenePred \ + blastToPsl \ + checkCoverageGaps \ + checkHgFindSpec \ + checkTableCoords \ + dbTrash \ + encode3/validateFiles \ + encode3/validateManifest \ + estOrient \ + featureBits \ + genePredHisto \ + genePredSingleCover \ + genePredToBed \ + genePredToFakePsl \ + genePredToMafFrames \ + gigAssembler/checkAgpAndFa \ + hgsql \ + ratStuff/mafsInRegion \ + ratStuff/mafSpeciesSubset \ + pslCDnaFilter \ + genePredCheck \ + genePredToGtf \ + pslPretty \ + pslReps \ + pslSort + +# List of directories to build at UCSC UTIL_DIRS = \ affyTransciptome \ agpCloneCheck \ agpCloneList \ agpAllToFaFile \ agpToFa \ agpToGl \ altSplice \ autoDtd \ autoSql \ autoXml \ bedOrBlocks \ - bedIntersect \ - bedItemOverlapCount \ - bedSort \ - bedToGenePred \ bedSplitOnChrom \ - blastToPsl \ borfBig \ - checkCoverageGaps \ - checkHgFindSpec \ - checkTableCoords \ ctgFaToFa \ ctgToChromFa \ - dbTrash \ - estOrient \ embossToPsl \ - encode3/validateFiles \ - encode3/validateManifest \ fakeFinContigs \ fakeOut \ - featureBits \ ffaToFa \ fishClones \ fqToQa \ fqToQac \ fragPart \ gbGetEntries \ gbOneAcc \ gbToFaRa \ geneBounds \ - genePredCheck \ - genePredHisto \ - genePredSingleCover \ - genePredToBed \ - genePredToGtf \ - genePredToFakePsl \ - genePredToMafFrames \ getFeatDna \ getRna \ getRnaPred \ - gigAssembler/checkAgpAndFa \ gpStats \ gpToGtf \ gpcrParser \ gsBig \ hgTablesTest \ hgChroms \ hgGetAnn \ hgKnownGeneList \ hgSelect \ hgSpeciesRna \ - hgsql \ hgsqlLocal \ hgsqladmin \ hgsqldump \ hgsqldumpLocal \ hgsqlimport \ hgsqlSwapTables \ hgsqlTableDate \ intronEnds \ lib \ liftAcross \ liftAgp \ liftFrags \ - liftOver \ - liftUp \ lfsOverlap \ makeDb \ maskOutFa \ mdToNcbiLift \ mouseStuff \ mrnaToGene \ near/hgCeOrfToGene \ near/hgClusterGenes \ near/hgEmblProtLinks \ near/hgExpDistance \ near/hgGoAssociation \ near/hgKnownToSuper \ near/hgMapToGene \ near/hgMapViaSwissProt \ near/hgProtIdToGenePred \ near/hgWormLinks \ near/pepPredToFa \ near/hgNearTest \ near/hgNetDist \ near/knownToHprd \ nci60 \ orthoMap \ patCount \ perf \ - pslCDnaFilter \ pslCat \ pslCheck \ pslCoverage \ pslDiff \ pslDropOverlap \ pslFilter \ pslFilterPrimers \ pslGlue \ pslHisto \ pslHitPercent \ pslIntronsOnly \ pslPartition \ pslPairs \ - pslPretty \ pslQuickFilter \ pslRecalcMatch \ - pslReps \ pslSelect \ pslSimp \ - pslSort \ pslSortAcc \ pslSplitOnTarget \ pslStats \ pslSwap \ pslToBed \ pslUnpile \ pslxToFa \ qa \ qaToQac \ qacAgpLift \ qacToQa \ qacToWig \ ratStuff \ relPairs \ recycleDb \ reviewSanity \ rnaStructure \ sage \ scanRa \ semiNorm \ sim4big \ snpException \ snp \ spideyToPsl \ splitFa \ splitFaIntoContigs \ sqlToXml \ test \ trfBig \ txCds \ txGene \ txGraph \ utils \ uniqSize \ updateStsInfo \ visiGene/knownToVisiGene \ xmlCat \ xmlToSql +APPS = $(UTIL_DIRS) $(UTILS_APPLIST) +USE_DIRS = $(UTIL_DIRS) all:: cgi utils hgLib: @./ cd lib && ${MAKE} -utils: $(USE_DIRS:%=%.utils) +userApps: $(UTILS_APPLIST:%=%.userApp) +%.userApp: hgLib + ( cd $* && echo $* && $(MAKE) ) + +utils: $(APPS:%=%.utils) %.utils: hgLib ( cd $* && echo $* && $(MAKE) ) # Compile only, the cgi's for those builds without write access # to apache cgi-bin directories (this compiles and links executables) compile: ${BROWSER_BINS:%=%.compile} ${BROWSER_LOADERS:%=%.compile} %.compile: hgLib ( cd $* && echo $* && $(MAKE) compile) # Build cgi's # cgi: Destination for the binaries is /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin-${USER} cgi: ${BROWSER_BINS:%=%.bins} ${BROWSER_LOADERS:%=%.cgi} ${BROWSER_LOADERS:%=%.cgi} ${ENCODE_FILES:%=%.cgi} %.bins: hgLib ( cd $* && echo $* && $(MAKE) ) %.cgi: hgLib ( cd $* && echo $* && $(MAKE) cgi) # alpha: Destination for the binaries is /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/ alpha: ${BROWSER_BINS:%=%.alpha} ${BROWSER_LOADERS:%=%.alpha} ${ENCODE_FILES:%=%.alpha} %.alpha: hgLib ( cd $* && echo $* && $(MAKE) alpha) # beta: Destination for the binaries is /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin-beta/ beta: ${BROWSER_BINS:%=%.beta} ${BROWSER_LOADERS:%=%.beta} %.beta: hgLib ( cd $* && echo $* && $(MAKE) beta) # install: Destination for the binaries is ${DESTDIR}/usr/local/apache/cgi-bin install: ${BROWSER_BINS:%=%.install} ${BROWSER_LOADERS:%=%.install} %.install: hgLib ( cd $* && echo $* && $(MAKE) install) clean:: cd lib && ${MAKE} clean @for D in ${BROWSER_BINS} ${BROWSER_LOADERS}; do \ (cd $${D} && ${MAKE} clean;) \ done touch non-empty-rm.o - find . -name \*.o -print | xargs rm clean_utils:: @for D in ${UTIL_DIRS}; do \ (cd $${D} && ${MAKE} clean;) \ done test:: ${TEST_DIRS:%=%.test} %.test: hgLib cd $* && ${MAKE} test