  Fri May 10 09:25:54 2013 -0700
first cut at track item search in track hubs that have bigBed files with a searchIndex field refs #10426
diff --git src/hg/inc/trackHub.h src/hg/inc/trackHub.h
index 4a1acc9..dd36219 100644
--- src/hg/inc/trackHub.h
+++ src/hg/inc/trackHub.h
@@ -110,44 +110,53 @@
 char *trackHubDefaultChrom(char *database);
 /* Return the default chromosome for this track hub assembly. */
 char *trackHubAssemblyField(char *database, char *field);
 /* Get data field from a assembly data hub. */
 int trackHubChromCount(char *database);
 /* Return number of chromosomes in a assembly data hub. */
 struct slName *trackHubAllChromNames(char *database);
 /* Return a list of all the chrom names in this assembly hub database. */
 struct chromInfo *trackHubAllChromInfo(char *database);
 /* Return a chromInfo structure for all the chroms in this database. */
+struct chromInfo *trackHubMaybeChromInfo(char *database, char *chrom);
+/* Return a chromInfo structure for just this chrom in this database. 
+ * Return NULL if chrom doesn't exist. */
 struct chromInfo *trackHubChromInfo(char *database, char *chrom);
-/* Return a chromInfo structure for just this chrom in this database. */
+/* Return a chromInfo structure for just this chrom in this database. 
+ * errAbort if chrom doesn't exist. */
 char *trackHubGenomeNameToDb(char *genome);
 /* Return assembly name given a genome name if one exists, otherwise NULL. */
 struct dbDb *trackHubGetDbDbs();
 /* Get a list of dbDb structures for all the tracks in this clade/hub. */
 struct slPair *trackHubGetCladeLabels();
 /* Get a list of labels describing the loaded assembly data hubs. */
 char *trackHubAssemblyClade(char *genome);
 /* Return the clade/hub_name that contains this genome. */
 void trackHubFixName(char *name);
 /* Change all characters other than alphanumeric, dash, and underbar
  * to underbar. */
 struct grp *trackHubLoadGroups(char *database);
 /* Load the grp structures for this track hub database. */
 char *trackHubSkipHubName(char *name);
 /* Skip the hub_#_ prefix in a hub name. */
 struct dbDb *trackHubDbDbFromAssemblyDb(char *database);
 /* Return a dbDb structure for just this database. */
+struct hgPositions;
+void trackHubFindPos(char *db, char *term, struct hgPositions *hgp);
+/* Look for term in track hubs.  Update hgp if found */
 #endif /* TRACKHUB_H */