  Sat Apr 6 14:24:06 2013 -0700
use only best color if several defined
diff --git src/hg/hgTracks/simpleTracks.c src/hg/hgTracks/simpleTracks.c
index 32a29ae..7a990d5 100644
--- src/hg/hgTracks/simpleTracks.c
+++ src/hg/hgTracks/simpleTracks.c
@@ -12079,60 +12079,61 @@
     matchStr[i++] = '+';
     for(; *str && !isspace(*str);str++)
         matchStr[i++] = *str;
     for(;*str && isspace(*str);str++)
 matchStr[i++] = 0;
 return matchStr;
 struct pubsExtra 
 /* additional info needed for publication blat linked features: author+year and title */
     char *label; // usually author+year
     char *mouseOver; // usually title of article
+    char *class; // class of article, usually a curated database
     // color depends on cart settings, either based on topic, impact or year
     // support to ways to color: either by shade (year, impact) or directly with rgb values
     int shade;  // year or impact are shades which we can't resolve to rgb easily
     struct rgbColor *color; 
 /* assignment of pubs classes to colors */
 static struct hash* pubsClassColors = NULL;
 static void pubsParseClassColors() 
 /* parse class colors from hgFixed.pubsClassColors into the hash pubsClassColors */
 if (pubsClassColors!=NULL)
 pubsClassColors = hashNew(0);
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
 if (!sqlTableExists(conn, "hgFixed.pubsClassColors")) 
-    //fprintf(stderr, "simpleTracks.c: table hgFixed.pubsClassColors does not exist\n");
 char *query = "SELECT class, rgbColor FROM hgFixed.pubsClassColors";
 struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
 char **row = NULL;
-if ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
+while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     char *class = row[0];
     char *colStr = row[1];
     // copied from genePredItemClassColor - is there no function for this?
+    // convert comma sep rgb string to array
     char *rgbVals[5];
     chopString(colStr, ",", rgbVals, sizeof(rgbVals));
     struct rgbColor *rgb;
     rgb->r = (sqlUnsigned(rgbVals[0]));
     rgb->g = (sqlUnsigned(rgbVals[1]));
     rgb->b = (sqlUnsigned(rgbVals[2]));
     //printf("Adding hash: %s -> %d,%d,%d", class, rgb->r, rgb->g, rgb->b);
     hashAdd(pubsClassColors, cloneString(class), rgb);
 static char* pubsFeatureLabel(char* author, char* year) 
 /* create label <author><year> given authors and year strings */
@@ -12173,53 +12174,64 @@
     safef(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT firstAuthor, year, title FROM %s WHERE articleId = '%s'", 
         articleTable, lf->name);
     newFormat = false;
 sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
 if ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     char* firstAuthor = row[0];
     char* year    = row[1];
     char* title   = row[2];
     char* impact  = NULL;
     char* classes = NULL;
     extra = needMem(sizeof(struct pubsExtra));
     extra->label = pubsFeatureLabel(firstAuthor, year);
     if (isEmpty(title))
         extra->mouseOver = extra->label;
         extra->mouseOver = cloneString(title);
     extra->color  = NULL;
     extra->shade  = -1;
     if (newFormat) 
         impact  = row[3];
         classes = row[4];
         if (!isEmpty(impact)) 
             char *colorBy = cartOptionalStringClosestToHome(cart, tg->tdb, FALSE, "pubsColorBy");
             if ((colorBy==NULL) || strcmp(colorBy,"topic")==0) 
-                char *class;
-                while ((class=cloneNextWordByDelimiter(&classes, ','))!=NULL)
+                char *classCopy = classes;
+                char* mainClass = cloneNextWordByDelimiter(&classes, ',');
+                classes = classCopy;
+                if (mainClass!=NULL)
-                    struct rgbColor *col = (struct rgbColor*) hashFindVal(pubsClassColors, class);
+                    struct rgbColor *col = (struct rgbColor*) hashFindVal(pubsClassColors, mainClass);
                     extra->color = col;
+                    // add class to mouseover text
+                    struct dyString *mo = dyStringNew(0);
+                    dyStringAppend(mo, extra->mouseOver);
+                    dyStringAppend(mo, " (categories: ");
+                    dyStringAppend(mo, classes);
+                    dyStringAppend(mo, ")");
+                    freeMem(extra->mouseOver);
+                    extra->mouseOver = dyStringContents(mo);
                 if (strcmp(colorBy,"impact")==0) 
                     char impInt = atoi(impact);
                     extra->shade = impInt/25;
                 if (strcmp(colorBy,"year")==0) 
                     int relYear = (atoi(year)-1990); 
                     extra->shade = min(relYear/3, 10);
                     //extra->color = shadesOfGray[yearShade];