Thu Feb 28 15:09:12 2013 -0800
changing hgc page
diff --git src/hg/hgc/pubs.c src/hg/hgc/pubs.c
index d2bef58..267ff80 100644
--- src/hg/hgc/pubs.c
+++ src/hg/hgc/pubs.c
@@ -9,30 +9,32 @@
#include "web.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "obscure.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "string.h"
//include "hgTrackUi.h"
// cgi var to activate debug output
static int pubsDebug = 0;
// global var for printArticleInfo to indicate if article has suppl info
// Most publishers have supp data
bool pubsHasSupp = TRUE;
// global var for printArticleInfo to indicate if article is elsevier
bool pubsIsElsevier = FALSE;
+// the article source is used to modify other parts of the page
+static char* articleSource;
// internal section types in mysql table
static char *pubsSecNames[] ={
"header", "abstract",
"intro", "methods",
"results", "discussion",
"conclusions", "ack",
"refs", "unknown" };
// whether a checkbox is checked by default, have to correspond to pubsSecNames
static int pubsSecChecked[] ={
1, 1,
1, 1,
1, 1,
1, 0,
@@ -115,30 +117,35 @@
//static void web2StartTbody() { web2Start("tbody"); }
static void web2EndTbody() { web2End("tbody"); }
//static void web2StartTable() { web2Start("table"); }
static void web2EndTable() { web2EndTbody(); web2End("table"); }
static void web2StartDivCI (char *class, char *id) { web2StartCI(class, id, "div"); }
static void web2StartDivC (char *class) { web2StartC(class, "div"); }
static void web2EndDiv(char *comment)
printf(" \n", comment);
+static void web2Img(char *url, char *alt, int width, int hspace, int vspace)
+printf("\n", url, alt, width, hspace, vspace);
static void web2PrintHeaderCell(char *label, int width)
/* Print th heading cell with given width in percent */
-printf("Sections of article shown:
+printf("Sections of article searched: