  Mon May 13 10:17:53 2013 -0700
Added 2 new args to annoStreamer:nextRow: minChrom and minEnd(which could also be called regionStart depending on point of view).
Streamers may use those hints to skip over data that precedes
minChrom and minEnd, to avoid the overhead of creating annoRows
that annoGrators will then have to skip over.  When primary data
are sparse and grator data are very dense, this saves significant
memory and user-cycles.  Unfortunately mysql can still be the
bottleneck for elapsed time.  Room for improvement in annoStreamDb:
when assembly has a reasonably small number of sequences (<1000),
genome-wide queries could be internally broken down into per-seq
queries; that would let us skip over chroms that precede minChrom.
refs #6152

diff --git src/inc/annoStreamer.h src/inc/annoStreamer.h
index 25f2fec..0b2836a 100644
--- src/inc/annoStreamer.h
+++ src/inc/annoStreamer.h
@@ -1,110 +1,113 @@
 /* annoStreamer -- returns items sorted by genomic position to successive nextRow calls */
 #include "annoAssembly.h"
 #include "annoFilter.h"
 #include "annoRow.h"
 // The real work of fetching and filtering data is left to subclass
 // implementations.  The purpose of this module is to provide an
 // interface for communication with other components of the
 // annoGratorQuery framework, and simple methods shared by all
 // subclasses.
 struct annoStreamer
 /* Generic interface to configure a data source's filters and output data, and then
  * retrieve data, which must be sorted by genomic position.  Subclasses of this
  * will do all the actual work. */
     struct annoStreamer *next;
     // Public methods
     struct asObject *(*getAutoSqlObject)(struct annoStreamer *self);
     void (*setAutoSqlObject)(struct annoStreamer *self, struct asObject *asObj);
     /* Get and set autoSql representation (do not modify or free!) */
     void (*setRegion)(struct annoStreamer *self, char *chrom, uint rStart, uint rEnd);
     /* Set genomic region for query; if chrom is NULL, region is whole genome.
      * This must be called on all annoGrator components in query, not a subset. */
     char *(*getHeader)(struct annoStreamer *self);
     /* Get the file header as a string (possibly NULL, possibly multi-line). */
     struct annoFilter *(*getFilters)(struct annoStreamer *self);
     void (*setFilters)(struct annoStreamer *self, struct annoFilter *newFilters);
     /* Get and set filters */
-    struct annoRow *(*nextRow)(struct annoStreamer *self, struct lm *lm);
-    /* Get the next item from this source.  Use localmem lm to store returned annoRow. */
+    struct annoRow *(*nextRow)(struct annoStreamer *self, char *minChrom, uint minEnd,
+			       struct lm *lm);
+    /* Get the next item from this source.  If minChrom is non-NULL, optionally use
+     * that as a hint to skip items that precede {minChrom, minEnd}.
+     * Use localmem lm to store returned annoRow. */
     void (*close)(struct annoStreamer **pSelf);
     /* Close connection to source and free self. */
     // Public members -- callers are on the honor system to access these read-only.
     struct annoAssembly *assembly;	// Genome assembly that provides coords for annotations
     struct asObject *asObj;		// Annotation data definition
     char *name;				// Short identifier, e.g. name of file or database table
     struct annoFilter *filters;		// Filters to constrain output
     char *chrom;			// Non-NULL if querying a particular region
     uint regionStart;			// If chrom is non-NULL, region start coord
     uint regionEnd;			// If chrom is non-NULL, region end coord
     boolean positionIsGenome;		// True if doing a whole-genome query
     enum annoRowType rowType;		// Type of annotations (words or wiggle data)
     int numCols;			// For word-based annotations, number of words/columns
 struct annoStreamRows
 /* An annoStreamer and (possibly NULL) list of rows it generated. */
     struct annoStreamer *streamer;	// annoStreamer interface for metadata about row data
     struct annoRow *rowList;		// row data
 // ---------------------- annoStreamer default methods -----------------------
 struct asObject *annoStreamerGetAutoSqlObject(struct annoStreamer *self);
 /* Return parsed autoSql definition of this streamer's data type. */
 void annoStreamerSetAutoSqlObject(struct annoStreamer *self, struct asObject *asObj);
 /* Use new asObj and update internal state derived from asObj. */
 void annoStreamerSetRegion(struct annoStreamer *self, char *chrom, uint rStart, uint rEnd);
 /* Set genomic region for query; if chrom is NULL, position is genome.
  * Many subclasses should make their own setRegion method that calls this and
  * configures their data connection to change to the new position. */
 struct annoFilter *annoStreamerGetFilters(struct annoStreamer *self);
 /* Return supported filters with current settings.  Callers can modify and free when done. */
 void annoStreamerSetFilters(struct annoStreamer *self, struct annoFilter *newFilters);
 /* Free old filters and use clone of newFilters. */
 void annoStreamerInit(struct annoStreamer *self, struct annoAssembly *assembly,
 		      struct asObject *asObj, char *name);
 /* Initialize a newly allocated annoStreamer with default annoStreamer methods and
  * default filters and columns based on asObj.
  * In general, subclasses' constructors will call this first; override nextRow, close,
  * and probably setRegion; and then initialize their private data. */
 void annoStreamerFree(struct annoStreamer **pSelf);
 /* Free self. This should be called at the end of subclass close methods, after
  * subclass-specific connections are closed and resources are freed. */
 boolean annoStreamerFindBed3Columns(struct annoStreamer *self,
 			    int *retChromIx, int *retStartIx, int *retEndIx,
 			    char **retChromField, char **retStartField, char **retEndField);
 /* Scan autoSql for recognized column names corresponding to BED3 columns.
  * Set ret*Ix to list index of each column if found, or -1 if not found.
  * Set ret*Field to column name if found, or NULL if not found.
  * If all three are found, return TRUE; otherwise return FALSE. */
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 struct annoStreamRows *annoStreamRowsNew(struct annoStreamer *streamerList);
 /* Returns an array of aSR, one for each streamer in streamerList.
  * Typically array is reused by overwriting elements' rowList pointers.
  * Free array when done. */
 #endif//ndef ANNOSTREAMER_H