d6ffdf62df145a1e6dca3359a1f2a0a7a7bfeed0 max Tue May 14 16:06:02 2013 -0700 trying to work around some sort of bug in mysql 5.6, see rm #10688 diff --git src/hg/hgc/pubs.c src/hg/hgc/pubs.c index 96d5c45..7f1db3b 100644 --- src/hg/hgc/pubs.c +++ src/hg/hgc/pubs.c @@ -674,34 +674,39 @@ web2ImgLink(yifPageUrl, clickedFileUrl, "Image from YIF", 600, 10, 10); web2EndSection(); } static bool printSeqSection(char *articleId, char *title, bool showDesc, struct sqlConnection *conn, struct hash* clickedSeqs, bool isClickedSection, bool fasta, char *pslTable, char *articleTable) /* print a section with a table of sequences, show only sequences with IDs in hash, * There are two sections, respective sequences are shown depending on isClickedSection and clickedSeqs * - seqs that were clicked on (isClickedSection=True) -> show only seqs in clickedSeqs * - other seqs (isClickedSection=False) -> show all other seqs * * */ { // get data from mysql +char* oldQuery = "SELECT fileDesc, snippet, locations, annotId, sequence, \"\" FROM %s WHERE articleId='%s'"; +char* newQuery = "SELECT fileDesc, snippet, locations, annotId, sequence, fileUrl FROM %s WHERE articleId='%s'"; + +char* queryTemplate = oldQuery; +if (hHasField("hgFixed", pubsSequenceTable, "fileUrl")) + queryTemplate = newQuery; + char query[4096]; -safef(query, sizeof(query), -"SELECT fileDesc, snippet, locations, annotId, sequence, fileUrl " -"FROM %s WHERE articleId='%s';", pubsSequenceTable, articleId); +safef(query, sizeof(query), queryTemplate, pubsSequenceTable, articleId); if (pubsDebug) puts(query); struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query); // construct title for section char *otherFormat = NULL; if (fasta) otherFormat = "table"; else otherFormat = "fasta"; char fullTitle[5000]; safef(fullTitle, sizeof(fullTitle), "%s <A HREF=\"../cgi-bin/hgc?%s&o=%s&t=%s&g=%s&i=%s&fasta=%d\"><SMALL>(%s format)</SMALL></A>\n", title, cartSidUrlString(cart), cgiOptionalString("o"), cgiOptionalString("t"), cgiString("g"), cgiString("i"),