ca7d7a6ad69056034c50055a4baa31466c1f04e4 galt Wed Jun 26 17:35:06 2013 -0700 fixing dumpstack to use _exit instead of exit so that the child cleanup will not close the mysql connections that are shared with the parent process. diff --git src/lib/osunix.c src/lib/osunix.c index 63bf87a..7bb2bd7 100644 --- src/lib/osunix.c +++ src/lib/osunix.c @@ -1,682 +1,703 @@ /* Some wrappers around operating-system specific stuff. * * This file is copyright 2002 Jim Kent, but license is hereby * granted for all use - public, private or commercial. */ #include "common.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "portable.h" #include "portimpl.h" #include #include #include off_t fileSize(char *pathname) /* get file size for pathname. return -1 if not found */ { struct stat mystat; ZeroVar(&mystat); if (stat(pathname,&mystat)==-1) { return -1; } return mystat.st_size; } long long freeSpaceOnFileSystem(char *path) /* Given a path to a file or directory on a file system, return free space * in bytes. */ { struct statvfs fi; int err = statvfs(path,&fi); if (err < 0) errnoAbort("freeSpaceOnFileSystem could not statvfs"); return (long long)fi.f_bsize * fi.f_bavail; } long clock1000() /* A millisecond clock. */ { struct timeval tv; static long origSec; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); if (origSec == 0) origSec = tv.tv_sec; return (tv.tv_sec-origSec)*1000 + tv.tv_usec / 1000; } void sleep1000(int milli) /* Sleep for given number of 1000ths of second */ { if (milli > 0) { struct timeval tv; tv.tv_sec = milli/1000; tv.tv_usec = (milli%1000)*1000; select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &tv); } } long clock1() /* A seconds clock. */ { struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); return tv.tv_sec; } void uglyfBreak() /* Go into debugger. */ { static char *nullPt = NULL; nullPt[0] = 0; } char *getCurrentDir() /* Return current directory. Abort if it fails. */ { static char dir[PATH_LEN]; if (getcwd( dir, sizeof(dir) ) == NULL ) errnoAbort("getCurrentDir: can't get current directory"); return dir; } void setCurrentDir(char *newDir) /* Set current directory. Abort if it fails. */ { if (chdir(newDir) != 0) errnoAbort("setCurrentDir: can't to set current directory: %s", newDir); } boolean maybeSetCurrentDir(char *newDir) /* Change directory, return FALSE (and set errno) if fail. */ { return chdir(newDir) == 0; } struct slName *listDir(char *dir, char *pattern) /* Return an alphabetized list of all files that match * the wildcard pattern in directory. */ { struct slName *list = NULL, *name; struct dirent *de; DIR *d; if ((d = opendir(dir)) == NULL) return NULL; while ((de = readdir(d)) != NULL) { char *fileName = de->d_name; if (differentString(fileName, ".") && differentString(fileName, "..")) { if (pattern == NULL || wildMatch(pattern, fileName)) { name = newSlName(fileName); slAddHead(&list, name); } } } closedir(d); slNameSort(&list); return list; } struct slName *listDirRegEx(char *dir, char *regEx, int flags) /* Return an alphabetized list of all files that match * the regular expression pattern in directory. * See REGCOMP(3) for flags (e.g. REG_ICASE) */ { struct slName *list = NULL, *name; struct dirent *de; DIR *d; regex_t re; int err = regcomp(&re, regEx, flags | REG_NOSUB); if(err) errAbort("regcomp failed; err: %d", err); if ((d = opendir(dir)) == NULL) return NULL; while ((de = readdir(d)) != NULL) { char *fileName = de->d_name; if (differentString(fileName, ".") && differentString(fileName, "..")) { if (!regexec(&re, fileName, 0, NULL, 0)) { name = newSlName(fileName); slAddHead(&list, name); } } } closedir(d); regfree(&re); slNameSort(&list); return list; } struct fileInfo *newFileInfo(char *name, off_t size, bool isDir, int statErrno, time_t lastAccess) /* Return a new fileInfo. */ { int len = strlen(name); struct fileInfo *fi = needMem(sizeof(*fi) + len); fi->size = size; fi->isDir = isDir; fi->statErrno = statErrno; fi->lastAccess = lastAccess; strcpy(fi->name, name); return fi; } int cmpFileInfo(const void *va, const void *vb) /* Compare two fileInfo. */ { const struct fileInfo *a = *((struct fileInfo **)va); const struct fileInfo *b = *((struct fileInfo **)vb); return strcmp(a->name, b->name); } boolean makeDir(char *dirName) /* Make dir. Returns TRUE on success. Returns FALSE * if failed because directory exists. Prints error * message and aborts on other error. */ { int err; if ((err = mkdir(dirName, 0777)) < 0) { if (errno != EEXIST) { perror(""); errAbort("Couldn't make directory %s", dirName); } return FALSE; } return TRUE; } struct fileInfo *listDirXExt(char *dir, char *pattern, boolean fullPath, boolean ignoreStatFailures) /* Return list of files matching wildcard pattern with * extra info. If full path is true then the path will be * included in the name of each file. */ { struct fileInfo *list = NULL, *el; struct dirent *de; DIR *d; int dirNameSize = strlen(dir); int fileNameOffset = dirNameSize+1; char pathName[512]; if ((d = opendir(dir)) == NULL) return NULL; memcpy(pathName, dir, dirNameSize); pathName[dirNameSize] = '/'; while ((de = readdir(d)) != NULL) { char *fileName = de->d_name; if (differentString(fileName, ".") && differentString(fileName, "..")) { if (pattern == NULL || wildMatch(pattern, fileName)) { struct stat st; bool isDir = FALSE; int statErrno = 0; strcpy(pathName+fileNameOffset, fileName); if (stat(pathName, &st) < 0) { if (ignoreStatFailures) statErrno = errno; else errAbort("stat failed in listDirX"); } if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) isDir = TRUE; if (fullPath) fileName = pathName; el = newFileInfo(fileName, st.st_size, isDir, statErrno, st.st_atime); slAddHead(&list, el); } } } closedir(d); slSort(&list, cmpFileInfo); return list; } struct fileInfo *listDirX(char *dir, char *pattern, boolean fullPath) /* Return list of files matching wildcard pattern with * extra info. If full path is true then the path will be * included in the name of each file. */ { return listDirXExt(dir, pattern, fullPath, FALSE); } time_t fileModTime(char *pathName) /* Return file last modification time. The units of * these may vary from OS to OS, but you can depend on * later files having a larger time. */ { struct stat st; if (stat(pathName, &st) < 0) errAbort("stat failed in fileModTime: %s", pathName); return st.st_mtime; } char *getHost() /* Return host name. */ { static char *hostName = NULL; static char buf[128]; if (hostName == NULL) { hostName = getenv("HTTP_HOST"); if (hostName == NULL) { hostName = getenv("HOST"); if (hostName == NULL) { if (hostName == NULL) { static struct utsname unamebuf; if (uname(&unamebuf) >= 0) hostName = unamebuf.nodename; else hostName = "unknown"; } } } strncpy(buf, hostName, sizeof(buf)); chopSuffix(buf); hostName = buf; } return hostName; } char *mysqlHost() /* Return host computer on network for mySQL database. */ { boolean gotIt = FALSE; static char *host = NULL; if (!gotIt) { static char hostBuf[128]; gotIt = TRUE; if (fileExists("mysqlHost")) { return (host = firstWordInFile("mysqlHost", hostBuf, sizeof(hostBuf))); } else return (host = getenv("MYSQLHOST")); } return host; } char *semiUniqName(char *base) /* Figure out a name likely to be unique. * Name will have no periods. Returns a static * buffer, so best to clone result unless using * immediately. */ { int pid = getpid(); int num = time(NULL)&0xFFFFF; char host[512]; strcpy(host, getHost()); char *s = strchr(host, '.'); if (s != NULL) *s = 0; subChar(host, '-', '_'); subChar(host, ':', '_'); static char name[PATH_LEN]; safef(name, sizeof(name), "%s_%s_%x_%x", base, host, pid, num); return name; } char *rTempName(char *dir, char *base, char *suffix) /* Make a temp name that's almost certainly unique. */ { char *x; static char fileName[PATH_LEN]; int i; char *lastSlash = (lastChar(dir) == '/' ? "" : "/"); for (i=0;;++i) { x = semiUniqName(base); safef(fileName, sizeof(fileName), "%s%s%s%d%s", dir, lastSlash, x, i, suffix); if (!fileExists(fileName)) break; } return fileName; } void mustRename(char *oldName, char *newName) /* Rename file or die trying. */ { int err = rename(oldName, newName); if (err < 0) errnoAbort("Couldn't rename %s to %s", oldName, newName); } static void eatSlashSlashInPath(char *path) /* Convert multiple // to single // */ { char *s, *d; s = d = path; char c, lastC = 0; while ((c = *s++) != 0) { if (c == '/' && lastC == c) continue; *d++ = c; lastC = c; } *d = 0; } static void eatExcessDotDotInPath(char *path) /* If there's a /.. in path take it out. Turns * 'this/long/../dir/file' to 'this/dir/file * and * 'this/../file' to 'file' * * and * 'this/long/..' to 'this' * and * 'this/..' to '' * and * /this/..' to '/' */ { /* Take out each /../ individually */ for (;;) { /* Find first bit that needs to be taken out. */ char *excess= strstr(path, "/../"); char *excessEnd = excess+4; if (excess == NULL || excess == path) break; /* Look for a '/' before this */ char *excessStart = matchingCharBeforeInLimits(path, excess, '/'); if (excessStart == NULL) /* Preceding '/' not found */ excessStart = path; else excessStart += 1; strcpy(excessStart, excessEnd); } /* Take out final /.. if any */ if (endsWith(path, "/..")) { if (!sameString(path, "/..")) /* We don't want to turn this to blank. */ { int len = strlen(path); char *excessStart = matchingCharBeforeInLimits(path, path+len-3, '/'); if (excessStart == NULL) /* Preceding '/' not found */ excessStart = path; else excessStart += 1; *excessStart = 0; } } } char *simplifyPathToDir(char *path) /* Return path with ~ and .. taken out. Also any // or trailing /. * freeMem result when done. */ { /* Expand ~ if any with result in newPath */ char newPath[PATH_LEN]; int newLen = 0; char *s = path; if (*s == '~') { char *homeDir = getenv("HOME"); if (homeDir == NULL) errAbort("No HOME environment var defined after ~ in simplifyPathToDir"); ++s; if (*s == '/') /* ~/something */ { ++s; safef(newPath, sizeof(newPath), "%s/", homeDir); } else /* ~something */ { safef(newPath, sizeof(newPath), "%s/../", homeDir); } newLen = strlen(newPath); } int remainingLen = strlen(s); if (newLen + remainingLen >= sizeof(newPath)) errAbort("path too big in simplifyPathToDir"); strcpy(newPath+newLen, s); /* Remove //, .. and trailing / */ eatSlashSlashInPath(newPath); eatExcessDotDotInPath(newPath); int lastPos = strlen(newPath)-1; if (lastPos > 0 && newPath[lastPos] == '/') newPath[lastPos] = 0; return cloneString(newPath); } #ifdef DEBUG void simplifyPathToDirSelfTest() { /* First test some cases which should remain the same. */ assert(sameString(simplifyPathToDir(""),"")); assert(sameString(simplifyPathToDir("a"),"a")); assert(sameString(simplifyPathToDir("a/b"),"a/b")); assert(sameString(simplifyPathToDir("/"),"/")); assert(sameString(simplifyPathToDir("/.."),"/..")); assert(sameString(simplifyPathToDir("/../a"),"/../a")); /* Now test removing trailing slash. */ assert(sameString(simplifyPathToDir("a/"),"a")); assert(sameString(simplifyPathToDir("a/b/"),"a/b")); /* Test .. removal. */ assert(sameString(simplifyPathToDir("a/.."),"")); assert(sameString(simplifyPathToDir("a/../"),"")); assert(sameString(simplifyPathToDir("a/../b"),"b")); assert(sameString(simplifyPathToDir("/a/.."),"/")); assert(sameString(simplifyPathToDir("/a/../"),"/")); assert(sameString(simplifyPathToDir("/a/../b"),"/b")); assert(sameString(simplifyPathToDir("a/b/.."),"a")); assert(sameString(simplifyPathToDir("a/b/../"),"a")); assert(sameString(simplifyPathToDir("a/b/../c"),"a/c")); assert(sameString(simplifyPathToDir("a/../b/../c"),"c")); assert(sameString(simplifyPathToDir("a/../b/../c/.."),"")); assert(sameString(simplifyPathToDir("/a/../b/../c/.."),"/")); /* Test // removal */ assert(sameString(simplifyPathToDir("//"),"/")); assert(sameString(simplifyPathToDir("//../"),"/..")); assert(sameString(simplifyPathToDir("a//b///c"),"a/b/c")); assert(sameString(simplifyPathToDir("a/b///"),"a/b")); } #endif /* DEBUG */ char *getUser() /* Get user name */ { uid_t uid = geteuid(); struct passwd *pw = getpwuid(uid); if (pw == NULL) errnoAbort("getUser: can't get user name for uid %d", (int)uid); return pw->pw_name; } int mustFork() /* Fork or abort. */ { int childId = fork(); if (childId == -1) errnoAbort("mustFork: Unable to fork"); return childId; } int rawKeyIn() /* Read in an unbuffered, unechoed character from keyboard. */ { struct termios attr; tcflag_t old; char c; /* Set terminal to non-echoing non-buffered state. */ if (tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &attr) != 0) errAbort("Couldn't do tcgetattr"); old = attr.c_lflag; attr.c_lflag &= ~ICANON; attr.c_lflag &= ~ECHO; if (tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &attr) == -1) errAbort("Couldn't do tcsetattr"); /* Read one byte */ if (read(STDIN_FILENO,&c,1) != 1) errnoAbort("rawKeyIn: I/O error"); /* Put back terminal to how it was. */ attr.c_lflag = old; if (tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &attr) == -1) errAbort("Couldn't do tcsetattr2"); return c; } boolean isPipe(int fd) /* determine in an open file is a pipe */ { struct stat buf; if (fstat(fd, &buf) < 0) errnoAbort("isPipe: fstat failed"); return S_ISFIFO(buf.st_mode); } +void childExecFailedExit(char *msg) +/* Child exec failed, so quit without atexit cleanup */ +{ +fprintf(stderr, "child exec failed: %s\n", msg); +fflush(stderr); +_exit(1); // Let the parent know that the child failed by returning 1. + +/* Explanation: +_exit() is not the normal exit(). +_exit() avoids the usual atexit() cleanup. +The MySQL library that we link to uses atexit() cleanup to close any open MySql connections. +However, because the child's mysql connections are shared by the parent, +this causes the parent MySQL connections to become invalid, +and causes the puzzling "MySQL has gone away" error in the parent +when it tries to use its now invalid MySQL connections. +*/ + +} + static void execPStack(pid_t ppid) /* exec pstack on the specified pid */ { char *cmd[3], pidStr[32]; safef(pidStr, sizeof(pidStr), "%ld", (long)ppid); cmd[0] = "pstack"; cmd[1] = pidStr; cmd[2] = NULL; // redirect stdout to stderr if (dup2(2, 1) < 0) errAbort("dup2 failed"); execvp(cmd[0], cmd); -errAbort("exec failed: %s", cmd[0]); + +childExecFailedExit(cmd[0]); // cannot use the normal errAbort. + } void vaDumpStack(char *format, va_list args) /* debugging function to run the pstack program on the current process. In * prints a message, following by a new line, and then the stack track. Just * prints errors to stderr rather than aborts. For debugging purposes * only. */ { static boolean inDumpStack = FALSE; // don't allow re-entry if called from error handler if (inDumpStack) return; inDumpStack = TRUE; fflush(stdout); // clear buffer before forking vfprintf(stderr, format, args); fputc('\n', stderr); fflush(stderr); pid_t ppid = getpid(); pid_t pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) { perror("can't fork pstack"); return; } if (pid == 0) execPStack(ppid); int wstat; if (waitpid(pid, &wstat, 0) < 0) perror("waitpid on pstack failed"); else { if (WIFEXITED(wstat)) { if (WEXITSTATUS(wstat) != 0) fprintf(stderr, "pstack failed\n"); } else if (WIFSIGNALED(wstat)) fprintf(stderr, "pstack signaled %d\n", WTERMSIG(wstat)); } inDumpStack = FALSE; } void dumpStack(char *format, ...) /* debugging function to run the pstack program on the current process. In * prints a message, following by a new line, and then the stack track. Just * prints errors to stderr rather than aborts. For debugging purposes * only. */ { va_list args; va_start(args, format); vaDumpStack(format, args); va_end(args); } boolean maybeTouchFile(char *fileName) /* If file exists, set its access and mod times to now. If it doesn't exist, create it. * Return FALSE if we have a problem doing so (e.g. when qateam is gdb'ing and code tries * to touch some file owned by www). */ { if (fileExists(fileName)) { struct utimbuf ut; ut.actime = ut.modtime = clock1(); int ret = utime(fileName, &ut); if (ret != 0) { warn("utime(%s) failed (ownership?)", fileName); return FALSE; } } else { FILE *f = fopen(fileName, "w"); if (f == NULL) return FALSE; else carefulClose(&f); } return TRUE; } boolean isRegularFile(char *fileName) /* Return TRUE if fileName is a regular file. */ { struct stat st; if (stat(fileName, &st) < 0) return FALSE; if (S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) return TRUE; return FALSE; } void makeSymLink(char *oldName, char *newName) /* Return a symbolic link from newName to oldName or die trying */ { int err = symlink(oldName, newName); if (err < 0) errnoAbort("Couldn't make symbolic link from %s to %s\n", oldName, newName); }