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12 June 2013
- Ferret Genome Browser Released
A Genome Browser is now available for the Ferret
(Mustela putorius furo) assembly released by the Ferret Genome Sequencing Consortium
April 2011 (version MusPutFur1.0, UCSC version musFur1).
Please note the assembly construction details.
For more information and statistics about this assembly,
see the NCBI assembly record for
Bulk downloads of the sequence and annotation data may be obtained from the Genome
Browser FTP server
or the
page. Please observe the
conditions for use
when accessing and using these data sets. The annotation tracks for this browser
were generated by UCSC and collaborators worldwide. See the
Credits page for a detailed
list of the organizations and individuals who contributed to this release.
22 May 2013
- Gibbon Genome Browser Released
A Genome Browser is now available for the Gibbon
(Nomascus leucogenys) assembly released by the Gibbon Genome Sequencing Consortium
October 2012 (version Nleu_3.0, UCSC version nomLeu3).
Read more.
09 April 2013
- The UCSC Cancer Genomics Browser Has a New Look!
The UCSC Cancer Genomics group has recently remodeled the interface of the
Cancer Genomics Browser
to make it easier to navigate and more intuitive to display, investigate, and
analyze cancer genomics data and
associated clinical information.
Read more.
05 March 2013
- dbSNP 137 Available for mm10:
We are pleased to announce the release of three tracks derived
from dbSNP build 137, available on the mouse assembly (GRCm38/mm10).
dbSNP build 137 is available at NCBI. The new tracks contain
additional annotation data not included in previous dbSNP tracks,
with corresponding coloring and filtering options in the Genome
Read more.
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