  Tue Jul 16 16:29:22 2013 -0700
changes to htdocs, trackDb, and genbank to support the lack of user logins on hgwbeta (refs #9708)
diff --git src/hg/htdocs/makefile src/hg/htdocs/makefile
index 669e3b8..3804011 100644
--- src/hg/htdocs/makefile
+++ src/hg/htdocs/makefile
@@ -1,132 +1,37 @@
 include ../../inc/common.mk
-#  - much of this is current repeats in the hgdownload htdocs makefile
-#  - all symlinks are built by the doSymLink target
 GIT = git
 GITUP = ${GIT} pull
 	if test -d ${DOCUMENTROOT_USER}; then \
-	    ${MAKE} doInstall destDir=${DOCUMENTROOT_USER} extra=doSymLink; \
+	    ${MAKE} doInstall destDir=${DOCUMENTROOT_USER} ; \
-	${MAKE} doInstall destDir=${DOCUMENTROOT} extra=doSymLink
+	${MAKE} doInstall destDir=${DOCUMENTROOT} 
-	${GITUP}
-	${MAKE} doInstall destDir=${DOCUMENTROOT} extra=doSymLink
-	${MAKE} doInstallCancerPublic destDir=${DOCUMENTROOT} extra=doSymLink
-	${MAKE} doInstallCancerSU2C destDir=${DOCUMENTROOT} extra=doSymLink
-	${MAKE} doInstallCancerTCGA destDir=${DOCUMENTROOT} extra=doSymLink
-# Recursive target to do install to destDir, with extra excludes excl and
-# specific includes in incl.  The variable extra are extra targets to depend
-# on.  This queries git to find out the list of files to install, so avoid the
-# usual crud that collects in directories.
-doInstall: doRsync ${extra}
-doInstallCancerPublic: doRsync ${extra}
-	mv ${destDir}/index.html ${destDir}/index.html.org
-	ln -sf ${destDir}/cancerGenomics/index.cancerGenomics.html ${destDir}/index.html
-	mv index.html index.html.org
-doInstallCancerSU2C: doRsync ${extra}
-	mv ${destDir}/index.html ${destDir}/index.html.org
-	ln -sf ${destDir}/cancerGenomics/index.cancerGenomics.su2c.html ${destDir}/index.html
-	mv index.html index.html.org
-doInstallCancerTCGA: doRsync ${extra}
-	mv ${destDir}/index.html ${destDir}/index.html.org
-	ln -sf ${destDir}/cancerGenomics/index.cancerGenomics.tcga.html ${destDir}/index.html
-	mv index.html index.html.org
+	#${GITUP}
+	${MAKE} doInstall destDir=qateam@hgwbeta:${DOCUMENTROOT} 
 # Run rsync.  Care is taking to preserve times and mode on files.  rsync is
 # smart about recreating file under the current users so that times and
 # permissions maybe modified.  However, problems happen when a directory
 # is not owned by the current users.  These options attemp to work around it.
 # use care in changing
 rsyncOpts = --times --recursive --omit-dir-times --relative --cvs-exclude --exclude='makefile' --exclude='cpAndLinkToResourceFiles.pl' --exclude='style/*'
 	umask 002; rsync ${rsyncOpts} ${excl} ${incl} `$(FIND)` ${destDir}
-# build symbolic links
-doSymLink: doRsync
-	ln -sfn ../trash ${destDir}/trash
-	ln -sfn goldenPath ${destDir}/goldenpath
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/visiGene ${destDir}/visiGene
-	ln -sfn ENCODE ${destDir}/encode
-	ln -sfn Branchiostoma_lanceolatum.jpg ${destDir}/images/Branchiostoma_floridae.jpg
-	ln -sfn Rhesus_macaque.jpg ${destDir}/images/Macaca_mulatta.jpg
-	mkdir -p ${destDir}/RNA-img
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/hg18/RNA-img ${destDir}/RNA-img/hg18
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/hg19/RNA-img ${destDir}/RNA-img/hg19
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/mm9/RNA-img  ${destDir}/RNA-img/mm9
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/mm10/RNA-img  ${destDir}/RNA-img/mm10
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/rn4/RNA-img  ${destDir}/RNA-img/rn4
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/ailMel1/RNA-img  ${destDir}/RNA-img/ailMel1
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/caePb1/RNA-img  ${destDir}/RNA-img/caePb1
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/canFam2/RNA-img  ${destDir}/RNA-img/canFam2
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/danRer5/RNA-img  ${destDir}/RNA-img/danRer5
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/felCat3/RNA-img  ${destDir}/RNA-img/felCat3
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/gorGor3/RNA-img  ${destDir}/RNA-img/gorGor3
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/ornAna1/RNA-img  ${destDir}/RNA-img/ornAna1
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/panTro3/RNA-img  ${destDir}/RNA-img/panTro3
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/susScr2/RNA-img  ${destDir}/RNA-img/susScr2
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/anoCar2/RNA-img  ${destDir}/RNA-img/anoCar2
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/caePb2/RNA-img  ${destDir}/RNA-img/caePb2
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/cavPor3/RNA-img  ${destDir}/RNA-img/cavPor3
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/danRer6/RNA-img  ${destDir}/RNA-img/danRer6
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/felCat4/RNA-img  ${destDir}/RNA-img/felCat4
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/loxAfr3/RNA-img  ${destDir}/RNA-img/loxAfr3
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/oryCun2/RNA-img  ${destDir}/RNA-img/oryCun2
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/petMar1/RNA-img  ${destDir}/RNA-img/petMar1
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/taeGut1/RNA-img  ${destDir}/RNA-img/taeGut1
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/bosTau4/RNA-img  ${destDir}/RNA-img/bosTau4
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/caeRem2/RNA-img  ${destDir}/RNA-img/caeRem2
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/cb3/RNA-img  ${destDir}/RNA-img/cb3
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/danRer7/RNA-img  ${destDir}/RNA-img/danRer7
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/fr2/RNA-img  ${destDir}/RNA-img/fr2
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/melGal1/RNA-img  ${destDir}/RNA-img/melGal1
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/oryLat2/RNA-img  ${destDir}/RNA-img/oryLat2
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/ponAbe2/RNA-img  ${destDir}/RNA-img/ponAbe2
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/tetNig2/RNA-img  ${destDir}/RNA-img/tetNig2
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/bosTau6/RNA-img  ${destDir}/RNA-img/bosTau6
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/caeRem3/RNA-img  ${destDir}/RNA-img/caeRem3
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/ce4/RNA-img  ${destDir}/RNA-img/ce4
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/equCab1/RNA-img  ${destDir}/RNA-img/equCab1
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/galGal3/RNA-img  ${destDir}/RNA-img/galGal3
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/monDom5/RNA-img  ${destDir}/RNA-img/monDom5
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/oviAri1/RNA-img  ${destDir}/RNA-img/oviAri1
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/priPac1/RNA-img  ${destDir}/RNA-img/priPac1
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/xenTro3/RNA-img  ${destDir}/RNA-img/xenTro3
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/caeJap1/RNA-img  ${destDir}/RNA-img/caeJap1
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/calJac3/RNA-img  ${destDir}/RNA-img/calJac3
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/ce6/RNA-img  ${destDir}/RNA-img/ce6
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/equCab2/RNA-img  ${destDir}/RNA-img/equCab2
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/gasAcu1/RNA-img  ${destDir}/RNA-img/gasAcu1
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/nomLeu1/RNA-img  ${destDir}/RNA-img/nomLeu1
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/panTro2/RNA-img  ${destDir}/RNA-img/panTro2
-	ln -sfn /gbdb/rheMac2/RNA-img  ${destDir}/RNA-img/rheMac2
 # Other targets that may be invoked by ../makefile:
 install: alpha