  Thu Jul 18 10:25:14 2013 -0700
checking in Robert's code refs #9741
diff --git src/hg/lib/rmskAlign.as src/hg/lib/rmskAlign.as
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fee6d13
--- /dev/null
+++ src/hg/lib/rmskAlign.as
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+table rmskAlign
+"RepeatMasker .align record"
+    (
+    uint swScore;       "Smith Waterman alignment score"
+    uint milliDiv;      "Base mismatches in parts per thousand"
+    uint milliDel;      "Bases deleted in parts per thousand"
+    uint milliIns;      "Bases inserted in parts per thousand"
+    string genoName;    "Genomic sequence name"
+    uint genoStart;     "Start in genomic sequence"
+    uint genoEnd;       "End in genomic sequence"
+    int  genoLeft;      "-#bases after match in genomic sequence"
+    char[1] strand;     "Relative orientation + or -"
+    string repName;     "Name of repeat"
+    string repClass;    "Class of repeat"
+    string repFamily;   "Family of repeat"
+    int repStart;       "Start in repeat sequence"
+    uint repEnd;        "End in repeat sequence"
+    int repLeft;        "-#bases after match in repeat sequence"
+    uint id;            "The ID of the hit. Used to link related fragments"
+    lstring alignment;  "The alignment data stored as a single string"
+    )