  Thu Aug 8 11:48:30 2013 -0700
fixup to eliminate globals, passing data in tg structure refs #9741 #11384
diff --git src/hg/hgTracks/joinedRmskTrack.c src/hg/hgTracks/joinedRmskTrack.c
index a31a033..16b11a7 100644
--- src/hg/hgTracks/joinedRmskTrack.c
+++ src/hg/hgTracks/joinedRmskTrack.c
@@ -1,1162 +1,1173 @@
 /* joinedRmskTrack - A comprehensive RepeatMasker visualization track 
  *                   handler. This is an extension of the original
  *                   rmskTrack.c written by UCSC.  
  *  Written by Robert Hubley 10/2012
 #include "common.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "jksql.h"
 #include "hdb.h"
 #include "hgTracks.h"
 #include "rmskJoined.h"
 /* winBaseCount size ( or below ) at which the detailed view
  * of repeats is turned on.
 #define REPEAT_DETAIL_VIEW 100000
 /* The maximum size of unaligned sequence to draw before 
  * switching to the unscaled view: ie. "----//---"
 #define MAX_UNALIGNED_LEN 200
-/* Hash of the repeatItems ( tg->items ) for this track.  
+/* classHash is the hash of the repeatItems ( tg->items ) for this track.  
  *   This is used to hold display names for the lines of
  *   the track, the line heights, and class colors.
- */
-struct hash *classHash = NULL;
-static struct repeatItem *otherRepeatItem = NULL;
-/* Hash of subtracks
+ *
+ * the subTracksHash is a hash of subtracks
  *   The joinedRmskTrack is designed to be used as a composite track.
  *   When jRepeatLoad is called this hash is populated with the 
  *   results of one or more table queries 
-struct hash *subTracksHash = NULL;
+struct itemSpecifics
+/* extra information to go with each track */
+    {
+    struct hash *classHash;
+    struct repeatItem *otherRepeatItem;
+    struct hash *subTracksHash;
+    };
 struct subTrack
     /* The number of display levels used in levels[] */
     int levelCount;
     /* The rmskJoined records from table query */
     struct rmskJoined *levels[30];
 // Display names
 static char *rptClassNames[] = {
   "SINE", "LINE", "LTR", "DNA", "Simple", "Low Complexity", "Satellite",
   "RNA", "Other", "Unknown",
 // Data names
 static char *rptClasses[] = {
   "SINE", "LINE", "LTR", "DNA", "Simple_repeat", "Low_complexity",
   "Satellite", "RNA", "Other", "Unknown",
 /* Need better class to color mappings.  I took these from a 
  * online color dictionary website: 
  *     http://people.csail.mit.edu/jaffer/Color/Dictionaries
  *  I used the html4 catalog and tried to the 10 most distinct
  *  colors.  
  *  NOTE: If these are changed, do not forget to update the 
  *        help table in joinedRmskTrack.html
 static Color jRepeatClassColors[] = {
   0xff0000ff,			// SINE - red
   0xff00ff00,			// LINE - lime
   0xff000080,			// LTR - maroon
   0xffff00ff,			// DNA - fuchsia
   0xff00ffff,			// Simple - yellow
   0xff008080,			// LowComplex - olive
   0xffff0000,			// Satellite - blue
   0xff008000,			// RNA - green
   0xff808000,			// Other - teal
   0xffffff00,			// Unknown - aqua
 /* Sort repeats by display start position.  Note: We
  * account for the fact we may not start the visual
  * display at chromStart.  See MAX_UNALIGNED_LEN.
 static int
 cmpRepeatVisStart(const void *va, const void *vb)
   const struct rmskJoined *a = *((struct rmskJoined **) va);
   const struct rmskJoined *b = *((struct rmskJoined **) vb);
   int aStart = a->chromStart;
   if (a->blockSizes[0] > MAX_UNALIGNED_LEN)
     aStart = a->chromStart + (a->blockSizes[0] - MAX_UNALIGNED_LEN);
   int bStart = b->chromStart;
   if (b->blockSizes[0] > MAX_UNALIGNED_LEN)
     bStart = b->chromStart + (b->blockSizes[0] - MAX_UNALIGNED_LEN);
   return (aStart - bStart);
 /* Initialize the track */
-static struct repeatItem *
+static void makeJRepeatItems(struct track *tg)
   /* Initialize the subtracks hash - This will eventually contain
    * all the repeat data for each displayed subtrack 
-  subTracksHash = newHash(10);
+  struct itemSpecifics *extraData;
+  AllocVar(extraData);
+  extraData->classHash = newHash(6);
+  extraData->otherRepeatItem = NULL;
+  extraData->subTracksHash = newHash(10);
+  tg->extraUiData = extraData;
-  classHash = newHash(6);
   struct repeatItem *ri, *riList = NULL;
   int i;
   int numClasses = ArraySize(rptClasses);
   for (i = 0; i < numClasses; ++i)
     ri->class = rptClasses[i];
     ri->className = rptClassNames[i];
     // New color attribute
     ri->color = jRepeatClassColors[i];
     slAddHead(&riList, ri);
     // Hash now prebuilt to hold color attributes
-    hashAdd(classHash, ri->class, ri);
+    hashAdd(extraData->classHash, ri->class, ri);
     if (sameString(rptClassNames[i], "Other"))
-      otherRepeatItem = ri;
+      extraData->otherRepeatItem = ri;
-  return riList;
+  tg->items = riList;
-static void
-jRepeatLoad(struct track *tg)
+static void jRepeatLoad(struct track *tg)
 /* We do the query(ies) here so we can report how deep the track(s)
  * will be when jRepeatTotalHeight() is called later on 
-  tg->items = makeJRepeatItems();
+  makeJRepeatItems(tg);
+  struct itemSpecifics *extraData = tg->extraUiData;
-  fprintf(stderr, "Called jRepeatLoad: table = %s\n", tg->table );
   int baseWidth = winEnd - winStart;
   if ( tg->visibility == tvFull && baseWidth <= REPEAT_DETAIL_VIEW)
     struct subTrack *st = NULL;
     if ( st )
       st->levels[0] = NULL;
       struct rmskJoined *rm = NULL;
       char **row;
       int rowOffset;
       struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
       struct sqlResult *sr = hRangeQuery(conn, tg->table, chromName,
                                        winStart, winEnd, NULL,
       struct rmskJoined *detailList = NULL;
       while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
         rm = rmskJoinedLoad(row + rowOffset);
         if (detailList)
           slAddHead(detailList, rm);
           detailList = rm;
       slSort(&detailList, cmpRepeatVisStart);
       int crChromStart, crChromEnd;
       while (detailList)
         st->levels[st->levelCount++] = detailList;
         struct rmskJoined *cr = detailList;
         detailList = detailList->next;
         cr->next = NULL;
         struct rmskJoined *prev = NULL;
         rm = detailList;
         int rmChromStart, rmChromEnd;
         crChromStart = cr->chromStart;
         if (cr->blockSizes[0] > MAX_UNALIGNED_LEN)
           crChromStart =
             cr->chromStart + (cr->blockSizes[0] - MAX_UNALIGNED_LEN);
         crChromEnd = cr->chromEnd;
         if (cr->blockSizes[cr->blockCount - 1] > MAX_UNALIGNED_LEN)
           crChromEnd -=
             (cr->blockSizes[cr->blockCount - 1] - MAX_UNALIGNED_LEN);
         while (rm)
           rmChromStart = rm->chromStart;
           if (rm->blockSizes[0] > MAX_UNALIGNED_LEN)
             rmChromStart =
               rm->chromStart + (rm->blockSizes[0] - MAX_UNALIGNED_LEN);
           rmChromEnd = rm->chromEnd;
           if (rm->blockSizes[rm->blockCount - 1] > MAX_UNALIGNED_LEN)
             rmChromEnd -=
               (rm->blockSizes[rm->blockCount - 1] - MAX_UNALIGNED_LEN);
           if (rmChromStart > crChromEnd)
             cr->next = rm;
             cr = rm;
             if (prev)
               prev->next = rm->next;
               detailList = rm->next;
             rm = rm->next;
             cr->next = NULL;
             crChromStart = cr->chromStart;
             if (cr->blockSizes[0] > MAX_UNALIGNED_LEN)
               crChromStart =
                 cr->chromStart + (cr->blockSizes[0] - MAX_UNALIGNED_LEN);
             crChromEnd = cr->chromEnd;
             if (cr->blockSizes[cr->blockCount - 1] > MAX_UNALIGNED_LEN)
               crChromEnd -=
                 (cr->blockSizes[cr->blockCount - 1] - MAX_UNALIGNED_LEN);
             prev = rm;
             rm = rm->next;
         } // while ( rm )
       } // while ( detailList )
       // Create Hash Entry
-      hashReplace(subTracksHash, tg->table, st);
+      hashReplace(extraData->subTracksHash, tg->table, st);
     } // if ( st )
   } // if ( tg->visibility == tvFull
 static void
 jRepeatFree(struct track *tg)
 /* Free up jRepeatMasker items. */
 static char *
 jRepeatName(struct track *tg, void *item)
 /* Return name of jRepeat item track. */
   static char empty = '\0';
   struct repeatItem *ri = item;
    * In detail view mode the items represent different packing 
    * levels.  No need to display a label at each level.  Instead
    * Just return a label for the first level.
   if (tg->limitedVis == tvFull && winBaseCount <= REPEAT_DETAIL_VIEW)
     if (strcmp(ri->className, "SINE") == 0)
       return ("Repeats");
       return &empty;
   return ri->className;
 jRepeatTotalHeight(struct track *tg, enum trackVisibility vis)
+  struct itemSpecifics *extraData = tg->extraUiData;
   // Are we in full view mode and at the scale needed to display
   // the detail view?
   if (tg->limitedVis == tvFull && winBaseCount <= REPEAT_DETAIL_VIEW)
         // Lookup the depth of this subTrack and report it
-        struct subTrack *st = hashFindVal(subTracksHash, tg->table );
+        struct subTrack *st = hashFindVal(extraData->subTracksHash, tg->table );
         if ( st )
           return ( (st->levelCount+1) * 24 );
           // Just display one line
           return ( 24 );
     return tgFixedTotalHeightNoOverflow(tg, vis);
 jRepeatItemHeight(struct track *tg, void *item)
   // Are we in full view mode and at the scale needed to display
   // the detail view?
   if (tg->limitedVis == tvFull && winBaseCount <= REPEAT_DETAIL_VIEW)
     return 24;
     return tgFixedItemHeight(tg, item);
 static void
 drawDashedHorizLine(struct hvGfx *hvg, int x1, int x2,
 		    int y, int dashLen, int gapLen, Color lineColor)
 // ie.    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
   int cx1 = x1;
   int cx2;
   while (1)
     cx2 = cx1 + dashLen;
     if (cx2 > x2)
       cx2 = x2;
     hvGfxLine(hvg, cx1, y, cx2, y, lineColor);
     cx1 += (dashLen + gapLen);
     if (cx1 > x2)
 static void
 drawShortDashedHorizLine(struct hvGfx *hvg, int x1, int x2,
 			 int y, int dashLen, int gapLen, Color lineColor)
 // ie.    - - - - - - -\\- - - - - - - - - 
   int cx1 = x1;
   int cx2;
   int midX = ((x2 - x1) / 2) + x1;
   int midPointDrawn = 0;
   while (1)
     cx2 = cx1 + dashLen;
     if (cx2 > x2)
       cx2 = x2;
     if (!midPointDrawn && cx2 > midX)
       // Draw double slashes "\\" instead of dash
       hvGfxLine(hvg, cx1, y - 3, cx1 + 3, y + 3, lineColor);
       hvGfxLine(hvg, cx1 + 3, y - 3, cx1 + 6, y + 3, lineColor);
       midPointDrawn = 1;
       // Draw a dash
       hvGfxLine(hvg, cx1, y, cx2, y, lineColor);
     cx1 += dashLen;
     if (!midPointDrawn && cx1 + gapLen > midX)
       // Draw double slashes "\\" instead of gap
       hvGfxLine(hvg, cx1, y - 3, cx1 + 3, y + 3, lineColor);
       hvGfxLine(hvg, cx1 + 3, y - 3, cx1 + 6, y + 3, lineColor);
       midPointDrawn = 1;
     cx1 += gapLen;
     if (cx1 > x2)
 static void
 drawNormalBox(struct hvGfx *hvg, int x1, int y1,
 	      int width, int height, Color fillColor, Color outlineColor)
   struct gfxPoly *poly = gfxPolyNew();
   int y2 = y1 + height;
   int x2 = x1 + width;
    *     1,5--------------2
    *       |              |
    *       |              | 
    *       |              | 
    *       4--------------3
   gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, x1, y1);
   gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, x2, y1);
   gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, x2, y2);
   gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, x1, y2);
   gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, x1, y1);
   hvGfxDrawPoly(hvg, poly, fillColor, TRUE);
   hvGfxDrawPoly(hvg, poly, outlineColor, FALSE);
 static void
 drawTailBox(struct hvGfx *hvg, int x1, int y1,
 	    int width, int height,
 	    Color fillColor, Color outlineColor, char strand)
   struct gfxPoly *poly = gfxPolyNew();
   int y2 = y1 + height;
   int x2 = x1 + width;
   int half = (y2 - y1) / 2;
   if (strand == '-')
      *      1,6-------------2
      *        |            / 
      *        |           3   
      *        |            \   
      *        5-------------4
     gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, x1, y1);
     gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, x2, y1);
     gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, x2 - half, y1 + half);
     gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, x2, y2);
     gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, x1, y2);
     gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, x1, y1);
      *     1,6--------------2
      *       \              |
      *        5             | 
      *       /              | 
      *      4---------------3
     gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, x1, y1);
     gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, x2, y1);
     gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, x2, y2);
     gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, x1, y2);
     gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, x1 + half, y1 + half);
     gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, x1, y1);
   hvGfxDrawPoly(hvg, poly, fillColor, TRUE);
   hvGfxDrawPoly(hvg, poly, outlineColor, FALSE);
 static void
 drawPointBox(struct hvGfx *hvg, int x1, int y1,
 	     int width, int height,
 	     Color fillColor, Color outlineColor, char strand)
   struct gfxPoly *poly = gfxPolyNew();
   int y2 = y1 + height;
   int x2 = x1 + width;
   int half = (y2 - y1) / 2;
   if (strand == '-')
      *      1,6-------------2
      *       /              | 
      *      5               |   
      *       \              |   
      *        4-------------3
     gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, x1 + half, y1);
     gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, x2, y1);
     gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, x2, y2);
     gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, x1 + half, y2);
     gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, x1, y1 + half);
     gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, x1 + half, y1);
      *     1,6--------------2
      *       |               \
      *       |                3
      *       |               /
      *       5--------------4
     gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, x1, y1);
     gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, x2 - half, y1);
     gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, x2, y1 + half);
     gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, x2 - half, y2);
     gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, x1, y2);
     gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, x1, y1);
   hvGfxDrawPoly(hvg, poly, fillColor, TRUE);
   hvGfxDrawPoly(hvg, poly, outlineColor, FALSE);
 static void
 drawDirBox(struct hvGfx *hvg, int x1, int y1, int width, int height,
 	   Color fillColor, Color outlineColor, char strand)
   struct gfxPoly *poly = gfxPolyNew();
   int y2 = y1 + height;
   int x2 = x1 + width;
   int half = (y2 - y1) / 2;
   if (strand == '-')
      *      1,7-------------2
      *       /             / 
      *      6             3   
      *       \             \   
      *        5-------------4
     gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, x1 + half, y1);
     gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, x2, y1);
     gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, x2 - half, y1 + half);
     gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, x2, y2);
     gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, x1 + half, y2);
     gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, x1, y1 + half);
     gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, x1 + half, y1);
      *     1,7--------------2
      *       \               \
      *        6               3
      *       /               /
      *      5---------------4
     gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, x1, y1);
     gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, x2 - half, y1);
     gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, x2, y1 + half);
     gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, x2 - half, y2);
     gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, x1, y2);
     gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, x1 + half, y1 + half);
     gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, x1, y1);
   hvGfxDrawPoly(hvg, poly, fillColor, TRUE);
   hvGfxDrawPoly(hvg, poly, outlineColor, FALSE);
  *  Draw a detailed RepeatMasker annotation glyph given 
  *  a single rmskJoined structure.  
  *  A couple of caveats about the use of the rmskJoined
  *  structure to hold a RepeatMasker annotation.  
  *  chromStart/chromEnd:  These represent genomic coordinates
  *                        that mark the extents of graphics
  *                        annotation on the genome.  I.e 
  *                        aligned blocks + unaligned consensus
  *                        blocks.  The code below may not
  *                        draw to these extents in some cases.
  *  score:  This represents the average divergence of the
  *          individual aligned blocks.  It is a percentage
  *          * 100.  Ie. 23.11 % is encoded as the integer 2311.
  *  blockRelStarts:  Two types of blocks are interwoven in this
  *                format.  Aligned and unaligned blocks.  Aligned
  *                blocks will have a value >= 0 representing the
  *                relative position from chromStart for this 
  *                start of this block.  A value of -1 for chromStart
  *                is indicative of unaligned block and starts from 
  *                the end of the last aligned block on the chromosome
  *                or from chromStart if it's the first block in the list.
  *  name:  Stores the id#class/family
  *  rgb:  Unused at this time
  *  description: Unused but the intention would be to store
  *               the RepeatMasker *.out lines which make up
  *               all the aligned sections of this joined
  *               annotation.
  *  blockSizes:   As you would expect.
  *  Here is an example:
  *                ie. 
  *                A forward strand RM annotation from chr1:186-196
  *                which is aligned to a 100 bp repeat from 75-84
  *                in the consensus would be represented as:
  *                chromStart: 111
  *                chromEnd: 212
  *                blockRelStarts: -1, 75, -1
  *                blockSizes: 75, 10, 16
 static void
 drawRMGlyph(struct hvGfx *hvg, int y, int heightPer,
-	    int width, int baseWidth, int xOff, struct rmskJoined *rm)
+   int width, int baseWidth, int xOff, struct rmskJoined *rm,
+      struct itemSpecifics *extraData)
   int idx;
   int lx1, lx2;
   int cx1, cx2;
   int w;
   struct repeatItem *ri;
    * heightPer is the God given height of a single 
    * track item...respect your overlord.
   int alignedBlockHeight = heightPer * 0.5;
   int alignedBlockOffset = heightPer - alignedBlockHeight;
   int unalignedBlockHeight = heightPer * 0.75;
   int unalignedBlockOffset = heightPer - unalignedBlockHeight;
   Color black = hvGfxFindColorIx(hvg, 0, 0, 0);
   Color fillColor = shadesOfGray[5];
   Color outlineColor = jRepeatClassColors[0];
   // Break apart the name and get the class of the 
   // repeat.
   char class[256];
   // Simplify repClass for lookup: strip trailing '?', 
   // simplify *RNA to RNA:
   char *poundPtr = index(rm->name, '#');
   if (poundPtr)
     safecpy(class, sizeof(class), poundPtr + 1);
     char *slashPtr = index(class, '/');
     if (slashPtr)
       *slashPtr = '\0';
     safecpy(class, sizeof(class), "Unknown");
   char *p = &(class[strlen(class) - 1]);
   if (*p == '?')
     *p = '\0';
   if (endsWith(class, "RNA"))
     safecpy(class, sizeof(class), "RNA");
   // Lookup the class to get the color scheme
-  ri = hashFindVal(classHash, class);
+  ri = hashFindVal(extraData->classHash, class);
   if (ri == NULL)
-    ri = otherRepeatItem;
+    ri = extraData->otherRepeatItem;
   // Pick the fill color based on the divergence
   int percId = 10000 - rm->score;
   int grayLevel = grayInRange(percId, 6000, 10000);
   fillColor = shadesOfGray[grayLevel];
   outlineColor = ri->color;
   // Draw from left to right
   for (idx = 0; idx < rm->blockCount; idx++)
     int fragGStart = rm->blockRelStarts[idx];
      *  Assumptions about blockCount
      *   - first aligned block = 1, the block 0 is
      *     the unaligned consnesus either 5' or 3' of
      *     this block.
      *   - The last aligned block is blockCount - 1;
     if (fragGStart > -1)
       // Aligned Block
       int fragSize = rm->blockSizes[idx];
       fragGStart += rm->chromStart;
       int fragGEnd = fragGStart + fragSize;
       lx1 = roundingScale(fragGStart - winStart, width, baseWidth) + xOff;
       lx1 = max(lx1, 0);
       lx2 = roundingScale(fragGEnd - winStart, width, baseWidth) + xOff;
       w = lx2 - lx1;
       if (w <= 0)
 	w = 1;
       if (idx == 1 && rm->blockCount == 3)
 	// One and only one aligned block
 	drawDirBox(hvg, lx1, y + alignedBlockOffset, w,
 		   alignedBlockHeight, fillColor, outlineColor,
       else if (idx == 1)
 	// First block
 	if (rm->strand[0] == '-')
 	  // First block on negative strand is the point block
 	  drawPointBox(hvg, lx1, y + alignedBlockOffset, w,
 		       alignedBlockHeight, fillColor, outlineColor,
 	  // First block on the positive strand is the tail block
 	  drawTailBox(hvg, lx1, y + alignedBlockOffset, w,
 		      alignedBlockHeight, fillColor, outlineColor,
       else if (idx == (rm->blockCount - 2))
 	// Last block
 	if (rm->strand[0] == '-')
 	  // Last block on the negative strand is the tail block
 	  drawTailBox(hvg, lx1, y + alignedBlockOffset, w,
 		      alignedBlockHeight, fillColor, outlineColor,
 	  // Last block on the positive strand is the poitn block
 	  drawPointBox(hvg, lx1, y + alignedBlockOffset, w,
 		       alignedBlockHeight, fillColor, outlineColor,
 	// Intermediate aligned blocks are drawn as rectangles
 	drawNormalBox(hvg, lx1, y + alignedBlockOffset, w,
 		      alignedBlockHeight, fillColor, outlineColor);
       // Unaligned Block 
       int relStart = 0;
       if (idx == 0)
 	   Unaligned sequence at the start of an annotation
 	   * Draw as:
 	   *     |-------------     or |------//------
 	   *                  |                      |
 	   *                  >>>>>>>                >>>>>>>>
 	lx2 = roundingScale(rm->chromStart + rm->blockRelStarts[idx + 1] -
 			    winStart, width, baseWidth) + xOff;
 	if (rm->blockSizes[idx] > MAX_UNALIGNED_LEN)
 	  lx1 = roundingScale(rm->chromStart +
 			      (rm->blockRelStarts[idx + 1] -
 			       MAX_UNALIGNED_LEN) - winStart, width,
 			      baseWidth) + xOff;
 	  // Line Across
 	  drawShortDashedHorizLine(hvg, lx1, lx2,
 				   y + unalignedBlockOffset, 5, 5, black);
 	  lx1 = roundingScale(rm->chromStart - winStart, width,
 			      baseWidth) + xOff;
 	  // Line Across
 	  drawDashedHorizLine(hvg, lx1, lx2,
 			      y + unalignedBlockOffset, 5, 5, black);
 	// Line down
 	hvGfxLine(hvg, lx2, y + alignedBlockOffset, lx2,
 		  y + unalignedBlockOffset, black);
 	hvGfxLine(hvg, lx1, y + unalignedBlockOffset - 3, lx1,
 		  y + unalignedBlockOffset + 3, black);
       else if (idx == (rm->blockCount - 1))
 	   Unaligned sequence at the end of an annotation
 	   * Draw as:
 	   *       -------------|   or        ------//------|
 	   *       |                          |
 	   *  >>>>>                    >>>>>>>     
 	lx1 = roundingScale(rm->chromStart + rm->blockRelStarts[idx - 1] +
 			    rm->blockSizes[idx - 1] - winStart, width,
 			    baseWidth) + xOff;
 	if (rm->blockSizes[idx] > MAX_UNALIGNED_LEN)
 	  lx2 =
 	    roundingScale(rm->chromStart + rm->blockRelStarts[idx - 1] +
 			  rm->blockSizes[idx - 1] +
 			  MAX_UNALIGNED_LEN - winStart, width,
 			  baseWidth) + xOff;
 	  // Line Across
 	  drawShortDashedHorizLine(hvg, lx1, lx2,
 				   y + unalignedBlockOffset, 5, 5, black);
 	  lx2 =
 	    roundingScale(rm->chromStart + rm->blockRelStarts[idx - 1] +
 			  rm->blockSizes[idx - 1] +
 			  rm->blockSizes[idx] - winStart, width,
 			  baseWidth) + xOff;
 	  // Line Across
 	  drawDashedHorizLine(hvg, lx1, lx2,
 			      y + unalignedBlockOffset, 5, 5, black);
 	// Line down
 	hvGfxLine(hvg, lx1, y + alignedBlockOffset, lx1,
 		  y + unalignedBlockOffset, black);
 	hvGfxLine(hvg, lx2, y + unalignedBlockOffset - 3, lx2,
 		  y + unalignedBlockOffset + 3, black);
 	   Middle Unaligned
 	   * Draw unaligned sequence between aligned fragments
 	   * as:       .........
 	   *          /         \
 	   *     >>>>>           >>>>>>
 	   * or:
 	   *         .............
 	   *         \           /
 	   *     >>>>>           >>>>>>
 	   * Also use ....//.... to indicate not to scale if
 	   * necessary.
 	int alignedGapSize = rm->blockRelStarts[idx + 1] -
 	  (rm->blockRelStarts[idx - 1] + rm->blockSizes[idx - 1]);
 	int unaSize = rm->blockSizes[idx];
 	int alignedOverlapSize = unaSize - alignedGapSize;
 	if (unaSize < 0)
 	  relStart =
 	    rm->blockRelStarts[idx - 1] + rm->blockSizes[idx - 1] -
 	    (alignedOverlapSize / 2);
 	  if (abs(unaSize) > rm->blockSizes[idx - 1])
 	    unaSize = -rm->blockSizes[idx - 1];
 	  lx1 =
 	    roundingScale(rm->chromStart +
 			  rm->blockRelStarts[idx - 1] +
 			  rm->blockSizes[idx - 1] +
 			  unaSize - winStart, width, baseWidth) + xOff;
 	  lx1 = max(lx1, 0);
 	  lx2 =
 	    roundingScale(rm->chromStart + rm->blockRelStarts[idx + 1] -
 			  winStart, width, baseWidth) + xOff;
 	  int midPoint = ((lx2 - lx1) / 2) + lx1;
 	  // Block Intersection Line
 	  hvGfxLine(hvg, lx1, y + alignedBlockOffset, lx1, y +
 		    alignedBlockOffset + alignedBlockHeight, black);
 	  // Line Up
 	  hvGfxLine(hvg, lx1, y + alignedBlockOffset, midPoint, y +
 		    unalignedBlockOffset, black);
 	  // Line Down
 	  hvGfxLine(hvg, lx2, y + alignedBlockOffset, midPoint,
 		    y + unalignedBlockOffset, black);
 	  if (alignedOverlapSize > 0 &&
 	      ((alignedOverlapSize * 0.5) >
 	       (0.3 * rm->blockSizes[idx - 1])
 	       || (alignedOverlapSize * 0.5) >
 	       (0.3 * rm->blockSizes[idx + 1])))
 	  // Need to shorten unaligned length
 	  int smallOverlapLen = 0;
 	  smallOverlapLen = (0.3 * rm->blockSizes[idx - 1]);
 	  if (smallOverlapLen > (0.3 * rm->blockSizes[idx + 1]))
 	    smallOverlapLen = (0.3 * rm->blockSizes[idx + 1]);
 	  unaSize = (smallOverlapLen * 2) + alignedGapSize;
 	  relStart =
 	    rm->blockRelStarts[idx - 1] + rm->blockSizes[idx - 1] -
 	  lx1 =
 	    roundingScale(relStart + rm->chromStart - winStart,
 			  width, baseWidth) + xOff;
 	  lx1 = max(lx1, 0);
 	  lx2 =
 	    roundingScale(relStart + rm->chromStart + unaSize -
 			  winStart, width, baseWidth) + xOff;
 	  // Line Up
 	  cx1 =
 	    roundingScale(rm->chromStart + rm->blockRelStarts[idx - 1] +
 			  rm->blockSizes[idx - 1] - winStart, width,
 			  baseWidth) + xOff;
 	  hvGfxLine(hvg, cx1, y + alignedBlockOffset, lx1,
 		    y + unalignedBlockOffset, black);
 	  // Line Across
 	  drawShortDashedHorizLine(hvg, lx1, lx2,
 				   y + unalignedBlockOffset, 5, 5, black);
 	  // Line Down
 	  cx2 =
 	    roundingScale(rm->chromStart + rm->blockRelStarts[idx + 1] -
 			  winStart, width, baseWidth) + xOff;
 	  hvGfxLine(hvg, cx2, y + alignedBlockOffset, lx2,
 		    y + unalignedBlockOffset, black);
 	  // Adequate to display full length
 	  relStart =
 	    rm->blockRelStarts[idx - 1] + rm->blockSizes[idx - 1] -
 	    (alignedOverlapSize / 2);
 	  lx1 =
 	    roundingScale(relStart + rm->chromStart - winStart,
 			  width, baseWidth) + xOff;
 	  lx1 = max(lx1, 0);
 	  lx2 =
 	    roundingScale(relStart + rm->chromStart + unaSize -
 			  winStart, width, baseWidth) + xOff;
 	  // Line Up
 	  int cx1 =
 	    roundingScale(rm->chromStart + rm->blockRelStarts[idx - 1] +
 			  rm->blockSizes[idx - 1] - winStart,
 			  width, baseWidth) + xOff;
 	  hvGfxLine(hvg, cx1, y + alignedBlockOffset, lx1, y +
 		    unalignedBlockOffset, black);
 	  drawDashedHorizLine(hvg, lx1, lx2,
 			      y + unalignedBlockOffset, 5, 5, black);
 	  // Line Down
 	  cx2 =
 	    roundingScale(rm->chromStart + rm->blockRelStarts[idx + 1] -
 			  winStart, width, baseWidth) + xOff;
 	  hvGfxLine(hvg, cx2, y + alignedBlockOffset, lx2,
 		    y + unalignedBlockOffset, black);
 /* This is the original repeat drawing routine, modified
  * to handle the new rmskJoined table structure.  
 static void
 origRepeatDraw(struct track *tg, int seqStart, int seqEnd,
 	       struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff, int width,
 	       MgFont * font, Color color, enum trackVisibility vis)
+  struct itemSpecifics *extraData = tg->extraUiData;
   int baseWidth = seqEnd - seqStart;
   struct repeatItem *ri;
   int y = yOff;
   int heightPer = tg->heightPer;
   int lineHeight = tg->lineHeight;
   int x1, x2, w;
   boolean isFull = (vis == tvFull);
   Color col;
   struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
   struct sqlResult *sr = NULL;
   char **row;
   int rowOffset;
   if (isFull)
        Do gray scale representation spread out among tracks. 
     struct hash *hash = newHash(6);
     struct rmskJoined *ro;
     int percId;
     int grayLevel;
     for (ri = tg->items; ri != NULL; ri = ri->next)
       ri->yOffset = y;
       y += lineHeight;
       hashAdd(hash, ri->class, ri);
     sr = hRangeQuery(conn, tg->table, chromName, winStart, winEnd, NULL,
     while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
       ro = rmskJoinedLoad(row + rowOffset);
       char class[256];
       // Simplify repClass for lookup: strip trailing '?', 
       // simplify *RNA to RNA:
       char *poundPtr = index(ro->name, '#');
       if (poundPtr)
 	safecpy(class, sizeof(class), poundPtr + 1);
 	char *slashPtr = index(class, '/');
 	if (slashPtr)
 	  *slashPtr = '\0';
 	safecpy(class, sizeof(class), "Unknown");
       char *p = &(class[strlen(class) - 1]);
       if (*p == '?')
 	*p = '\0';
       if (endsWith(class, "RNA"))
 	safecpy(class, sizeof(class), "RNA");
       ri = hashFindVal(hash, class);
       if (ri == NULL)
-	ri = otherRepeatItem;
+	ri = extraData->otherRepeatItem;
       percId = 10000 - ro->score;
       grayLevel = grayInRange(percId, 6000, 10000);
       col = shadesOfGray[grayLevel];
       int idx = 0;
       for (idx = 0; idx < ro->blockCount; idx++)
 	if (ro->blockRelStarts[idx] > 0)
 	  int blockStart = ro->chromStart + ro->blockRelStarts[idx];
 	  int blockEnd =
 	    ro->chromStart + ro->blockRelStarts[idx] + ro->blockSizes[idx];
 	  x1 = roundingScale(blockStart - winStart, width, baseWidth) + xOff;
 	  x1 = max(x1, 0);
 	  x2 = roundingScale(blockEnd - winStart, width, baseWidth) + xOff;
 	  w = x2 - x1;
 	  if (w <= 0)
 	    w = 1;
 	  hvGfxBox(hvg, x1, ri->yOffset, w, heightPer, col);
     char table[64];
     boolean hasBin;
     struct dyString *query = newDyString(1024);
      * Do black and white on single track.  Fetch less than 
      * we need from database. 
     if (hFindSplitTable(database, chromName, tg->table, table, &hasBin))
 		     "select chromStart,blockCount,blockSizes,"
                      "blockRelStarts from %s where ",
       if (hasBin)
 	hAddBinToQuery(winStart, winEnd, query);
       dyStringPrintf(query, "chromStart<%u and chromEnd>%u ", winEnd,
        * if we're using a single rmsk table, add chrom to the where clause 
       if (startsWith("rmskJoined", table))
 	dyStringPrintf(query, " and chrom = '%s' ", chromName);
       sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query->string);
       while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
 	int idx = 0;
 	int blockCount = sqlSigned(row[1]);
 	int sizeOne;
 	int *blockSizes;
 	int *blockRelStarts;
 	int chromStart = sqlUnsigned(row[0]);
 	sqlSignedDynamicArray(row[2], &blockSizes, &sizeOne);
 	assert(sizeOne == blockCount);
 	sqlSignedDynamicArray(row[3], &blockRelStarts, &sizeOne);
 	assert(sizeOne == blockCount);
 	for (idx = 1; idx < blockCount - 1; idx++)
 	  if (blockRelStarts[idx] >= 0)
 	    int blockStart = chromStart + blockRelStarts[idx];
 	    int blockEnd = chromStart + blockRelStarts[idx] + blockSizes[idx];
 	    x1 =
 	      roundingScale(blockStart - winStart, width, baseWidth) + xOff;
 	    x1 = max(x1, 0);
 	    x2 = roundingScale(blockEnd - winStart, width, baseWidth) + xOff;
 	    w = x2 - x1;
 	    if (w <= 0)
 	      w = 1;
 	    hvGfxBox(hvg, x1, yOff, w, heightPer, MG_BLACK);
 /* Main callback for displaying this track in the viewport
  * of the browser.
 static void
 jRepeatDraw(struct track *tg, int seqStart, int seqEnd,
 	    struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff, int width,
 	    MgFont * font, Color color, enum trackVisibility vis)
+  struct itemSpecifics *extraData = tg->extraUiData;
   int baseWidth = seqEnd - seqStart;
    * Its unclear to me why heightPer is not updated to the
    * value set in jRepeatItemHeight() at the time this callback
    * is invoked.  Getting the correct value myself.
    * was:
    * int heightPer = tg->heightPer;
   int heightPer = jRepeatItemHeight(tg, NULL);
   boolean isFull = (vis == tvFull);
   struct rmskJoined *rm;
   // If we are in full view mode and the scale is sufficient,
   // display the new visualization.
   if (isFull && baseWidth <= REPEAT_DETAIL_VIEW)
     int level = yOff;
-    struct subTrack *st = hashFindVal(subTracksHash, tg->table );
+    struct subTrack *st = hashFindVal(extraData->subTracksHash, tg->table );
     if ( ! st )
     int lidx = st->levelCount;
     int currLevel = 0;
     for (currLevel = 0; currLevel < lidx; currLevel++)
       rm = st->levels[currLevel];
       while (rm)
-	drawRMGlyph(hvg, level, heightPer, width, baseWidth, xOff, rm);
+	drawRMGlyph(hvg, level, heightPer, width, baseWidth, xOff, rm, extraData);
 	char statusLine[128];
 	int ss1 = roundingScale(rm->alignStart - winStart,
 				width, baseWidth) + xOff;
 	safef(statusLine, sizeof(statusLine), "name: %s", rm->name );
 	int x1 =
 	  roundingScale(rm->alignStart - winStart, width, baseWidth) + xOff;
 	x1 = max(x1, 0);
 	int x2 =
 	  roundingScale(rm->alignEnd - winStart, width, baseWidth) + xOff;
 	int w = x2 - x1;
 	if (w <= 0)
 	  w = 1;
 	mapBoxHc(hvg, rm->alignStart, rm->alignEnd, ss1, level, w, heightPer,
         		 tg->track, rm->id, statusLine);
 	rm = rm->next;
       level += heightPer;
     // Draw the stereotypical view
     origRepeatDraw(tg, seqStart, seqEnd,
 		   hvg, xOff, yOff, width, font, color, vis);
 jRepeatMethods(struct track *tg)
   tg->loadItems = jRepeatLoad;
   tg->freeItems = jRepeatFree;
   tg->drawItems = jRepeatDraw;
   tg->colorShades = shadesOfGray;
   tg->itemName = jRepeatName;
   tg->mapItemName = jRepeatName;
   tg->totalHeight = jRepeatTotalHeight;
   tg->itemHeight = jRepeatItemHeight;
   tg->itemStart = tgItemNoStart;
   tg->itemEnd = tgItemNoEnd;
   tg->mapsSelf = TRUE;