  Sun Sep 1 09:37:57 2013 -0700
add snake configuration options, only link in HAL libraries in hgTracks,temporarily(?) remove support for snakes based on chains #10637

diff --git src/hg/hgTracks/snakeTrack.c src/hg/hgTracks/snakeTrack.c
index 95e1902..29009da 100644
--- src/hg/hgTracks/snakeTrack.c
+++ src/hg/hgTracks/snakeTrack.c
@@ -9,30 +9,33 @@
 #include "localmem.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "jksql.h"
 #include "hdb.h"
 #include "hgTracks.h"
 #include "chainBlock.h"
 #include "chainLink.h"
 #include "chainDb.h"
 #include "chainCart.h"
 #include "errCatch.h"
 #include "twoBit.h"
 #include "bigWarn.h"
 #include <pthread.h>
 #include "trackHub.h"
 #include "values.h"
+#include "snakeUi.h"
+#ifdef USE_HAL
 #ifdef USE_HAL
 #include "halBlockViz.h"
 struct snakeFeature
     struct snakeFeature *next;
     int start, end;			/* Start/end in browser coordinates. */
     int qStart, qEnd;			/* query start/end */
     int level;				/* level in packed snake */
     int orientation;			/* strand... -1 is '-', 1 is '+' */
     boolean drawn;			/* did we draw this feature? */
     char *sequence;			/* may have sequence, or NULL */
     char *qName;			/* chrom name on other species */
@@ -434,53 +437,55 @@
 for (item = tg->items; item != NULL; item = item->next)
     if(tg->itemColor != NULL) 
 	color = tg->itemColor(tg, item, hvg);
     tg->drawItemAt(tg, item, hvg, xOff, y, scale, font, color, vis);
     if (vis == tvFull)
 	y += tg->itemHeight(tg, item);
 static void packSnakeDrawAt(struct track *tg, void *item,
 	struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int y, double scale, 
 	MgFont *font, Color color, enum trackVisibility vis)
 /* Draw a single simple bed item at position. */
+unsigned showSnpWidth = cartOrTdbInt(cart, tg->tdb, 
 struct linkedFeatures  *lf = (struct linkedFeatures *)item;
 calcPackSnake(tg, item);
 if (lf->components == NULL)
 #ifdef USE_HAL
 boolean isHalSnake = lf->isHalSnake;
 boolean isHalSnake = FALSE;
 struct snakeFeature  *sf = (struct snakeFeature *)lf->components, *prevSf = NULL;
 int s = tg->itemStart(tg, item);
 int sClp = (s < winStart) ? winStart : s;
 int x1 = round((sClp - winStart)*scale) + xOff;
 int textX = x1;
 int yOff = y;
-//boolean withLabels = (withLeftLabels && (vis == tvFull) && !tg->drawName);
+boolean withLabels = (withLeftLabels && (vis == tvFull) && !tg->drawName);
 unsigned   labelColor = MG_BLACK;
-// draw the labels (this code needs a clean up )
-if (0)//withLabels)
+// draw the labels
+if (withLabels)
     char *name = tg->itemName(tg, item);
     int nameWidth = mgFontStringWidth(font, name);
     int dotWidth = tl.nWidth/2;
     boolean snapLeft = FALSE;
     boolean drawNameInverted = FALSE;
     textX -= nameWidth + dotWidth;
     snapLeft = (textX < insideX);
     /* Special tweak for expRatio in pack mode: force all labels
      * left to prevent only a subset from being placed right: */
     snapLeft |= (startsWith("expRatio", tg->tdb->type));
     if (theImgBox == NULL && snapLeft)
 #else///ifndef IMAGEv2_NO_LEFTLABEL_ON_FULL
     if (snapLeft)        /* Snap label to the left. */
@@ -567,58 +572,65 @@
     if (!positiveRangeIntersection(winStart, winEnd, s, e))
     osx = sx = round((double)((int)s-winStart)*scale) + xOff;
     ex = round((double)((int)e-winStart)*scale) + xOff;
     // color by strand
     static Color darkBlueColor = 0;
     static Color darkRedColor = 0;
     if (darkRedColor == 0)
 	//the light blue: rgb(149, 204, 252)
 	//the light red: rgb(232, 156, 156)
 	darkRedColor = hvGfxFindColorIx(hvg, 232,156,156);
 	darkBlueColor = hvGfxFindColorIx(hvg, 149,204,252);
-    color = (sf->orientation == -1) ? darkRedColor : darkBlueColor;
-    // for the moment, always color blue
+    char *colorBy = cartOrTdbString(cart, tg->tdb, 
+    extern Color getChromColor(char *name, struct hvGfx *hvg);
+    if (sameString(colorBy, SNAKE_COLOR_BY_STRAND_VALUE))
+	color = (sf->orientation == -1) ? darkRedColor : darkBlueColor;
+    else if (sameString(colorBy, SNAKE_COLOR_BY_CHROM_VALUE))
+	color = getChromColor(lf->name, hvg);
+    else
 	color =  darkBlueColor;
     int w = ex - sx;
     if (w == 0) 
 	w = 1;
     assert(w > 0);
     char buffer[1024];
     safef(buffer, sizeof buffer, "%d %d",sf->qStart,sf->qEnd);
     if (sx < insideX)
 	int olap = insideX - sx;
 	sx = insideX;
 	w -= olap;
     char qAddress[4096];
     if (vis == tvFull)
 	safef(qAddress, sizeof qAddress, "qName=%s&qs=%d&qe=%d&qWidth=%d",tg->itemName(tg, item),  qs, qe,  winEnd - winStart);
 	mapBoxHgcOrHgGene(hvg, s, e, sx+1, y, w-2, heightPer, tg->track,
 		    buffer, buffer, NULL, TRUE, qAddress);
     hvGfxBox(hvg, sx, y, w, heightPer, color);
     // now draw the mismatches if we're at high enough resolution 
-    if ((winBaseCount < 50000) && (vis == tvFull))
+    if ((winBaseCount < showSnpWidth) && (vis == tvFull))
 	char *twoBitString = trackDbSetting(tg->tdb, "twoBit");
 	static struct twoBitFile *tbf = NULL;
 	static char *lastTwoBitString = NULL;
 	static struct dnaSeq *seq = NULL;
 	static char *lastQName = NULL;
 	// sequence for chain snakes is in 2bit files which we cache
 	if (!isHalSnake)
 	    if (twoBitString == NULL)
 		twoBitString = "/gbdb/hg19/hg19.2bit";
 	    if ((lastTwoBitString == NULL) ||
 		differentString(lastTwoBitString, twoBitString))
@@ -724,31 +736,31 @@
     sx = round((double)((int)s-winStart)*scale) + xOff;
     ex = round((double)((int)e-winStart)*scale) + xOff;
     color = (sf->orientation == -1) ? MG_RED : MG_BLUE;
     if (lastX != -1)
 	char buffer[1024];
 #define MG_ORANGE  0xff0082E6
 	int color = MG_GRAY;
 	if (lastQEnd != qs)
 	    color = MG_ORANGE;
 	// draw the vertical orange bars if there is an insert in the other sequence
-	if ((winBaseCount < 50000) )
+	if ((winBaseCount < showSnpWidth) )
 	    if ((sf->orientation == 1) && (qs != lastQEnd) && (lastE == s))
 		hvGfxLine(hvg, sx, y2 - lineHeight/2 , sx, y2 + lineHeight/2, MG_ORANGE);
 		safef(buffer, sizeof buffer, "%dbp", qs - lastQEnd);
 		mapBoxHgcOrHgGene(hvg, s, e, sx, y2 - lineHeight/2, 1, lineHeight, tg->track,
 				    "foo", buffer, NULL, TRUE, NULL);
 	    else if ((sf->orientation == -1) && (qs != lastQEnd) && (lastS == e))
 		hvGfxLine(hvg, ex, y2 - lineHeight/2 , ex, y2 + lineHeight/2, MG_ORANGE);
 		safef(buffer, sizeof buffer, "%dbp", qs - lastQEnd);
 		mapBoxHgcOrHgGene(hvg, s, e, ex, y2 - lineHeight/2, 1, lineHeight, tg->track,
 				    "foo", buffer, NULL, TRUE, NULL);
@@ -935,37 +947,39 @@
 #define MULTIPLIER	10
 #define MAXLOOK		100000
 	extra = (STARTSLOP < maxOverLeft) ? STARTSLOP : maxOverLeft;
 	start = seqStart - extra;
 	extra = (STARTSLOP < maxOverRight) ? STARTSLOP : maxOverRight;
 	end = seqEnd + extra;
 	doQuery(conn, fullName, lm,  hash, start, end,  isSplit, -1);
 #ifdef USE_HAL
 void halSnakeLoadItems(struct track *tg)
+unsigned showSnpWidth = cartOrTdbInt(cart, tg->tdb, 
 struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew();
 if (errCatchStart(errCatch))
     char *fileName = trackDbSetting(tg->tdb, "bigDataUrl");
     char *otherSpecies = trackDbSetting(tg->tdb, "otherSpecies");
     int handle = halOpenLOD(fileName);
-    int needSeq = (winBaseCount < 50000) ? 1 : 0;
+    int needSeq = (winBaseCount < showSnpWidth) ? 1 : 0;
     struct hal_block_results_t *head = halGetBlocksInTargetRange(handle, otherSpecies, trackHubSkipHubName(database), chromName, winStart, winEnd, needSeq, 1);
     // did we get any blocks from HAL
     if (head == NULL)
     struct hal_block_t* cur = head->mappedBlocks;
     struct linkedFeatures *lf;
     struct hash *qChromHash = newHash(5);
     struct linkedFeatures *lfList = NULL;
     char buffer[4096];
 #ifdef NOTNOW
@@ -1158,75 +1172,87 @@
 tg->items = list;
 /* Clean up. */
 /* now load the items */
 loadLinks(tg, ourStart, ourEnd, tg->visibility);
 }	/*	chainLoadItems()	*/
+#ifdef NOTNOW
 static Color chainScoreColor(struct track *tg, void *item, struct hvGfx *hvg)
 struct linkedFeatures *lf = (struct linkedFeatures *)item;
 static Color chainNoColor(struct track *tg, void *item, struct hvGfx *hvg)
 static void setNoColor(struct track *tg)
 tg->itemColor = chainNoColor;
 tg->color.r = 0;
 tg->color.g = 0;
 tg->color.b = 0;
 tg->altColor.r = 127;
 tg->altColor.g = 127;
 tg->altColor.b = 127;
 tg->ixColor = MG_BLACK;
 tg->ixAltColor = MG_GRAY;
 #ifdef USE_HAL
+void halSnakeDrawLeftLabels(struct track *tg, int seqStart, int seqEnd,
+        struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff, int width, int height,
+        boolean withCenterLabels, MgFont *font,
+        Color color, enum trackVisibility vis)
 void halSnakeMethods(struct track *tg, struct trackDb *tdb, 
 	int wordCount, char *words[])
 tg->canPack = FALSE;
 tdb->canPack = FALSE;
 tg->loadItems = halSnakeLoadItems;
 tg->drawItems = snakeDraw;
 tg->mapItemName = lfMapNameFromExtra;
 tg->subType = lfSubChain;
 //tg->extraUiData = (void *) chainCart;
 tg->totalHeight = snakeHeight; 
+tg->drawLeftLabels = halSnakeDrawLeftLabels;
 tg->drawItemAt = snakeDrawAt;
 tg->itemHeight = snakeItemHeight;
+#ifdef NOTNOW
 void snakeMethods(struct track *tg, struct trackDb *tdb, 
 	int wordCount, char *words[])
 /* Fill in custom parts of alignment chains. */
 struct cartOptions *chainCart;
 boolean normScoreAvailable = chainDbNormScoreAvailable(tdb);
 /*	what does the cart say about coloring option	*/
 chainCart->chainColor = chainFetchColorOption(cart, tdb, FALSE);
 chainCart->scoreFilter = cartUsualIntClosestToHome(cart, tdb,
@@ -1268,15 +1294,17 @@
 	chainCart->chainColor = chainColorChromColors;
 tg->canPack = FALSE;
 tg->loadItems = snakeLoadItems;
 tg->drawItems = snakeDraw;
 tg->mapItemName = lfMapNameFromExtra;
 tg->subType = lfSubChain;
 tg->extraUiData = (void *) chainCart;
 tg->totalHeight = snakeHeight; 
 tg->drawItemAt = snakeDrawAt;
 tg->itemHeight = snakeItemHeight;