  Sun Sep 1 09:37:57 2013 -0700
add snake configuration options, only link in HAL libraries in hgTracks,temporarily(?) remove support for snakes based on chains #10637

diff --git src/hg/lib/trackDbCustom.c src/hg/lib/trackDbCustom.c
index 3475e43..c7b0bd8 100644
--- src/hg/lib/trackDbCustom.c
+++ src/hg/lib/trackDbCustom.c
@@ -681,30 +681,32 @@
 	    else if (startsWith("encodeGencodeIntron", tdb->track))
 		cType = cfgNone;
 else if(startsWith("chain",type))
     cType = cfgChain;
 else if (startsWith("bamWig", type))
     cType = cfgWig;
 else if (startsWith("bam", type))
     cType = cfgBam;
 else if (startsWith("psl", type))
     cType = cfgPsl;
 else if (sameWord("vcfTabix",type))
     cType = cfgVcf;
+else if (sameWord("halSnake",type))
+    cType = cfgSnake;
 // TODO: Only these are configurable so far
 if (cType == cfgNone && warnIfNecessary)
     if (!startsWith("bed ", type) && !startsWith("bedDetail", type) && !startsWith("bigBed", type)
 	&& !startsWith("gvf", type) && !sameString("pgSnp", type)
         && subgroupFind(tdb, "view", NULL))
         warn("Track type \"%s\" is not yet supported in multi-view composites for %s.",type,tdb->track);
 return cType;
 int configurableByAjax(struct trackDb *tdb, eCfgType cfgTypeIfKnown)
 // Is this track configurable by right-click popup, or in hgTrackUi subCfg?
 // returns 0 = no; <0=explicitly blocked;  >0=allowed and will be cfgType if determined