  Tue Aug 27 17:17:07 2013 -0700
do not want bottleneck references in hg.conf, should be in hg.conf.private both for security and consistency
diff --git confs/preview.hg.conf confs/preview.hg.conf
index 2564175..a2a7b21 100644
--- confs/preview.hg.conf
+++ confs/preview.hg.conf
@@ -120,34 +120,30 @@
 # Change this default documentRoot if different in your installation,
 #	to allow some of the browser cgi binaries to find help text files
 #	personalize the background of CGIs that don't use images
 # optional location of grepIndex files
 #  new option for track reording functions, August 2006
-# Bottleneck info for taming hyperactive web bots
 # directory for temporary bbi file caching, default is /tmp/udcCache
 # see also: README.udc
 # Mount point for udcFuse read-only filesystem (must be absolute path!):
 # An include directive can be used to read text from other files.  this is
 # especially useful when there are multiple browsers hidden behind virtual
 # hosts.  The path to the include file is either absolute or relative to
 # the including file (*not* relative to the current direct directory).
 #   include ../cgi-bin-default/hg.conf
 # A delete directive can be used to delete previouly defined values.
 # this is useful in conjunction with include when an undefined