  Wed Sep 11 14:37:18 2013 -0700
Adding bed4{New,Free,FreeList}.
diff --git src/inc/basicBed.h src/inc/basicBed.h
index 7c2e3ec..28fb8ef 100644
--- src/inc/basicBed.h
+++ src/inc/basicBed.h
@@ -65,30 +65,39 @@
 long long bed3TotalSize(struct bed3 *bedList);
 /* Return sum of chromEnd-chromStart. */
 struct bed4
 /* Browser extensible data - first four fields */
     struct bed4 *next;  /* Next in singly linked list. */
     char *chrom;	/* Human chromosome or FPC contig */
     unsigned chromStart;	/* Start position in chromosome */
     unsigned chromEnd;	/* End position in chromosome */
     char *name;	/* Name of item */
+struct bed4 *bed4New(char *chrom, int start, int end, char *name);
+/* Make new bed4. */
+void bed4Free(struct bed4 **pBed);
+/* Free up bed4 */
+void bed4FreeList(struct bed4 **pList);
+/* Free a list of dynamically allocated bed4's */
 void bedStaticLoad(char **row, struct bed *ret);
 /* Load a row from bed table into ret.  The contents of ret will
  * be replaced at the next call to this function. */
 struct bed *bedLoad(char **row);
 /* Load a bed from row fetched with select * from bed
  * from database.  Dispose of this with bedFree(). 
  * This loads first four fields. */
 struct bed *bedCommaIn(char **pS, struct bed *ret);
 /* Create a bed out of a comma separated string. 
  * This will fill in ret if non-null, otherwise will
  * return a new bed */
 void bedFree(struct bed **pEl);