  Fri Sep 13 12:19:12 2013 -0700
New and improved Database of Genomic Variants (DGV).  It is now acomposite track as requested by the submitter, and the tables have
more columns than the older dgv tables.
The track description needs to be updated to make more clear what
DGV gets from dbVar/DGVa and what it adds.
refs #11200

diff --git src/hg/lib/dgvPlus.as src/hg/lib/dgvPlus.as
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26b3c0b
--- /dev/null
+++ src/hg/lib/dgvPlus.as
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+table dgvPlus
+"Database of Genomic Variants incorporating dbVar, July 2013 and later"
+    (
+    string chrom;       "Reference sequence chromosome or scaffold"
+    uint   chromStart;  "Start position in chromosome"
+    uint   chromEnd;    "End position in chromosome"
+    string name;        "ID of merged variant or supporting variant"
+    uint   score;       "Score from 0-1000 (placeholder for BED 9+ format)"
+    char[1] strand;     "+ or - (placeholder for BED 9+ format)"
+    uint thickStart;    "Same as chromStart (placeholder for BED 9+ format)"
+    uint thickEnd;      "Same as chromEnd (placeholder for BED 9+ format)"
+    uint itemRgb;	"Item R,G,B color."
+    string varType;     "Type of variation"
+    string reference;   "Literature reference for the study that included this variant"
+    uint pubMedId;      "For linking to pubMed abstract of reference"
+    lstring method;     "Brief description of method"
+    lstring platform;    "Sequencing platform (if specified)"
+    string mergedVariants; "If this is a supporting variant, ID of merged variant"
+    lstring supportingVariants; "If this is a merged variant, IDs of supporting variants"
+    uint sampleSize;    "Number of samples in study"
+    uint observedGains; "Number of samples with copy number gains"
+    uint observedLosses; "Number of samples with copy number losses"
+    lstring cohortDescription; "Description of sample population for the study"
+    lstring genes;      "Genes overlapping this variant"
+    lstring samples;    "Sample IDs if available"
+    )