  Tue Sep 10 12:53:16 2013 -0700
first pass at making dup bars in snakes into rainhows
diff --git src/hg/hgTracks/snakeTrack.c src/hg/hgTracks/snakeTrack.c
index cfe884b..e6c8be6 100644
--- src/hg/hgTracks/snakeTrack.c
+++ src/hg/hgTracks/snakeTrack.c
@@ -583,42 +583,51 @@
             hvGfxBox(hvg, textX - 1, y, nameWidth+1, tg->heightPer-1, color);
             hvGfxTextRight(hvg, textX, y, nameWidth, tg->heightPer, MG_WHITE, font, name);
             hvGfxTextRight(hvg, textX, y, nameWidth, tg->heightPer, labelColor, font, name);
 // let's draw some blue bars for the duplications
 struct hal_target_dupe_list_t* dupeList = lf->dupeList;
-for(; dupeList ; dupeList = dupeList->next)
+extern void makeChromosomeShades(struct hvGfx *hvg);
+if (!chromosomeColorsMade)
+    makeChromosomeShades(hvg);
+int count = 7;
+for(; dupeList ; dupeList = dupeList->next, count += 3)
     struct hal_target_range_t *range = dupeList->tRange;
+#define NUM_CHROM_COLORS 26
+    extern Color chromColor[NUM_CHROM_COLORS+1];
+    Color color = chromColor[(count % NUM_CHROM_COLORS) + 1];
     for(; range; range = range->next)
 	int s = range->tStart;
 	int e = range->tStart + range->size;
 	int sClp = (s < winStart) ? winStart : s;
 	int eClp = (e > winEnd) ? winEnd : e;
 	int x1 = round((sClp - winStart)*scale) + xOff;
 	int x2 = round((eClp - winStart)*scale) + xOff;
-	hvGfxLine(hvg, x1, y , x2, y , MG_BLUE);
+	hvGfxLine(hvg, x1, y , x2, y , color);
 // now we're going to draw the boxes
 s = sf->start;
 int lastE = -1;
 int lastS = -1;
 int offY = y;
 int lineHeight = tg->lineHeight ;
 int tStart, tEnd, qStart;
 int  qs, qe;
 int heightPer = tg->heightPer;
 int lastX = -1,lastY = y;