  Tue Sep 3 16:09:46 2013 -0700
Adding support for arrays, and also extraH option to raToStructGen.
diff --git src/utils/raToStructGen/raToStructGen.c src/utils/raToStructGen/raToStructGen.c
index 2390794..2e89faa 100644
--- src/utils/raToStructGen/raToStructGen.c
+++ src/utils/raToStructGen/raToStructGen.c
@@ -1,52 +1,55 @@
 /* raToStructGen - Write C code that will read/write a C structure from a ra file.. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "options.h"
 #include "obscure.h"
 #include "sqlNum.h"
 #include "ra.h"
 #include "asParse.h"
 /* Command line globals. */
 char *requiredAsComma = NULL;
 char *computedAsComma = NULL;
 boolean testMain = FALSE;
+char *extraH = NULL;
 void usage()
 /* Explain usage and exit. */
   "raToStructGen - Write C code that will read/write a C structure from a ra file.\n"
   "In some ways a poor cousin to AutoSql. Only handles numeric and string types, and\n"
   "arrays of these.\n"
   "   raToStructGen guide.as output.c\n"
   "   -required=comma,sep,list - comma separated list of required fields.\n"
   "   -computed=comma,sep,list - comma separated list of fields that are computed not parsed\n"
   "                              These fields will be ignored if in input\n"
   "   -testMain - generate a main() routine to help test\n"
+  "   -extraH=someFile.h  - Path to an extra include file\n"
 /* Command line validation table. */
 static struct optionSpec options[] = {
    {"required", OPTION_STRING},
    {"computed", OPTION_STRING},
    {"testMain", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
+   {"extraH", OPTION_STRING},
    {NULL, 0},
 struct raToStructReader
 /* Something to help us parse RAs into C structures. */
     struct raToStructReader *next;
     char *name;		      /* Name of structure */
     int fieldCount;	      /* Number of fields. */
     char **fields;	      /* Names of all fields - not allocated here. */
     char **requiredFields;    /* Names of required fields - not allocated here */
     int requiredFieldCount;   /* Count of required fields. */
     struct hash *fieldIds;    /* So we can do hashLookup/switch instead of strcmp chain */
     int *requiredFieldIds;    /* An array of IDs of required fields. */
     bool *fieldsObserved;  /* An entry for each field we've observed. */
@@ -75,31 +78,31 @@
 	char *required = requiredFields[i];
 	struct hashEl *hel = hashLookup(fieldIds, required);
 	if (hel == NULL)
 	    errAbort("Required field %s is not in field list", required);
 	reader->requiredFieldIds[i] = ptToInt(hel->val);
 AllocArray(reader->fieldsObserved, fieldCount);
 return reader;
 boolean skipColumn(struct asColumn *col, struct hash *ignoreHash)
 /* Return TRUE if we should skip column. */
-return col->isSizeLink || hashLookup(ignoreHash, col->name) != NULL;
+return hashLookup(ignoreHash, col->name) != NULL;
 void raToStructReaderFree(struct raToStructReader **pReader)
 /* Free up memory associated with reader. */
 struct raToStructReader *reader = *pReader;
 if (reader != NULL)
@@ -178,30 +181,32 @@
 /* Print out header. */
 "/* Parser to read in a %s from a ra file where tags in ra file correspond to fields in a\n"
 " * struct. This program was generated by raToStructGen. */\n"
 "#include \"common.h\"\n"
 "#include \"linefile.h\"\n"
 "#include \"hash.h\"\n"
 "#include \"obscure.h\"\n"
 "#include \"sqlNum.h\"\n"
 "#include \"sqlList.h\"\n"
 "#include \"ra.h\"\n"
 "#include \"raToStruct.h\"\n"
 , as->name);
+if (extraH)
+   fprintf(f, "#include \"%s\"\n", extraH);
 if (testMain)
    fprintf(f, "#include \"testStruct.h\"\n");
 fprintf(f, "\n");
 /* Print out start of reader-maker function. */
     "struct raToStructReader *%sRaReader()\n"
     "/* Make a raToStructReader for %s */\n"
     "static char *fields[] = {\n"
     , as->name, as->name);
 /* Print out all field names */
 struct asColumn *col;
 for (col = as->columnList; col != NULL; col = col->next)
@@ -286,60 +291,69 @@
 	/* For all the types we'll handle, isList means an array. */
 	switch (type)
 	    /* Handle numerical and string types */
 	    case t_float:
 	    case t_double:
 	    case t_int:
 	    case t_uint:
 	    case t_short:
 	    case t_ushort:
 	    case t_off:
 	    case t_string:
 	    case t_lstring:
 		if (col->linkedSizeName)
+		    struct asColumn *linkedSize = col->linkedSize;
 		    fprintf(f, "                int arraySize;\n");
 		    fprintf(f, "		sql%sDynamicArray(val, &el->%s, &arraySize);\n", 
 			lt->listyName, col->name);
-		    fprintf(f, "                raToStructArraySizer(lf, arraySize, &el->%s, \"%s\");\n",
-			col->linkedSize->name, col->name);
+		    fprintf(f, "                raToStructArray%sSizer(lf, arraySize, &el->%s, \"%s\");\n",
+			linkedSize->lowType->listyName, linkedSize->name, col->name);
 		else if (col->fixedSize)
 		    fprintf(f, "		sql%sArray(val, el->%s, %d);\n", 
 			lt->listyName, col->name, col->fixedSize);
 		errAbort("Sorry, %s array column is too complex for this program", col->name);
 	/* Case of scalar (not array) variable. */
 	switch (type)
 	    /* Handle numerical types */
 	    case t_float:
 	    case t_double:
 	    case t_int:
 	    case t_uint:
 	    case t_short:
 	    case t_ushort:
 	    case t_off:
+		if (col->isSizeLink)
+		    {
+		    fprintf(f, "                %s arraySize = sql%s(val);\n",
+			lt->cName, lt->nummyName);
+		    fprintf(f, "                raToStructArray%sSizer(lf, arraySize, &el->%s, \"%s\");\n",
+			lt->listyName, col->name, col->name);
+		    }
+		else
 		    fprintf(f, "	        el->%s = sql%s(val);\n", col->name, lt->nummyName);
 	    /* Handle string types */
 	    case t_string:
 	    case t_lstring:
 		fprintf(f, "	        el->%s = cloneString(val);\n", col->name);
 	    /* Abort on other types */
 		errAbort("Sorry, %s column is too complex for this program", col->name);
     fprintf(f, "		break;\n");
     fprintf(f, "	        }\n");
@@ -403,18 +417,19 @@
 verbose(1, "Generated parser for %d required fields, %d computed fields, %d total fields\n", 
     requiredCount, computedCount, slCount(as->columnList));
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 /* Process command line. */
 optionInit(&argc, argv, options);
 if (argc != 3)
 requiredAsComma = optionVal("required", NULL);
 computedAsComma = optionVal("computed", NULL);
 testMain = optionExists("testMain");
+extraH = optionVal("extraH", extraH);
 raToStructGen(argv[1], argv[2]);
 return 0;