  Thu Aug 8 03:13:18 2013 -0700
Pretty major reworking. Making an enum with symbolic names for the field offsets. Adding computed field option so not all fields need to be addressed by parser.  Generating more functions.  The code generated passes visual inspection but has not been compiled and tested.
diff --git src/utils/raToStructGen/raToStructGen.c src/utils/raToStructGen/raToStructGen.c
index 4f0fe58..3cab43c 100644
--- src/utils/raToStructGen/raToStructGen.c
+++ src/utils/raToStructGen/raToStructGen.c
@@ -1,296 +1,376 @@
 /* raToStructGen - Write C code that will read/write a C structure from a ra file.. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "options.h"
 #include "obscure.h"
 #include "sqlNum.h"
 #include "ra.h"
 #include "asParse.h"
+/* Command line globals. */
 char *requiredAsComma = NULL;
+char *computedAsComma = NULL;
 void usage()
 /* Explain usage and exit. */
   "raToStructGen - Write C code that will read/write a C structure from a ra file.\n"
   "In some ways a poor cousin to AutoSql. Only handles numeric and string types, and\n"
   "arrays of these.\n"
   "   raToStructGen guide.as output.c\n"
   "   -required=comma,sep,list - comma separated list of required fields.\n"
+  "   -computed=comma,sep,list - comma separated list of fields that are computed not parsed\n"
+  "                              These fields will be ignored if in input\n"
 /* Command line validation table. */
 static struct optionSpec options[] = {
    {"required", OPTION_STRING},
+   {"computed", OPTION_STRING},
    {NULL, 0},
 struct raToStructReader
 /* Something to help us parse RAs into C structures. */
     struct raToStructReader *next;
     char *name;		      /* Name of structure */
     int fieldCount;	      /* Number of fields. */
     char **fields;	      /* Names of all fields - not allocated here. */
     char **requiredFields;    /* Names of required fields - not allocated here */
     int requiredFieldCount;   /* Count of required fields. */
     struct hash *fieldIds;    /* So we can do hashLookup/switch instead of strcmp chain */
     int *requiredFieldIds;    /* An array of IDs of required fields. */
     bool *fieldsObserved;  /* An entry for each field we've observed. */
 struct raToStructReader *raToStructReaderNew(char *name,  int fieldCount, char **fields,  
     int requiredFieldCount, char **requiredFields)
 /* Create a helper object for parsing an ra file into a C structure.  This structure will
  * contain */
 struct raToStructReader *reader;
 reader->name = cloneString(name);
 reader->fieldCount = fieldCount;
 reader->fields = fields;
 reader->requiredFieldCount = requiredFieldCount;
 reader->requiredFields = requiredFields;
 struct hash *fieldIds = reader->fieldIds = hashNew(4);
 int i;
 for (i=0; i<fieldCount; ++i)
     hashAddInt(fieldIds, fields[i], i);
 if (requiredFieldCount > 0)
     AllocArray(reader->requiredFieldIds, requiredFieldCount);
     for (i=0; i<requiredFieldCount; ++i)
 	char *required = requiredFields[i];
 	struct hashEl *hel = hashLookup(fieldIds, required);
 	if (hel == NULL)
 	    errAbort("Required field %s is not in field list", required);
 	reader->requiredFieldIds[i] = ptToInt(hel->val);
 AllocArray(reader->fieldsObserved, fieldCount);
 return reader;
+boolean skipColumn(struct asColumn *col, struct hash *ignoreHash)
+/* Return TRUE if we should skip column. */
+return col->isSizeLink || hashLookup(ignoreHash, col->name) != NULL;
 void raToStructReaderFree(struct raToStructReader **pReader)
 /* Free up memory associated with reader. */
 struct raToStructReader *reader = *pReader;
 if (reader != NULL)
 void raToStructReaderCheckRequiredFields(struct raToStructReader *reader, struct lineFile *lf)
 /* Make sure that all required files have been seen in the stanza we just parsed. */
 int *requiredFieldIds = reader->requiredFieldIds;
 bool *fieldsObserved = reader->fieldsObserved;
 int i;
 for (i=0; i<reader->requiredFieldCount; ++i)
     if (!fieldsObserved[requiredFieldIds[i]])
 	errAbort("Required field %s not found line %d of %s", reader->requiredFields[i],
 	    lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
 void raToStructGen(char *guideFile, char *outFileC)
 /* raToStructGen - Write C code that will read/write a C structure from a ra file. */
+struct hash *ignoreHash = hashNew(0);
+int computedCount = 0;
+if (computedAsComma != NULL)
+    {
+    if (lastChar(computedAsComma) == ',')
+        trimLastChar(computedAsComma);
+    computedCount = chopByChar(computedAsComma, ',', NULL, 0);
+    char **computedFields = NULL;
+    AllocArray(computedFields, computedCount);
+    chopByChar(computedAsComma, ',', computedFields, computedCount);
+    int i;
+    for (i=0; i<computedCount; ++i)
+        hashAdd(ignoreHash, computedFields[i], NULL);
+    }
 int requiredCount = 0;
 char **requiredFields = NULL;
 if (requiredAsComma != NULL)
     if (lastChar(requiredAsComma) == ',')
     requiredCount = chopByChar(requiredAsComma, ',', NULL, 0);
     AllocArray(requiredFields, requiredCount);
     chopByChar(requiredAsComma, ',', requiredFields, requiredCount);
 struct asObject *as = asParseFile(guideFile);
 if (as == NULL)
     errAbort("Nothing in %s", guideFile);
 if (as->next != NULL)
     errAbort("Multiple objects in %s, only one allowed", guideFile);
 FILE *f = mustOpen(outFileC, "w");
 /* Print out start of reader-maker function. */
     "struct raToStructReader *%sRaReader()\n"
     "/* Make a raToStructReader for %s */\n"
     "static char *fields[] = {\n"
     , as->name, as->name);
 /* Print out all field names */
 struct asColumn *col;
 for (col = as->columnList; col != NULL; col = col->next)
+    if (!skipColumn(col, ignoreHash))
 	fprintf(f, "    \"%s\",\n", col->name);
 fprintf(f, "    };\n");
 char *rfString = "NULL";
+char *requiredCountString = "0";
 if (requiredCount > 0)
     fprintf(f, "static char *requiredFields[] = {\n");
     int i;
     for (i=0; i<requiredCount; ++i)
 	fprintf(f, "    \"%s\",\n", requiredFields[i]);
     fprintf(f, "    };\n");
     rfString = "requiredFields";
+    requiredCountString = "ArraySize(requiredFields)";
 /* Print out end of reader->maker function. */
-    "return raToStructReaderNew(\"%s\", %d, fields, %d, %s);\n"
+    "return raToStructReaderNew(\"%s\", ArraySize(fields), fields, %s, %s);\n"
-    , as->name, slCount(as->columnList), requiredCount, rfString);
+    , as->name, requiredCountString, rfString);
 /* Print out start of parsing function. */
 "struct %s *%sFromNextRa(struct lineFile *lf, struct raToStructReader *reader)\n"
 "/* Return next stanza put into an %s. */\n"
+, as->name, as->name, as->name);
+/* Print out an enum corresponding to struct fields. */
+char *fieldSuffix = "Field";
+fprintf(f, "enum fields\n");
+fprintf(f, "    {\n");
+for (col = as->columnList; col != NULL; col = col->next)
+    if (!skipColumn(col, ignoreHash))
+	fprintf(f, "    %s%s,\n", col->name, fieldSuffix);
+fprintf(f, "    };\n");
+/* Print out some more constant parts of parser. */
 "if (!raSkipLeadingEmptyLines(lf, NULL))\n"
 "    return NULL;\n"
 "struct %s *el;\n"
 "bool *fieldsObserved = reader->fieldsObserved;\n"
 "bzero(fieldsObserved, reader->fieldCount);\n"
 "char *tag, *val;\n"
 "while (raNextTagVal(lf, &tag, &val, NULL))\n"
 "    {\n"
 "    struct hashEl *hel = hashLookup(reader->fieldIds, tag);\n"
 "    if (hel != NULL)\n"
 "        {\n"
 "	int id = ptToInt(hel->val);\n"
 "	if (fieldsObserved[id])\n"
 "	     errAbort(\"Duplicate tag %%s line %%d of %%s\\n\", tag, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);\n"
 "	fieldsObserved[id] = TRUE;\n"
 "	switch (id)\n"
 "	    {\n"
-, as->name, as->name, as->name, as->name);
+, as->name);
 /* Now loop through and print out cases for each field. */
-int colIx = 0;
 for (col = as->columnList; col != NULL; col = col->next)
-    fprintf(f, "	    case %d:\n", colIx++);
+    if (skipColumn(col, ignoreHash))
+        continue;
+    fprintf(f, "	    case %s%s:\n", col->name, fieldSuffix);
     fprintf(f, "	        {\n");
     struct asTypeInfo *lt = col->lowType;
     enum asTypes type = lt->type;
     if (col->isList)
+	/* For all the types we'll handle, isList means an array. */
 	switch (type)
-	    /* Handle numerical types */
+	    /* Handle numerical and string types */
 	    case t_float:
 	    case t_double:
 	    case t_int:
 	    case t_uint:
 	    case t_short:
 	    case t_ushort:
 	    case t_off:
 	    case t_string:
 	    case t_lstring:
 		if (col->linkedSizeName)
-		    fprintf(f, "                int %sSize;\n", col->name);
-		    fprintf(f, "		sql%sDynamicArray(val, &el->%s, &%sSize);\n", 
-			lt->listyName, col->name, col->name);
-		    fprintf(f, "                if (!fieldsObserved[%d])\n", 
-			asColumnFindIx(as->columnList, col->linkedSizeName));
-		    fprintf(f, "                     errAbort(\"%s must precede %s\");\n",
-			col->linkedSizeName, col->name);
-		    fprintf(f, "                if (%sSize != el->%s)\n",
-		        col->name, col->linkedSizeName);
-		    fprintf(f, "                     errAbort(\"%s has wrong count\");\n",
-			col->name);
+		    fprintf(f, "                int arraySize;\n");
+		    fprintf(f, "		sql%sDynamicArray(val, &el->%s, &arraySize);\n", 
+			lt->listyName, col->name);
+		    fprintf(f, "                raToStructArraySizer(lf, arraySize, &el->%s, \"%s\");\n",
+			col->linkedSize->name, col->name);
 		else if (col->fixedSize)
 		    fprintf(f, "		sql%sArray(val, el->%s, %d);\n", 
 			lt->listyName, col->name, col->fixedSize);
 		errAbort("Sorry, %s array column is too complex for this program", col->name);
+	/* Case of scalar (not array) variable. */
 	switch (type)
 	    /* Handle numerical types */
 	    case t_float:
 	    case t_double:
 	    case t_int:
 	    case t_uint:
 	    case t_short:
 	    case t_ushort:
 	    case t_off:
 		fprintf(f, "	        el->%s = sql%s(val);\n", col->name, lt->nummyName);
+	    /* Handle string types */
 	    case t_string:
 	    case t_lstring:
 		fprintf(f, "	        el->%s = cloneString(val);\n", col->name);
+	    /* Abort on other types */
 		errAbort("Sorry, %s column is too complex for this program", col->name);
     fprintf(f, "		break;\n");
     fprintf(f, "	        }\n");
 /* Print out end of parsing function. */
 "	    default:\n"
 "	        internalErr();\n"
 "		break;\n"
 "	    }\n"
 "	}\n"
 "    }\n"
-"if (reader->requiredFieldIds != NULL)\n"
-"    raToStructReaderCheckRequiredFields(reader, lf);\n"
+/* Print out required field checker if there are required fields. */
+if (requiredAsComma != NULL)
+    fprintf(f, "raToStructReaderCheckRequiredFields(reader, lf);\n");
 "return el;\n"
+/* Print out function to load all records from file. */
+"struct %s *%sLoadRa(char *fileName)\n"
+"/* Return list of all %s in ra file. */\n"
+"struct raToStructReader *reader = %sRaReader();\n"
+"struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);\n"
+"struct %s *el, *list = NULL;\n"
+"while ((el = %sFromNextRa(lf, reader)) != NULL)\n"
+"    slAddHead(&list, el);\n"
+"return list;\n"
+, as->name, as->name, as->name, as->name, as->name, as->name);
+/* Print out single record reader. */
+"struct %s *%sOneFromRa(char *fileName)\n"
+"/* Return %s in file and insist there be exactly one record. */\n"
+"struct %s *one = %sLoadRa(fileName);\n"
+"if (one == NULL)\n"
+"    errAbort(\"No data in %%s\", fileName);\n"
+"if (one->next != NULL)\n"
+"    errAbort(\"Multiple records in %%s\", fileName);\n"
+"return one;\n"
+, as->name, as->name, as->name, as->name, as->name);
-verbose(1, "Generated parser for %d required fields, %d total fields\n", 
-    requiredCount, slCount(as->columnList));
+verbose(1, "Generated parser for %d required fields, %d computed fields, %d total fields\n", 
+    requiredCount, computedCount, slCount(as->columnList));
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 /* Process command line. */
 optionInit(&argc, argv, options);
 if (argc != 3)
 requiredAsComma = optionVal("required", NULL);
+computedAsComma = optionVal("computed", NULL);
 raToStructGen(argv[1], argv[2]);
 return 0;