  Thu Aug 8 12:57:54 2013 -0700
Streamlining unit test.
diff --git src/utils/raToStructGen/test.as src/utils/raToStructGen/test.as
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b8b404..0000000
--- src/utils/raToStructGen/test.as
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-table edwFastqFile
-"info on a file in fastq short read format beyond what's in edwValidFile"
-    (
-    uint id primary auto;  "ID in this table"
-    uint fileId;	"ID in edwFile table"
-    bigint sampleCount; "# of items in sample if we are just subsampling as we do for reads." 
-    string sampleFileName; "Name of file containing sampleCount randomly selected items from file."
-    bigint readCount; "# of reads in file"
-    bigint baseCount; "# of bases in all reads added up"
-    double readSizeMean; "Average read size"
-    double readSizeStd;  "Standard deviation of read size"
-    double readSizeMin;  "Minimum read size"
-    double readSizeMax; "Maximum read size"
-    double qualMean;  "Mean quality scored as 10*-log10(errorProbability) or close to it.  >25 is good"
-    double qualStd;   "Standard deviation of quality"
-    double qualMin;   "Minimum observed quality"
-    double qualMax;   "Maximum observed quality"
-    string qualType;  "For fastq files either 'sanger' or 'illumina'
-    int qualZero;  "For fastq files offset to get to zero value in ascii encoding"
-    double atRatio;  "Ratio of A+T to total sequence (not including Ns)"
-    double aRatio; "Ratio of A to total sequence (including Ns)"
-    double cRatio; "Ratio of C to total sequence (including Ns)"
-    double gRatio; "Ratio of G to total sequence (including Ns)"
-    double tRatio; "Ratio of T to total sequence (including Ns)"
-    double nRatio; "Ratio of N or . to total sequence"
-    double[readSizeMax] qualPos;  "Mean value for each position in a read up to some max."
-    double[readSizeMax] aAtPos;   "% of As at each pos"
-    double[readSizeMax] cAtPos;   "% of Cs at each pos"
-    double[readSizeMax] gAtPos;   "% of Gs at each pos"
-    double[readSizeMax] tAtPos;   "% of Ts at each pos"
-    double[readSizeMax] nAtPos;   "% of '.' or 'N' at each pos"
-    )