f0fbbbaddccb223dc472d526e32c5e29e3f60add ann Fri Oct 11 15:28:02 2013 -0700 removed 2 nonexistent rr machines diff --git src/utils/qa/getRRdatabases.csh src/utils/qa/getRRdatabases.csh index 3fc9335..ebeeb2c 100755 --- src/utils/qa/getRRdatabases.csh +++ src/utils/qa/getRRdatabases.csh @@ -1,109 +1,109 @@ #!/bin/tcsh source `which qaConfig.csh` ################################ # 10-04-04 # gets the names of all databases on an RR machine # using mark's genbank dumps. # ################################ set databases="" set rootpath="/cluster/data/genbank/var/tblstats" # mark's TABLE STATUS dump set mach1="" set dirname1="" set machpath1="" set fullpath1="" set betamachs="" set betapath="" set betaflag=0 set betacommand="" set badmach=0 set active="" if ( $#argv < 1 || $#argv > 2 ) then echo echo " gets the names of all databases on an RR machine" echo " not real-time. uses daily TABLE STATUS dump." echo echo " usage: machine [active]" echo " use 'active' param to restrict list to only active DBs" echo " will accept machine = rr" echo exit else set mach1=$argv[1] if ( $#argv == 2 ) then set active=$argv[2] endif endif -if ( `echo $mach1 | egrep "hgw1|hgw2|hgw3|hgw4|hgw5|hgw6|hgw7|hgw8|rr"` == $mach1 ) then +if ( `echo $mach1 | egrep "hgw1|hgw2|hgw3|hgw4|hgw5|hgw6|rr"` == $mach1 ) then set machpath1=$rootpath/hgnfs1 else set machpath1=$rootpath/$mach1 endif set betalist="" if (! -e $rootpath ) then set betapath="/genbank/var/tblstats" set betamachs=`ssh hgwbeta ls /genbank/var/tblstats` if ( $status ) then echo echo " can't find list of valid RR machines in $rootpath" echo " or in hgwbeta:/genbank/var/tblstats" echo exit 1 else set betaflag=1 set betacommand="ssh hgwbeta" echo $betamachs | grep $mach1 > /dev/null if ( $status ) then set badmach=1 endif endif else if (! -e $machpath1 ) then set badmach=1 endif endif if ($badmach == 1) then echo echo " $mach1 is not a valid machine" echo exit 1 endif set debug="true" set debug="false" if ($debug == "true") then echo echo "mach1 $mach1" echo echo "machpath1 $machpath1" echo "dirname1 $dirname1" echo "fullpath1 $fullpath1" echo exit endif # set paths for most recent table status dump if ( $betaflag == 0 ) then set dirname1=`ls $machpath1 | sort -r | head -1` set fullpath1=$machpath1/$dirname1 else # use data on beta set dirname1=`$betacommand ls $betapath/$mach1 | sort -r | head -1` set fullpath1=$betapath/$mach1/$dirname1 endif if ( active != $active ) then # get names of databases from files database.tbls in mark's directories $betacommand ls -1 $fullpath1 | grep "tbls" | sed -e "s/\.tbls//" | sort echo "last dump: $dirname1" else ssh hgwdev "hgsql -h $sqlrr -Ne '"SELECT name FROM dbDb WHERE \ active = 1 ORDER BY name"' hgcentral" endif