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- 23 October 2013 -
+ 24 October 2013 -
Job Opening: UCSC Genome Browser Trainer
The Center for Biomolecular Science
and Engineering (CBSE) at University of California Santa Cruz
seeks an articulate, self-motivated educator for the two-year position of UCSC Genome
Browser trainer. The trainer develops curriculum and provides in-person training on the UCSC
Genome Browser at universities, hospitals, institutes, and professional
meetings in the United States and internationally. Typical audiences include graduate
and post-graduate biologists and doctors, with Genome Browser experience ranging from novice
users to bioinformatics specialists. Presentations include formal talks, problem-solving
sessions, and two-day workshops.
This position requires a Master's degree in a biological science, depth in molecular
biology, experience in a research environment, working knowledge of the UCSC Genome Browser,
understanding of its role in research methodology, and experience teaching or training in a
scientific environment. Preferred qualifications include a PhD in a relevant field,
experience with video production, and experience with HTML or web content management
For more information and to apply for this position, see
- Job #1304619 on the UCSC Staff Employment website.
+ Job #1304619 on the UCSC Staff
+ Employment website.
23 October 2013 -
dbSNP Build 138 Available for hg19
We are pleased to announce the release of four tracks derived from NCBI
dbSNP Build 138
data, available on the human assembly (GRCh37/hg19).
The new tracks contain additional annotation data not included in previous dbSNP
tracks, with corresponding coloring and filtering options in the Genome Browser.
As was the case for the annotations based on the previous dbSNP build 137, there are
four tracks in this release. One is a track
containing all mappings of reference SNPs to the human assembly, labeled
"All SNPs (138)". The other three tracks are subsets of this track and show
interesting and easily defined subsets of dbSNP:
- Common SNPs (138): uniquely mapped variants that appear in at least 1%
of the population or are 100% non-reference
- Flagged SNPs (138): uniquely mapped variants, excluding Common SNPs,
that have been flagged by dbSNP as "clinically associated"
- Mult. SNPs (138): variants that have been mapped to more than one genomic location
By default, only the Common SNPs (138) are visible; other tracks must be
made visible using the track controls.
You will find the four SNPs (138) tracks on the Human Feb. 2009 (GRCh37/hg19)
browser in the "Variation and Repeats" group.
The tracks were produced at UCSC by Angie Hinrichs and Luvina Guruvadoo. We'd like
to thank the dbSNP group at NCBI for providing access to these data.
11 October 2013 -
Updated DGV Structural Variation Track:
The UCSC Genome Browser team is pleased to announce an updated DGV Structural Variation
track to reflect the official launch of the new Database of Genomic Variants.
Read more.
26 September 2013 -
New American Alligator (allMis1) Assembly Now Available in the Genome
A Genome Browser is now available for the American alligator
(Alligator mississippiensis) assembly released
August 2012 by the International Crocodilian Genomes Working Group
(version allMis0.2, UCSC version allMis1).
Read more.