  Tue Oct 29 12:41:11 2013 +0100
Negative numbers as arguments to command-line programs using options seemed to be a problem.
diff --git src/inc/options.h src/inc/options.h
index 58601e0..7a385a7 100644
--- src/inc/options.h
+++ src/inc/options.h
@@ -1,97 +1,100 @@
 /* Stuff to process options out of command line. 
  * This file is copyright 2002 Jim Kent, but license is hereby
  * granted for all use - public, private or commercial. */
 #ifndef OPTIONS_H
 #define OPTIONS_H
 #include "common.h"
 /* Types for options */
 #define OPTION_BOOLEAN    0x01
 #define OPTION_STRING     0x02
 #define OPTION_INT        0x04
 #define OPTION_FLOAT      0x10
 #define OPTION_LONG_LONG  0x20
 #define OPTION_MULTI      0x40
 #define OPTION_DOUBLE	  0x80
 /* Mask for option types (excluding OPTION_MULTI) */
 struct optionSpec
 /* Specification of a single option.  An array of these are passed
  * to optionInit() to validate options. */
     char *name;      /* option name */
     unsigned flags;  /* Flags for option, specifies types */
 char *optionVal(char *name, char *defaultVal);
 /* Return named option if in options hash, otherwise default. */
 int optionInt(char *name, int defaultVal);
 /* Return integer value of named option, or default value
  * if not set. */
 long long optionLongLong(char *name, long long defaultVal);
 /* Return long long value of named option, or default value
  * if not set. */
 float optionFloat(char *name, float defaultVal);
 /* Return floating point value or default value if not set. */
 struct slName *optionMultiVal(char *name, struct slName *defaultVal);
 /* Returns a list of the values assocated with a named option if in options hash, otherwise default. */
 double optionDouble(char *name, double defaultVal);
 /* Return double value or default value if not set */
 boolean optionExists(char *name);
 /* Return TRUE if option has been set. */
 void optionMustExist(char *name);
 /* Abort if option has not been set. */
 void optionInit(int *pArgc, char *argv[], struct optionSpec *optionSpecs);
 /* Read options in command line into options hash.
  * Options come in three forms:
  *      -option         words starting with dash
  *      option=val      words with = in the middle
  *      -option=val     combining the two.
  * The resulting hash will be keyed by the option name with the val
  * string for value.  For '-option' types the value is 'on'.
  * The words in argv are parsed in assending order.  If a word of
  * "--" is encountered, argument parsing stops.
  * If optionSpecs is not NULL, it is an array of optionSpec that are
  * used to validate the options.  An option must exist in the array
  * and the value must be convertable to the type specified in flags.
  * Boolean options have must no value, all other options must have one.
  * Array is terminated by a optionSpec with a NULL name.
  * If array NULL, no validation is done.
 void optionHash(int *pArgc, char *argv[]);
 /* Read options in command line into options hash.   
  * Options come in three forms:
  *      -option         words starting with dash
  *      option=val      words with = in the middle
  *      -option=val     combining the two.
  * The resulting hash will be keyed by the option name with the val
  * string for value.  For '-option' types the value is 'on'.
  * The words in argv are parsed in assending order.  If a word of
  * "--" is encountered, argument parsing stops. */
 void optionHashSome(int *pArgc, char *argv[], boolean justFirst);
 /* Set up option hash from command line, optionally only adding
  * up to first non-optional word. */
 struct hash *optionParseIntoHash(int *pArgc, char *argv[], boolean justFirst);
 /* Read options in argc/argv into a hash of your own choosing. */
+struct hash *optionParseIntoHashExceptNumbers(int *pArgc, char *argv[], boolean justFirst);
+/* Read options in argc/argv into a hash (except negative numbers) of your own choosing. */
 void optionFree();
 /* free the option hash */
 #endif /* OPTIONS_H */