  Mon Jan 6 14:35:20 2014 -0800
Tolerate missing '=' in metadata line for VCF3 because as Jonathan pointed out, the spec didn't demand key=val in 3.3.refs #12412

diff --git src/lib/vcf.c src/lib/vcf.c
index b2eaed7..8b43371 100644
--- src/lib/vcf.c
+++ src/lib/vcf.c
@@ -1,1166 +1,1167 @@
 /* VCF: Variant Call Format, version 4.0 / 4.1
  * http://www.1000genomes.org/wiki/Analysis/Variant%20Call%20Format/vcf-variant-call-format-version-40
  * http://www.1000genomes.org/wiki/Analysis/Variant%20Call%20Format/vcf-variant-call-format-version-41
 #include "common.h"
 #include "dnautil.h"
 #include "errabort.h"
 #include <limits.h>
 #include "localmem.h"
 #include "net.h"
 #include "regexHelper.h"
 #include "vcf.h"
 /* Reserved but optional INFO keys: */
 const char *vcfInfoAncestralAllele = "AA";
 const char *vcfInfoPerAlleleGtCount = "AC";	// allele count in genotypes, for each ALT allele,
 						// in the same order as listed
 const char *vcfInfoAlleleFrequency = "AF";	// allele frequency for each ALT allele in the same
 						// order as listed: use this when estimated from
 						// primary data, not called genotypes
 const char *vcfInfoNumAlleles = "AN";		// total number of alleles in called genotypes
 const char *vcfInfoBaseQuality = "BQ";		// RMS base quality at this position
 const char *vcfInfoCigar = "CIGAR";		// cigar string describing how to align an
 						// alternate allele to the reference allele
 const char *vcfInfoIsDbSnp = "DB";		// dbSNP membership
 const char *vcfInfoDepth = "DP";		// combined depth across samples, e.g. DP=154
 const char *vcfInfoEnd = "END";			// end position of the variant described in this
 						// record (esp. for CNVs)
 const char *vcfInfoIsHapMap2 = "H2";		// membership in hapmap2
 const char *vcfInfoIsHapMap3 = "H3";		// membership in hapmap3
 const char *vcfInfoIs1000Genomes = "1000G";	// membership in 1000 Genomes
 const char *vcfInfoMappingQuality = "MQ";	// RMS mapping quality, e.g. MQ=52
 const char *vcfInfoMapQual0Count = "MQ0";	// number of MAPQ == 0 reads covering this record
 const char *vcfInfoNumSamples = "NS";		// Number of samples with data
 const char *vcfInfoStrandBias = "SB";		// strand bias at this position
 const char *vcfInfoIsSomatic = "SOMATIC";	// indicates that the record is a somatic mutation,
 						// for cancer genomics
 const char *vcfInfoIsValidated = "VALIDATED";	// validated by follow-up experiment
 /* Reserved but optional per-genotype keys: */
 const char *vcfGtGenotype = "GT";	// Integer allele indices separated by "/" (unphased)
 					// or "|" (phased). Allele values are 0 for
 					// reference allele, 1 for the first allele in ALT,
 					// 2 for the second allele in ALT and so on.
 const char *vcfGtDepth = "DP";		// Read depth at this position for this sample
 const char *vcfGtFilter = "FT";		// Analogous to variant's FILTER field
 const char *vcfGtLikelihoods = "GL";	// Three floating point log10-scaled likelihoods for
 					// AA,AB,BB genotypes where A=ref and B=alt;
 					// not applicable if site is not biallelic.
 const char *vcfGtPhred = "PL";		// Phred-scaled genotype likelihoods rounded to closest int
 const char *vcfGtConditionalQual = "GQ";// Conditional genotype quality
 					// i.e. phred quality -10log_10 P(genotype call is wrong,
 					// conditioned on the site's being variant)
 const char *vcfGtHaplotypeQualities = "HQ";	// two phred qualities comma separated
 const char *vcfGtPhaseSet = "PS";	// Set of phased genotypes to which this genotype belongs
 const char *vcfGtPhasingQuality = "PQ";	// Phred-scaled P(alleles ordered wrongly in heterozygote)
 const char *vcfGtExpectedAltAlleleCount = "EC";	// Typically used in association analyses
 // Make definitions of reserved INFO and genotype keys, in case people take them for
 // granted and don't make ##INFO headers for them:
 static struct vcfInfoDef *vcfSpecInfoDefs = NULL;
 static struct vcfInfoDef *vcfSpecGtFormatDefs = NULL;
 static void addInfoDef(struct vcfInfoDef **pList,
 		       const char *key, int fieldCount, enum vcfInfoType type, char *description)
 /* Allocate and initialize an info def and add it to pList. */
 struct vcfInfoDef *def;
 def->key = (char *)key;
 def->fieldCount = fieldCount;
 def->type = type;
 def->description = description;
 slAddHead(pList, def);
 static void initVcfSpecInfoDefs()
 /* Make linked list of INFO defs reserved in the spec. */
 if (vcfSpecInfoDefs != NULL)
 addInfoDef(&vcfSpecInfoDefs, vcfInfoAncestralAllele, 1, vcfInfoString, "Ancestral allele");
 addInfoDef(&vcfSpecInfoDefs, vcfInfoPerAlleleGtCount, 1, vcfInfoInteger,
 	   "Allele count in genotypes, for each ALT allele, in the same order as listed");
 addInfoDef(&vcfSpecInfoDefs, vcfInfoAlleleFrequency, -1, vcfInfoFloat,
 	   "Allele frequency for each ALT allele in the same order as listed: "
 	   "use this when estimated from primary data, not called genotypes");
 addInfoDef(&vcfSpecInfoDefs, vcfInfoNumAlleles, 1, vcfInfoInteger,
 	   "Total number of alleles in called genotypes");
 addInfoDef(&vcfSpecInfoDefs, vcfInfoBaseQuality, 1, vcfInfoFloat,
 	   "RMS base quality at this position");
 addInfoDef(&vcfSpecInfoDefs, vcfInfoCigar, 1, vcfInfoString,
 	   "CIGAR string describing how to align an alternate allele to the reference allele");
 addInfoDef(&vcfSpecInfoDefs, vcfInfoIsDbSnp, 0, vcfInfoFlag, "dbSNP membership");
 addInfoDef(&vcfSpecInfoDefs, vcfInfoDepth, 1, vcfInfoString,
 	   "Combined depth across samples, e.g. DP=154");
 addInfoDef(&vcfSpecInfoDefs, vcfInfoEnd, 1, vcfInfoInteger,
 	   "End position of the variant described in this record "
 	   "(especially for structural variants)");
 addInfoDef(&vcfSpecInfoDefs, vcfInfoIsHapMap2, 1, vcfInfoFlag, "Membership in HapMap 2");
 addInfoDef(&vcfSpecInfoDefs, vcfInfoIsHapMap3, 1, vcfInfoFlag, "Membership in HapMap 3");
 addInfoDef(&vcfSpecInfoDefs, vcfInfoIs1000Genomes, 1, vcfInfoFlag, "Membership in 1000 Genomes");
 addInfoDef(&vcfSpecInfoDefs, vcfInfoMappingQuality, 1, vcfInfoFloat,
 	   "RMS mapping quality, e.g. MQ=52");
 addInfoDef(&vcfSpecInfoDefs, vcfInfoMapQual0Count, 1, vcfInfoInteger,
 	   "Number of MAPQ == 0 reads covering this record");
 addInfoDef(&vcfSpecInfoDefs, vcfInfoNumSamples, 1, vcfInfoInteger, "Number of samples with data");
 addInfoDef(&vcfSpecInfoDefs, vcfInfoStrandBias, 1, vcfInfoString, "Strand bias at this position");
 addInfoDef(&vcfSpecInfoDefs, vcfInfoIsSomatic, 1, vcfInfoFlag,
 	   "Indicates that the record is a somatic mutation, for cancer genomics");
 addInfoDef(&vcfSpecInfoDefs, vcfInfoIsValidated, 1, vcfInfoFlag,
 	   "Validated by follow-up experiment");
 static void initVcfSpecGtFormatDefs()
 /* Make linked list of genotype info defs reserved in spec. */
 if (vcfSpecGtFormatDefs != NULL)
 addInfoDef(&vcfSpecGtFormatDefs, vcfGtGenotype, 1, vcfInfoString,
 	   "Integer allele indices separated by \"/\" (unphased) "
 	   "or \"|\" (phased). Allele values are 0 for "
 	   "reference allele, 1 for the first allele in ALT, "
 	   "2 for the second allele in ALT and so on, or \".\" for unknown");
 addInfoDef(&vcfSpecGtFormatDefs, vcfGtDepth, 1, vcfInfoInteger,
 	   "Read depth at this position for this sample");
 addInfoDef(&vcfSpecGtFormatDefs, vcfGtFilter, 1, vcfInfoString,
 	   "PASS to indicate that all filters have been passed, "
 	   "a semi-colon separated list of codes for filters that fail, "
 	   "or \".\" to indicate that filters have not been applied");
 addInfoDef(&vcfSpecGtFormatDefs, vcfGtLikelihoods, -1, vcfInfoFloat,
 	   "Genotype likelihoods comprised of comma separated floating point "
 	   "log10-scaled likelihoods for all possible genotypes given the set "
 	   "of alleles defined in the REF and ALT fields. ");
 addInfoDef(&vcfSpecGtFormatDefs, vcfGtPhred, -1, vcfInfoInteger,
 	   "Phred-scaled genotype likelihoods rounded to the closest integer "
 	   "(and otherwise defined precisely as the genotype likelihoods (GL) field)");
 addInfoDef(&vcfSpecGtFormatDefs, vcfGtConditionalQual, -1, vcfInfoFloat,
 	   "phred-scaled genotype posterior probabilities "
 	   "(and otherwise defined precisely as the genotype likelihoods (GL) field)"
 	   "; intended to store imputed genotype probabilities");
 addInfoDef(&vcfSpecGtFormatDefs, vcfGtHaplotypeQualities, 2, vcfInfoFloat,
 	   "Two comma-separated phred-scaled haplotype qualities");
 addInfoDef(&vcfSpecGtFormatDefs, vcfGtPhaseSet, 1, vcfInfoFloat,
 	   "A set of phased genotypes to which this genotype belongs");
 addInfoDef(&vcfSpecGtFormatDefs, vcfGtPhasingQuality, 1, vcfInfoFloat,
 	   "Phasing quality, the phred-scaled probability that alleles are ordered "
 	   "incorrectly in a heterozygote (against all other members in the phase set)");
 addInfoDef(&vcfSpecGtFormatDefs, vcfGtExpectedAltAlleleCount, 1, vcfInfoFloat,
 	   "Expected alternate allele count (typically used in association analyses)");
 static bool vcfFileStopDueToErrors(struct vcfFile *vcff)
 /* determine if we should stop due to the number of errors */
 return vcff->errCnt > vcff->maxErr;
 static void vcfFileErr(struct vcfFile *vcff, char *format, ...)
 #if defined(__GNUC__)
 __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3)))
 static void vcfFileErr(struct vcfFile *vcff, char *format, ...)
 /* Send error message to errabort stack's warn handler and abort */
 if (vcff->maxErr == VCF_IGNORE_ERRS)
 va_list args;
 va_start(args, format);
 char formatPlus[1024];
 if (vcff->lf != NULL)
     sprintf(formatPlus, "%s:%d: %s", vcff->lf->fileName, vcff->lf->lineIx, format);
     strcpy(formatPlus, format);
 vaWarn(formatPlus, args);
 if (vcfFileStopDueToErrors(vcff))
     errAbort("VCF: %d parser errors, quitting", vcff->errCnt);
 static void *vcfFileAlloc(struct vcfFile *vcff, size_t size)
 /* Use vcff's local mem to allocate memory. */
 return lmAlloc( vcfFileLm(vcff), size);
 INLINE char *vcfFileCloneStrZ(struct vcfFile *vcff, char *str, size_t size)
 /* Use vcff's local mem to allocate memory for a string and copy it. */
 return lmCloneStringZ( vcfFileLm(vcff), str, size);
 INLINE char *vcfFileCloneStr(struct vcfFile *vcff, char *str)
 /* Use vcff's local mem to allocate memory for a string and copy it. */
 return vcfFileCloneStrZ(vcff, str, strlen(str));
 INLINE char *vcfFileCloneSubstr(struct vcfFile *vcff, char *line, regmatch_t substr)
 /* Allocate memory for and copy a substring of line. */
 return vcfFileCloneStrZ(vcff, line+substr.rm_so, (substr.rm_eo - substr.rm_so));
 #define vcfFileCloneVar(vcff, var) lmCloneMem( vcfFileLm(vcff), var, sizeof(var))
 char *vcfFilePooledStr(struct vcfFile *vcff, char *str)
 /* Allocate memory for a string from vcff's shared string pool. */
 return hashStoreName(vcff->pool, str);  // Always stored in main pool, not reuse pool
 static enum vcfInfoType vcfInfoTypeFromSubstr(struct vcfFile *vcff, char *line, regmatch_t substr)
 /* Translate substring of line into vcfInfoType or complain. */
 char typeWord[16];
 int substrLen = substr.rm_eo - substr.rm_so;
 if (substrLen > sizeof(typeWord) - 1)
     vcfFileErr(vcff, "substring passed to vcfInfoTypeFromSubstr is too long.");
     return vcfInfoNoType;
 safencpy(typeWord, sizeof(typeWord), line + substr.rm_so, substrLen);
 if (sameString("Integer", typeWord))
     return vcfInfoInteger;
 if (sameString("Float", typeWord))
     return vcfInfoFloat;
 if (sameString("Flag", typeWord))
     return vcfInfoFlag;
 if (sameString("Character", typeWord))
     return vcfInfoCharacter;
 if (sameString("String", typeWord))
     return vcfInfoString;
 vcfFileErr(vcff, "Unrecognized type word \"%s\" in metadata line \"%s\"", typeWord, line);
 return vcfInfoNoType;
 // Regular expressions to check format and extract information from header lines:
 static const char *fileformatRegex = "^##(file)?format=VCFv([0-9]+)(\\.([0-9]+))?$";
 static const char *infoOrFormatRegex =
 static const char *filterOrAltRegex =
 // VCF version 3.3 was different enough to warrant separate regexes:
 static const char *infoOrFormatRegex3_3 =
 static const char *filterRegex3_3 =
 INLINE void nonAsciiWorkaround(char *line)
 // Workaround for annoying 3-byte quote marks included in some 1000 Genomes files:
 (void)strSwapStrs(line, strlen(line)+1, "\342\200\234", "\"");
 (void)strSwapStrs(line, strlen(line)+1, "\342\200\235", "\"");
 static void parseMetadataLine(struct vcfFile *vcff, char *line)
 /* Parse a VCF header line beginning with "##" that defines a metadata. */
 char *ptr = line;
 if (ptr == NULL && !startsWith(ptr, "##"))
     errAbort("Bad line passed to parseMetadataLine");
 ptr += 2;
 char *firstEq = strchr(ptr, '=');
 if (firstEq == NULL)
+    if (vcff->majorVersion >= 4)
 	vcfFileErr(vcff, "Metadata line lacks '=': \"%s\"", line);
 regmatch_t substrs[8];
 // Some of the metadata lines are crucial for parsing the rest of the file:
 if (startsWith("##fileformat=", line) || startsWith("##format", line))
     if (regexMatchSubstr(line, fileformatRegex, substrs, ArraySize(substrs)))
 	// substrs[2] is major version #, substrs[3] is set only if there is a minor version,
 	// and substrs[4] is the minor version #.
 	vcff->majorVersion = atoi(line + substrs[2].rm_so);
 	if (substrs[3].rm_so != -1)
 	    vcff->minorVersion = atoi(line + substrs[4].rm_so);
 	vcfFileErr(vcff, "##fileformat line does not match expected pattern /%s/: \"%s\"",
 		   fileformatRegex, line);
 else if (startsWith("##INFO=", line) || startsWith("##FORMAT=", line))
     boolean isInfo = startsWith("##INFO=", line);
     if (regexMatchSubstr(line, infoOrFormatRegex, substrs, ArraySize(substrs)) ||
 	regexMatchSubstr(line, infoOrFormatRegex3_3, substrs, ArraySize(substrs)))
 	// substrs[2] is ID/key, substrs[3] is Number, [4] is Type and [5] is Description.
 	struct vcfInfoDef *def = vcfFileAlloc(vcff, sizeof(struct vcfInfoDef));
 	def->key = vcfFileCloneSubstr(vcff, line, substrs[2]);
 	char *number = vcfFileCloneSubstr(vcff, line, substrs[3]);
 	if (sameString(number, ".") || sameString(number, "A") || sameString(number, "G"))
 	    // A is #alts which varies line-to-line; "G" is #genotypes which we haven't
 	    // yet seen.  Why is there a G here -- shouldn't such attributes go in the
 	    // genotype columns?
 	    def->fieldCount = -1;
 	    def->fieldCount = atoi(number);
 	def->type = vcfInfoTypeFromSubstr(vcff, line, substrs[4]);
 	// greedy regex pulls in end quote, trim if found:
 	if (line[substrs[5].rm_eo-1] == '"')
 	    line[substrs[5].rm_eo-1] = '\0';
 	def->description = vcfFileCloneSubstr(vcff, line, substrs[5]);
 	slAddHead((isInfo ? &(vcff->infoDefs) : &(vcff->gtFormatDefs)), def);
 	vcfFileErr(vcff, "##%s line does not match expected pattern /%s/ or /%s/: \"%s\"",
 		   (isInfo ? "INFO" : "FORMAT"), infoOrFormatRegex, infoOrFormatRegex3_3, line);
 else if (startsWith("##FILTER=", line) || startsWith("##ALT=", line))
     boolean isFilter = startsWith("##FILTER", line);
     if (regexMatchSubstr(line, filterOrAltRegex, substrs, ArraySize(substrs)) ||
 	regexMatchSubstr(line, filterRegex3_3, substrs, ArraySize(substrs)))
 	// substrs[2] is ID/key, substrs[4] is Description.
 	struct vcfInfoDef *def = vcfFileAlloc(vcff, sizeof(struct vcfInfoDef));
 	def->key = vcfFileCloneSubstr(vcff, line, substrs[2]);
 	def->description = vcfFileCloneSubstr(vcff, line, substrs[4]);
 	slAddHead((isFilter ? &(vcff->filterDefs) : &(vcff->altDefs)), def);
 	if (isFilter)
 	    vcfFileErr(vcff, "##FILTER line does not match expected pattern /%s/ or /%s/: \"%s\"",
 		       filterOrAltRegex, filterRegex3_3, line);
 	    vcfFileErr(vcff, "##ALT line does not match expected pattern /%s/: \"%s\"",
 		       filterOrAltRegex, line);
 static void expectColumnName2(struct vcfFile *vcff, char *exp1, char *exp2, char *words[], int ix)
 /* Every file must include a header naming the columns, though most column names are
  * fixed; make sure the names of fixed columns are as expected. */
 if (! sameString(exp1, words[ix]))
     if (exp2 == NULL)
 	vcfFileErr(vcff, "Expected column %d's name in header to be \"%s\" but got \"%s\"",
 		   ix+1, exp1, words[ix]);
     else if (! sameString(exp2, words[ix]))
 	vcfFileErr(vcff, "Expected column %d's name in header to be \"%s\"  or \"%s\" "
 		   "but got \"%s\"", ix+1, exp1, exp2, words[ix]);
 #define expectColumnName(vcff, exp, words, ix) expectColumnName2(vcff, exp, NULL, words, ix)
 // There might be a whole lot of genotype columns...
 #define VCF_MAX_COLUMNS 16 * 1024
 static void parseColumnHeaderRow(struct vcfFile *vcff, char *line)
 /* Make sure column names are as we expect, and store genotype sample IDs if any are given. */
 if (line[0] != '#')
     vcfFileErr(vcff, "Expected to find # followed by column names (\"#CHROM POS ...\"), "
 	       "not \"%s\"", line);
 char *words[VCF_MAX_COLUMNS];
 int wordCount = chopLine(line+1, words);
 if (wordCount >= VCF_MAX_COLUMNS)
     vcfFileErr(vcff, "header contains at least %d columns; "
 	       "VCF_MAX_COLUMNS may need to be increased in vcf.c!", VCF_MAX_COLUMNS);
 expectColumnName(vcff, "CHROM", words, 0);
 expectColumnName(vcff, "POS", words, 1);
 expectColumnName(vcff, "ID", words, 2);
 expectColumnName(vcff, "REF", words, 3);
 expectColumnName(vcff, "ALT", words, 4);
 expectColumnName2(vcff, "QUAL", "PROB", words, 5);
 expectColumnName(vcff, "FILTER", words, 6);
 expectColumnName(vcff, "INFO", words, 7);
 if (wordCount > 8)
     expectColumnName(vcff, "FORMAT", words, 8);
     if (wordCount < 10)
 	vcfFileErr(vcff, "FORMAT column is given, but no sample IDs for genotype columns...?");
     vcff->genotypeCount = (wordCount - 9);
     vcff->genotypeIds = vcfFileAlloc(vcff, vcff->genotypeCount * sizeof(char *));
     int i;
     for (i = 9;  i < wordCount;  i++)
 	vcff->genotypeIds[i-9] = vcfFileCloneStr(vcff, words[i]);
 struct vcfFile *vcfFileNew()
 /* Return a new, empty vcfFile object. */
 struct vcfFile *vcff = NULL;
 vcff->pool = hashNew(0);
 vcff->reusePool = NULL;  // Must explicitly request a separate record pool
 return vcff;
 void vcfFileMakeReusePool(struct vcfFile *vcff, int initialSize)
 // Creates a separate memory pool for records.  Establishing this pool allows
 // using vcfFileFlushRecords to abandon previously read records and free
 // the associated memory. Very useful when reading an entire file in batches.
 assert(vcff->reusePool == NULL); // don't duplicate this
 vcff->reusePool = lmInit(initialSize);
 void vcfFileFlushRecords(struct vcfFile *vcff)
 // Abandons all previously read vcff->records and flushes the reuse pool (if it exists).
 // USE WITH CAUTION.  All previously allocated record pointers are now invalid.
 if (vcff->reusePool != NULL)
     size_t poolSize = lmSize(vcff->reusePool);
     //if (poolSize > (48 * 1024 * 1024))
     //    printf("\nReuse pool %ld of %ld unused\n",lmAvailable(vcff->reusePool),poolSize);
     vcff->reusePool = lmInit(poolSize);
 vcff->records = NULL;
 static struct vcfFile *vcfFileHeaderFromLineFile(struct lineFile *lf, int maxErr)
 /* Parse a VCF file into a vcfFile object.  If maxErr not zero, then
  * continue to parse until this number of error have been reached.  A maxErr
  * less than zero does not stop and reports all errors.
  * Set maxErr to VCF_IGNORE_ERRS for silence */
 if (lf == NULL)
     return NULL;
 struct vcfFile *vcff = vcfFileNew();
 vcff->lf = lf;
 vcff->fileOrUrl = vcfFileCloneStr(vcff, lf->fileName);
 vcff->maxErr = (maxErr < 0) ? INT_MAX : maxErr;
 struct dyString *dyHeader = dyStringNew(1024);
 char *line = NULL;
 // First, metadata lines beginning with "##":
 while (lineFileNext(lf, &line, NULL) && startsWith("##", line))
     dyStringAppend(dyHeader, line);
     dyStringAppendC(dyHeader, '\n');
     parseMetadataLine(vcff, line);
 // Did we get the bare minimum VCF header with supported version?
 if (vcff->majorVersion == 0)
     vcfFileErr(vcff, "missing ##fileformat= header line?  Assuming 4.1.");
 if ((vcff->majorVersion != 4 || (vcff->minorVersion != 0 && vcff->minorVersion != 1)) &&
     (vcff->majorVersion != 3))
     vcfFileErr(vcff, "VCFv%d.%d not supported -- only v3.*, v4.0 or v4.1",
 	       vcff->majorVersion, vcff->minorVersion);
 // Next, one header line beginning with single "#" that names the columns:
 if (line == NULL)
     // EOF after metadata
     return vcff;
 dyStringAppend(dyHeader, line);
 dyStringAppendC(dyHeader, '\n');
 parseColumnHeaderRow(vcff, line);
 vcff->headerString = dyStringCannibalize(&dyHeader);
 return vcff;
 #define VCF_MAX_INFO 512
 static void parseRefAndAlt(struct vcfFile *vcff, struct vcfRecord *record, char *ref, char *alt)
 /* Make an array of alleles, ref first, from the REF and comma-sep'd ALT columns.
  * Use the length of the reference sequence to set record->chromEnd.
  * Note: this trashes the alt argument, since this is expected to be its last use. */
 char *altAlleles[VCF_MAX_INFO];
 int altCount = chopCommas(alt, altAlleles);
 record->alleleCount = 1 + altCount;
 record->alleles = vcfFileAlloc(vcff, record->alleleCount * sizeof(record->alleles[0]));
 record->alleles[0] = vcfFilePooledStr(vcff, ref);
 int i;
 for (i = 0;  i < altCount;  i++)
     record->alleles[1+i] = vcfFilePooledStr(vcff, altAlleles[i]);
 int refLen = strlen(ref);
 if (refLen == dnaFilteredSize(ref))
     record->chromEnd = record->chromStart + refLen;
 static void parseFilterColumn(struct vcfFile *vcff, struct vcfRecord *record, char *filterStr)
 /* Transform ;-separated filter codes into count + string array. */
 // We don't want to modify something allocated with vcfFilePooledStr because that uses
 // hash element names for storage!  So don't make a vcfFilePooledStr copy of filterStr and
 // chop that; instead, chop a temp string and pool the words separately.
 static struct dyString *tmp = NULL;
 if (tmp == NULL)
     tmp = dyStringNew(0);
 dyStringAppend(tmp, filterStr);
 record->filterCount = countChars(filterStr, ';') + 1;
 record->filters = vcfFileAlloc(vcff, record->filterCount * sizeof(char **));
 (void)chopByChar(tmp->string, ';', record->filters, record->filterCount);
 int i;
 for (i = 0;  i < record->filterCount;  i++)
     record->filters[i] = vcfFilePooledStr(vcff, record->filters[i]);
 struct vcfInfoDef *vcfInfoDefForKey(struct vcfFile *vcff, const char *key)
 /* Return infoDef for key, or NULL if it wasn't specified in the header or VCF spec. */
 struct vcfInfoDef *def;
 // I expect there to be fairly few definitions (less than a dozen) so
 // I'm just doing a linear search not hash:
 for (def = vcff->infoDefs;  def != NULL;  def = def->next)
     if (sameString(key, def->key))
 	return def;
 for (def = vcfSpecInfoDefs;  def != NULL;  def = def->next)
     if (sameString(key, def->key))
 	return def;
 return NULL;
 static enum vcfInfoType typeForInfoKey(struct vcfFile *vcff, const char *key)
 /* Look up the type of INFO component key, in the definitions from the header,
  * and failing that, from the keys reserved in the spec. */
 struct vcfInfoDef *def = vcfInfoDefForKey(vcff, key);
 if (def == NULL)
     vcfFileErr(vcff, "There is no INFO header defining \"%s\"", key);
     // default to string so we can display value as-is:
     return vcfInfoString;
 return def->type;
 static int parseInfoValue(struct vcfRecord *record, char *infoKey, enum vcfInfoType type,
 			  char *valStr, union vcfDatum **pData, bool **pMissingData)
 /* Parse a comma-separated list of values into array of union vcfInfoDatum and return count. */
 char *valWords[VCF_MAX_INFO];
 int count = chopCommas(valStr, valWords);
 struct vcfFile *vcff = record->file;
 union vcfDatum *data = vcfFileAlloc(vcff, count * sizeof(union vcfDatum));
 bool *missingData = vcfFileAlloc(vcff, count * sizeof(*missingData));
 int j;
 for (j = 0;  j < count;  j++)
     if (type != vcfInfoString && type != vcfInfoCharacter && sameString(valWords[j], "."))
 	missingData[j] = TRUE;
     switch (type)
 	case vcfInfoInteger:
 	    data[j].datInt = atoi(valWords[j]);
 	case vcfInfoFloat:
 	    data[j].datFloat = atof(valWords[j]);
 	case vcfInfoFlag:
 	    // Flag key might have a value in older VCFs e.g. 3.2's DB=0, DB=1
 	    data[j].datString = vcfFilePooledStr(vcff, valWords[j]);
 	case vcfInfoCharacter:
 	    data[j].datChar = valWords[j][0];
 	case vcfInfoString:
 	    data[j].datString = vcfFilePooledStr(vcff, valWords[j]);
 	    errAbort("invalid vcfInfoType (uninitialized?) %d", type);
 // If END is given, use it as chromEnd:
 if (sameString(infoKey, vcfInfoEnd))
     record->chromEnd = data[0].datInt;
 *pData = data;
 *pMissingData = missingData;
 return count;
 static void parseInfoColumn(struct vcfFile *vcff, struct vcfRecord *record, char *string)
 /* Translate string into array of vcfInfoElement. */
 if (sameString(string, "."))
     record->infoCount = 0;
 char *elWords[VCF_MAX_INFO];
 record->infoCount = chopByChar(string, ';', elWords, ArraySize(elWords));
 if (record->infoCount >= VCF_MAX_INFO)
     vcfFileErr(vcff, "INFO column contains at least %d elements; "
 	       "VCF_MAX_INFO may need to be increased in vcf.c!", VCF_MAX_INFO);
 record->infoElements = vcfFileAlloc(vcff, record->infoCount * sizeof(struct vcfInfoElement));
 char *emptyString = vcfFilePooledStr(vcff, "");
 int i;
 for (i = 0;  i < record->infoCount;  i++)
     char *elStr = elWords[i];
     char *eq = strchr(elStr, '=');
     struct vcfInfoElement *el = &(record->infoElements[i]);
     if (eq == NULL)
 	el->key = vcfFilePooledStr(vcff, elStr);
 	enum vcfInfoType type = typeForInfoKey(vcff, el->key);
 	if (type != vcfInfoFlag)
 	    struct vcfInfoDef *def = vcfInfoDefForKey(vcff, el->key);
 	    // Complain only if we are expecting a particular number of values for this keyword:
 	    if (def != NULL && def->fieldCount >= 0)
 		vcfFileErr(vcff, "Missing = after key in INFO element: \"%s\" (type=%d)",
 			   elStr, type);
 	    if (type == vcfInfoString)
 		el->values = vcfFileAlloc(vcff, sizeof(union vcfDatum));
 		el->values[0].datString = emptyString;
     *eq = '\0';
     el->key = vcfFilePooledStr(vcff, elStr);
     enum vcfInfoType type = typeForInfoKey(vcff, el->key);
     char *valStr = eq+1;
     el->count = parseInfoValue(record, el->key, type, valStr, &(el->values), &(el->missingData));
     if (el->count >= VCF_MAX_INFO)
 	vcfFileErr(vcff, "A single element of the INFO column has at least %d values; "
 	       "VCF_MAX_INFO may need to be increased in vcf.c!", VCF_MAX_INFO);
 struct vcfRecord *vcfRecordFromRow(struct vcfFile *vcff, char **words)
 /* Parse words from a VCF data line into a VCF record structure. */
 struct vcfRecord *record = vcfFileAlloc(vcff, sizeof(struct vcfRecord));
 record->file = vcff;
 record->chrom = vcfFilePooledStr(vcff, words[0]);
 record->chromStart = lineFileNeedNum(vcff->lf, words, 1) - 1;
 // chromEnd may be overwritten by parseRefAndAlt and parseInfoColumn.
 record->chromEnd = record->chromStart+1;
 record->name = vcfFilePooledStr(vcff, words[2]);
 parseRefAndAlt(vcff, record, words[3], words[4]);
 record->qual = vcfFilePooledStr(vcff, words[5]);
 parseFilterColumn(vcff, record, words[6]);
 parseInfoColumn(vcff, record, words[7]);
 if (vcff->genotypeCount > 0)
     record->format = vcfFilePooledStr(vcff, words[8]);
     record->genotypeUnparsedStrings = vcfFileAlloc(vcff,
 						   vcff->genotypeCount * sizeof(char *));
     int i;
     // Don't bother actually parsing all these until & unless we need the info:
     for (i = 0;  i < vcff->genotypeCount;  i++)
 	record->genotypeUnparsedStrings[i] = vcfFileCloneStr(vcff, words[9+i]);
 return record;
 struct vcfRecord *vcfNextRecord(struct vcfFile *vcff)
 /* Parse the words in the next line from vcff into a vcfRecord. Return NULL at end of file.
  * Note: this does not store record in vcff->records! */
 char *words[VCF_MAX_COLUMNS];
 int wordCount;
 if ((wordCount = lineFileChop(vcff->lf, words)) <= 0)
     return NULL;
 int expected = 8;
 if (vcff->genotypeCount > 0)
     expected = 9 + vcff->genotypeCount;
 lineFileExpectWords(vcff->lf, expected, wordCount);
 return vcfRecordFromRow(vcff, words);
 static boolean allelesHavePaddingBase(char **alleles, int alleleCount)
 /* Examine alleles to see if they either a) all start with the same base or
  * b) include a symbolic or 0-length allele.  In either of those cases, there
  * must be an initial padding base that we'll need to trim from non-symbolic
  * alleles. */
 boolean hasPaddingBase = TRUE;
 char firstBase = '\0';
 if (isAllNt(alleles[0], strlen(alleles[0])))
     firstBase = alleles[0][0];
 int i;
 for (i = 1;  i < alleleCount;  i++)
     if (isAllNt(alleles[i], strlen(alleles[i])))
 	if (firstBase == '\0')
 	    firstBase = alleles[i][0];
 	if (alleles[i][0] != firstBase)
 	    // Different first base implies unpadded alleles.
 	    hasPaddingBase = FALSE;
 	// Symbolic ALT allele: REF must have the padding base.
 	hasPaddingBase = TRUE;
 return hasPaddingBase;
 unsigned int vcfRecordTrimIndelLeftBase(struct vcfRecord *rec)
 /* For indels, VCF includes the left neighboring base; for example, if the alleles are
  * AA/- following a G base, then the VCF record will start one base to the left and have
  * "GAA" and "G" as the alleles.  Also, if any alt allele is symbolic (e.g. <DEL>) then
  * the ref allele must have a padding base.
  * That is not nice for display for two reasons:
  * 1. Indels appear one base wider than their dbSNP entries.
  * 2. In pgSnp display mode, the two alleles are always the same color.
  * However, for hgTracks' mapBox we need the correct chromStart for identifying the
  * record in hgc -- so return the original chromStart. */
 unsigned int chromStartOrig = rec->chromStart;
 struct vcfFile *vcff = rec->file;
 if (rec->alleleCount > 1)
     boolean hasPaddingBase = allelesHavePaddingBase(rec->alleles, rec->alleleCount);
     if (hasPaddingBase)
 	int i;
 	for (i = 0;  i < rec->alleleCount;  i++)
 	    if (rec->alleles[i][1] == '\0')
 		rec->alleles[i] = vcfFilePooledStr(vcff, "-");
 	    else if (isAllNt(rec->alleles[i], strlen(rec->alleles[i])))
 		rec->alleles[i] = vcfFilePooledStr(vcff, rec->alleles[i]+1);
 	    else // don't trim first character of symbolic allele
 		rec->alleles[i] = vcfFilePooledStr(vcff, rec->alleles[i]);
 return chromStartOrig;
 static struct vcfRecord *vcfParseData(struct vcfFile *vcff, int maxRecords)
 // Given a vcfFile into which the header has been parsed, and whose
 // lineFile is positioned at the beginning of a data row, parse and
 // return all data rows from lineFile.
 if (vcff == NULL)
     return NULL;
 int recCount = 0;
 struct vcfRecord *records = NULL;
 struct vcfRecord *record;
 while ((record = vcfNextRecord(vcff)) != NULL)
     if (maxRecords >= 0 && recCount >= maxRecords)
     slAddHead(&records, record);
 return records;
 struct vcfFile *vcfFileMayOpen(char *fileOrUrl, int maxErr, int maxRecords, boolean parseAll)
 /* Open fileOrUrl and parse VCF header; return NULL if unable.
  * If parseAll, then read in all lines, parse and store in
  * vcff->records; if maxErr >= zero, then continue to parse until
  * there are maxErr+1 errors.  A maxErr less than zero does not stop
  * and reports all errors. Set maxErr to VCF_IGNORE_ERRS for silence */
 struct lineFile *lf = NULL;
 if (startsWith("http://", fileOrUrl) || startsWith("ftp://", fileOrUrl) ||
     startsWith("https://", fileOrUrl))
     lf = netLineFileOpen(fileOrUrl);
     lf = lineFileMayOpen(fileOrUrl, TRUE);
 struct vcfFile *vcff = vcfFileHeaderFromLineFile(lf, maxErr);
 if (parseAll)
     vcff->records = vcfParseData(vcff, maxRecords);
     lineFileClose(&(vcff->lf)); // Not sure why it is closed.  Angie?
 return vcff;
 struct vcfFile *vcfTabixFileMayOpen(char *fileOrUrl, char *chrom, int start, int end,
 				    int maxErr, int maxRecords)
 /* Open a VCF file that has been compressed and indexed by tabix and
  * parse VCF header, or return NULL if unable.  If chrom is non-NULL,
  * seek to the position range and parse all lines in range into
  * vcff->records.  If maxErr >= zero, then continue to parse until
  * there are maxErr+1 errors.  A maxErr less than zero does not stop
  * and reports all errors. Set maxErr to VCF_IGNORE_ERRS for silence */
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileTabixMayOpen(fileOrUrl, TRUE);
 struct vcfFile *vcff = vcfFileHeaderFromLineFile(lf, maxErr);
 if (vcff == NULL)
     return NULL;
 if (isNotEmpty(chrom) && start != end)
     if (lineFileSetTabixRegion(lf, chrom, start, end))
         vcff->records = vcfParseData(vcff, maxRecords);
         lineFileClose(&(vcff->lf)); // Not sure why it is closed.  Angie?
 return vcff;
 int vcfRecordCmp(const void *va, const void *vb)
 /* Compare to sort based on position. */
 const struct vcfRecord *a = *((struct vcfRecord **)va);
 const struct vcfRecord *b = *((struct vcfRecord **)vb);
 int dif;
 dif = strcmp(a->chrom, b->chrom);
 if (dif == 0)
     dif = a->chromStart - b->chromStart;
 if (dif == 0)
     dif = a->chromEnd - b->chromEnd; // shortest first
 if (dif == 0)
     dif = strcmp(a->name, b->name);  // finally by name
 return dif;
 int vcfTabixBatchRead(struct vcfFile *vcff, char *chrom, int start, int end,
                       int maxErr, int maxRecords)
 // Reads a batch of records from an opened and indexed VCF file, adding them to
 // vcff->records and returning the count of new records added in this batch.
 // Note: vcff->records will continue to be sorted, even if batches are loaded
 // out of order.  Additionally, resulting vcff->records will contain no duplicates
 // so returned count refects only the new records added, as opposed to all records
 // in range.  If maxErr >= zero, then continue to parse until there are maxErr+1
 // errors.  A maxErr less than zero does not stop and reports all errors.  Set
 // maxErr to VCF_IGNORE_ERRS for silence.
 int oldCount = slCount(vcff->records);
 if (lineFileSetTabixRegion(vcff->lf, chrom, start, end))
     struct vcfRecord *records = vcfParseData(vcff, maxRecords);
     if (records)
         struct vcfRecord *lastRec = vcff->records;
         if (lastRec == NULL)
             vcff->records = records;
             // Considered just asserting the batches were in order, but a problem may
             // result when non-overlapping location windows pick up the same long variant.
             slSortMergeUniq(&(vcff->records), records, vcfRecordCmp, NULL);
 return slCount(vcff->records) - oldCount;
 void vcfFileFree(struct vcfFile **pVcff)
 /* Free a vcfFile object. */
 if (pVcff == NULL || *pVcff == NULL)
 struct vcfFile *vcff = *pVcff;
 if (vcff->maxErr == VCF_IGNORE_ERRS && vcff->errCnt > 0)
     vcff->maxErr++; // Never completely silent!  Go ahead and report how many errs were detected
     vcfFileErr(vcff,"Closing with %d errors.",vcff->errCnt);
 if (vcff->reusePool)
 const struct vcfRecord *vcfFileFindVariant(struct vcfFile *vcff, char *variantId)
 /* Return all records with name=variantId, or NULL if not found. */
 struct vcfRecord *varList = NULL;
 if (vcff->byName == NULL)
     vcff->byName = hashNew(0);
     struct vcfRecord *rec;
     for (rec = vcff->records;  rec != NULL;  rec = rec->next)
 	if (sameString(rec->name, variantId))
 	    // Make shallow copy of rec so we can alter ->next:
 	    struct vcfRecord *newRec = vcfFileCloneVar(vcff,rec);
 	    slAddHead(&varList, newRec);
 	hashAdd(vcff->byName, rec->name, rec);
     struct hashEl *hel = hashLookup(vcff->byName, variantId);
     while (hel != NULL)
 	if (sameString(hel->name, variantId))
 	    struct vcfRecord *rec = hel->val;
 	    struct vcfRecord *newRec = vcfFileCloneVar(vcff,rec);
 	    slAddHead(&varList, newRec);
 	hel = hel->next;
     // Don't reverse varList -- hash element list was already reversed
 return varList;
 const struct vcfInfoElement *vcfRecordFindInfo(const struct vcfRecord *record, char *key)
 /* Find an INFO element, or NULL. */
 int i;
 for (i = 0;  i < record->infoCount;  i++)
     if (sameString(key, record->infoElements[i].key))
 	return &(record->infoElements[i]);
 return NULL;
 struct vcfInfoDef *vcfInfoDefForGtKey(struct vcfFile *vcff, const char *key)
 /* Look up the type of genotype FORMAT component key, in the definitions from the header,
  * and failing that, from the keys reserved in the spec. */
 struct vcfInfoDef *def;
 // I expect there to be fairly few definitions (less than a dozen) so
 // I'm just doing a linear search not hash:
 for (def = vcff->gtFormatDefs;  def != NULL;  def = def->next)
     if (sameString(key, def->key))
 	return def;
 for (def = vcfSpecGtFormatDefs;  def != NULL;  def = def->next)
     if (sameString(key, def->key))
 	return def;
 return NULL;
 static enum vcfInfoType typeForGtFormat(struct vcfFile *vcff, const char *key)
 /* Look up the type of FORMAT component key, in the definitions from the header,
  * and failing that, from the keys reserved in the spec. */
 struct vcfInfoDef *def = vcfInfoDefForGtKey(vcff, key);
 if (def == NULL)
     vcfFileErr(vcff, "There is no FORMAT header defining \"%s\"", key);
     // default to string so we can display value as-is:
     return vcfInfoString;
 return def->type;
 void vcfParseGenotypes(struct vcfRecord *record)
 /* Translate record->genotypesUnparsedStrings[] into proper struct vcfGenotype[].
  * This destroys genotypesUnparsedStrings. */
 if (record->genotypeUnparsedStrings == NULL)
 struct vcfFile *vcff = record->file;
 record->genotypes = vcfFileAlloc(vcff, vcff->genotypeCount * sizeof(struct vcfGenotype));
 char format[VCF_MAX_FORMAT_LEN];
 safecpy(format, sizeof(format), record->format);
 char *formatWords[VCF_MAX_FORMAT];
 int formatWordCount = chopByChar(format, ':', formatWords, ArraySize(formatWords));
 if (formatWordCount >= VCF_MAX_FORMAT)
     vcfFileErr(vcff, "The FORMAT column has at least %d words; "
 	       "VCF_MAX_FORMAT may need to be increased in vcf.c!", VCF_MAX_FORMAT);
     formatWordCount = VCF_MAX_FORMAT;
 if (differentString(formatWords[0], vcfGtGenotype))
     vcfFileErr(vcff, "FORMAT column should begin with \"%s\" but begins with \"%s\"",
 	       vcfGtGenotype, formatWords[0]);
 int i;
 // Store the pooled format word pointers and associated types for use in inner loop below.
 enum vcfInfoType formatTypes[VCF_MAX_FORMAT];
 for (i = 0;  i < formatWordCount;  i++)
     formatTypes[i] = typeForGtFormat(vcff, formatWords[i]);
     formatWords[i] = vcfFilePooledStr(vcff, formatWords[i]);
 for (i = 0;  i < vcff->genotypeCount;  i++)
     char *string = record->genotypeUnparsedStrings[i];
     struct vcfGenotype *gt = &(record->genotypes[i]);
     // Each genotype can have multiple :-separated info elements:
     char *gtWords[VCF_MAX_FORMAT];
     int gtWordCount = chopByChar(string, ':', gtWords, ArraySize(gtWords));
     if (gtWordCount != formatWordCount)
 	vcfFileErr(vcff, "The FORMAT column has %d words but the genotype column for %s "
 		   "has %d words", formatWordCount, vcff->genotypeIds[i], gtWordCount);
     if (gtWordCount > formatWordCount)
 	gtWordCount = formatWordCount;
     gt->id = vcff->genotypeIds[i];
     gt->infoCount = gtWordCount;
     gt->infoElements = vcfFileAlloc(vcff, gtWordCount * sizeof(struct vcfInfoElement));
     int j;
     for (j = 0;  j < gtWordCount;  j++)
 	// Special parsing of genotype:
 	if (sameString(formatWords[j], vcfGtGenotype))
 	    char *genotype = gtWords[j];
 	    char *sep = strchr(genotype, '|');
 	    if (sep != NULL)
 		gt->isPhased = TRUE;
 		sep = strchr(genotype, '/');
 	    if (genotype[0] == '.')
 		gt->hapIxA = -1;
 		gt->hapIxA = atoi(genotype);
 	    if (sep == NULL)
 		gt->isHaploid = TRUE;
 	    else if (sep[1] == '.')
 		gt->hapIxB = -1;
 		gt->hapIxB = atoi(sep+1);
 	struct vcfInfoElement *el = &(gt->infoElements[j]);
 	el->key = formatWords[j];
 	el->count = parseInfoValue(record, formatWords[j], formatTypes[j], gtWords[j],
 				   &(el->values), &(el->missingData));
 	if (el->count >= VCF_MAX_INFO)
 	    vcfFileErr(vcff, "A single element of the genotype column for \"%s\" "
 		       "has at least %d values; "
 		       "VCF_MAX_INFO may need to be increased in vcf.c!",
 		       gt->id, VCF_MAX_INFO);
 record->genotypeUnparsedStrings = NULL;
 const struct vcfGenotype *vcfRecordFindGenotype(struct vcfRecord *record, char *sampleId)
 /* Find the genotype and associated info for the individual, or return NULL.
  * This calls vcfParseGenotypes if it has not already been called. */
 struct vcfFile *vcff = record->file;
 if (sampleId == NULL || vcff->genotypeCount == 0)
     return NULL;
 int ix = stringArrayIx(sampleId, vcff->genotypeIds, vcff->genotypeCount);
 if (ix >= 0)
     return &(record->genotypes[ix]);
 return NULL;
 static char *vcfDataLineAutoSqlString =
         "table vcfDataLine"
         "\"The fields of a Variant Call Format data line\""
         "    ("
         "    string chrom;      \"An identifier from the reference genome\""
         "    uint pos;          \"The reference position, with the 1st base having position 1\""
         "    string id;         \"Semi-colon separated list of unique identifiers where available\""
         "    string ref;                \"Reference base(s)\""
         "    string alt;                \"Comma separated list of alternate non-reference alleles "
                                          "called on at least one of the samples\""
         "    string qual;       \"Phred-scaled quality score for the assertion made in ALT. i.e. "
                                  "give -10log_10 prob(call in ALT is wrong)\""
         "    string filter;     \"PASS if this position has passed all filters. Otherwise, a "
                                   "semicolon-separated list of codes for filters that fail\""
         "    string info;       \"Additional information encoded as a semicolon-separated series "
                                  "of short keys with optional comma-separated values\""
         "    string format;     \"If genotype columns are specified in header, a "
                                  "semicolon-separated list of of short keys starting with GT\""
         "    string genotypes;  \"If genotype columns are specified in header, a tab-separated "
                                  "set of genotype column values; each value is a colon-separated "
                                  "list of values corresponding to keys in the format column\""
         "    )";
 struct asObject *vcfAsObj()
 // Return asObject describing fields of VCF
 return asParseText(vcfDataLineAutoSqlString);
 char *vcfGetSlashSepAllelesFromWords(char **words, struct dyString *dy)
 /* Overwrite dy with a /-separated allele string from VCF words,
  * skipping the extra initial base that VCF requires for indel alleles if necessary.
  * Return dy->string for convenience. */
 // VCF reference allele gets its own column:
 char *refAllele = words[3];
 char *altAlleles = words[4];
 // Make a vcfRecord-like allele array (ref in [0], alts after) so we can check for padding base:
 int alCount = 1 + countChars(altAlleles, ',') + 1;
 char *alleles[alCount];
 alleles[0] = refAllele;
 dyStringAppend(dy, altAlleles);
 chopByChar(dy->string, ',', &(alleles[1]), alCount-1);
 boolean hasPaddingBase = allelesHavePaddingBase(alleles, alCount);
 int offset = hasPaddingBase ? 1 : 0;
 // Build a /-separated allele string, trimming first base if offset is 1:
 if (refAllele[offset] == '\0')
     dyStringAppendC(dy, '-');
     dyStringAppend(dy, refAllele+offset);
 if (isNotEmpty(altAlleles) && differentString(altAlleles, "."))
     // Read alleles from altAlleles because the contents of alleles[] are trashed
     // by our reuse of dy.
     char *p;
     while ((p = strchr(altAlleles, ',')) != NULL)
 	dyStringAppendC(dy, '/');
 	int len = p - altAlleles;
 	if (len-offset == 0)
 	    dyStringAppendC(dy, '-');
 	else if (isAllNt(altAlleles, len))
 	    dyStringAppendN(dy, altAlleles+offset, len-offset);
 	    dyStringAppendN(dy, altAlleles, len);  // symbolic
 	altAlleles = p+1;
     dyStringAppendC(dy, '/');
     int len = strlen(altAlleles);
     if (len-offset == 0)
 	dyStringAppendC(dy, '-');
     else if (isAllNt(altAlleles, len))
 	dyStringAppendN(dy, altAlleles+offset, len-offset);
 	dyStringAppendN(dy, altAlleles, len);  // symbolic
 return dy->string;