  Thu Jan 9 11:56:40 2014 -0800
Fixing usage message. Daniel was supposed to have already fixed this. Originally the utility was called mergeBigWig instead of bigWigCat. Also fixed capitalization problem for one function name that neede to start with lower-case letter.
diff --git src/utils/bigWigCat/bigWigCat.c src/utils/bigWigCat/bigWigCat.c
index a8be6dd..1b1dfbc 100644
--- src/utils/bigWigCat/bigWigCat.c
+++ src/utils/bigWigCat/bigWigCat.c
@@ -225,31 +225,31 @@
 AllocArray(summaryArray, count);
 summaryPtr = summaryArray;
 bbiWriteSummary(reductionLevel, inputFiles, inputFilesCount, f, &summaryPtr);
 bits64 indexOffset = ftell(f);
 cirTreeFileBulkIndexToOpenFile(summaryArray, sizeof(summaryArray[0]), count,
     blockSize, itemsPerSlot, NULL, bwmSectionFetchKey, bwmSectionFetchOffset, 
     indexOffset, f);
 return indexOffset;
-void MergedBwgCreate(struct bbiFile ** inBbiFiles, int inBbiFilesCount, 
+void mergedBwgCreate(struct bbiFile ** inBbiFiles, int inBbiFilesCount, 
 	int blockSize, int itemsPerSlot, boolean doCompress, char *fileName)
 FILE *f = mustOpen(fileName, "wb");
 bits32 sig = bigWigSig;
 bits16 version = bbiCurrentVersion;
 bits16 summaryCount = 0;
 struct bbiZoomLevel *zoom;
 for (zoom = inBbiFiles[0]->levelList; zoom; zoom = zoom->next)
 bits16 reserved16 = 0;
 bits32 reserved32 = 0;
 bits64 reserved64 = 0;
 bits64 dataOffset = 0, dataOffsetPos;
 bits64 indexOffset = 0, indexOffsetPos;
 bits64 chromTreeOffset = 0, chromTreeOffsetPos;
@@ -595,43 +595,43 @@
  * so that it could send the input in one chromosome at a time, and send in the zoom
  * stuff only after all the chromosomes are done.  This'd potentially reduce the memory
  * footprint by a factor of 2 or 4.  Still, for now it works. -JK */
 struct lm *lm = lmInit(0);
 struct bbiFile ** inBbiFiles;
 AllocArray(inBbiFiles, inNamesCount);
 int i;
 for (i = 0; i < inNamesCount; i++) 
     inBbiFiles[i] = bigWigFileOpen(inNames[i]);
 checkFileSettings(inNames, inBbiFiles, inNamesCount);
-MergedBwgCreate(inBbiFiles, inNamesCount, blockSize, itemsPerSlot, doCompress, outName);
+mergedBwgCreate(inBbiFiles, inNamesCount, blockSize, itemsPerSlot, doCompress, outName);
 void usage()
 /* Explain usage and exit. */
   "bigWigCat v %d - merge non-overlapping bigWig files\n" 
   "directly into bigWig format\n"
-  "   mergeBigWigs out.bw in1.bw in2.bw ...\n"
+  "   bigWigCat out.bw in1.bw in2.bw ...\n"
   "Where in*.bw is in big wig format\n"
   "and out.bw is the output indexed big wig file.\n"
   "   -itemsPerSlot=N - Number of data points bundled at lowest level. Default %d\n"
   , bbiCurrentVersion, itemsPerSlot
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 optionInit(&argc, argv, options);
 /* Process command line. */
 optionInit(&argc, argv, options);
 itemsPerSlot = optionInt("itemsPerSlot", itemsPerSlot);