  Thu Jan 9 06:49:36 2014 -0800
adding field descriptions, rm #12212
diff --git src/hg/lib/pubsBingBlatPsl.sql src/hg/lib/pubsBingBlatPsl.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efa1e7b
--- /dev/null
+++ src/hg/lib/pubsBingBlatPsl.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#publications track sequence matches as PSL plus two additional fields
+CREATE TABLE `pubsBlatPsl` (
+    matches int unsigned not null,	# Number of bases that match that aren't repeats
+    misMatches int unsigned not null,	# Number of bases that don't match
+    repMatches int unsigned not null,	# Number of bases that match but are part of repeats
+    nCount int unsigned not null,	# Number of 'N' bases
+    qNumInsert int unsigned not null,	# Number of inserts in query
+    qBaseInsert int unsigned not null,	# Number of bases inserted in query
+    tNumInsert int unsigned not null,	# Number of inserts in target
+    tBaseInsert int unsigned not null,	# Number of bases inserted in target
+    strand char(2) not null,	# + or - for query strand. second +/- for genomic strand
+    qName varchar(255) not null,	# sequence ID: 10 digits articleId, 3 digits file Id, 4 digits serial number
+    qSize int unsigned not null,	# Query sequence size
+    qStart int unsigned not null,	# Alignment start position in query
+    qEnd int unsigned not null,	# Alignment end position in query
+    tName varchar(255) not null,	# Target sequence name
+    tSize int unsigned not null,	# Target sequence size
+    tStart int unsigned not null,	# Alignment start position in target
+    tEnd int unsigned not null,	# Alignment end position in target
+    blockCount int unsigned not null,	# Number of blocks in alignment
+    blockSizes longblob not null,	# Size of each block
+    qStarts longblob not null,	# Start of each block in query.
+    tStarts longblob not null,	# Start of each block in target.
+    articleId bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, # articleId of article in hgFixed.pubsBingArticle
+          # Indices
+  KEY `tName` (`tName`(32),`tStart`,`tEnd`),
+  KEY `articleId` (`articleId`)