  Wed Dec 18 15:01:32 2013 -0800
Fixing value return types for jsonBooleanVal and jsonDoubleVal.
diff --git src/inc/jsonParse.h src/inc/jsonParse.h
index f779abb..e356ed9 100644
--- src/inc/jsonParse.h
+++ src/inc/jsonParse.h
@@ -1,131 +1,131 @@
 /* jsonParse - routines to parse JSON strings and traverse and pick things out of the
  * resulting object tree. */
 #ifndef JSONPARSE_H
 #define JSONPARSE_H
 /* JSON Element code let's you build up a DOM like data structure in memory and then serialize it into
    html for communication with client side code.
 // supported types
 typedef enum _jsonElementType
     jsonList     = 0,
     jsonObject   = 1,
     jsonNumber   = 2,
     jsonDouble   = 3,
     jsonBoolean  = 4,
     jsonString   = 5
 } jsonElementType;
 union jsonElementVal
     struct slRef *jeList;
     struct hash *jeHash;
     long jeNumber;
     double jeDouble;
     boolean jeBoolean;
     char *jeString;
 struct jsonElement
     jsonElementType type;
     union jsonElementVal val;
 // constructors for each jsonElementType
 struct jsonElement *newJsonString(char *str);
 struct jsonElement *newJsonBoolean(boolean val);
 struct jsonElement *newJsonNumber(long val);
 struct jsonElement *newJsonDouble(double val);
 struct jsonElement *newJsonObject(struct hash *h);
 struct jsonElement *newJsonList(struct slRef *list);
 void jsonObjectAdd(struct jsonElement *h, char *name, struct jsonElement *ele);
 // Add a new element to a jsonObject; existing values are replaced.
 void jsonListAdd(struct jsonElement *list, struct jsonElement *ele);
 // Add a new element to a jsonList
 struct jsonElement *jsonParse(char *str);
 // parse string into an in-memory json representation
 char *jsonStringEscape(char *inString);
 /* backslash escape a string for use in a double quoted json string.
  * More conservative than javaScriptLiteralEncode because
  * some json parsers complain if you escape & or ' */
 void jsonFindNameRecurse(struct jsonElement *ele, char *jName, struct slName **pList);
 // Search the JSON tree recursively to find all the values associated to
 // the name, and add them to head of the list.  
 struct slName *jsonFindName(struct jsonElement *json, char *jName);
 // Search the JSON tree to find all the values associated to the name
 // and add them to head of the list. 
 struct slName *jsonFindNameUniq(struct jsonElement *json, char *jName);
 // Search the JSON tree to find all the values associated to the name
 // and add them to head of the list. 
 void jsonElementRecurse(struct jsonElement *ele, char *name, boolean isLast,
     void (*startCallback)(struct jsonElement *ele, char *name, boolean isLast, void *context),  
     // Called at element start
     void (*endCallback)(struct jsonElement *ele, char *name, boolean isLast, void *context),    
     // Called at element end
     void *context);
 /* Recurse through JSON tree calling callback functions with element and context.
  * Either startCallback or endCallback may be NULL, as can be name. */
 void jsonPrintOneStart(struct jsonElement *ele, char *name, boolean isLast, int indent, FILE *f);
 /* Print the start of one json element - just name and maybe an opening brace or bracket.
  * Recursion is handled elsewhere. */
 void jsonPrintOneEnd(struct jsonElement *ele, char *name, boolean isLast, boolean indent, FILE *f);
 /* Print object end */
 void jsonPrintToFile(struct jsonElement *root, char *name, FILE *f, int indentPer);
 /* Print out JSON object and all children nicely indented to f as JSON objects. 
  * Name may be NULL.  Implemented via jsonPrintOneStart/jsonPrintOneEnd. */
 /** Routines that check json type and return corresponding value. **/
 struct slRef *jsonListVal(struct jsonElement *ele, char *name);
 /* Enforce element is type jsonList.  Return list value */
 struct hash *jsonObjectVal(struct jsonElement *ele, char *name);
 /* Enforce object is type jsonObject.  Return object hash */
 long jsonNumberVal(struct jsonElement *ele, char *name);
 /* Enforce element is type jsonNumber and return value. */
-long jsonDoubleVal(struct jsonElement *ele, char *name);
+double jsonDoubleVal(struct jsonElement *ele, char *name);
 /* Enforce element is type jsonDouble and return value. */
-long jsonBooleanVal(struct jsonElement *ele, char *name);
+boolean jsonBooleanVal(struct jsonElement *ele, char *name);
 /* Enforce element is type jsonBoolean and return value. */
 char *jsonStringVal(struct jsonElement *ele, char *eleName);
 /* Enforce element is type jsonString and return value. */
 /** Routines that help work with json objects (bracket enclosed key/val pairs **/
 struct jsonElement *jsonFindNamedField(struct jsonElement *object, 
     char *objectName, char *field);
 /* Find named field of object or return NULL if not found.  Abort if object
  * is not actually an object. */
 struct jsonElement *jsonMustFindNamedField(struct jsonElement *object, 
     char *objectName, char *field);
 /* Find named field of object or die trying. */
 char *jsonOptionalStringField(struct jsonElement *object, char *field, char *defaultVal);
 /* Return string valued field of object, or defaultVal if it doesn't exist. */
 char *jsonStringField(struct jsonElement *object, char *field);
 /* Return string valued field of object or abort if field doesn't exist. */
 #endif /* JSONPARSE_H */