  Sun Feb 2 16:22:01 2014 -0800
Moving a check on commands against message size to library since in fact it was already implemented twice, and I needed it a third time.
diff --git src/parasol/inc/paraMessage.h src/parasol/inc/paraMessage.h
index 5307e17..c31fd76 100644
--- src/parasol/inc/paraMessage.h
+++ src/parasol/inc/paraMessage.h
@@ -1,129 +1,133 @@
 /* paraMessage - routines to pack and unpack messages in
  * the parasol system, and also to send them via sockets. */
 #ifndef RUDP_H
 #include "rudp.h"
 struct paraMessage
 /* A parasol message. */
     struct paraMessage *next;	/* Next in list. */
     struct sockaddr_in ipAddress;	/* IP address of machine message is from/to */
     int size;			/* Size of data. */
     char data[rudpMaxSize+1];	/* Data. Extra byte for zero tag at end. */
 struct paraMultiMessage
 /* A parasol multi-packet response message. */
     struct paraMessage *pm;
     struct sockaddr_in ipAddress;  /* IP address of machine message is from/to */
     bits32 id;                     /* Message id.  Returned with ack. */
 void pmInit(struct paraMessage *pm, rudpHost ipAddress, bits16 port);
 /* Initialize message (that might be on stack). ipAddress is in host
  * order. */
 void pmInitFromName(struct paraMessage *pm, char *hostName, bits16 port);
 /* Initialize message with ascii ip address. */
 struct paraMessage *pmNew(rudpHost ipAddress, bits16 port);
 /* Create new message in memory.  ipAddress is in host order.  */
 struct paraMessage *pmNewFromName(char *hostName, bits16 port);
 /* Create new message in memory */
 void pmFree(struct paraMessage **pPm);
 /* Free up message. */
 void pmClear(struct paraMessage *pm);
 /* Clear out data buffer. */
 void pmSet(struct paraMessage *pm, char *message);
-/* Set message in data buffer. */
+/* Set message in data buffer. Aborts if message too long (rudpMaxSize or more). */
 void pmPrintf(struct paraMessage *pm, char *format, ...)
 /* Print message into end of data buffer.  Warn if it goes
  * past limit. */
 #if defined(__GNUC__)
 __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3)))
 boolean pmSend(struct paraMessage *pm, struct rudp *ru);
 /* Send out message.  Print warning message and return FALSE if
  * there is a problem. */
 boolean pmSendString(struct paraMessage *pm, struct rudp *ru, char *string);
 /* Send out given message strng.  Print warning message and return FALSE if
  * there is a problem. */
+void pmCheckCommandSize(char *string, int len);
+/* Check that string of given len is not too long to fit into paraMessage.
+ * If it is, abort with good error message assuming it was a command string */
 boolean pmReceive(struct paraMessage *pm, struct rudp *ru);
 /* Receive message.  Print warning message and return FALSE if
  * there is a problem. */
 boolean pmReceiveTimeOut(struct paraMessage *pm, struct rudp *ru, int timeOut);
 /* Wait up to timeOut microseconds for message.  To wait forever
  * set timeOut to zero. */
 void pmmInit(struct paraMultiMessage *pmm, struct paraMessage *pm, struct in_addr sin_addr);
 /* Initialize structure for multi-message response  */
 boolean pmmReceiveTimeOut(struct paraMultiMessage *pmm, struct rudp *ru, int timeOut);
 /* Multi-message receive
  * Wait up to timeOut microseconds for message.  To wait forever
  * set timeOut to zero.  For multi-message response
  * We know the ip, and can track the port for continuity
  * and the packet id for sequential series. 
 boolean pmmReceive(struct paraMultiMessage *pmm, struct rudp *ru);
 /* Receive multi message.  Print warning message and return FALSE if
  * there is a problem. */
 void pmFetchOpenFile(struct paraMessage *pm, struct rudp *ru, char *fileName);
 /* Read everything you can from socket and output to file. */
 void pmFetchFile(char *host, char *sourceName, char *destName);
 /* Fetch small file. */
 boolean pmSendStringWithRetries(struct paraMessage *pm, struct rudp *ru, char *string);
 /* Send out given message strng.  Print warning message and return FALSE if
  * there is a problem. Try up to 5 times sleeping for 60 seconds in between.
  * This is an attempt to help automated processes. */
 char *pmHubSendSimple(char *message, char *host);
 /* Send message to host, no response. */
 char *pmHubSingleLineQuery(char *query, char *host);
 /* Send message to hub and get single line response.
  * This should be freeMem'd when done. */
 struct slName *pmHubMultilineQuery(char *query, char *host);
 /* Send a command with a multiline response to hub,
  * and return response as a list of strings. */
 struct paraPstat2Job
 /* The job information returned by a pstat2 message by parasol,
  * parsed out. */
     struct paraPstat2Job *next;
     char *status;   // 'r' mostly
     char *parasolId; // Parasol ID as a string
     char *user;	    // Name of user
     char *program;  // Name of program being run
     char *host;	    // Host name of node running job.
 struct paraPstat2Job *paraPstat2JobLoad(char **row);
 /* Turn an array of 5 strings into a paraPstat2Job. */
 #endif /* PARAMESSAGE_H */