  Wed Feb 5 07:54:52 2014 -0800
putting existing code into a new function "sqlTableExistsNoCache" as Ineed this code twice

diff --git src/hg/lib/jksql.c src/hg/lib/jksql.c
index b2b30d7..db4d7ef 100644
--- src/hg/lib/jksql.c
+++ src/hg/lib/jksql.c
@@ -60,53 +60,59 @@
     struct slName *dbs; // database associated with profile, can be NULL.
 struct sqlConnection
 /* This is an item on a list of sql open connections. */
     MYSQL *conn;		    /* Connection. Can be NULL if not connected yet. */
     struct sqlProfile *profile;     /* profile, or NULL if not opened via a profile */
     struct dlNode *node;	    /* Pointer to list node. */
     struct dlList *resultList;	    /* Any open results. */
     boolean hasHardLock;	    /* TRUE if table has a non-advisory lock. */
     boolean inCache;                /* debugging flag to indicate it's in a cache */
     boolean isFree;                /* is this connection free for reuse; alway FALSE
                                     * unless managed by a cache */
     int hasTableCache;              /* to avoid repeated checks for cache table name existence, 
-                                      -1 if not initialized yet */
+                                      -1 if not initialized yet, otherwise like a boolean */
     struct sqlConnection *slowConn; /* tried if a query fails on the main conn connection. Can be NULL. */
     char *db;                       /* to be able to connect later (if conn is NULL), we need to  */
                                     /* store the database */
 struct sqlResult
 /* This is an item on a list of sql open results. */
     MYSQL_RES *result;			/* Result. */
     struct dlNode *node;		/* Pointer to list node we're on. */
     struct sqlConnection *conn;		/* Pointer to connection. */
     long fetchTime;                     /* cummulative time taken by row fetches for this result */
 static struct dlList *sqlOpenConnections = NULL;
 static unsigned sqlNumOpenConnections = 0;
 char *defaultProfileName = "db";                  // name of default profile
+char *slowProfPrefix = "slow-";                   // prefix for failover profile for profile (="slow-db")
 static struct hash *profiles = NULL;              // profiles parsed from hg.conf, by name
 static struct sqlProfile *defaultProfile = NULL;  // default profile, also in profiles list
 static struct hash* dbToProfile = NULL;           // db to sqlProfile
+// forward declaration of sqlUseOrStore so the order of functions does not change
+// (sqlUseOrStore is needed for sqlTableCacheFindConn), to keep the git diffs clean
+static struct sqlResult *sqlUseOrStore(struct sqlConnection *sc,
+	char *query, ResGetter *getter, boolean abort);
 static char *envOverride(char *envName, char *defaultVal)
 /* look up envName in environment, if it exists and is non-empty, return its
  * value, otherwise return defaultVal */
 char *val = getenv(envName);
 if (isEmpty(val))
     return defaultVal;
     return val;
 static struct sqlProfile *sqlProfileNew(char *profileName, char *host, unsigned int port,
 					char *socket, char *user, char *password)
 /* create a new profile object */
@@ -278,31 +284,31 @@
 //assert((profileName != NULL) || (database != NULL));
 if (profiles == NULL)
 if (profileName != NULL)
     return sqlProfileFindByName(profileName, database);
     return sqlProfileFindByDatabase(database);
 static struct sqlProfile* sqlProfileGetFailover(struct sqlProfile* sp, char *database)
 /* try to find a failover slow-x profile for a profile x */
 if (sp==NULL || sp->name==NULL)
     return NULL;
-char *slowProfName = catTwoStrings("slow-", sp->name);
+char *slowProfName = catTwoStrings(slowProfPrefix, sp->name);
 struct sqlProfile *slow = sqlProfileGet(slowProfName, database);
 return slow;
 static struct sqlProfile* sqlProfileMustGet(char *profileName, char *database)
 /* lookup a profile using the profile resolution algorithm or die trying */
 struct sqlProfile* sp = sqlProfileGet(profileName, database);
 if (sp == NULL)
     if (profileName == NULL)
         errAbort("can't find database %s in hg.conf, should have a default named \"db\"",
     else if (database == NULL)
@@ -621,70 +627,71 @@
 char query[32];
 sqlSafef(query, sizeof query, "show databases");
 struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(sc, query);
 char **row;
 struct slName *databases = NULL;
 while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     if (!startsWith("mysql", row[0]))  /* Avoid internal databases. */
         slSafeAddHead(&databases, slNameNew(row[0]));
 return databases;
-// forward declaration of sqlUseOrStore so the order of functions does not change in this file
-// sqlUseOrStore is needed for sqlTableCacheFindConn
-// FIXME MAX: is this good practice? shall I rather reorder the functions in this file?
-static struct sqlResult *sqlUseOrStore(struct sqlConnection *sc,
-	char *query, ResGetter *getter, boolean abort);
-static struct sqlConnection *sqlTableCacheFindConn(struct sqlConnection *conn)
-/* Check if table name caching is configured and the cache table is also present 
- * in the server of the connection. Returns the connection or NULL */
-char *tableListTable = cfgOption("showTableCache");
-if (tableListTable == NULL) 
-    return NULL;
-// also check if cache table exists, without using sqlTableExists
-// (sqlTableExists will always use a cache table)
-if (conn->hasTableCache==-1)
+static bool sqlTableExistsNoCache(struct sqlConnection *sc, char *tableName)
+/* check if cache table exists, without using sqlTableExists
+   (sqlTableExists will try to use a cache table itself) */
-    // to avoid hundreds of repeated table existence checks, we keep the result
-    // of sqlTableCacheFindConn in the sqlConn object
-    conn->hasTableCache = FALSE;
+bool ret = FALSE;
 char query[1024];
-    sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT 1 FROM %-s LIMIT 0", sqlCkIl(tableListTable));  
+sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT 1 FROM %-s LIMIT 0", sqlCkIl(tableName));  
 struct sqlResult *sr;
 // temporarily remove failover connection, we don't want the failover switch here
-    struct sqlConnection *slowConn = conn->slowConn; 
-    conn->slowConn=NULL;
-    sr = sqlUseOrStore(conn, query, DEFAULTGETTER, FALSE);
-    conn->slowConn=slowConn;
+struct sqlConnection *slowConn = sc->slowConn; 
+sr = sqlUseOrStore(sc, query, DEFAULTGETTER, FALSE);
 if (sr!=NULL)
-        conn->hasTableCache = TRUE;
+    ret = TRUE;
-    else if (slowConn!=NULL)
-        errAbort("no table cache found, although mysql failover (slow-db) is being used.");
+return ret;
+static struct sqlConnection *sqlTableCacheFindConn(struct sqlConnection *conn)
+/* Check if table name caching is configured and the cache table is also present 
+ * in the server of the connection. Returns the connection or NULL */
+char *tableListTable = cfgOption("showTableCache");
+if (tableListTable == NULL) 
+    return NULL;
+// to avoid hundreds of repeated table existence checks, we keep the result
+// of sqlTableCacheFindConn in the sqlConn object
+if (conn->hasTableCache==-1) // -1 => undefined
+    {
+    conn->hasTableCache = (int) sqlTableExistsNoCache(conn, tableListTable);
+    if (conn->slowConn && !conn->hasTableCache)
+        errAbort("no table cache found, although mysql failover (slow-db) is being used.");
 if (conn->hasTableCache)
     return conn;
     return NULL;
 static bool sqlTableCacheTableExists(struct sqlConnection *conn, char* table)
 /* check if table exists in table name cache */
 // (see redmine 3780 for some historical background on this caching)
 char query[1024];
 char *tableListTable = cfgVal("showTableCache");
 sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT count(*) FROM %s WHERE tableName='%s'", tableListTable, table);
@@ -889,45 +896,45 @@
 	    database, host, user, mysql_error(conn));
     else if (sqlParanoid)
 	fprintf(stderr, "ASH: Couldn't connect to database %s on %s as %s.  "
 		"mysql: %s  pid=%ld\n",
 		database, host, user, mysql_error(conn), (long)getpid());
     return NULL;
 /* Make sure the db is correct in the connect, think usually happens if there
  * is a mismatch between MySQL library and code.  If this happens, please
  * figure out what is going on.  Contact markd if you need help. */
 if (((conn->db != NULL) && !sameString(database, conn->db))
    || ((conn->db == NULL) && (database != NULL)))
    errAbort("apparent mismatch between mysql.h used to compile jksql.c and libmysqlclient");
 if (monitorFlags & JKSQL_TRACE)
     monitorPrint(sc, "SQL_CONNECT", "%s %s", host, user);
 deltaTime = monitorLeave();
 if (monitorFlags & JKSQL_TRACE)
     monitorPrint(sc, "SQL_TIME", "%0.3fs", ((double)deltaTime)/1000.0);
 monitorEnterTime = oldTime;
 if (sqlNumOpenConnections > maxNumConnections)
     maxNumConnections = sqlNumOpenConnections;
 sc->hasTableCache=-1; // -1 => not determined 
 return sc;
 static struct sqlConnection *sqlConnRemote(char *host, unsigned int port, char *socket,
 					   char *user, char *password,
                                            char *database, boolean abort)
 /* Connect to database somewhere as somebody. Database maybe NULL to just
  * connect to the server.  If abort is set display error message and abort on
  * error. */
 struct sqlConnection *sc;
 return sqlConnRemoteFillIn(sc, host, port, socket, user, password, database, abort, TRUE);
@@ -967,60 +974,60 @@
     return sc;
 // we still have a failover profile to setup
 if (sc==NULL)
     // We have a failover connection configured, but no main connection.
     // This can happen if the requested database exists only on the failover connection
     // We only create a failover connection in this case and return it as the main one
     sc = sqlConnRemote(slow->host, slow->port, slow->socket, slow->user, slow->password, database, abort);
     if (sc!=NULL)// sc can be NULL if abort was FALSE
         sc->profile = sp; // remember the profile
     if (monitorFlags & JKSQL_TRACE)
-        fprintf(stderr, "SQL_FAILOVER_AT_CONNECT");
+        fprintf(stderr, "SQL_FAILOVER_AT_CONNECT\n");
     return sc;
 // at this point we know that sc cannot be NULL
 sc->profile = sp; // remember the profile
 // don't connect the slow connection yet: lazily connect later when needed; saves 0.5
 // seconds per connection on transatlantic links
 // instead create a "placeholder" sqlConnection with all connection data, but no mysql connection
 // object
 struct sqlConnection *slowSc;
 slowSc->profile = slow; // remember the profile
-slowSc->db = database;
-slowSc->hasTableCache = -1;
+slowSc->db = cloneString(database);
+slowSc->hasTableCache = -1; // -1 => undefined
 sc->slowConn = slowSc;
 return sc;
 struct sqlConnection *sqlMayConnect(char *database)
 /* Connect to database on default host as default user.
  * Return NULL (don't abort) on failure. */
 return sqlConnProfile(sqlProfileMustGet(NULL, database), database, FALSE);
 static struct sqlConnection *sqlConnectIfUnconnected(struct sqlConnection *sc)
 /* Take a yet unconnected failover sqlConnection object and connect it to the sql server.
- * Don't add it to the list of open connections, as it is freed by it's non-failover parent */
+ * Don't add it to the list of open connections, as it is freed by its non-failover parent */
 if (sc->conn!=NULL)
     return sc;
 char *profName = NULL;
 if (sc->profile)
     profName = sc->profile->name;
 struct sqlProfile *sp = sqlProfileMustGet(profName, sc->db);
 sqlConnRemoteFillIn(sc, sp->host, sp->port, sp->socket, sp->user, sp->password, sc->db, TRUE, FALSE);
 return sc;
 struct sqlConnection *sqlConnect(char *database)
 /* Connect to database on default host as default user. */
 struct sqlProfile *defProf = sqlProfileMustGet(NULL, database);
@@ -2464,35 +2471,43 @@
         hashAdd(databases, db->name, NULL);
 struct hash *sqlHashOfDatabases(void)
 /* Get hash table with names of all databases that are online. */
 if (profiles == NULL)
 struct hash *databases = newHash(8);
 // add databases found using default profile
 addProfileDatabases(defaultProfileName, databases);
+// add databases found in failover profile
+char *slowProfName = catTwoStrings(slowProfPrefix, defaultProfileName);
+addProfileDatabases(slowProfName, databases);
 // add other databases explicitly associated with other profiles
 struct hashCookie cookie = hashFirst(dbToProfile);
 struct hashEl *hel;
 while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
-    hashAdd(databases, ((struct sqlProfile*)hel->val)->name, NULL);
+    {
+    char *db = ((struct sqlProfile*)hel->val)->name;
+    hashAdd(databases, db, NULL);
+    }
 return databases;
 struct slName *sqlListOfDatabases(void)
 /* Get list of all databases that are online. */
 /* build hash and convert to names list to avoid duplicates due to visiting
  * multiple profiles to the same server */
 struct hash *dbHash = sqlHashOfDatabases();
 struct hashCookie cookie = hashFirst(dbHash);
 struct hashEl *hel;
 struct slName *dbs = NULL;
 while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
     slSafeAddHead(&dbs, slNameNew(hel->name));
@@ -2616,34 +2631,38 @@
 return updateFieldIndex;
 char *sqlTableUpdate(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table)
 /* Get last update time for table as an SQL string 
  * Note: does NOT work on innoDB! */
 char query[512], **row;
 struct sqlResult *sr;
 int updateIx;
 char *ret;
 sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "show table status like '%s'", table);
-if (conn->slowConn)
-    // the failover strategy does not work for this command, 
-    // as it never returns an error. So default to slowConn instead.
+// the failover strategy for slowConn does not work for this command, 
+// as it never returns an error. So need to check for table presence first
+if (conn->slowConn && !sqlTableExistsNoCache(conn, table))
+    {
+    sqlConnectIfUnconnected(conn->slowConn);
+    monitorPrintInfo(conn->slowConn, "SQL_TABLE_STATUS_FAILOVER");
     sr = sqlGetResult(conn->slowConn, query);
+    }
     sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
 updateIx = getUpdateFieldIndex(sr);
 row = sqlNextRow(sr);
 if (row == NULL)
     errAbort("Database table %s doesn't exist", table);
 ret = cloneString(row[updateIx]);
 return ret;
 time_t sqlTableUpdateTime(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table)
 /* Get last update time for table.
  * Note: does NOT work on innoDB! */