  Wed Feb 5 08:28:25 2014 -0800
making hgLiftOver work in the browserbox, refs #11957, note 56
diff --git src/hg/lib/liftOver.c src/hg/lib/liftOver.c
index 57768b9..112dcb1 100644
--- src/hg/lib/liftOver.c
+++ src/hg/lib/liftOver.c
@@ -1,1860 +1,1869 @@
 /* liftOver - Move annotations from one assembly to another. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "options.h"
 #include "binRange.h"
 #include "chain.h"
 #include "chainNetDbLoad.h"
 #include "bed.h"
 #include "genePred.h"
 #include "sample.h"
 #include "hdb.h"
 #include "liftOverChain.h"
 #include "liftOver.h"
 #include "portable.h"
 #include "obscure.h"
+#include "net.h"
 struct chromMap
 /* Remapping information for one (old) chromosome */
     char *name;                 /* Chromosome name. */
     struct binKeeper *bk;       /* Keyed by old position, values are chains. */
 static char otherStrand(char c)
 /* Swap +/- */
 if (c == '-')
     return '+';
 else if (c == '+')
     return '-';
     return c;
 // The maximum number of words per line that can be lifted:
 void readLiftOverMap(char *fileName, struct hash *chainHash)
 /* Read map file into hashes. */
-struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
+struct lineFile *lf;
+struct netParsedUrl *npu;
+if (udcIsLocal(fileName))
+    lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
+    lf = netHttpLineFileMayOpen(fileName, &npu);
 struct chain *chain;
 struct chromMap *map;
 int chainCount = 0;
 while ((chain = chainRead(lf)) != NULL)
     if ((map = hashFindVal(chainHash, chain->tName)) == NULL)
 	map->bk = binKeeperNew(0, chain->tSize);
 	hashAddSaveName(chainHash, chain->tName, map, &map->name);
     binKeeperAdd(map->bk, chain->tStart, chain->tEnd, chain);
 static struct binElement *findRange(struct hash *chainHash, 
                                 char *chrom, int start, int end)
 /* Find elements that intersect range. */
 struct chromMap *map = hashFindVal(chainHash, chrom);
 if (map == NULL)
     return NULL;
 return binKeeperFind(map->bk, start, end);
 static int chainAliSize(struct chain *chain)
 /* Return size of all blocks in chain. */
 struct cBlock *b;
 int total = 0;
 for (b = chain->blockList; b != NULL; b = b->next)
     total += b->qEnd - b->qStart;
 return total;
 static int aliIntersectSize(struct chain *chain, int tStart, int tEnd)
 /* How many bases in chain intersect region from tStart to tEnd */
 int total = 0, one;
 struct cBlock *b;
 for (b = chain->blockList; b != NULL; b = b->next)
     one = rangeIntersection(tStart, tEnd, b->tStart, b->tEnd);
     if (one > 0)
 	total += one;
 return total;
 static boolean mapThroughChain(struct chain *chain, double minRatio, 
 	int *pStart, int *pEnd, struct chain **retSubChain,
 	struct chain **retChainToFree)
 /* Map interval from start to end from target to query side of chain.
  * Return FALSE if not possible, otherwise update *pStart, *pEnd. */
 struct chain *subChain = NULL;
 struct chain *freeChain = NULL;
 int s = *pStart, e = *pEnd;
 int oldSize = e - s;
 int newCover = 0;
 int ok = TRUE;
 chainSubsetOnT(chain, s, e, &subChain, &freeChain);
 if (subChain == NULL)
     *retSubChain = NULL;
     *retChainToFree = NULL;
     return FALSE;
 newCover = chainAliSize(subChain);
 if (newCover < oldSize * minRatio)
     ok = FALSE;
 else if (chain->qStrand == '+')
     *pStart = subChain->qStart;
     *pEnd = subChain->qEnd;
     *pStart = subChain->qSize - subChain->qEnd;
     *pEnd = subChain->qSize - subChain->qStart;
 *retSubChain = subChain;
 *retChainToFree = freeChain;
 return ok;
 static char *remapRange(struct hash *chainHash, double minRatio, 
                         int minSizeT, int minSizeQ, 
                         int minChainSizeT, int minChainSizeQ, 
                         char *chrom, int s, int e, char qStrand,
 			int thickStart, int thickEnd, bool useThick,
 			double minMatch,
                         char *regionName, char *db, char *chainTableName,
                         struct bed **bedRet, struct bed **unmappedBedRet)
 /* Remap a range through chain hash.  If all is well return NULL
  * and results in a BED (or a list of BED's, if regionName is set (-multiple).
  * Otherwise return a string describing the problem. 
  * note: minSizeT is currently NOT implemented. feel free to add it.
  *       (its not e-s, its the boundaries of what maps of chrom:s-e to Q)
 struct binElement *list = findRange(chainHash, chrom, s, e), *el;
 struct chain *chainsHit = NULL, 
                 *chainsPartial = NULL, 
                 *chainsMissed = NULL, *chain;
 struct bed *bedList = NULL, *unmappedBedList = NULL;
 struct bed *bed = NULL;
 char strand = qStrand;
 /* initialize for single region case */
 int start = s, end = e;
 double minMatchSize = minMatch * (end - start);
 int intersectSize;
 int tStart;
 bool multiple = (regionName != NULL);
 verbose(2, "%s:%d-%d", chrom, s, e);
 if (multiple) verbose(2, "\t%s", regionName);
 verbose(2, "\n");
 for (el = list; el != NULL; el = el->next)
     chain = el->val;
     if (multiple)
         if (chain->qEnd - chain->qStart < minChainSizeQ ||
             chain->tEnd - chain->tStart < minChainSizeT)
         /* limit required match to chain range on target */
         end = min(e, chain->tEnd);
         start = max(s, chain->tStart);
         minMatchSize = minMatch *  (end - start);
     intersectSize = aliIntersectSize(chain, start, end);
     if (intersectSize >= minMatchSize)
 	slAddHead(&chainsHit, chain);
     else if (intersectSize > 0)
 	slAddHead(&chainsPartial, chain);
         /* shouldn't happen ? */
 	slAddHead(&chainsMissed, chain);
 if (chainsHit == NULL)
     if (chainsPartial == NULL)
 	return "Deleted in new";
     else if (chainsPartial->next == NULL)
 	return "Partially deleted in new";
 	return "Split in new";
 else if (chainsHit->next != NULL && !multiple)
     return "Duplicated in new";
 /* sort chains by position in target to order subregions by orthology */
 slSort(&chainsHit, chainCmpTarget);
 tStart = s;
 struct chain *next = chainsHit->next;
 for (chain = chainsHit; chain != NULL; chain = next)
     struct chain *subChain = NULL;
     struct chain *toFree = NULL;
     int start=s, end=e;
     next = chain->next;
     verbose(3,"hit chain %s:%d %s:%d-%d %c (%d)\n",
         chain->tName, chain->tStart,  chain->qName, chain->qStart, chain->qEnd,
         chain->qStrand, chain->id);
     if (multiple)
         /* no real need to verify ratio again (it would require
          * adjusting coords again). */
         minRatio = 0;
         if (db)
             /* use full chain, not the possibly truncated chain
              * from the net */
             struct chain *next = chain->next;
             chain = chainLoadIdRange(db, chainTableName,
                                         chrom, s, e, chain->id);
             chain->next = next;
             verbose(3,"chain from db %s:%d %s:%d-%d %c (%d)\n",
                 chain->tName, chain->tStart,  chain->qName, 
                 chain->qStart, chain->qEnd, chain->qStrand, chain->id);
     if (!mapThroughChain(chain, minRatio, &start, &end, &subChain, &toFree))
         errAbort("Chain mapping error: %s:%d-%d\n", chain->qName, start, end);
     if (chain->qStrand == '-')
 	strand = otherStrand(qStrand);
        	strand = qStrand;
     if (useThick)
 	struct chain *subChain2 = NULL;
 	struct chain *toFree2 = NULL;
 	if (!mapThroughChain(chain, minRatio, &thickStart, &thickEnd,
 		&subChain2, &toFree2))
 	    thickStart = thickEnd = start;
     verbose(3, "mapped %s:%d-%d\n", chain->qName, start, end);
     verbose(4, "Mapped! Target:\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%c\tQuery:\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%c\n",
 	    chain->tName, subChain->tStart, subChain->tEnd, strand, 
 	    chain->qName, subChain->qStart, subChain->qEnd, chain->qStrand);
     if (multiple && end - start < minSizeQ)
         verbose(2,"dropping %s:%d-%d size %d (too small)\n", 
                        chain->qName, start, end, end - start);
     bed->chrom = cloneString(chain->qName);
     bed->chromStart = start;
     bed->chromEnd = end;
     if (regionName)
         bed->name = cloneString(regionName);
     bed->strand[0] = strand;
     bed->strand[1] = 0;
     if (useThick)
 	bed->thickStart = thickStart;
 	bed->thickEnd = thickEnd;
     slAddHead(&bedList, bed);
     if (tStart < subChain->tStart)
         /* unmapped portion of target */
         bed->chrom = cloneString(chain->tName);
         bed->chromStart = tStart;
         bed->chromEnd = subChain->tStart;
         if (regionName)
             bed->name = cloneString(regionName);
         slAddHead(&unmappedBedList, bed);
     tStart = subChain->tEnd;
 *bedRet = bedList;
 if (unmappedBedRet)
     *unmappedBedRet = unmappedBedList;
 if (bedList==NULL)
     return "Deleted in new";
 return NULL;
 char *liftOverRemapRange(struct hash *chainHash, double minRatio,
                             char *chrom, int s, int e, char strand, 
                             double minMatch, char **retChrom, int *retStart, 
                             int *retEnd, char *retStrand)
 /* Remap a range through chain hash.  If all is well return NULL
  * and results in retChrom, retStart, retEnd.  Otherwise
  * return a string describing the problem. */
 struct bed *bed;
 char *error;
 error = remapRange(chainHash, minRatio, 0, 0, 0, 0, chrom, s, e, strand, 0, 0,
 		   FALSE, minMatch, NULL, NULL, NULL, &bed, NULL);
 if (error != NULL)
     return error;
 if (retChrom)
     *retChrom = cloneString(bed->chrom);
 if (retStart)
     *retStart = bed->chromStart;
 if (retEnd)
     *retEnd = bed->chromEnd;
 if (retStrand)
     *retStrand = bed->strand[0];
 return NULL;
 int chopLineBin(char *line, char *words[], int maxWord, 
                 bool hasBin, bool tabSep)
 /* Chop line by white space, leaving out bin value, if present */
 int i;
 int wordCount;
 if (tabSep)
     wordCount = chopByChar(line, '\t', words, maxWord);
     wordCount = chopByWhite(line, words, maxWord);
 if (hasBin)
     for (i = 1; i <= wordCount; i++)
         words[i-1] = words[i];
 if (wordCount <= 0)
     return 0;
 return wordCount;
 int lineFileChopBin(struct lineFile *lf, char *words[], int maxWord, 
                         bool hasBin, bool tabSep)
 /* Return next non-blank line that doesn't start with '#' chopped into words,
    leaving out the bin value, if present. */
 int wordCount;
 if (tabSep)
     wordCount = lineFileChopCharNext(lf, '\t', words, maxWord);
     wordCount = lineFileChopNext(lf, words, maxWord);
 if (hasBin)
     int i;
     for (i = 1; i <= wordCount; i++)
         words[i-1] = words[i];
 if (wordCount <= 0)
     return 0;
 return wordCount;
 static int bedOverSmallEnds(struct lineFile *lf, int fieldCount, 
                         struct hash *chainHash, double minMatch, int minSizeT, 
                         int minSizeQ, int minChainT, int minChainQ, 
 			FILE *mapped, FILE *unmapped, bool multiple, 
                         char *chainTable, int bedPlus, bool hasBin, 
 			bool tabSep, int ends, int *errCt)
 /* Do a bed without a block-list.
  * NOTE: it would be preferable to have all of the lift
  * functions work at the line level, rather than the file level.
  * Multiple option can be used with bed3 -- it will write a list of
  * regions as a bed4, where score is the "part #". This is used for
  * ENCODE region mapping */  
 int i, wordCount, s, e;
 char *words[LIFTOVER_MAX_WORDS], *chrom;
 char strand = '.', strandString[2];
 char *error, *error2 = NULL;
 int ct = 0;
 int errs = 0;
 struct bed *bedList = NULL, *unmappedBedList = NULL;
 /* result lists for -ends option */
 struct bed *bedList2 = NULL, *unmappedBedList2 = NULL;
 int totalUnmapped = 0;
 double unmappedRatio;
 int totalUnmappedAll = 0;
 int totalBases = 0;
 double mappedRatio;
 char *region = NULL;   /* region name from BED file-- used with  -multiple */
 char *db = NULL, *chainTableName = NULL;
 if (chainTable)
     chainTableName = chopPrefix(chainTable);
     db = chainTable;
 while ((wordCount = 
             lineFileChopBin(lf, words, ArraySize(words), hasBin, tabSep)) != 0)
     FILE *f = mapped;
     chrom = words[0];
     s = lineFileNeedFullNum(lf, words, 1);
     e = lineFileNeedFullNum(lf, words, 2);
     bool useThick = FALSE;
     int thickStart = 0, thickEnd = 0;
     int afterS = s + ends;
     int beforeE = e - ends;
     bool doEnds = ((ends > 0) && (beforeE > afterS));
     if (s > e)
 	"ERROR: start coordinate is after end coordinate (chromStart > chromEnd) on line %d of bed file %s\nERROR: %s %d %d", 
 	    lf->lineIx, lf->fileName, chrom, s, e);
     if (multiple)
         if (wordCount < 4 || wordCount > 6)
             errAbort("Can only lift BED4, BED5, BED6 to multiple regions");
         region = words[3];
     if (wordCount >= 6 && (bedPlus == 0 || bedPlus >= 6))
 	strand = words[5][0];
     if (wordCount >= 8 && (bedPlus == 0 || bedPlus >= 8))
 	useThick = TRUE;
 	thickStart = lineFileNeedFullNum(lf, words, 6);
 	thickEnd = lineFileNeedFullNum(lf, words, 7);
     if (doEnds)
 	if (useThick)
 	    errAbort("Can only lift BED6 or lower with -ends option");
 	if (multiple)
 	    errAbort("Cannot use -multiple with -ends");
 	error = remapRange(chainHash, minMatch, minSizeT, minSizeQ, minChainT, 
 		       minChainQ, chrom, s, afterS, strand,
 		       thickStart, thickEnd, useThick, minMatch, 
 		       region, db, chainTableName, &bedList, &unmappedBedList);	
 	error2 = remapRange(chainHash, minMatch, minSizeT, minSizeQ, minChainT, 
 		       minChainQ, chrom, beforeE, e, strand,
 		       thickStart, thickEnd, useThick, minMatch, 
 		       region, db, chainTableName, &bedList2, &unmappedBedList2);	
 	error = remapRange(chainHash, minMatch, minSizeT, minSizeQ, minChainT, 
 		       minChainQ, chrom, s, e, strand,
 		       thickStart, thickEnd, useThick, minMatch, 
 		       region, db, chainTableName, &bedList, &unmappedBedList);
     if (doEnds && !error && !error2 && bedList && bedList2 && (slCount(bedList) == 1) && (slCount(bedList2) == 1)
 	&& sameString(bedList->chrom, bedList2->chrom) && (bedList->chromStart < bedList2->chromEnd)
 	&& (((wordCount >= 6) && ((bedPlus == 0) || (bedPlus >= 6)) && (bedList->strand[0] == bedList2->strand[0])) || (wordCount < 6) || (bedPlus < 6)))
 	/* really the most restrictive in terms of mapping */
 	if (hasBin)
 	    fprintf(f, "%d\t", binFromRange(bedList->chromStart, bedList2->chromEnd));
 	fprintf(f, "%s\t%d\t%d", bedList->chrom, bedList->chromStart, bedList2->chromEnd);
 	for (i=3; i<wordCount; ++i)
 	    if (i == 5 && (bedPlus == 0 || bedPlus >= 6))
 		/* get strand from remap */
 		fprintf(f, "\t%c", bedList->strand[0]);
 		/* everything else just passed through */
 		fprintf(f, "\t%s", words[i]);
 	fprintf(f, "\n");
     else if (doEnds)
 	/* error like below */
 	f = unmapped;
         strandString[0] = strand;
         strandString[1] = 0;
         words[5] = strandString;
 	if (error || error2)
 	    fprintf(f, "#%s on one or both ends\n", (error) ? error : error2);
 	else if (!bedList || !bedList2 || (slCount(bedList) > 1) || (slCount(bedList2) > 1)
 		 || !sameString(bedList->chrom, bedList2->chrom) || (bedList->chromStart >= bedList2->chromEnd)
 		 || (((wordCount >= 6) && ((bedPlus == 0) || (bedPlus >= 6))) && (bedList->strand[0] != bedList2->strand[0])))
 	    fprintf(f, "#ends mapped differently or incompletely\n");
         fprintf(f, "%s\t%d\t%d", chrom, s, e);
         for (i=3; i<wordCount; ++i)
             fprintf(f, "\t%s", words[i]);
         fprintf(f, "\n");
     else if (error == NULL)
         /* successfully mapped */
         int ix = 1;
         struct bed *bed, *next = bedList->next;
         for (bed = bedList; bed != NULL; bed = next)
             if (hasBin)
                 fprintf(f, "%d\t", 
                         binFromRange(bed->chromStart, bed->chromEnd));
             fprintf(f, "%s\t%d\t%d", bed->chrom, 
                                     bed->chromStart, bed->chromEnd);
             if (multiple)
                 /* region name and part number */
                 fprintf(f, "\t%s\t%d", region, ix++);
                 if (wordCount == 6)
                     fprintf(f, "\t%c", bed->strand[0]);
                 for (i=3; i<wordCount; ++i)
                     if (i == 5 && (bedPlus == 0 || bedPlus >= 6))
                         /* get strand from remap */
                         fprintf(f, "\t%c", bed->strand[0]);
 		    else if (i == 6 && useThick)
                         /* get thickStart from remap */
                         fprintf(f, "\t%d", bed->thickStart);
 		    else if (i == 7 && useThick)
                         /* get thickEnd from remap */
                         fprintf(f, "\t%d", bed->thickEnd);
                         /* everything else just passed through */
                         fprintf(f, "\t%s", words[i]);
             fprintf(f, "\n");
             next = bed->next;
         /* track how many successfully mapped */
         totalUnmapped = 0;
         for (bed = unmappedBedList; bed != NULL; bed = bed->next)
             int size = bed->chromEnd - bed->chromStart;
             totalUnmapped += size;
             verbose(2, "Unmapped: %s:%d-%d (size %d) %s\n",
                         bed->chrom, bed->chromStart, bed->chromEnd,
                         size, bed->name);
         unmappedRatio = (double)(totalUnmapped * 100) / (e - s);
         verbose(2, "Unmapped total: %s\t%5.1f%%\t%7d\n", 
                             region, unmappedRatio, totalUnmapped);
         totalUnmappedAll += totalUnmapped;
         totalBases += (e - s);
         /* couldn't map */
 	f = unmapped;
         strandString[0] = strand;
         strandString[1] = 0;
         words[5] = strandString;
 	fprintf(f, "#%s\n", error);
         fprintf(f, "%s\t%d\t%d", chrom, s, e);
         for (i=3; i<wordCount; ++i)
             fprintf(f, "\t%s", words[i]);
         fprintf(f, "\n");
 if (errCt)
     *errCt = errs;
 mappedRatio = (totalBases - totalUnmappedAll)*100.0 / totalBases;
 verbose(2, "Mapped bases: \t%5.0f%%\n", mappedRatio);
 return ct;
 static int bedOverSmall(struct lineFile *lf, int fieldCount, 
                         struct hash *chainHash, double minMatch, int minSizeT, 
                         int minSizeQ, int minChainT, int minChainQ, 
 			FILE *mapped, FILE *unmapped, bool multiple, 
                         char *chainTable, int bedPlus, bool hasBin, 
                         bool tabSep, int *errCt)
 /* Do a bed without a block-list.
  * NOTE: it would be preferable to have all of the lift
  * functions work at the line level, rather than the file level.
  * Multiple option can be used with bed3 -- it will write a list of
  * regions as a bed4, where score is the "part #". This is used for
  * ENCODE region mapping */  
 return bedOverSmallEnds(lf, fieldCount, chainHash, minMatch, 
                         minSizeT, minSizeQ, minChainT, minChainQ, mapped, unmapped, 
 			multiple, chainTable, bedPlus, hasBin, tabSep, 0, errCt);
 static void shortGffLine(struct lineFile *lf)
 /* Complain about short line in GFF and abort. */
 errAbort("Expecting at least 8 words line %d of %s", lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
 static int gffNeedNum(struct lineFile *lf, char *s)
 /* Convert s to an integer or die trying. */
 char c = *s;
 if (isdigit(c) || c == '-')
     return atoi(s);
     errAbort("Expecting number line %d of %s", lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
 return 0;
 void liftOverGff(char *fileName, struct hash *chainHash, 
                                 double minMatch, double minBlocks, 
                                 FILE *mapped, FILE *unmapped)
 /* Lift over GFF file */
 char *error = NULL;
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
 char c, *s, *line, *word;
 char *seq, *source, *feature;
 int start, end;
 char *score, *strand;
 FILE *f;
 while (lineFileNext(lf, &line, NULL))
     /* Pass through blank lines and those that start with a sharp. */
     s = skipLeadingSpaces(line);
     c = *s;
     if (c == '#' || c == 0)
 	fprintf(mapped, "%s\n", line);
     if ((seq = nextWord(&s)) == NULL)
     if ((source = nextWord(&s)) == NULL)
     if ((feature = nextWord(&s)) == NULL)
     if ((word = nextWord(&s)) == NULL)
     start = gffNeedNum(lf, word) - 1;
     if ((word = nextWord(&s)) == NULL)
     end = gffNeedNum(lf, word);
     if ((score = nextWord(&s)) == NULL)
     if ((strand = nextWord(&s)) == NULL)
     s = skipLeadingSpaces(s);
     /* Convert seq/start/end/strand. */
     error = liftOverRemapRange(chainHash, minMatch, seq, start, end, *strand,
 	                minMatch, &seq, &start, &end, strand);
     f = mapped;
     if (error != NULL)
 	f = unmapped;
 	fprintf(f, "# %s\n", error);
     fprintf(f, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\n",
 	seq, source, feature, start+1, end, score, strand, s);
 struct liftRange
 /* A start/stop pair. */
      struct liftRange *next;
      int start;		/* Start 0 based */
      int end;		/* End, non-inclusive. */
      int val;		/* Some value (optional). */
 static struct liftRange *bedToRangeList(struct bed *bed)
 /* Convert blocks in bed to a range list. */
 struct liftRange *range, *rangeList = NULL;
 int bedStart = bed->chromStart;
 int i, count = bed->blockCount, start;
 for (i=0; i<count; ++i)
     start = bedStart + bed->chromStarts[i];
     range->start = start;
     range->end = start + bed->blockSizes[i];
     slAddHead(&rangeList, range);
 return rangeList;
 static struct liftRange *tPslToRangeList(struct psl *psl)
 /* Convert target blocks in psl to a range list. */
 struct liftRange *range, *rangeList = NULL;
 int i, count = psl->blockCount, start;
 for (i=0; i<count; ++i)
     start = psl->tStarts[i];
     range->start = start;
     range->end = start + psl->blockSizes[i];
     slAddHead(&rangeList, range);
 return rangeList;
 #if 0 /* not used */
 static struct liftRange *qPslToRangeList(struct psl *psl)
 /* Convert query blocks in psl to a range list. */
 struct liftRange *range, *rangeList = NULL;
 int pslStart = psl->qStart;
 int i, count = psl->blockCount, start;
 for (i=0; i<count; ++i)
     start = pslStart + psl->qStarts[i];
     range->start = start;
     range->end = start + psl->blockSizes[i];
     slAddHead(&rangeList, range);
 return rangeList;
 static int chainRangeIntersection(struct chain *chain, struct liftRange *rangeList)
 /* Return chain/rangeList intersection size. */
 struct cBlock *b = chain->blockList;
 struct liftRange *r = rangeList;
 int one, total = 0;
 if (b == NULL || r == NULL)
     return 0;
 for (;;)
     while (b->tEnd < r->start)
 	b = b->next;
 	if (b == NULL)
 	    return total;
     while (r->end < b->tStart)
 	r = r->next;
 	if (r == NULL)
 	    return total;
     one = rangeIntersection(b->tStart, b->tEnd, r->start, r->end);
     if (one > 0)
 	total += one;
     if (b->tEnd <= r->end)
 	b = b->next;
 	if (b == NULL)
 	    return total;
 	r = r->next;
 	if (r == NULL)
 	    return total;
 static void remapRangeList(struct chain *chain, struct liftRange **pRangeList,
             int *pThickStart, int *pThickEnd, double minBlocks, bool fudgeThick,
             struct liftRange **retGood, struct liftRange **retBad, char **retError)
 /* Remap range list through chain.  Return error message on failure,
  * NULL on success. */
 struct cBlock *b = chain->blockList;
 struct liftRange *r = *pRangeList, *nextR, *goodList = NULL, *badList = NULL;
 int bDiff, rStart = 0;
 bool gotStart = FALSE;
 int rCount = slCount(r), goodCount = 0;
 int thickStart = *pThickStart, thickEnd = *pThickEnd;
 int fudgeThickStart = 0, fudgeThickEnd = 0;
 bool gotThickStart = FALSE, gotThickEnd = FALSE;
 bool gotFudgeThickStart = FALSE;
 bool needThick = (thickStart != thickEnd);
 boolean done = FALSE;
 static char bErr[512];
 char *err = NULL;
 *pRangeList = NULL;
 if (r == NULL)
     *retGood = *retBad = NULL;
     *retError = NULL;
 if (b == NULL)
     *retGood = NULL;
     *retBad = r;
     *retError = "Empty block list in intersecting chain";
 nextR = r->next;
 for (;;)
     /* Skip over chain blocks that end before range starts. */
     while (b->tEnd <= r->start)
 	b = b->next;
 	if (b == NULL)
 	    done = TRUE;
     if (done) 
     /* Put any range blocks that end before block starts on badList */
     while (r->end <= b->tStart)
 	slAddHead(&badList, r);
 	r = nextR;
 	if (r == NULL)
 	    done = TRUE;
 	nextR = r->next;
 	gotStart = FALSE;
     if (done) 
     /* Map start and end of 'thick area' in a slightly picky fashion. */
     if (needThick)
 	if (b->tStart <= thickStart && thickStart < b->tEnd)
 	    *pThickStart = thickStart + b->qStart - b->tStart;
 	    gotThickStart = TRUE;
 	    fudgeThickStart = *pThickStart;
 	    gotFudgeThickStart = TRUE;
 	if (b->tStart <= thickEnd && thickEnd <= b->tEnd)
 	    *pThickEnd = thickEnd + b->qStart - b->tStart;
 	    gotThickEnd = TRUE;
 	    fudgeThickEnd = *pThickEnd;
 	if (!gotFudgeThickStart && thickStart < b->tEnd)
 	    fudgeThickStart = b->qStart;
 	    gotFudgeThickStart = TRUE;
 	if (b->tEnd <= thickEnd)
 	    fudgeThickEnd = b->qEnd;
     if (b->tStart <= r->start && r->start < b->tEnd && !gotStart)
 	gotStart = TRUE;
 	bDiff = b->qStart - b->tStart;
 	rStart = r->start + bDiff;
     if (b->tStart < r->end && r->end <= b->tEnd)
 	bDiff = b->qStart - b->tStart;
 	if (gotStart)
 	    r->start = rStart;
 	    r->end += bDiff;
 	    slAddHead(&goodList, r);
 	    slAddHead(&badList, r);
 	r = nextR;
 	if (r == NULL)
 	    done = TRUE;
 	nextR = r->next;
 	gotStart = FALSE;
     if (done) 
     if (b->tEnd <= r->end)
 	b = b->next;
 	if (b == NULL)
 	    done = TRUE;
     if (done) 
 if (needThick)
     if (goodList != NULL && !gotFudgeThickStart)
 	fudgeThickStart = fudgeThickEnd = goodList->start;
     if (!gotThickStart)
 	if (fudgeThick)
 	    if (goodList != NULL)
 		*pThickStart = fudgeThickStart;
 	    err = "Can't find thickStart/thickEnd";
     if (!gotThickEnd)
 	if (fudgeThick)
 	    if (goodList != NULL)
 		*pThickEnd = fudgeThickEnd;
 	    err = "Can't find thickStart/thickEnd";
     if (goodList != NULL)
         *pThickStart = *pThickEnd = goodList->start;
 if (goodCount != rCount)
     double goodRatio = (double)goodCount / rCount;
     if (goodRatio < minBlocks)
 	safef(bErr, sizeof(bErr),
 	      "Boundary problem: need %d, got %d, diff %d, mapped %.1f",
 	      rCount, goodCount, rCount - goodCount, goodRatio);
 	err = bErr;
 *retGood = goodList;
 *retBad = badList;
 *retError = err;
 #ifdef DEBUG
 static void dumpRangeList(struct liftRange *rangeList, FILE *f)
 /* Write out range list to file. */
 struct liftRange *range;
 for (range = rangeList; range != NULL; range = range->next)
     fprintf(f, "%d,", range->end - range->start);
 fprintf(f, "\n");
 for (range = rangeList; range != NULL; range = range->next)
     fprintf(f, "%d,", range->start);
 fprintf(f, "\n");
 #endif /* DEBUG */
 static int sumBedBlocks(struct bed *bed)
 /* Calculate sum of all block sizes in bed. */
 int i, total = 0;
 for (i=0; i<bed->blockCount; ++i)
     total += bed->blockSizes[i];
 return total;
 static int sumPslBlocks(struct psl *psl)
 /* Calculate sum of all block sizes in psl. */
 int i, total = 0;
 for (i=0; i<psl->blockCount; ++i)
     total += psl->blockSizes[i];
 return total;
 static struct liftRange *reverseRangeList(struct liftRange *rangeList, int chromSize)
 /* Return reverse-complemented rangeList. */
 struct liftRange *range;
 for (range = rangeList; range != NULL; range = range->next)
     reverseIntRange(&range->start, &range->end, chromSize);
 return rangeList;
 static char *remapBlockedBed(struct hash *chainHash, struct bed *bed, 
                             double minMatch, double minBlocks, bool fudgeThick)
 /* Remap blocks in bed, and also chromStart/chromEnd.  
  * Return NULL on success, an error string on failure. */
 struct chain *chainList = NULL,  *chain;
 int bedSize = sumBedBlocks(bed);
 struct binElement *binList;
 struct binElement *el;
 struct liftRange *rangeList, *badRanges = NULL, *range;
 char *error = NULL;
 int i, start, end = 0;
 int thickStart = bed->thickStart;
 int thickEnd = bed->thickEnd;
 binList = findRange(chainHash, bed->chrom, bed->chromStart, bed->chromEnd);
 if (binList == NULL)
     return "Deleted in new";
 /* Convert bed blocks to range list. */
 rangeList = bedToRangeList(bed);
 /* Evaluate all intersecting chains and sort so best is on top. */
 for (el = binList; el != NULL; el = el->next)
     chain = el->val;
     chain->score = chainRangeIntersection(chain, rangeList);
     slAddHead(&chainList, chain);
 slSort(&chainList, chainCmpScore);
 /* See if duplicated. */
 chain = chainList->next;
 if (chain != NULL && chain->score == chainList->score)
     error = "Duplicated in new";
 chain = chainList;
 /* See if best one is good enough. */
 if (chain->score  < minMatch * bedSize)
     error = "Partially deleted in new";
 /* Call subroutine to remap range list. */
 if (error == NULL)
     remapRangeList(chain, &rangeList, &thickStart, &thickEnd, 
                         minBlocks, fudgeThick,
     	                &rangeList, &badRanges, &error);
 /* Convert rangeList back to bed blocks.  Also calculate start and end. */
 if (error == NULL)
     if (chain->qStrand == '-')
 	rangeList = reverseRangeList(rangeList, chain->qSize);
 	reverseIntRange(&thickStart, &thickEnd, chain->qSize);
 	bed->strand[0] = otherStrand(bed->strand[0]);
     bed->chromStart = start = rangeList->start;
     bed->blockCount = slCount(rangeList);
     for (i=0, range = rangeList; range != NULL; range = range->next, ++i)
 	end = range->end;
 	bed->blockSizes[i] = end - range->start;
 	bed->chromStarts[i] = range->start - start;
     if (!sameString(chain->qName, chain->tName))
 	bed->chrom = cloneString(chain->qName);
     bed->chromEnd = end;
     bed->thickStart = thickStart;
     bed->thickEnd = thickEnd;
 return error;
 static int bedOverBig(struct lineFile *lf, int refCount, 
                     struct hash *chainHash, double minMatch, double minBlocks,
                     bool fudgeThick, FILE *mapped, FILE *unmapped, int bedPlus,
                     bool hasBin, bool tabSep, int *errCt)
 /* Do a bed with block-list. */
 int wordCount, bedCount;
 char *line, *words[LIFTOVER_MAX_WORDS];
 char *whyNot = NULL;
 int ct = 0;
 int errs = 0;
 int i;
 while (lineFileNextReal(lf, &line))
     struct bed *bed;
     wordCount = chopLineBin(line, words, ArraySize(words), hasBin, tabSep);
     if (refCount != wordCount)
 	lineFileExpectWords(lf, refCount, wordCount);
     if (wordCount == bedPlus)
         bedPlus = 0;    /* no extra fields */
     bedCount = (bedPlus ? bedPlus : wordCount);
     bed = bedLoadN(words, bedCount);
     whyNot = remapBlockedBed(chainHash, bed, minMatch, minBlocks, fudgeThick);
     if (whyNot == NULL)
         if (hasBin)
             fprintf(mapped, "%d\t", 
                         binFromRange(bed->chromStart, bed->chromEnd));
 	bedOutputN(bed, bedCount, mapped, '\t', 
                 (bedCount != wordCount) ? '\t':'\n');
         /* print extra "non-bed" fields in line */
         for (i = bedCount; i < wordCount; i++)
             fprintf(mapped, "%s%c", words[i], (i == wordCount-1) ? '\n':'\t');
 	fprintf(unmapped, "#%s\n", whyNot);
 	bedOutputN(bed, bedCount, unmapped, '\t', 
                 (bedCount != wordCount) ? '\t':'\n');
         /* print extra "non-bed" fields in line */
         for (i = bedCount; i < wordCount; i++)
             fprintf(unmapped, "%s%c", words[i], 
                                 (i == wordCount-1) ? '\n':'\t');
 if (errCt)
     *errCt = errs;
 return ct;
 int liftOverBedPlusEnds(char *fileName, struct hash *chainHash, double minMatch,  
                     double minBlocks, int minSizeT, int minSizeQ, int minChainT,
                     int minChainQ, bool fudgeThick, FILE *f, FILE *unmapped, 
                     bool multiple, char *chainTable, int bedPlus, bool hasBin, 
                     bool tabSep, int ends, int *errCt)
 /* Lift bed N+ file.
  * Return the number of records successfully converted */
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
 int wordCount;
 int bedFieldCount = bedPlus;
 char *line;
 char *words[LIFTOVER_MAX_WORDS];
 int ct = 0;
 if (lineFileNextReal(lf, &line))
     line = cloneString(line);
     if (tabSep)
         wordCount = chopByChar(line, '\t', words, ArraySize(words));
         wordCount = chopLine(line, words);
     if (hasBin)
     if (wordCount < 3)
 	 errAbort("Data format error: expecting at least 3 fields in BED file (%s)", fileName);
     if (bedFieldCount == 0)
         bedFieldCount = wordCount;
     if (bedFieldCount <= 10)
 	if (ends)
 	    ct = bedOverSmallEnds(lf, wordCount, chainHash, minMatch, 
                         minSizeT, minSizeQ, minChainT, minChainQ, f, unmapped, 
 			multiple, chainTable, bedPlus, hasBin, tabSep, ends, errCt);
 	 ct = bedOverSmall(lf, wordCount, chainHash, minMatch, 
                         minSizeT, minSizeQ, minChainT, minChainQ, f, unmapped, 
                         multiple, chainTable, bedPlus, hasBin, tabSep, errCt);
     else if (ends)
 	errAbort("Cannot use -ends with blocked BED\n");
 	 ct = bedOverBig(lf, wordCount, chainHash, minMatch, minBlocks, 
                         fudgeThick, f, unmapped, bedPlus, hasBin, tabSep, errCt);
 return ct;
 int liftOverBedPlus(char *fileName, struct hash *chainHash, double minMatch,  
                     double minBlocks, int minSizeT, int minSizeQ, int minChainT,
                     int minChainQ, bool fudgeThick, FILE *f, FILE *unmapped, 
                     bool multiple, char *chainTable, int bedPlus, bool hasBin, 
                     bool tabSep, int *errCt)
 /* Lift bed N+ file.
  * Return the number of records successfully converted */
 return liftOverBedPlusEnds(fileName, chainHash, minMatch, minBlocks,
                         minSizeT, minSizeQ, minChainT, minChainQ,
                         fudgeThick, f, unmapped, multiple, chainTable,
 			bedPlus, hasBin, tabSep, 0, errCt);
 int liftOverBed(char *fileName, struct hash *chainHash, 
                         double minMatch,  double minBlocks, 
                         int minSizeT, int minSizeQ,
                         int minChainT, int minChainQ,
                         bool fudgeThick, FILE *f, FILE *unmapped, 
                         bool multiple, char *chainTable, int *errCt)
 /* Open up file, decide what type of bed it is, and lift it. 
  * Return the number of records successfully converted */
 return liftOverBedPlus(fileName, chainHash, minMatch, minBlocks,
                         minSizeT, minSizeQ, minChainT, minChainQ,
                         fudgeThick, f, unmapped, multiple, chainTable,
                         0, FALSE, FALSE, errCt);
 #define LIFTOVER_FILE_PREFIX    "liftOver"
 #define BEDSTART_TO_POSITION(coord)     (coord+1)
 int liftOverPositions(char *fileName, struct hash *chainHash, 
                         double minMatch,  double minBlocks, 
                         int minSizeT, int minSizeQ,
                         int minChainT, int minChainQ,
 		        bool fudgeThick, FILE *mapped, FILE *unmapped, 
 		        bool multiple, char *chainTable, int *errCt)
 /* Create bed file from positions (chrom:start-end) and lift.
  * Then convert back to positions.  (TODO: line-by-line instead of by file)
  * Return the number of records successfully converted */
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
 char *line;
 char *words[LIFTOVER_MAX_WORDS];
 int wordCount;
 int ct = 0;
 struct tempName bedTn, mappedBedTn, unmappedBedTn;
 FILE *bedFile;
 char *chrom;
 int start, end;
 FILE *mappedBed, *unmappedBed;
 /* OK to use forCgi here ?? What if used from command-line ? */
 makeTempName(&bedTn, LIFTOVER_FILE_PREFIX, ".bed");
 bedFile = mustOpen(bedTn.forCgi, "w");
 /* Convert input to bed file */
 while (lineFileNextReal(lf, &line))
     line = stripCommas(line);
     if (hgParseChromRange(NULL, line, &chrom, &start, &end))
         fprintf(bedFile, "%s\t%d\t%d\n", chrom, start, end);
         /* let the bed parser worry about it */
         // line = trimSpaces(line);
         fprintf(bedFile, "%s\n", line);
 chmod(bedTn.forCgi, 0666);
 /* Set up temp bed files for output, and lift to those */
 makeTempName(&mappedBedTn, LIFTOVER_FILE_PREFIX, ".bedmapped");
 makeTempName(&unmappedBedTn, LIFTOVER_FILE_PREFIX, ".bedunmapped");
 mappedBed = mustOpen(mappedBedTn.forCgi, "w");
 unmappedBed = mustOpen(unmappedBedTn.forCgi, "w");
 ct = liftOverBed(bedTn.forCgi, chainHash, minMatch, minBlocks, minSizeT, minSizeQ, minChainT, minChainQ, fudgeThick, 
                         mappedBed, unmappedBed, multiple, chainTable, errCt);
 chmod(mappedBedTn.forCgi, 0666);
 chmod(unmappedBedTn.forCgi, 0666);
 /* Convert output files back to positions */
 lf = lineFileOpen(mappedBedTn.forCgi, TRUE);
 while ((wordCount = lineFileChop(lf, words)) != 0)
     chrom = words[0];
     start = lineFileNeedNum(lf, words, 1);
     end = lineFileNeedNum(lf, words, 2);
     fprintf(mapped, "%s:%d-%d\n", chrom, BEDSTART_TO_POSITION(start), end);
 lf = lineFileOpen(unmappedBedTn.forCgi, TRUE);
 while (lineFileNext(lf, &line, NULL))
     if (line[0] == '#')
         fprintf(unmapped, "%s\n", line);
         wordCount = chopLine(line, words);
         chrom = words[0];
         start = lineFileNeedNum(lf, words, 1);
         end = lineFileNeedNum(lf, words, 2);
         fprintf(unmapped, "%s:%d-%d\n", chrom, 
                         BEDSTART_TO_POSITION(start), end);
 return ct;
 enum liftOverFileType liftOverSniff(char *fileName)
 /* the file-sniffing bit used to distinguish bed from positions files */
 /* returns enum concerning the file type */
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
 char *line = NULL;
 char *chrom, *start, *end;
 boolean isPosition = FALSE;
 lineFileNextReal(lf, &line);
 if (!line)
     return 0;
 chrom = line;
 start = strchr(chrom, ':');
 if (start)
     *start++ = 0;
     end = strchr(start, '-');
     if (end)
 	*end++ = 0;
 	isPosition = TRUE;
 	return 0;
     char *words[3];
     int numWords = chopLine(line, words);
     if (numWords < 3)
 	return 0;
     start = words[1];
     end = words[2];
 if (!isdigit(start[0]) || !isdigit(end[0]))
     return none;
 if (isPosition)
     return positions;
 return bed;
 int liftOverBedOrPositions(char *fileName, struct hash *chainHash, 
                         double minMatch,  double minBlocks, 
                         int minSizeT, int minSizeQ,
                         int minChainT, int minChainQ,
 		        bool fudgeThick, FILE *mapped, FILE *unmapped, 
 		        bool multiple, char *chainTable, int *errCt)
 /* Sniff the first line of the file, and determine whether it's a */
 /* bed, a positions file, or neither. */
 enum liftOverFileType lft = liftOverSniff(fileName);
 if (lft == positions)
     return liftOverPositions(fileName, chainHash, minMatch, minBlocks, minSizeT, 
 			     minSizeQ, minChainT, minChainQ, fudgeThick, mapped, unmapped,
 			     multiple, chainTable, errCt);
 if (lft == bed)
     return liftOverBed(fileName, chainHash, minMatch, minBlocks, minSizeT, 
 			     minSizeQ, minChainT, minChainQ, fudgeThick, mapped, unmapped,
 			     multiple, chainTable, errCt);
 return -1;
 static char *remapBlockedPsl(struct hash *chainHash, struct psl *psl, 
                             double minMatch, double minBlocks, bool fudgeThick)
 /* Remap blocks in psl, and also chromStart/chromEnd.  
  * Return NULL on success, an error string on failure. */
 struct chain *chainList = NULL,  *chain;
 int pslSize = sumPslBlocks(psl);
 struct binElement *binList;
 struct binElement *el;
 struct liftRange *rangeList, *badRanges = NULL, *range;
 char *error = NULL;
 int i, start, end = 0;
 //int pslStart = psl->tStart;
 //int pslEnd = psl->tEnd;
 int thick = 0;
 binList = findRange(chainHash, psl->tName, psl->tStart, psl->tEnd);
 if (binList == NULL)
     return "Deleted in new";
 /* Convert psl target  blocks to range list. */
 rangeList = tPslToRangeList(psl);
 /* Evaluate all intersecting chains and sort so best is on top. */
 for (el = binList; el != NULL; el = el->next)
     chain = el->val;
     chain->score = chainRangeIntersection(chain, rangeList);
     slAddHead(&chainList, chain);
 slSort(&chainList, chainCmpScore);
 /* See if duplicated. */
 chain = chainList->next;
 if (chain != NULL && chain->score == chainList->score)
     error = "Duplicated in new";
 chain = chainList;
 /* See if best one is good enough. */
 if (chain->score  < minMatch * pslSize)
     error = "Partially deleted in new";
 /* Call subroutine to remap range list. */
 if (error == NULL)
     remapRangeList(chain, &rangeList, &thick, &thick, minBlocks, fudgeThick,
     	                &rangeList, &badRanges, &error);
 /* Convert rangeList back to psl blocks.  Also calculate start and end. */
 if (error == NULL)
     if (chain->qStrand == '-')
 	rangeList = reverseRangeList(rangeList, chain->qSize);
 //	reverseIntRange(&pslStart, &pslEnd, chain->qSize);
 	psl->strand[0] = otherStrand(psl->strand[0]);
     psl->tStart = start = rangeList->start;
     psl->blockCount = slCount(rangeList);
     for (i=0, range = rangeList; range != NULL; range = range->next, ++i)
 	end = range->end;
 	psl->blockSizes[i] = end - range->start;
 	psl->tStarts[i] = range->start;
     if (!sameString(chain->qName, chain->tName))
 	psl->tName = cloneString(chain->qName);
     psl->tSize = chain->qSize;
     psl->tEnd = end;
 //    psl->tStart = pslStart;
 //    psl->tEnd = pslEnd;
 return error;
 static void pslOver(struct lineFile *lf, struct hash *chainHash, 
                     double minMatch, double minBlocks, bool fudgeThick,
                     FILE *mapped, FILE *unmapped)
 /* Do a psl with block-list. */
 char *whyNot = NULL;
 struct psl *psl;
 while ((psl = pslNext(lf)) != NULL)
     whyNot = remapBlockedPsl(chainHash, psl, minMatch, minBlocks, fudgeThick);
     if (whyNot == NULL)
 	pslTabOut(psl, mapped);
 	fprintf(unmapped, "#%s\n", whyNot);
 	pslTabOut(psl, unmapped);
 void liftOverPsl(char *fileName, struct hash *chainHash, 
                                 double minMatch, double minBlocks, bool fudgeThick,
                                 FILE *f, FILE *unmapped)
 /* Open up file, and lift it. */
 struct lineFile *lf = pslFileOpen(fileName);
 pslOver(lf, chainHash, minMatch, minBlocks, fudgeThick, f, unmapped);
 struct bed *genePredToBed(struct genePred *gp)
 /* Convert genePred to bed.  */
 struct bed *bed;
 int count, i, start;
 bed->chrom = cloneString(gp->chrom);
 bed->chromStart = start = gp->txStart;
 bed->chromEnd = gp->txEnd;
 bed->name = cloneString(gp->name);
 bed->strand[0] = gp->strand[0];
 bed->thickStart = gp->cdsStart;
 bed->thickEnd = gp->cdsEnd;
 bed->blockCount = count = gp->exonCount;
 AllocArray(bed->blockSizes, count);
 AllocArray(bed->chromStarts, count);
 for (i=0; i<count; ++i)
     int s = gp->exonStarts[i];
     int e = gp->exonEnds[i];
     bed->blockSizes[i] = e - s;
     bed->chromStarts[i] = s - start;
 return bed;
 void liftOverGenePred(char *fileName, struct hash *chainHash, 
                         double minMatch, double minBlocks, bool fudgeThick,
                         FILE *mapped, FILE *unmapped)
 /* Lift over file in genePred format. */
 struct bed *bed;
 struct genePred *gp = NULL;
 char *error;
 FILE *f;
 struct genePred *gpList = genePredExtLoadAll(fileName);
 for (gp = gpList ; gp != NULL ; gp = gp->next)
     // uglyf("%s %s %d %d %s\n", gp->name, gp->chrom, gp->txStart, gp->txEnd, gp->strand);
     f = mapped;
     bed = genePredToBed(gp);
     error = remapBlockedBed(chainHash, bed, minMatch, minBlocks, fudgeThick);
     if (error)
 	f = unmapped;
 	fprintf(unmapped, "# %s\n", error);
 	int count, i, start;
 	gp->chrom = cloneString(bed->chrom);
 	gp->txStart = start = bed->chromStart;
 	gp->txEnd = bed->chromEnd;
 	gp->strand[0] = bed->strand[0];
 	gp->cdsStart = bed->thickStart;
 	gp->cdsEnd = bed->thickEnd;
 	gp->exonCount = count = bed->blockCount;
 	for (i=0; i<count; ++i)
 	    int s = start + bed->chromStarts[i];
 	    int e = s + bed->blockSizes[i];
 	    gp->exonStarts[i] = s;
 	    gp->exonEnds[i] = e;
     genePredTabOut(gp, f);
 //    genePredFree(&gp);
 #ifdef example
 static char *remapBlockedBed(struct hash *chainHash, struct bed *bed)
 /* Remap blocks in bed, and also chromStart/chromEnd.  
  * Return NULL on success, an error string on failure. */
 struct chain *chainList = NULL,  *chain, *subChain;
 int bedSize = sumBedBlocks(bed);
 struct binElement *binList, *el;
 struct liftRange *rangeList, *badRanges = NULL, *range;
 char *error = NULL;
 int i, start, end = 0;
 int thickStart = bed->thickStart;
 int thickEnd = bed->thickEnd;
 binList = findRange(chainHash, bed->chrom, bed->chromStart, bed->chromEnd);
 if (binList == NULL)
     return "Deleted in new";
 /* Convert bed blocks to range list. */
 rangeList = bedToRangeList(bed);
 /* Evaluate all intersecting chains and sort so best is on top. */
 for (el = binList; el != NULL; el = el->next)
     chain = el->val;
     chain->score = chainRangeIntersection(chain, rangeList);
     slAddHead(&chainList, chain);
 slSort(&chainList, chainCmpScore);
 /* See if duplicated. */
 chain = chainList->next;
 if (chain != NULL && chain->score == chainList->score)
     error = "Duplicated in new";
 chain = chainList;
 /* See if best one is good enough. */
 if (chain->score  < minMatch * bedSize)
     error = "Partially deleted in new";
 /* Call subroutine to remap range list. */
 if (error == NULL)
     remapRangeList(chain, &rangeList, &thickStart, &thickEnd, minBlocks,
     	                &rangeList, &badRanges, &error);
 /* Convert rangeList back to bed blocks.  Also calculate start and end. */
 if (error == NULL)
     if (chain->qStrand == '-')
 	struct liftRange *range;
 	for (range = rangeList; range != NULL; range = range->next)
 	    reverseIntRange(&range->start, &range->end, chain->qSize);
 	reverseIntRange(&thickStart, &thickEnd, chain->qSize);
 	bed->strand[0] = otherStrand(bed->strand[0]);
     bed->chromStart = start = rangeList->start;
     bed->blockCount = slCount(rangeList);
     for (i=0, range = rangeList; range != NULL; range = range->next, ++i)
 	end = range->end;
 	bed->blockSizes[i] = end - range->start;
 	bed->chromStarts[i] = range->start - start;
     if (!sameString(chain->qName, chain->tName))
 	bed->chrom = cloneString(chain->qName);
     bed->chromEnd = end;
     bed->thickStart = thickStart;
     bed->thickEnd = thickEnd;
 return error;
 static struct liftRange *sampleToRangeList(struct sample *sample, int sizeOne)
 /* Make a range list corresponding to sample. */
 int i;
 struct liftRange *rangeList = NULL, *range;
 for (i=0; i<sample->sampleCount; ++i)
     range->start = range->end = sample->chromStart + sample->samplePosition[i];
     range->end += sizeOne;
     range->val = sample->sampleHeight[i];
     slAddHead(&rangeList, range);
 return rangeList;
 static struct sample *rangeListToSample(struct liftRange *rangeList, 
                                                 char *chrom, char *name,
 	unsigned score, char strand[3])
 /* Make sample based on range list and other parameters. */
 struct liftRange *range;
 struct sample *sample;
 int sampleCount = slCount(rangeList);
 int  i, chromStart, chromEnd;
 if (sampleCount == 0)
     return NULL;
 chromStart = rangeList->start;
 chromEnd = rangeList->end;
 for (range = rangeList->next; range != NULL; range = range->next)
     chromEnd = range->end;
 sample->chrom = cloneString(chrom);
 sample->chromStart = chromStart;
 sample->chromEnd = chromEnd;
 sample->name = cloneString(name);
 sample->score = score;
 strncpy(sample->strand, strand, sizeof(sample->strand));
 sample->sampleCount = sampleCount;
 AllocArray(sample->samplePosition, sampleCount);
 AllocArray(sample->sampleHeight, sampleCount);
 sample->sampleCount = sampleCount;
 for (range = rangeList, i=0; range != NULL; range = range->next, ++i)
     sample->samplePosition[i] = range->start - chromStart;
     sample->sampleHeight[i] = range->val;
 return sample;
 static void remapSample(struct hash *chainHash, struct sample *sample, 
                 double minBlocks, bool fudgeThick, FILE *mapped, FILE *unmapped)
 /* Remap a single sample and output it. */
 struct binElement *binList, *el;
 struct liftRange *rangeList, *goodList = NULL;
 struct chain *chain;
 struct sample *ns;
 char *error = NULL;
 int thick = 0;
 binList = findRange(chainHash, sample->chrom, sample->chromStart, sample->chromEnd);
 rangeList = sampleToRangeList(sample, 1);
 for (el = binList; el != NULL && rangeList != NULL; el = el->next)
     chain = el->val;
     remapRangeList(chain, &rangeList, &thick, &thick, minBlocks, fudgeThick,
     	                &goodList, &rangeList, &error);
     if (goodList != NULL)
 	if (chain->qStrand == '-')
 	     goodList = reverseRangeList(goodList, chain->qSize);
 	ns = rangeListToSample(goodList, chain->qName, sample->name, 
 		sample->score, sample->strand);
 	sampleTabOut(ns, mapped);
 if (rangeList != NULL)
     ns = rangeListToSample(rangeList, sample->chrom, sample->name,
     	sample->score, sample->strand);
     fprintf(unmapped, "# Leftover %d of %d\n", ns->sampleCount, sample->sampleCount);
     sampleTabOut(ns, unmapped);
 void liftOverSample(char *fileName, struct hash *chainHash, 
                         double minMatch, double minBlocks, bool fudgeThick,
                         FILE *mapped, FILE *unmapped)
 /* Open up file, decide what type of bed it is, and lift it. */
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
 char *row[9];
 struct sample *sample;
 while (lineFileRow(lf, row))
     sample = sampleLoad(row);
     remapSample(chainHash, sample, minBlocks, fudgeThick, mapped, unmapped);
 struct liftOverChain *liftOverChainList()
 /* Get list of all liftOver chains in the central database */
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hConnectCentral();
 struct liftOverChain *list = NULL;
 list = liftOverChainLoadByQuery(conn, "NOSQLINJ select * from liftOverChain");
 return list;
 void filterOutMissingChains(struct liftOverChain **pChainList) 
 /* Filter out chains that don't exist.  Helps partially mirrored sites. */
-    if (fileSize((*pChainList)->path)==-1)
+    char *newPath = hReplaceGbdb((*pChainList)->path);
+    if (!udcExists(newPath))
 	struct liftOverChain *temp = *pChainList;
 	*pChainList = (*pChainList)->next;
 	pChainList = &((*pChainList)->next);
 struct liftOverChain *liftOverChainListFiltered()
 /* Get list of all liftOver chains in the central database
  * filtered to include only those chains whose liftover files exist.
  * This helps partially mirrored sites */
 struct liftOverChain *list = liftOverChainList();
 return list;
 struct liftOverChain *liftOverChainListForDbFiltered(char *fromDb)
 /* Get list of all liftOver chains in the central database for fromDb,
  * filtered to include only those chains whose liftover files exist. */
 struct liftOverChain *list = liftOverChainForDb(fromDb);
 return list;
 struct liftOverChain *liftOverChainForDb(char *fromDb)
 /* Return list of liftOverChains for this database. */
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hConnectCentral();
 struct liftOverChain *list = NULL;
 char query[512];
 if (isNotEmpty(fromDb))
     sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select * from liftOverChain where fromDb='%s'",
     safecpy(query, sizeof(query), "NOSQLINJ select * from liftOverChain");
 list = liftOverChainLoadByQuery(conn, query);
 return list;
 char *liftOverChainFile(char *fromDb, char *toDb)
 /* Get filename of liftOver chain */
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hConnectCentral();
 struct liftOverChain *chain = NULL;
 char query[1024];
 char *path = NULL;
 if (conn)
     sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), 
             "select * from liftOverChain where fromDb='%s' and toDb='%s'",
                         fromDb, toDb);
     chain = liftOverChainLoadByQuery(conn, query);
     if (chain != NULL)
-        path = cloneString(chain->path);
+        path = hReplaceGbdb(chain->path);
 return path;
 char *liftOverErrHelp()
 /* Help message explaining liftOver failures */
     "Deleted in new:\n"
     "    Sequence intersects no chains\n"
     "Partially deleted in new:\n"
     "    Sequence insufficiently intersects one chain\n"
     "Split in new:\n"
     "    Sequence insufficiently intersects multiple chains\n"
     "Duplicated in new:\n"
     "    Sequence sufficiently intersects multiple chains\n"
     "Boundary problem:\n"
     "    Missing start or end base in an exon\n";