Wed Feb 12 11:40:12 2014 -0800
Use a little more smarts in looking for snpNNNSeq.fa file so it's notalways necessary to add snpSeqFile settings for snpNNN{Common,Mult,Flagged} tracks.
refs #12490
diff --git src/hg/hgc/hgc.c src/hg/hgc/hgc.c
index a986afc..34bfafb 100644
--- src/hg/hgc/hgc.c
+++ src/hg/hgc/hgc.c
@@ -15218,46 +15218,49 @@
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select file_offset from %s where acc='%s'",
snpSeqTable, snp->name);
sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
row = sqlNextRow(sr);
if (row == NULL)
return -1;
offset = sqlLongLong(row[0]);
return offset;
-char *getSnpSeqFile(struct trackDb *tdb)
+char *getSnpSeqFile(struct trackDb *tdb, int version)
/* find location of snp.fa and test existence. */
char *seqFile = trackDbSetting(tdb, "snpSeqFile");
if (isNotEmpty(seqFile))
if (fileExists(seqFile))
return cloneString(seqFile);
return NULL;
char seqFileBuf[512];
safef(seqFileBuf, sizeof(seqFileBuf), "/gbdb/%s/snp/%s.fa",
database, tdb->table);
if (fileExists(seqFileBuf))
return cloneString(seqFileBuf);
+safef(seqFileBuf, sizeof(seqFileBuf), "/gbdb/%s/snp/snp%d.fa", database, version);
+if (fileExists(seqFileBuf))
+ return cloneString(seqFileBuf);
safef(seqFileBuf, sizeof(seqFileBuf), "/gbdb/%s/snp/snp.fa", database);
if (fileExists(seqFileBuf))
return cloneString(seqFileBuf);
return NULL;
void printNullAlignment(int l, int r, int q)
/* Print out a double-sided gap for unaligned insertion SNP. */
int digits = max(digitsBaseTen(r), digitsBaseTen(q));
printf("%0*d - %0*d\n"
" (dbSNP-annotated position was not re-aligned to "
"observed allele code -- see adjacent alignments)\n"
@@ -15349,31 +15352,31 @@
"dbSNP sequence (%s; %d bp)\n",
tSeq->name, (tIsRc ? '-' : '+'), tSeq->size, qSeq->name, qSeq->size);
for (axtBlock=axt; axtBlock !=NULL; axtBlock = axtBlock->next)
printf("ID (including gaps) %3.1f%%, coverage (of both) %3.1f%%\n\n",
axtCoverage(axtBlock, qSeq->size, tSeq->size)*100);
printOffsetAndBoldAxt(axtBlock, lineWidth, ss, tOffset, qOffset,
boldStart, boldEnd, tIsRc, tSeq->size, qSeq->size);
-void printSnpAlignment(struct trackDb *tdb, struct snp *snp)
+void printSnpAlignment(struct trackDb *tdb, struct snp *snp, int version)
/* Get flanking sequences from table; align and print */
char *fileName = NULL;
char *variation = NULL;
char *line;
struct lineFile *lf = NULL;
int lineSize;
static int maxFlank = 1000;
static int lineWidth = 100;
boolean gotVar = FALSE;
boolean isNucleotide = TRUE;
boolean leftFlankTrimmed = FALSE;
boolean rightFlankTrimmed = FALSE;
@@ -15388,31 +15391,31 @@
struct dnaSeq *dnaSeqDbSnp5 = NULL;
struct dnaSeq *dnaSeqDbSnpO = NULL;
struct dnaSeq *dnaSeqDbSnp3 = NULL;
struct dnaSeq *seqDbSnp = NULL;
struct dnaSeq *seqNib = NULL;
int spaces = 0;
int len5 = 0;
int len3 = 0;
int start = 0;
int end = 0;
int skipCount = 0;
off_t offset = 0;
-fileName = getSnpSeqFile(tdb);
+fileName = getSnpSeqFile(tdb, version);
if (!fileName)
offset = getSnpSeqFileOffset(tdb, snp);
if (offset == -1)
lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
lineFileSeek(lf, offset, SEEK_SET);
/* skip the header line */
lineFileNext(lf, &line, &lineSize);
if (!startsWith(">rs", line))
errAbort("Expected FASTA header, got this line:\n%s\nat offset %lld "
"in file %s", line, (long long)offset, fileName);
@@ -17548,31 +17551,31 @@
printSnp125Info(tdb, snp, version);
doSnpEntrezGeneLink(tdb, itemName);
errAbort("SNP %s not found at %s base %d", itemName, seqName, start);
printOtherSnpMappings(table, itemName, start, conn, rowOffset);
// Make table for collapsible sections: