  Thu Apr 17 06:59:42 2014 -0700
When an insertion falls at the end of CDS, fetchCodons looks aheadto the next exon.  However, when this happens in the last exon,
there is no next exon so gene->chromStarts[i+1] is past the end
of the array.  Fix: make sure i+1 is a valid index before looking
at the next exon.
fixes #13089

diff --git src/hg/lib/pgSnp.c src/hg/lib/pgSnp.c
index 14d96db..e635f60 100644
--- src/hg/lib/pgSnp.c
+++ src/hg/lib/pgSnp.c
@@ -294,58 +294,61 @@
             /* minus strand coding start == chromEnd */
             cEnd = gene->chromStart + gene->chromStarts[i] + gene->blockSizes[i] - (st - codStart + 1);
             cStart = gene->chromStart + gene->chromStarts[i] + gene->blockSizes[i] - (end - codStart + 1);
 //printf("TESTING fetching sequence for %s:%d-%d\n", gene->chrom, cStart, cEnd);
 	if (cStart < cEnd)
 	    struct dnaSeq *s = hDnaFromSeq(db, gene->chrom, cStart, cEnd, dnaUpper);
 	    dyStringPrintf(seq, "%s", s->dna);
 //printf("TESTING got seq=%s<br>\n", s->dna);
         /* check following exons, chrom order */
+	if (i+1 < gene->blockCount)
+	    {
 	    if (posStrand && rv->cdEnd >= codStart + gene->blockSizes[i])
 		int st = codStart + gene->blockSizes[i] + 1;
 		int end = rv->cdEnd;
 		cStart = gene->chromStart + gene->chromStarts[i+1] - 1;
 		cEnd = gene->chromStart + gene->chromStarts[i+1] + (end - st + 1);
 		if (cStart < cEnd)
 		    struct dnaSeq *s = hDnaFromSeq(db, gene->chrom, cStart, cEnd, dnaUpper);
 		    dyStringPrintf(seq, "%s", s->dna);
 	    else if (!posStrand && rv->cdStart < (codStart - 1))
 		int st = rv->cdStart;
 		int end = codStart - 1;
 		cStart = gene->chromStart + gene->chromStarts[i+1];
 		cEnd = gene->chromStart + gene->chromStarts[i+1] + (end - st);
 //printf("TESTING fetching sequence for %s:%d-%d\n", gene->chrom, cStart, cEnd);
 		if (cStart < cEnd)
 		    struct dnaSeq *s = hDnaFromSeq(db, gene->chrom, cStart, cEnd, dnaUpper);
 		    dyStringPrintf(seq, "%s", s->dna);
 //printf("TESTING got seq=%s<br>\n", s->dna);
+	    }
         rv->seq = dyStringCannibalize(&seq);
     /* increment values past this exon */
     codNum += trunc((gene->blockSizes[i] - frame) / 3);
     if (frame > 0) codNum++;
     cPos += gene->blockSizes[i];
     frame = 3 - ((gene->blockSizes[i] - frame) % 3);
 if (rv->seq == NULL)
     return NULL; /* not found */
 return rv;
 char *replaceString(char *old, int from, int to, char *rep)
@@ -410,31 +413,31 @@
 for (el = th; el != NULL; el = el->next)
     struct pgCodon *cod = fetchCodons(db, el, item->chromStart, item->chromEnd);
     if (cod == NULL)
         continue; /* not in exon */
     if (found == 0)
 	printf("\n<BR>Coding sequence changes are relative to strand of transcript:<BR>\n");
     if (sameString(el->strand, "-"))
         reverseComplement(cod->seq, strlen(cod->seq));
     /* bold changing seq */
     char old[512];
     strncpy(old, cod->seq+(cod->regStart - cod->cdStart), (cod->regEnd - cod->regStart));
     old[cod->regEnd - cod->regStart] = '\0';
     char b[512];
-    safef(b, sizeof(b), "<B>%s</B>", old);
+    safef(b, sizeof(b), "<B>%s</B>", isEmpty(old) ? "-" : old);
     char *bold = replaceString(cod->seq, (cod->regStart - cod->cdStart), (cod->regEnd - cod->cdStart), b);
     char *nameCopy = cloneString(item->name);
     char *allele[8];
     (void) chopByChar(nameCopy, '/', allele, item->alleleCount);
     int i;
     printf("%s:starting positions codon %d cds %d<BR>\n", el->name, cod->firstCodon, (cod->cdStart+1));
     for (i=0;i<item->alleleCount;i++)
         char a[512];
         if (sameString(el->strand, "-"))
             reverseComplement(allele[i], strlen(allele[i]));
         safef(a, sizeof(a), "<B>%s</B>", allele[i]);
         char *rep = replaceString(cod->seq, (cod->regStart - cod->cdStart), (cod->regEnd - cod->cdStart), a);
 	if (sameString(bold, rep))