  Wed Apr 16 11:15:20 2014 -0700
take out a printf that got added by accident.
diff --git src/hg/hgTracks/wigTrack.c src/hg/hgTracks/wigTrack.c
index 149794c..e483cc6 100644
--- src/hg/hgTracks/wigTrack.c
+++ src/hg/hgTracks/wigTrack.c
@@ -989,31 +989,30 @@
 		    int boxTop = min(y1,y0);
 		    //	positive data value exactly equal to Bottom pixel
 		    //  make sure it draws at least a pixel there
 		    if (boxTop == h)
 			boxTop = h - 1;
 		    // negative data value exactly equal to top pixel
 		    // make sure it draws something
 		    if ((boxTop+boxHeight) == 0)
 			boxHeight += 1;
 		    int stackY = 0;
 		    if (yOffsets)
 			stackY = yOffsets[numTrack *  width + x1];
-			printf("%d ", stackY);
 		    vLine(image,x, stackY+yOff+boxTop, boxHeight, drawColor);
 		{	/*	draw a 3 pixel height box	*/
 		if (whiskers)
 		    int scaledMin = scaleHeightToPixels(doTransform(p->min, transformFunc));
 		    int scaledMax = scaleHeightToPixels(doTransform(p->max, transformFunc));
 		    double mean = p->sumData/p->count;
 		    int boxHeight = max(1,scaledMin - scaledMax);
 		    vLine(image, x, scaledMax, boxHeight, lightColor);
 		    int scaledMean = scaleHeightToPixels(dataValue);
 		    double std = calcStdFromSums(p->sumData, p->sumSquares, p->count);