  Wed Apr 16 10:58:32 2014 -0700
fix a crashing bug in hgCustom if the description field is empty on anassembly hub

diff --git src/hg/inc/wiggle.h src/hg/inc/wiggle.h
index c76868f..c0f69de 100644
--- src/hg/inc/wiggle.h
+++ src/hg/inc/wiggle.h
@@ -1,524 +1,524 @@
 /* wiggle.h was originally generated by the autoSql program, which also
  * generated wiggle.c and wiggle.sql.  This header links the database and
  * the RAM representation of objects. */
 #ifndef WIGGLE_H
 #define WIGGLE_H
 #include "cart.h"
 #include "histogram.h"
 #include "portable.h"
 #define WIGGLE_NUM_COLS 13
 struct wiggle
 /* Wiggle track values to display as y-values (first 4 fields are bed4) */
     struct wiggle *next;	/* Next in singly linked list. */
     char *chrom;		/* Human chromosome or FPC contig */
     unsigned chromStart;	/* Start position in chromosome */
     unsigned chromEnd;		/* End position in chromosome */
     char *name;			/* Name of item */
     unsigned span;	/* each value spans this many bases */
     unsigned count;	/* number of values in this block */
     unsigned offset;	/* offset in File to fetch data */
     char *file;	/* path name to data file, one byte per value */
     double lowerLimit;	/* lowest data value in this block */
     double dataRange;	/* lowerLimit + dataRange = upperLimit */
     unsigned validCount;	/* number of valid data values in this block */
     double sumData;	/* sum of the data points, for average and stddev calc */
     double sumSquares;	/* sum of data points squared, for stddev calc */
 void wiggleStaticLoad(char **row, struct wiggle *ret);
 /* Load a row from wiggle table into ret.  The contents of ret will
  * be replaced at the next call to this function. */
 struct wiggle *wiggleLoad(char **row);
 /* Load a wiggle from row fetched with select * from wiggle
  * from database.  Dispose of this with wiggleFree(). */
 struct wiggle *wiggleLoadAll(char *fileName);
 /* Load all wiggle from whitespace-separated file.
  * Dispose of this with wiggleFreeList(). */
 struct wiggle *wiggleLoadAllByChar(char *fileName, char chopper);
 /* Load all wiggle from chopper separated file.
  * Dispose of this with wiggleFreeList(). */
 #define wiggleLoadAllByTab(a) wiggleLoadAllByChar(a, '\t');
 /* Load all wiggle from tab separated file.
  * Dispose of this with wiggleFreeList(). */
 struct wiggle *wiggleCommaIn(char **pS, struct wiggle *ret);
 /* Create a wiggle out of a comma separated string.
  * This will fill in ret if non-null, otherwise will
  * return a new wiggle */
 void wiggleFree(struct wiggle **pEl);
 /* Free a single dynamically allocated wiggle such as created
  * with wiggleLoad(). */
 void wiggleFreeList(struct wiggle **pList);
 /* Free a list of dynamically allocated wiggle's */
 void wiggleOutput(struct wiggle *el, FILE *f, char sep, char lastSep);
 /* Print out wiggle.  Separate fields with sep. Follow last field with lastSep. */
 #define wiggleTabOut(el,f) wiggleOutput(el,f,'\t','\n');
 /* Print out wiggle as a line in a tab-separated file. */
 #define wiggleCommaOut(el,f) wiggleOutput(el,f,',',',');
 /* Print out wiggle as a comma separated list including final comma. */
 /* -------------- End autoSql Generated Code -------------------------- */
 /*	BASE_0 and BASE_1 - use where any coordinate conversions are to
  *	be done, this will allow them to easily be found in case of
  *	confusion.
 #define	BASE_0(x)	(x-1)
 #define	BASE_1(x)	(x+1)
 #define DEFAULT_MIN_Yv	0.0
 #define DEFAULT_MAX_Yv	127.0
 #define DEFAULT_MAX_BED_GRAPH	1000.0
 #define DEFAULT_HEIGHT_PER	"128"
 #define MIN_HEIGHT_PER	11
 #define WIG_NO_DATA	128
 #define MAX_WIG_VALUE	127
 #define MAX_OPT_STRLEN	128
 struct wiggleDatum
 /* a single instance of a wiggle data value */
     unsigned chromStart;    /* Start position in chromosome, 0 relative */
     double value;
 struct asciiDatum
 /* a single instance of a wiggle data value (trying float here to save space */
     unsigned chromStart;    /* Start position in chromosome, 0 relative */
     float value;
 struct wiggleData
 /* linked list of wiggle data values */
     struct wiggleData *next;  /* Next in singly linked list. */
     char *chrom;	/* chromosome or contig */
     unsigned chromStart;    /* Start position, first value */
     unsigned chromEnd;      /* End position, last value */
     unsigned span;	/* each value spans this many bases */
     unsigned count;	/* number of values in this block */
     double lowerLimit;	/* lowest data value in this block */
     double dataRange;	/* lowerLimit + dataRange = upperLimit */
     double sumData;   /* sum of the data points, for average and stddev calc */
     double sumSquares;	/* sum of data points squared, for stddev calc */
     struct wiggleDatum *data;	/* many individual data items here */
 struct wiggleStats
 /* linked list of wiggle statistics */
     struct wiggleStats *next;  /* Next in singly linked list. */
     char *chrom;	/* chromosome or contig */
     unsigned chromStart;    /* Start position, first value */
     unsigned chromEnd;      /* End position, last value */
     unsigned span;	/* each value spans this many bases */
     unsigned count;	/* number of values in this block */
     double lowerLimit;	/* lowest data value in this block */
     double dataRange;	/* lowerLimit + dataRange = upperLimit */
     double mean;	/* mean of data points */
     double variance;	/* variance of data points */
     double stddev;	/* standard deviation of data points */
 struct wigAsciiData
 /* linked list of wiggle data in ascii form */
     struct wigAsciiData *next;	/*	next in singly linked list	*/
     char *chrom;		/*	chrom name for this set of data */
     unsigned span;		/*	span for this set of data	*/
     unsigned count;		/*	number of values in this block */
     double dataRange;		/*	for resolution calculation */
     struct asciiDatum *data;	/*	individual data items here */
 struct wiggleArray
 /*	one big in-memory linear array of data	*/
     struct wiggleArray *next;	/*	might be more than one chrom	*/
     char *chrom;		/*	chrom name for this set of data */
     unsigned winStart;		/*	winEnd - winStart	*/
     unsigned winEnd;		/*	will be the length of data	*/
     float *data;		/*	all data winStart to winEnd	*/
 #include "hdb.h"
 #define HTI_IS_WIGGLE (hti->spanField[0] !=0)
 /*	anonymous declaration of track to take care of the use of this struct
  *	in the wigSetCart definition below.  Prevents compiler warnings on
  *	lib/wiggleCart.c and doesn't disturb the usage in hg/hgTracks/...c
 struct track;
 /*	in hgTracks/wigTrack.c	*/
 void wigSetCart(struct track *track, char *dataID, void *dataValue);
     /*	set one of the variables in the wigCart	*/
 /*	in lib/wiggleCart.c	*/
 void wigFetchMinMaxYWithCart(struct cart *cart, struct trackDb *tdb, char *name, double *min, 
                              double *max, double *tDbMin, double *tDbMax, int wordCount, 
                              char **words);
 #define wigFetchMinMaxY(tdb,min,max,tDbMin,tDbMax,wordCount,words) \
 /* return min,max Y ranges from trackDb or cart */
 void wigFetchMinMaxLimitsWithCart(struct cart *cart, struct trackDb *tdb, char *name,
                                   double *min, double *max,double *tDbMin, double *tDbMax);
 #define wigFetchMinMaxLimits(tdb,min,max,tDbMin,tDbMax) \
 /* for bedGraph types, return min,max Y ranges from trackDb or cart */
 void wigFetchMinMaxPixelsWithCart(struct cart *cart, struct trackDb *tdb, char *name,
                                   int *Min, int *Max, int *Default);
 #define wigFetchMinMaxPixels(tdb,Min,Max,Default) \
 /* return pixels heights allowable from trackDb or cart */
 enum wiggleGridOptEnum wigFetchTransformFuncWithCart(struct cart *cart, struct trackDb *tdb, 
                                                      char *name,char **optString);
 #define wigFetchTransformFunc(tdb,optString) \
 /* return transformFunc setting    */
 enum wiggleGridOptEnum wigFetchAlwaysZeroWithCart(struct cart *cart, struct trackDb *tdb, 
                                                   char *name,char **optString);
 #define wigFetchAlwaysZero(tdb,optString) \
 /* return alwaysZero setting    */
 enum wiggleGridOptEnum wigFetchHorizontalGridWithCart(struct cart *cart, struct trackDb *tdb, 
                                                       char *name,char **optString);
 #define wigFetchHorizontalGrid(tdb,optString) \
 /* return horizontalGrid setting    */
 enum wiggleScaleOptEnum wigFetchAutoScaleWithCart(struct cart *cart, struct trackDb *tdb, 
                                                   char *name, char **optString);
 #define wigFetchAutoScale(tdb,optString) \
 /* return autoScale setting */
 enum wiggleGraphOptEnum wigFetchGraphTypeWithCart(struct cart *cart, struct trackDb *tdb, 
                                                   char *name, char **optString);
 #define wigFetchGraphType(tdb,optString) \
 /* return graph type, line(points) or bar graph	*/
+enum wiggleAggregateFunctionEnum wigFetchAggregateFunctionWithCart(struct cart *cart, struct trackDb *tdb, 
+                                                           char *name, char **optString);
 enum wiggleWindowingEnum wigFetchWindowingFunctionWithCart(struct cart *cart, struct trackDb *tdb, 
                                                            char *name, char **optString);
 #define wigFetchWindowingFunction(tdb,optString) \
 /* return windowing function, Maximum, Mean, Minimum */
 enum wiggleSmoothingEnum wigFetchSmoothingWindowWithCart(struct cart *cart, struct trackDb *tdb, 
                                                          char *name, char **optString);
 #define wigFetchSmoothingWindow(tdb,optString) \
 /* return smoothing window size N: [0:16]   */
 enum wiggleYLineMarkEnum wigFetchYLineMarkWithCart(struct cart *cart, struct trackDb *tdb, 
                                                    char *name, char **optString);
 #define wigFetchYLineMark(tdb,optString) \
 /* return On/Off status of y= line marker   */
 void wigFetchYLineMarkValueWithCart(struct cart *cart,struct trackDb *tdb, char *name, 
                                     double *tDbYMark );
 #define wigFetchYLineMarkValue(tdb,tDbYMark) \
 /* return value for the y line marker to be drawn   */
-char *wigFetchAggregateValWithCart(struct cart *cart, struct trackDb *tdb);
-/* Return aggregate value for track. */
 boolean wigIsOverlayTypeAggregate(char *aggregate);
 /* Return TRUE if aggregater type is one of the overlay ones. */
 int *wiggleSpanList(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct trackDb *tdb);
 /******	spanList - fetch list of spans from trackDb *********************/
 /*	cart and trackDb strings	*/
 #define VIEWLIMITS "viewLimits"
 #define DEFAULTVIEWLIMITS "defaultViewLimits"
 #define VIEWLIMITSMAX "viewLimitsMax"
 #define MIN_Y "minY"
 #define MAX_Y "maxY"
 #define MIN_LIMIT "minLimit"
 #define MAX_LIMIT "maxLimit"
 #define MAXHEIGHTPIXELS "maxHeightPixels"
 #define HEIGHTPER "heightPer"
 #define HORIZGRID "horizGrid"
 #define GRIDDEFAULT "gridDefault"
 #define TRANSFORMFUNC "transformFunc"
 #define ALWAYSZERO "alwaysZero"
 #define AUTOSCALE "autoScale"
 #define AUTOSCALEDEFAULT "autoScaleDefault"
 #define LINEBAR "lineBar"
 #define AGGREGATE "aggregate"
 #define GRAPHTYPE "graphType"
 #define GRAPHTYPEDEFAULT "graphTypeDefault"
 #define WINDOWINGFUNCTION "windowingFunction"
 #define SMOOTHINGWINDOW "smoothingWindow"
 #define YLINEONOFF "yLineOnOff"
 #define YLINEMARK "yLineMark"
 #define SPANLIST "spanList"
 #define	MAX_SPAN_COUNT	128
 #define MAX_SMOOTHING 16
 /*	compute the data value give the bin	*/
 #define BIN_TO_VALUE(bin,lowerLimit,range) ((range > 0.0) ? \
 	lowerLimit+((double)bin/(double)MAX_WIG_VALUE*range) : lowerLimit)
 #define BIN_TO_VALUE(bin,lowerLimit,range) \
 /*	This needs to be adjusted for data with positive and
  *	negative values, a special bin for 0 needs to be set aside and
  *	the positive and negative values kept separately
 #if defined(DEBUG)	/*	dbg	*/
 extern void wigProfileEnter();
 extern long wigProfileLeave();
 #define DBGMSGSZ	1023
 extern char dbgMsg[DBGMSGSZ+1];
 extern void wigDebugPrint(char * name);
 /*	in lib/wigAsciiToBinary.c	*/
 struct wigEncodeOptions
 /*	passing options to the wigAsciiToBinary function	*/
     int lift;	/*	lift all incoming coordinates by this amount	*/
     boolean noOverlap;	/*	enforce no overlapping data verification */
     boolean flagOverlapSpanData;	/* verify span data doesn't overlap */
     long long wibSizeLimit;	/*	governor on ct trash files */
 /* during wigAsciiToBinary, these starting limits are for the complete set
  *	of data, they must change from these initial defaults during
  *	processing
 #define	wigEncodeStartingUpperLimit -1.0e+300
 #define	wigEncodeStartingLowerLimit 1.0e+300
 void wigAsciiToBinary(char *wigAscii, char *wigFile, char *wibFile,
    double *upperLimit, double *lowerLimit, struct wigEncodeOptions *options );
 /*	given the three file names, read the wigAscii file and produce
  *	the wigFile and wibFile outputs, return the upper and lower
  *	limits for all the data
 /*	the object wiggleDataStream is implemented in lib/wigDataStream.c */
 enum wigCompare
 /*	type of comparison to be calculated	*/
     wigNoOp_e, wigInRange_e, wigLessThan_e, wigLessEqual_e, wigEqual_e,
 	wigNotEqual_e, wigGreaterEqual_e, wigGreaterThan_e,
 enum wigCompare wigCompareFromString(char *string);
 /* Given a string return corresponding cmp code. */
 boolean wigCompareValFilter(double val, enum wigCompare cmp, double ll, double ul);
 /* Return TRUE if val passes comparison filter. */
 enum wigDataFetchType
 /*	bit masks to specify type of data to fetch via getData()	*/
     wigFetchNoOp = 1, wigFetchAscii = 2, wigFetchBed = 4, wigFetchStats = 8,
 	wigFetchDataArray = 16, wigFetchRawStats = 32,
 struct wiggleDataStream
 /*	object definition to access wiggle data, in DB or from file	*/
     /********************	public methods	*****************/
     void (*freeAscii)(struct wiggleDataStream *wds);
 			/*	free the ascii list results 	*/
     void (*freeBed)(struct wiggleDataStream *wds);
 			/*	free the bed list results 	*/
     void (*freeStats)(struct wiggleDataStream *wds);
 			/*	free the stats list results 	*/
     void (*freeArray)(struct wiggleDataStream *wds);
 			/*	free the data array results 	*/
     void (*freeConstraints)(struct wiggleDataStream *wds);
 			/*	unset all the constraints	*/
     void (*setMaxOutput)(struct wiggleDataStream *wds,
 	unsigned long long maxOut);
 			/*	set the maximum # of values to return */
     void (*setPositionConstraint)(struct wiggleDataStream *wds,
 	int winStart, int winEnd);
 			/*	work only within specified position */
     void (*setChromConstraint)(struct wiggleDataStream *wds, char *chr);
 			/*	work only on specified chrom 	*/
     void (*setSpanConstraint)(struct wiggleDataStream *wds, unsigned span);
 			/*	work only on specified span 	*/
     void (*setDataConstraint)(struct wiggleDataStream *wds,
 	char *dataConstraint, double lowerLimit, double upperLimit);
 			/*	setting data compare limits 	*/
     int (*bedOut)(struct wiggleDataStream *wds, char *fileName, boolean sort);
 			/*	output the bed list results 	*/
     void (*statsOut)(struct wiggleDataStream *wds, char *db, char *fileName,
 	boolean sort, boolean htmlOut, boolean withHeader,
 	    boolean leaveTableOpen);
 			/*	output the stats list results 	*/
     int (*asciiOut)(struct wiggleDataStream *wds,char *db, char *fileName, boolean sort,
 	boolean rawDataOut);
 			/*	output the ascii list results 	*/
     void (*sortResults)(struct wiggleDataStream *wds);
 			/*	sort if you want to, the Outs do this too */
     float *(*asciiToDataArray)(struct wiggleDataStream *wds,
 	unsigned long long count, size_t *returned);
 			/*	convert the AsciiData list to a float array */
     unsigned long long (*getDataViaBed)(struct wiggleDataStream *wds,
 	char *db, char *table, int operations, struct bed **bedList);
 			/*	fetch data constrained by bedList,
  			 *	return is number of data values found */
     unsigned long long (*getData)(struct wiggleDataStream *wds, char *db,
 	char *table, int operations);
 			/*	fetch data from db.table or file table,
  			 *	return is number of data values found */
     /***** PRIVATE attributes, for internal use only, look, don't touch	*/
     char *db;			/*	database name	*/
     char *tblName;		/*	the table or file name	*/
     struct lineFile *lf;	/*	file handle in case of file	*/
     /*  data return structures	*/
     struct wigAsciiData *ascii;	/*	list of wiggle data values */
     struct bed *bed;		/*	data in bed format	*/
     struct wiggleStats *stats;	/*	list of wiggle stats	*/
     struct wiggleArray *array;	/*	one big in-memory array of data	*/
     unsigned long long maxOutput;  /*	maximum items fetched	*/
     boolean isFile;		/*	TRUE == it is a file, FALSE == DB */
     boolean bedConstrained;	/*	signal to output routines */
     boolean useDataConstraint;	/*	to simplify checking if it is on */
     enum wigCompare wigCmpSwitch;	/*	for compare function switch */
     char *dataConstraint;	/*	one of < = >= <= == != 'in range' */
     double limit_0;		/*	for constraint comparison	*/
     double limit_1;		/*	for constraint comparison	*/
     unsigned char ucLowerLimit;	/*	for comparison direct to bytes	*/
     unsigned char ucUpperLimit;	/*	for comparison direct to bytes	*/
     char *sqlConstraint;	/*	extra SQL constraints	*/
     unsigned int currentSpan;	/*	for use during reading	*/
     char *currentChrom;		/*	for use during reading	*/
     char *wibFile;		/*	for use during reading	*/
     struct udcFile *wibFH;	/*	wibFile handle	*/
     struct sqlConnection *conn;	/*	SQL connection when talking to db */
     struct sqlResult *sr;	/*	SQL result when talking to db	*/
     char *chrName;		/*	for chrom==chrName on file reads */
     unsigned spanLimit;		/*	for span==spanLimit on file reads */
     int winStart;		/*	for fetches between winStart, winEnd */
     int winEnd;			/*	for fetches between winStart, winEnd */
     int offset;			/*	offset to add to positions on output */
     unsigned long long rowsRead;     /*	reading stats, SQL rows read */
     unsigned long long validPoints;  /*	reading stats, number of data bytes */
     unsigned long long noDataPoints; /* reading stats, NO_DATA bytes	*/
     unsigned long long bytesRead;    /* reading stats, total wib bytes */
     unsigned long long bytesSkipped; /* reading stats, bytes not examined */
     unsigned long long valuesMatched;  /* reading stats, number of data bytes */
     unsigned long long totalBedElements;  /* on all bed lists */
 /*	in lib/wigDataStream.c	*/
 /*	Two methods to create and destroy object	*/
 struct wiggleDataStream *wiggleDataStreamNew();
 void wiggleDataStreamFree(struct wiggleDataStream **wds);
 /*	A couple of routines not strictly part of the object methods,
 	but they do work with the object and pick stuff out of it.
 void wigPrintDataConstraint(struct wiggleDataStream *wds, FILE * fh);
 /*	output string to file handle fh indicating current data constraint */
 void statsPreamble(struct wiggleDataStream *wds, char *chrom,
     int winStart, int winEnd, unsigned span, unsigned long long valuesMatched,
 	char *table2);
 /*	common beginning to wiggle stats displays	*/
 void wigStatsHeader(struct wiggleDataStream *wds, FILE * fh, boolean htmlOut);
 /*	begin wiggle stats table */
 void wigStatsTableHeading(FILE * fh, boolean htmlOut);
 /*	Print the single html (or text) table row for statistics
 	column headings */
 /*	verbose level guidelines	*/
 /*	in lib/wiggleUtils.c	*/
 void printHistoGram(struct histoResult *histoResults, boolean html);
 /*	This function wigFetchData is being phased out, use the
  *	wiggleDataStream to do this business.  There is one use of
  *	this in hgText - itself to be phased out someday.
 struct wiggleData *wigFetchData(char *db, char *table, char *chromName,
     int winStart, int winEnd, boolean summaryOnly, boolean freeData,
 	int tableId, boolean (*wiggleCompare)(int tableId, double value,
 	    boolean summaryOnly, struct wiggle *wiggle),
 		char *constraints, struct bed **bedList,
 		    unsigned maxBedElements, struct wiggleStats **wsList);
 /*  return linked list of wiggle data between winStart, winEnd
  *	summaryOnly TRUE will not look at all the data, just the
  *	summaries in the table rows
 void wigFreeData(struct wiggleData **wigData);
 /* free everything in the wiggleData structure */
 #define wiggleDataFreeList(a) wigFreeData(a)
 int minSpan(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table, char *chrom,
 	int winStart, int winEnd, struct cart *cart, struct trackDb *tdb);
 /*	determine minimum span in this area	*/
 int spanInUse(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table, char *chrom,
 	int winStart, int winEnd, struct cart *cart);
 /*	determine span used in drawing in hgTracks	*/
 #define wiggleAsText \
 "table wiggle\n" \
 "\"Wiggle track values to display as y-values (first 6 fields are bed6)\"\n" \
 "    (\n" \
 "    string chrom;         \"Reference sequence chromosome or scaffold\"\n" \
 "    uint chromStart;      \"Start position in chromosome\"\n" \
 "    uint chromEnd;        \"End position in chromosome\"\n" \
 "    string name;          \"Name of item\"\n" \
 "    uint span;            \"each value spans this many bases\"\n" \
 "    uint count;           \"number of values in this block\"\n" \
 "    uint offset;          \"offset in File to fetch data\"\n" \
 "    string file;          \"path name to data file, one byte per value\"\n" \
 "    double lowerLimit;    \"lowest data value in this block\"\n" \
 "    double dataRange;     \"lowerLimit + dataRange = upperLimit\"\n" \
 "    uint validCount;      \"number of valid data values in this block\"\n" \
 "    double sumData;       \"sum of the data points, for average and stddev calc\"\n" \
 "    double sumSquares;    \"sum of data points squared, for stddev calc\"\n" \
 "    )\n"
 #endif /* WIGGLE_H */