34712d854ec879a9561add4538b45e595cd6dd07 jcasper Tue Apr 29 10:17:38 2014 -0700 Checking in most recent version of hgwdev hg.conf diff --git confs/hgwdev.hg.conf confs/hgwdev.hg.conf index 0d5ae0b..d1e215f 100644 --- confs/hgwdev.hg.conf +++ confs/hgwdev.hg.conf @@ -34,52 +34,52 @@ # db.port=3306 # *!# NOTE: the port override will only work when host is *not* localhost # when localhost is used, MySQL may connect via shared memory # connections and not via TCP/IP socket ports # if you want a different default species selection on the Gateway # page, change this default Human to one of the genomes from the # defaultDb table in hgcentral: # hgsql -e "select genome from defaultDb;" hgcentral # If you need a different version of that specific genome, change # the defaultDb table entry, for example, a different mouse genome # version as default: # hgsql -e 'update defaultDb set name="mm8" where genome="Mouse" # then this defaultGenome would read: defaultGenome=Mouse # -defaultGenome=Human +#defaultGenome=Human # trackDb table to use. A simple value of `trackDb' is normally sufficient. # In general, the value is a comma-separated list of trackDb format tables to # search. This supports local tracks combined with a mirror of the trackDb # table from UCSC. The names should be in the form `trackDb_suffix'. This # implies a parallel hgFindSpec format search table exists in the form # hgFindSpec_suffix. The specified trackDb tables are searched in the order # specified, with the first occurance of a track being used. You may associate # trackDb/hgFindSpec tables with other instances of genome databases using a # specification of profile:trackDbTbl, where profile is the name of a # databases profile in hg.conf, and trackDbTbl is the name of the table in the # remote databases. # db.trackDb=trackDb #db.trackDb=trackDb_local,trackDb #db.trackDb=trackDb,remoteDbs:trackDb # track group table definitions. This is a comma-seperate list similar to # db.trackDb that defines the track group tables. Database profiles # may alow be included using the syntax profile:grpTbl. -db.grp=grp +#db.grp=grp #db.grp=grp_local,grp #db.grp=grp,remoteDbs:grp # New browser function as of March 2007, allowing saved genome browser # sessions into genomewiki # New browser function as of May 2012, using stand alone hgLogin CGI # login system to replace authentication service provided by # genomewiki. # To enable the hgLogin function, set the login.systemName and # wiki.host # as below. Note, do not set the values of the two cookies to other # value. login.systemName=hgLogin CGI @@ -133,35 +133,35 @@ # fonts.extra=yes # Turn this back on after people look at genome-test # browser.style=../style/genome-test.css # add config option to let users personalize background and style # of the browser. Setting is saved in the cart and can be set from # the configure page. # format is browser.theme.=[,] # background file is optional # browser.theme.classic=,../images/floretTest.jpg # browser.theme.sansSerif=theme-modern.css,http://silverlight.net/content/samples/sl2/silverlightairlines/run/Images/Background.jpg # Change this default documentRoot if different in your installation, # to allow some of the browser cgi binaries to find help text files -browser.documentRoot=/usr/local/apache/htdocs +#browser.documentRoot=/usr/local/apache/htdocs # optional location of grepIndex files # braney commented out the following like on 8/29/2012 for testing purposes -#grepIndex.genbank=/data/tmp/grepIndex +grepIndex.genbank=/data/tmp/grepIndex grepIndex.default=/gbdb # new option for track reording functions, August 2006 hgTracks.trackReordering=on # directory for temporary bbi file caching, default is /tmp/udcCache # see also: README.udc udc.cacheDir=../trash/udcCache # Mount point for udcFuse read-only filesystem (must be absolute path!): #udcFuse.mountPoint=/data/apache/trash/udcFuse # Parallel fetching of remote network resources using bigDataUrl such as trackHubs and customTracks # how many threads to use (set to 0 to disable) parallelFetch.threads=100 @@ -268,19 +268,19 @@ #myStuff.user=readonly #myStuff.password=access # #db.trackDb=myStuff:trackDb,trackDb #db.grp=myStuffgrp,grp # # set browser.javaScriptDir for per-developer javascript in trees that do NOT have their own DocumentRoot # browser.javaScriptDir=js/ #tell hdb.c code that this is our development server test.dev=on # No Sql Injection settings # values for level are ignore, logOnly, warn, abort -noSqlInj.level=warn +noSqlInj.level=abort # values for dumpStack are on, off noSqlInj.dumpStack=on