  Thu Jun 5 13:01:39 2014 -0700
some polishing of text.   Make "disconnect" return to hgHubConnect
diff --git src/hg/hgHubConnect/hgHubConnect.c src/hg/hgHubConnect/hgHubConnect.c
index 952a3b1..2c408bf 100644
--- src/hg/hgHubConnect/hgHubConnect.c
+++ src/hg/hgHubConnect/hgHubConnect.c
@@ -325,31 +325,31 @@
 // if we have search terms, put out the line telling the user so
 if (haveTrixFile && !isEmpty(hubSearchTerms))
     printf("List restricted by search terms : %s\n", hubSearchTerms);
     puts("<input name=\"hubDeleteSearchButton\""
 	"\" document.searchHubForm.elements['hubSearchTerms'].value=\'\';"
 	"document.searchHubForm.submit();return true;\" "
 	"class=\"hubField\" type=\"button\" value=\"Show All Hubs\">\n");
     urlSearchHash = getUrlSearchHash(trixFile, cleanSearchTerms);
-puts("<I>Pressing Connect button will take you to the gateway page with the default assembly for that hub selected.</I><BR>");
+puts("<I>Clicking Connect redirects to the gateway page of the selected hub's default assembly.</I><BR>");
 // make sure all the public hubs are in the hubStatus table.
 addPublicHubsToHubStatus(conn, publicTable, statusTable);
 struct hash *publicHash = newHash(5);
 char query[512];
 bool hasDescription = sqlColumnExists(conn, publicTable, "descriptionUrl");
 if (hasDescription)
     sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select p.hubUrl,p.shortLabel,p.longLabel,p.dbList,s.errorMessage,,p.descriptionUrl from %s p,%s s where p.hubUrl = s.hubUrl", 
 	  publicTable, statusTable); 
     sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select p.hubUrl,p.shortLabel,p.longLabel,p.dbList,s.errorMessage, from %s p,%s s where p.hubUrl = s.hubUrl", 
 	 publicTable, statusTable); 
 struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
 char **row;
@@ -571,38 +571,36 @@
 cartWebStart(cart, NULL, "%s", pageTitle);
 jsIncludeFile("jquery.js", NULL);
 jsIncludeFile("utils.js", NULL);
 jsIncludeFile("jquery-ui.js", NULL);
 jsIncludeFile("ajax.js", NULL);
 jsIncludeFile("hgHubConnect.js", NULL);
 jsIncludeFile("jquery.cookie.js", NULL);
 printf("<div id=\"hgHubConnectUI\"> <div id=\"description\"> \n");
-   "<P>Track data hubs are collections of tracks from outside of UCSC that "
-   "can be imported into the Genome Browser.  To import a public hub check "
-   "the box in the list below. "
-   "After import the hub will show up as a group of tracks with its own blue "
-   "bar and label underneath the main browser graphic, and in the "
-   "configure page. For more information, see the "
+    "<P>Track data hubs are collections of external tracks that can be imported into the UCSC Genome Browser. "
+    "Hub tracks show up under the hub's own blue label bar on the main browser page, "
+    "as well as on the configure page. For more information, see the "
     "<A HREF=\"../goldenPath/help/hgTrackHubHelp.html\" TARGET=_blank>"
-   "User's Guide</A>.</P>\n"
+    "User's Guide</A>."
+    "To import a public hub click its \"Connect\" button below.</P>"
     "<P><B>NOTE: Because Track Hubs are created and maintained by external sources,"
     " UCSC is not responsible for their content.</B></P>"
 getDbAndGenome(cart, &database, &organism, oldVars);
 char *survey = cfgOptionEnv("HGDB_HUB_SURVEY", "hubSurvey");
 char *surveyLabel = cfgOptionEnv("HGDB_HUB_SURVEY_LABEL", "hubSurveyLabel");
 if (survey && differentWord(survey, "off"))
     hPrintf("<span style='background-color:yellow;'><A HREF='%s' TARGET=_BLANK><EM><B>%s</EM></B></A></span>\n", survey, surveyLabel ? surveyLabel : "Take survey");
 // grab all the hubs that are listed in the cart
@@ -613,32 +611,31 @@
 // here's a little form for the add new hub button
 printf("<FORM ACTION=\"%s\" NAME=\"addHubForm\">\n",  "../cgi-bin/hgGateway");
 cgiMakeHiddenVar("hubUrl", "");
 cgiMakeHiddenVar( hgHubDoFirstDb, "on");
 cgiMakeHiddenVar(hgHubConnectRemakeTrackHub, "on");
 // this is the form for the connect hub button
 printf("<FORM ACTION=\"%s\" NAME=\"connectHubForm\">\n",  "../cgi-bin/hgGateway");
 cgiMakeHiddenVar("hubUrl", "");
 cgiMakeHiddenVar("db", "");
 cgiMakeHiddenVar(hgHubConnectRemakeTrackHub, "on");
 // this is the form for the disconnect hub button
-printf("<FORM ACTION=\"%s\" NAME=\"disconnectHubForm\">\n",  "../cgi-bin/hgGateway");
-cgiMakeHiddenVar("db", "hg19");
+printf("<FORM ACTION=\"%s\" NAME=\"disconnectHubForm\">\n",  "../cgi-bin/hgHubConnect");
 cgiMakeHiddenVar("hubId", "");
 cgiMakeHiddenVar(hgHubDoDisconnect, "on");
 cgiMakeHiddenVar(hgHubConnectRemakeTrackHub, "on");
 // this is the form for the reset hub button
 printf("<FORM ACTION=\"%s\" NAME=\"resetHubForm\">\n",  "../cgi-bin/hgHubConnect");
 cgiMakeHiddenVar(hgHubCheckUrl, "");
 // this is the form for the search hub button
 printf("<FORM ACTION=\"%s\" NAME=\"searchHubForm\">\n",  "../cgi-bin/hgHubConnect");
 cgiMakeHiddenVar(hgHubSearchTerms, "");
 cgiMakeHiddenVar(hgHubDoSearch, "on");