  Mon Jun 9 09:11:12 2014 -0700
add negateValues trackDb variable
diff --git src/hg/lib/wiggleCart.c src/hg/lib/wiggleCart.c
index 06886e6..714158e 100644
--- src/hg/lib/wiggleCart.c
+++ src/hg/lib/wiggleCart.c
@@ -1,808 +1,812 @@
 /*	wiggleCart - take care of parsing and combining values from the
  *	wiggle trackDb optional settings and the same values that may be
  *	in the cart.
 /* Copyright (C) 2014 The Regents of the University of California 
  * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "jksql.h"
 #include "trackDb.h"
 #include "cart.h"
 #include "dystring.h"
 #include "hui.h"
 #include "wiggle.h"
 extern struct cart *cart;      /* defined in hgTracks.c or hgTrackUi */
 #define correctOrder(min,max) if (max < min) \
         { double d; d = max; max = min; min = d; }
 /* check a min,max pair (doubles) and keep them properly in order */
 #if defined(DEBUG)      /*      dbg     */
 #include "portable.h"
 static long wigProfileEnterTime = 0;
 void wigProfileEnter()
 wigProfileEnterTime = clock1000();
 long wigProfileLeave()
 long deltaTime = 0;
 deltaTime = clock1000() - wigProfileEnterTime;
 return deltaTime;
 /****           some simple debug output during development	*/
 static char dbgFile[] = "trash/wig.dbg";
 static boolean debugOpened = FALSE;
 static FILE * dF;
 static void wigDebugOpen(char * name) {
 if (debugOpened) return;
 dF = fopen( dbgFile, "w");
 if ((FILE *)NULL == dF)
 	errAbort("wigDebugOpen: can not open %s", dbgFile);
 fprintf( dF, "opened by %s\n", name);
 debugOpened = TRUE;
 #define DBGMSGSZ	1023
 char dbgMsg[DBGMSGSZ+1];
 void wigDebugPrint(char * name) {
 if (debugOpened)
     if (dbgMsg[0])
 	fprintf( dF, "%s: %s\n", name, dbgMsg);
 	fprintf( dF, "%s:\n", name);
     dbgMsg[0] = (char) NULL;
 #ifdef NOT
 /*	example usage:	*/
 safef(dbgMsg, DBGMSGSZ, "%s pixels: min,default,max: %d:%d:%d", tdb->track, wigCart->minHeight, wigCart->defaultHeight, wigCart->maxHeight);
 static void parseColonRange(char *setting, double *retMin, double *retMax)
 /* Parse setting's two colon-separated numbers into ret{Min,Max}, unless setting
  * is NULL or empty or retMin/retMax is NULL.  errAbort if invalid format. */
 if (isNotEmpty(setting))
     char tmp[64]; // Intentionally small -- should be only 2 floating point #s + ':'
     safecpy(tmp, sizeof(tmp), setting);
     char *words[3];
     if (chopByChar(tmp, ':', words, ArraySize(words)) == 2)
 	double low = sqlDouble(words[0]);
         double high = sqlDouble(words[1]);
         correctOrder(low, high);
 	if (retMin)
 	    *retMin = low;
 	if (retMax)
 	    *retMax = high;
 	errAbort("Can't parse colon range '%s'", setting);
 static void viewLimitsCompositeOverride(struct trackDb *tdb,char *name, double *retMin,
                                         double *retMax,double *absMin, double *absMax)
 /* If aquiring min/max for composite level wig cfg. Look in parents as well as self. */
 if (isNameAtParentLevel(tdb,name))
     char *setting = NULL;
     if (absMin != NULL && absMax != NULL)
         setting = trackDbSettingByView(tdb,MIN_LIMIT);
         if (setting != NULL)
             if (setting[0] != '\0')
                 *absMin = sqlDouble(setting);
         setting = trackDbSettingByView(tdb,MAX_LIMIT);
         if (setting != NULL)
             if (setting[0] != '\0')
                 *absMax = sqlDouble(setting);
             setting = trackDbSettingByView(tdb,VIEWLIMITSMAX);  // Legacy
             if (setting != NULL)
                 parseColonRange(setting, absMin, absMax);
     setting = trackDbSettingByView(tdb, VIEWLIMITS);
     if (setting != NULL)
         parseColonRange(setting, retMin, retMax);
 void wigFetchMinMaxYWithCart(struct cart *theCart, struct trackDb *tdb, char *name,
                              double *retMin, double *retMax, double *retAbsMin, double *retAbsMax,
                              int wordCount, char **words)
  *	Min, Max Y viewing limits
  *	Absolute limits are defined on the trackDb type line for wiggle,
  *	or MIN_LIMIT / MAX_LIMIT trackDb settings for bedGraph
  *	User requested limits are defined in the cart
  *	Default opening display limits are optionally defined with the
  *		defaultViewLimits or viewLimits declaration from trackDb
 boolean isBedGraph = (wordCount == 0 || sameString(words[0],"bedGraph"));
 // Determine absolute min and max.  Someday hgTrackDb will enforce inclusion of data
 // range settings, but until then, there is some circular logic where either one
 // can provide a default for the other if the other is missing.
 double absMax = 0.0, absMin = 0.0;
 boolean missingAbsMin = FALSE, missingAbsMax = FALSE;
 if (isBedGraph)
     char *tdbMin = trackDbSettingClosestToHomeOrDefault(tdb, MIN_LIMIT, NULL);
     char *tdbMax = trackDbSettingClosestToHomeOrDefault(tdb, MAX_LIMIT, NULL);
     if (tdbMin == NULL)
 	missingAbsMin = TRUE;
 	absMin = sqlDouble(tdbMin);
     if (tdbMax == NULL)
 	missingAbsMax = TRUE;
 	absMax = sqlDouble(tdbMax);
     // Wiggle: get min and max from type setting, which has been chopped into words and wordCount:
     // type wig <min> <max>
     if (wordCount >= 3)
 	absMax = atof(words[2]);
 	missingAbsMax = TRUE;
     if (wordCount >= 2)
 	absMin = atof(words[1]);
 	missingAbsMin = TRUE;
 correctOrder(absMin, absMax);
 // Determine current minY,maxY.
 // Precedence:  1. cart;  2. defaultViewLimits;  3. viewLimits;
 //              4. absolute [which may need to default to #2 or #3!]
 boolean parentLevel = isNameAtParentLevel(tdb, name);
 char *cartMinStr = cartOptionalStringClosestToHome(theCart, tdb, parentLevel, MIN_Y);
 char *cartMaxStr = cartOptionalStringClosestToHome(theCart, tdb, parentLevel, MAX_Y);
 double cartMin = 0.0, cartMax = 0.0;
     *retMin = atof(cartMinStr);
     *retMax = atof(cartMaxStr);
 if (cartMinStr && cartMaxStr)
     correctOrder(*retMin, *retMax);
 // If it weren't for the the allowance for missing data range values,
 // we could set retAbs* and be done here.
     cartMin = *retMin;
     cartMax = *retMax;
 // Get trackDb defaults, and resolve missing wiggle data range if necessary.
 char *defaultViewLimits = trackDbSettingClosestToHomeOrDefault(tdb, DEFAULTVIEWLIMITS, NULL);
 if (defaultViewLimits == NULL)
     defaultViewLimits = trackDbSettingClosestToHomeOrDefault(tdb, VIEWLIMITS, NULL);
 if (defaultViewLimits != NULL)
     double viewLimitMin = 0.0, viewLimitMax = 0.0;
     parseColonRange(defaultViewLimits, &viewLimitMin, &viewLimitMax);
     *retMin = viewLimitMin;
     *retMax = viewLimitMax;
     if (missingAbsMax)
 	absMax = viewLimitMax;
     if (missingAbsMin)
 	absMin = viewLimitMin;
 else if (missingAbsMin || missingAbsMax)
     if (isBedGraph)
 	absMin = DEFAULT_MIN_Yv;
 	absMax = DEFAULT_MAX_Yv;
     *retMin = absMin;
     *retMax = absMax;
     *retMin = absMin;
     *retMax = absMax;
 if (retAbsMin)
     *retAbsMin = absMin;
 if (retAbsMax)
     *retAbsMax = absMax;
 // After the dust settles from tdb's trackDb settings, now see if composite view
 // settings from tdb's parents override that stuff anyway:
 viewLimitsCompositeOverride(tdb, name, retMin, retMax, retAbsMin, retAbsMax);
 // And as the final word after composite override, reset retMin and retMax if from cart:
 if (cartMinStr)
     *retMin = cartMin;
 if (cartMaxStr)
     *retMax = cartMax;
 }       /*      void wigFetchMinMaxYWithCart()  */
 void wigFetchMinMaxPixelsWithCart(struct cart *theCart, struct trackDb *tdb, char *name,int *Min, int *Max, int *Default)
 /*      Min, Max, Default Pixel height of track
  *      Limits may be defined in trackDb with the maxHeightPixels string,
  *	Or user requested limits are defined in the cart.
  *	And default opening display limits may optionally be defined with the
  *		maxHeightPixels declaration from trackDb
 boolean parentLevel = isNameAtParentLevel(tdb,name);
 char *heightPer = NULL; /*	string from cart	*/
 int maxHeightPixels = atoi(DEFAULT_HEIGHT_PER);
 int defaultHeightPixels = maxHeightPixels;
 int defaultHeight;      /*      truncated by limits     */
 int minHeightPixels = MIN_HEIGHT_PER;
 char * tdbDefault = cloneString(
     trackDbSettingClosestToHomeOrDefault(tdb, MAXHEIGHTPIXELS, DEFAULT_HEIGHT_PER) );
 if (sameWord(DEFAULT_HEIGHT_PER,tdbDefault))
     struct hashEl *hel;
     /*	no maxHeightPixels from trackDb, maybe it is in tdb->settings
      *	(custom tracks keep settings here)
     if ((tdb->settings != (char *)NULL) &&
 	(tdb->settingsHash != (struct hash *)NULL))
 	if ((hel = hashLookup(tdb->settingsHash, MAXHEIGHTPIXELS)) != NULL)
 	    tdbDefault = cloneString((char *)hel->val);
 /*      the maxHeightPixels string can be one, two, or three words
  *      separated by :
  *      All three would be:     max:default:min
  *      When only two:          max:default
  *      When only one:          max
  *      (this works too:        min:default:max)
  *      Where min is minimum allowed, default is initial default setting
  *      and max is the maximum allowed
  *	If it isn't available, these three have already been set
  *	in their declarations above
 if (differentWord(DEFAULT_HEIGHT_PER,tdbDefault))
     char *words[3];
     char *sep = ":";
     int wordCount;
     switch (wordCount)
 	case 3:
 	    minHeightPixels = atoi(words[2]);
 	    defaultHeightPixels = atoi(words[1]);
 	    maxHeightPixels = atoi(words[0]);
 	    if (defaultHeightPixels > maxHeightPixels)
 		defaultHeightPixels = maxHeightPixels;
 	    if (minHeightPixels > defaultHeightPixels)
 		minHeightPixels = defaultHeightPixels;
 	case 2:
 	    defaultHeightPixels = atoi(words[1]);
 	    maxHeightPixels = atoi(words[0]);
 	    if (defaultHeightPixels > maxHeightPixels)
 		defaultHeightPixels = maxHeightPixels;
 	    if (minHeightPixels > defaultHeightPixels)
 		minHeightPixels = defaultHeightPixels;
 	case 1:
 	    maxHeightPixels = atoi(words[0]);
 	    defaultHeightPixels = maxHeightPixels;
 	    if (minHeightPixels > defaultHeightPixels)
 		minHeightPixels = defaultHeightPixels;
 heightPer = cartOptionalStringClosestToHome(theCart, tdb, parentLevel, HEIGHTPER);
 /*      Clip the cart value to range [minHeightPixels:maxHeightPixels] */
 if (heightPer) defaultHeight = min( maxHeightPixels, atoi(heightPer));
 else defaultHeight = defaultHeightPixels;
 defaultHeight = max(minHeightPixels, defaultHeight);
 *Max = maxHeightPixels;
 *Default = defaultHeight;
 *Min = minHeightPixels;
 }       /* void wigFetchMinMaxPixelsWithCart()  */
 static char *wigCheckBinaryOption(struct trackDb *tdb, char *Default,
     char *notDefault, char *tdbString, char *secondTdbString)
 /*      A common operation for binary options (two values possible)
  *	check for trackDb.ra, then tdb->settings values
  *	return one of the two possibilities if found
  *	(the tdbString and secondTdbString are a result of
  *		early naming conventions changing over time resulting in
  *		two possible names for the same thing ...)
 char *tdbDefault = trackDbSettingClosestToHomeOrDefault(tdb, tdbString, "NONE");
 char *ret;
 ret = Default;	/* the answer, unless found to be otherwise	*/
 if (sameWord("NONE",tdbDefault) && (secondTdbString != (char *)NULL))
     tdbDefault = trackDbSettingClosestToHomeOrDefault(tdb, secondTdbString, "NONE");
 if (differentWord("NONE",tdbDefault))
     if (differentWord(Default,tdbDefault))
         ret = notDefault;
     struct hashEl *hel;
     /*	no setting from trackDb, maybe it is in tdb->settings
      *	(custom tracks keep settings here)
     if ((tdb->settings != (char *)NULL) &&
 	(tdb->settingsHash != (struct hash *)NULL))
 	if ((hel = hashLookup(tdb->settingsHash, tdbString)) != NULL)
 	    if (differentWord(Default,(char *)hel->val))
 		ret = notDefault;
 	else if (secondTdbString != (char *)NULL)
 	    if ((hel = hashLookup(tdb->settingsHash, secondTdbString)) != NULL)
 		if (differentWord(Default,(char *)hel->val))
 		    ret = notDefault;
 boolean wigFetchDoNegativeWithCart(struct cart *theCart, struct trackDb *tdb, char *name,char **optString)
 /*	doNegative - false by default **********************************/
 boolean parentLevel = isNameAtParentLevel(tdb,name);
+char *doNegativeDefault = trackDbSettingClosestToHome(tdb, DONEGATIVEMODE);
 char *doNegative = cloneString(cartOptionalStringClosestToHome(theCart, tdb, parentLevel, DONEGATIVEMODE));
+if ((doNegative == NULL) && (doNegativeDefault != NULL))
+    doNegative = cloneString(doNegativeDefault);
 if (doNegative == NULL)
     return FALSE;
-return sameString(doNegative, "1");
+return sameString(doNegative, "1") || sameString(doNegative, "on");
 enum wiggleGridOptEnum wigFetchTransformFuncWithCart(struct cart *theCart,
     struct trackDb *tdb, char *name,char **optString)
 /*	transformFunc - none by default **********************************/
 boolean parentLevel = isNameAtParentLevel(tdb,name);
 char *transformFunc;
 enum wiggleTransformFuncEnum ret = wiggleTransformFuncNone;
 char * tdbDefault = trackDbSettingClosestToHome(tdb, TRANSFORMFUNC);
 transformFunc = cloneString(cartOptionalStringClosestToHome(theCart, tdb, parentLevel, 
 if ((transformFunc == NULL) && (tdbDefault != NULL))
     transformFunc = cloneString(tdbDefault);
 if (optString && transformFunc)
     *optString = cloneString(transformFunc);
 if (transformFunc)
     ret = wiggleTransformFuncToEnum(transformFunc);
 return((enum wiggleGridOptEnum)ret);
 enum wiggleGridOptEnum wigFetchAlwaysZeroWithCart(struct cart *theCart,
     struct trackDb *tdb, char *name,char **optString)
 /*	alwaysZero - off by default **********************************/
 boolean parentLevel = isNameAtParentLevel(tdb,name);
 char *alwaysZero;
 enum wiggleAlwaysZeroEnum ret = wiggleAlwaysZeroOff;
 char * tdbDefault = trackDbSettingClosestToHome(tdb, ALWAYSZERO);
 alwaysZero = cloneString(cartOptionalStringClosestToHome(theCart, tdb, parentLevel, ALWAYSZERO));
 if ((alwaysZero == NULL) && (tdbDefault != NULL))
     alwaysZero = cloneString(tdbDefault);
 if (optString && alwaysZero)
     *optString = cloneString(alwaysZero);
 if (alwaysZero)
     ret = wiggleAlwaysZeroToEnum(alwaysZero);
 return((enum wiggleGridOptEnum)ret);
 enum wiggleGridOptEnum wigFetchHorizontalGridWithCart(struct cart *theCart, struct trackDb *tdb, 
                                                       char *name,char **optString)
 /* horizontalGrid - off by default **********************************/
 char *Default = wiggleGridEnumToString(wiggleHorizontalGridOff);
 char *notDefault = wiggleGridEnumToString(wiggleHorizontalGridOn);
 boolean parentLevel = isNameAtParentLevel(tdb,name);
 char *horizontalGrid = NULL;
 enum wiggleGridOptEnum ret;
 horizontalGrid = cloneString(cartOptionalStringClosestToHome(theCart, tdb, parentLevel, HORIZGRID));
 if (!horizontalGrid)    /*      if it is NULL   */
     horizontalGrid = wigCheckBinaryOption(tdb,Default,notDefault,GRIDDEFAULT,
 if (optString)
     *optString = cloneString(horizontalGrid);
 ret = wiggleGridStringToEnum(horizontalGrid);
 }       /*      enum wiggleGridOptEnum wigFetchHorizontalGridWithCart() */
 enum wiggleScaleOptEnum wigFetchAutoScaleWithCart(struct cart *theCart, struct trackDb *tdb, 
                                                   char *name, char **optString)
 /****** autoScale - off by default ***************************************/
 char *autoString = wiggleScaleEnumToString(wiggleScaleAuto);
 char *manualString = wiggleScaleEnumToString(wiggleScaleManual);
 char *Default = manualString;
 char *notDefault = autoString;
 boolean parentLevel = isNameAtParentLevel(tdb,name);
 char *autoScale = NULL;
 enum wiggleScaleOptEnum ret;
 autoScale = cloneString(cartOptionalStringClosestToHome(theCart, tdb, parentLevel, AUTOSCALE));
 if (!autoScale) /*      if nothing from the Cart, check trackDb/settings */
     /*  It may be the autoScale=on/off situation from custom tracks */
     char * tdbDefault = trackDbSettingClosestToHomeOrDefault(tdb, AUTOSCALE, "NONE");
     if (sameWord(tdbDefault,"on"))
 	autoScale = cloneString(autoString);
     else if (sameWord(tdbDefault,"off"))
 	autoScale = cloneString(manualString);
 	if (isCustomTrack(tdb->track))
 	    // backwards defaults for custom tracks, autoScale on
 	    autoScale = wigCheckBinaryOption(tdb,notDefault,Default,
 	    autoScale = wigCheckBinaryOption(tdb,Default,notDefault,
 if (optString)
     *optString = cloneString(autoScale);
 ret = wiggleScaleStringToEnum(autoScale);
 }       /*      enum wiggleScaleOptEnum wigFetchAutoScaleWithCart()     */
 enum wiggleGraphOptEnum wigFetchGraphTypeWithCart(struct cart *theCart, struct trackDb *tdb, 
                                                   char *name, char **optString)
 /****** graphType - line(points) or bar graph *****************************/
 char *Default = wiggleGraphEnumToString(wiggleGraphBar);
 char *notDefault = wiggleGraphEnumToString(wiggleGraphPoints);
 boolean parentLevel = isNameAtParentLevel(tdb,name);
 char *graphType = NULL;
 enum wiggleGraphOptEnum ret;
 graphType = cloneString(cartOptionalStringClosestToHome(theCart, tdb, parentLevel, LINEBAR));
 if (!graphType) /*      if nothing from the Cart, check trackDb/settings */
     graphType = wigCheckBinaryOption(tdb,Default,notDefault,GRAPHTYPEDEFAULT,
 if (optString)
     *optString = cloneString(graphType);
 ret = wiggleGraphStringToEnum(graphType);
 }       /*      enum wiggleGraphOptEnum wigFetchGraphTypeWithCart()     */
 enum wiggleWindowingEnum wigFetchWindowingFunctionWithCart(struct cart *theCart,
                                                 struct trackDb *tdb, char *name, char **optString)
 /****** windowingFunction - Whiskers by default **************************/
 char *Default = wiggleWindowingEnumToString(wiggleWindowingWhiskers);
 boolean parentLevel = isNameAtParentLevel(tdb,name);
 char *windowingFunction = NULL;
 enum wiggleWindowingEnum ret;
 windowingFunction = cloneString(cartOptionalStringClosestToHome(theCart, tdb, parentLevel, 
 /*      If windowingFunction is a string, it came from the cart, otherwise
  *      see if it is specified in the trackDb option, finally
  *	return the default.
 if (!windowingFunction)
     char * tdbDefault =
         trackDbSettingClosestToHomeOrDefault(tdb, WINDOWINGFUNCTION, Default);
     if (differentWord(Default,tdbDefault))
         windowingFunction = cloneString(tdbDefault);
 	struct hashEl *hel;
 	/*	no windowingFunction from trackDb, maybe it is in tdb->settings
 	 *	(custom tracks keep settings here)
 	windowingFunction = cloneString(Default);
 	if ((tdb->settings != (char *)NULL) &&
 	    (tdb->settingsHash != (struct hash *)NULL))
 	    if ((hel =hashLookup(tdb->settingsHash, WINDOWINGFUNCTION)) !=NULL)
 		if (differentWord(Default,(char *)hel->val))
 		    windowingFunction = cloneString((char *)hel->val);
 if (optString)
     *optString = cloneString(windowingFunction);
 ret = wiggleWindowingStringToEnum(windowingFunction);
 enum wiggleAggregateFunctionEnum wigFetchAggregateFunctionWithCart(struct cart *theCart,
                                                struct trackDb *tdb, char *name, char **optString)
 /****** windowingFunction - Whiskers by default **************************/
 char *Default = wiggleAggregateFunctionEnumToString(wiggleAggregateTransparent);
 boolean parentLevel = isNameAtParentLevel(tdb,name);
 char *aggregateFunction = NULL;
 enum wiggleAggregateFunctionEnum ret;
 aggregateFunction = cloneString(cartOptionalStringClosestToHome(theCart, tdb, parentLevel, 
 /*      If windowingFunction is a string, it came from the cart, otherwise
  *      see if it is specified in the trackDb option, finally
  *	return the default.
 if (!aggregateFunction)
     char * tdbDefault =
         trackDbSettingClosestToHomeOrDefault(tdb, AGGREGATE, Default);
     if (differentWord(Default,tdbDefault))
         aggregateFunction = cloneString(tdbDefault);
 	struct hashEl *hel;
 	/*	no aggregateFunction from trackDb, maybe it is in tdb->settings
 	 *	(custom tracks keep settings here)
 	aggregateFunction = cloneString(Default);
 	if ((tdb->settings != (char *)NULL) &&
 	    (tdb->settingsHash != (struct hash *)NULL))
 	    if ((hel =hashLookup(tdb->settingsHash, AGGREGATE)) !=NULL)
 		if (differentWord(Default,(char *)hel->val))
 		    aggregateFunction = cloneString((char *)hel->val);
 if (optString)
     *optString = cloneString(aggregateFunction);
 ret = wiggleAggregateFunctionStringToEnum(aggregateFunction);
 }       /*      enum wiggleWindowingEnum wigFetchWindowingFunctionWithCart() */
 enum wiggleSmoothingEnum wigFetchSmoothingWindowWithCart(struct cart *theCart, struct trackDb *tdb, 
                                                          char *name, char **optString)
 /****** smoothingWindow - OFF by default **************************/
 char * Default = wiggleSmoothingEnumToString(wiggleSmoothingOff);
 boolean parentLevel = isNameAtParentLevel(tdb,name);
 char * smoothingWindow = NULL;
 enum wiggleSmoothingEnum ret;
 smoothingWindow = cloneString(cartOptionalStringClosestToHome(theCart, tdb, parentLevel, 
 if (!smoothingWindow) /* if nothing from the Cart, check trackDb/settings */
     char * tdbDefault =
         trackDbSettingClosestToHomeOrDefault(tdb, SMOOTHINGWINDOW, Default);
     if (differentWord(Default,tdbDefault))
         smoothingWindow = cloneString(tdbDefault);
 	struct hashEl *hel;
 	/*	no smoothingWindow from trackDb, maybe it is in tdb->settings
 	 *	(custom tracks keep settings here)
 	smoothingWindow = cloneString(Default);
 	if ((tdb->settings != (char *)NULL) &&
 	    (tdb->settingsHash != (struct hash *)NULL))
 	    if ((hel = hashLookup(tdb->settingsHash, SMOOTHINGWINDOW)) != NULL)
 		if (differentWord(Default,(char *)hel->val))
 		    smoothingWindow = cloneString((char *)hel->val);
 if (optString)
     *optString = cloneString(smoothingWindow);
 ret = wiggleSmoothingStringToEnum(smoothingWindow);
 }       /*      enum wiggleSmoothingEnum wigFetchSmoothingWindowWithCart()      */
 enum wiggleYLineMarkEnum wigFetchYLineMarkWithCart(struct cart *theCart, struct trackDb *tdb, 
                                                    char *name, char **optString)
 /*      yLineMark - off by default **********************************/
 char *Default = wiggleYLineMarkEnumToString(wiggleYLineMarkOff);
 char *notDefault = wiggleYLineMarkEnumToString(wiggleYLineMarkOn);
 boolean parentLevel = isNameAtParentLevel(tdb,name);
 char *yLineMark = NULL;
 enum wiggleYLineMarkEnum ret;
 yLineMark = cloneString(cartOptionalStringClosestToHome(theCart, tdb, parentLevel, YLINEONOFF));
 if (!yLineMark) /*      if nothing from the Cart, check trackDb/settings */
     yLineMark = wigCheckBinaryOption(tdb,Default,notDefault,YLINEONOFF,
 	(char *)NULL);
 if (optString)
     *optString = cloneString(yLineMark);
 ret = wiggleYLineMarkStringToEnum(yLineMark);
 }       /*      enum wiggleYLineMarkEnum wigFetchYLineMarkWithCart()    */
 void wigFetchYLineMarkValueWithCart(struct cart *theCart,struct trackDb *tdb, char *name, double *tDbYMark )
 /*      y= marker line value
  *      User requested value is defined in the cart
  *	A Default value can be defined as
  *		yLineMark declaration from trackDb
 boolean parentLevel = isNameAtParentLevel(tdb,name);
 char *yLineMarkValue = NULL;  /*	string from cart	*/
 double yLineValue;   /*	value from cart or trackDb */
 char * tdbDefault = cloneString(
     trackDbSettingClosestToHomeOrDefault(tdb, YLINEMARK, "NONE") );
 if (sameWord("NONE",tdbDefault))
     struct hashEl *hel;
     /*	no yLineMark from trackDb, maybe it is in tdb->settings
      *	(custom tracks keep settings here)
     if ((tdb->settings != (char *)NULL) &&
 	(tdb->settingsHash != (struct hash *)NULL))
 	if ((hel = hashLookup(tdb->settingsHash, YLINEMARK)) != NULL)
 	    tdbDefault = cloneString((char *)hel->val);
 /*	If nothing else, it is zero	*/
 yLineValue = 0.0;
 /*      Let's see if a value is available in the cart */
 yLineMarkValue = cartOptionalStringClosestToHome(theCart, tdb, parentLevel, YLINEMARK);
 /*      if yLineMarkValue is non-Null, it is the requested value        */
 if (yLineMarkValue)
     yLineValue = atof(yLineMarkValue);
 else /*    See if a default line is specified in the trackDb.ra file */
     if (differentWord("NONE",tdbDefault))
 	yLineValue = atof(tdbDefault);
 /*	If possible to return	*/
 if (tDbYMark)
 	*tDbYMark = yLineValue;
 }       /*      void wigFetchYLineMarkValueWithCart()   */
 void wigFetchMinMaxLimitsWithCart(struct cart *theCart, struct trackDb *tdb, char *name,
     double *min, double *max,double *tDbMin, double *tDbMax)
  *	Min, Max Y viewing limits
  *	Absolute limits are defined by minLimit, maxLimit in the trackDb
  *		default to 0 and 1000 if not present
  *	User requested limits are defined in the cart
  *	Default opening display limits are optionally defined with the
  *		defaultViewLimits declaration from trackDb
  *		or viewLimits from custom tracks
  *		(both identifiers work from either custom or trackDb)
 }       /*      void wigFetchMinMaxYWithCart()  */
 boolean wigIsOverlayTypeAggregate(char *aggregate)
 /* Return TRUE if aggregater type is one of the overlay ones. */
 if (aggregate == NULL)
     return FALSE;
 return differentString(aggregate, WIG_AGGREGATE_NONE);