  Wed Jun 4 15:40:02 2014 -0700
Since we have git, it is easy to rename errabort.c to errAbort.c without losing any history.
diff --git src/cdnaAli/aliGlue/aliGlue.c src/cdnaAli/aliGlue/aliGlue.c
index 9add252..30b35fe 100644
--- src/cdnaAli/aliGlue/aliGlue.c
+++ src/cdnaAli/aliGlue/aliGlue.c
@@ -1,769 +1,769 @@
 /* aliGlue - generate cDNA alignments and glue using PatSpace
  * and fuzzyFinder algorithms. Glue tries to stitch together
  * contigs in unfinished Bacterial Artificial Chromosomes (BACs) 
  * by looking for spanning cDNAs. A BAC is a roughly 150,000 base
  * sequence of genomic DNA.  An unfinished BAC consists of 
  * multiple unordered non-overlapping subsequences. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "obscure.h"
 #include "portable.h"
-#include "errabort.h"
+#include "errAbort.h"
 #include "dnautil.h"
 #include "dnaseq.h"
 #include "nt4.h"
 #include "fa.h"
 #include "fuzzyFind.h"
 #include "cda.h"
 #include "sig.h"
 #include "patSpace.h"
 #include "htmshell.h"
 FILE *bigHtmlFile;
 FILE *littleHtmlFile;
 int htmlIx;
 FILE *hitOut;    /* Output file for cDNA/BAC hits. */
 FILE *mergerOut; /* Output file for mergers. */
 /* Stuff to help print meaningful error messages when on a
  * compute cluster. */
 char *hostName = "";
 char *aliSeqName = "";
 void warnHandler(char *format, va_list args)
 /* Default error message handler. */
 if (format != NULL) {
     fprintf(stderr, "\n[error host %s accession %s] ", hostName, aliSeqName);
     vfprintf(stderr, format, args);
     fprintf(stderr, "\n");
 void ffFindEnds(struct ffAli *ff, struct ffAli **retLeft, struct ffAli **retRight)
 /* Find left and right ends of ffAli. */
 while (ff->left != NULL)
     ff = ff->left;
 *retLeft = ff;
 while (ff->right != NULL)
     ff = ff->right;
 *retRight = ff;
 int scoreCdna(struct ffAli *left, struct ffAli *right)
 /* Score ali using cDNA scoring. */
 int size, nGap, hGap;
 struct ffAli *ff, *next;
 int score = 0, oneScore;
 for (ff=left; ;)
     next = ff->right;
     size = ff->nEnd - ff->nStart;
     oneScore = ffScoreMatch(ff->nStart, ff->hStart, size);
     if (next != NULL && ff != right)
         /* Penalize all gaps except for intron-looking ones. */
         nGap = next->nStart - ff->nEnd;
         hGap = next->hStart - ff->hEnd;
         /* Process what are stretches of mismatches rather than gaps. */
         if (nGap > 0 && hGap > 0)
             if (nGap > hGap)
                 nGap -= hGap;
                 oneScore -= hGap;
                 hGap = 0;
                 hGap -= nGap;
                 oneScore -= nGap;
                 nGap = 0;
         if (nGap < 0)
             nGap = -nGap-nGap;
         if (hGap < 0)
             hGap = -hGap-hGap;
         if (nGap > 0)
             oneScore -= 8*nGap;
         if (hGap > 30)
             oneScore -= 1;
         else if (hGap > 0)
             oneScore -= 8*hGap;
     score += oneScore;
     if (ff == right)
     ff = next;
 return score;
 boolean solidMatch(struct ffAli **pLeft, struct ffAli **pRight, DNA *needle, 
     int *retStartN, int *retEndN)
 /* Return start and end (in needle coordinates) of solid parts of 
  * match if any. Necessary because fuzzyFinder algorithm will extend
  * ends a little bit beyond where they're really solid.  We want
  * to effectively save these bases for aligning somewhere else. */
 int minSegSize = 11;
 struct ffAli *next;
 int segSize;
 int runTotal = 0;
 int gapSize;
 struct ffAli *left = *pLeft, *right = *pRight;
 /* Get rid of small segments on left end that are separated from main body. */
 for (;;)
     if (left == NULL)
         return FALSE;
     next = left->right;
     segSize = left->nEnd - left->nStart;
     runTotal += segSize;
     if (segSize > minSegSize || runTotal > minSegSize*2)
     if (next != NULL)
         gapSize = next->nStart - left->nEnd;
         if (gapSize > 1)
             runTotal = 0;
     left = next;
 *retStartN = left->nStart - needle;
 /* Do same thing on right end... */
 runTotal = 0;
 for (;;)
     if (right == NULL)
         return FALSE;
     next = right->left;
     segSize = right->nEnd - right->nStart;
     runTotal += segSize;
     if (segSize > minSegSize || runTotal > minSegSize*2)
     if (next != NULL)
         gapSize = next->nStart - left->nEnd;
         if (gapSize > 1)
             runTotal = 0;
     right = next;
 *retEndN = right->nEnd - needle;
 *pLeft = left;
 *pRight = right;
 return *retEndN - *retStartN >= minSegSize;
 struct cdnaAliList
 /* This structure keeps a list of where a particular cDNA aligns.
  * The list isn't kept long, just while that cDNA is in memory. */
     struct cdnaAliList *next;   /* Link to next element on list. */
     int bacIx;                  /* Which BAC. */
     int seqIx;                  /* Which sequence in BAC. */
     int start, end;             /* Position within cDNA sequence. */
     char strand;                /* Was cdna reverse complemented? + if no, - if yes. */
     char dir;                   /* 5 or 3. */
     double cookedScore;         /* Score - roughly as % of bases aligning. */
 int cmpCal(const void *va, const void *vb)
 /* Compare two cdnaAliLists. */
 const struct cdnaAliList *a = *((struct cdnaAliList **)va);
 const struct cdnaAliList *b = *((struct cdnaAliList **)vb);
 int dif;
 dif = a->bacIx - b->bacIx;
 if (dif == 0)
     dif = b->dir - a->dir;
 if (dif == 0)
     dif = a->start - b->start;
 return dif;
 struct cdnaAliList *calFreeList = NULL; /* List of reusable cdnaAliList elements. */
 struct cdnaAliList *newCal(int bacIx, int seqIx, int start, int end, int size, char strand,
     char dir, double cookedScore)
 /* Get a new element for this cdnaList, off of free list if possible. */
 struct cdnaAliList *cal;
 if ((cal = calFreeList) == NULL)
     calFreeList = cal->next;
 cal->next = NULL;
 cal->bacIx = bacIx;
 cal->seqIx = seqIx;;
 cal->strand = strand;
 cal->dir = dir;
 cal->cookedScore = cookedScore;
 if (strand == '-')
     cal->start = size - end;
     cal->end = size - start;
     cal->start = start;
     cal->end = end;
 return cal;
 void freeCal(struct cdnaAliList *cal)
 /* Free up one cal. */
 slAddHead(&calFreeList, cal);
 void freeCalList(struct cdnaAliList **pList)
 /* Free up cal list for reuse. */
 struct cdnaAliList *cal, *next;
 for (cal = *pList; cal != NULL; cal = next)
     next = cal->next;
 *pList = NULL;
 int ffSubmitted = 0;
 int ffAccepted = 0;
 int ffOkScore = 0;
 int ffSolidMatch = 0;
 boolean noMajorOverlap(struct cdnaAliList *cal, struct cdnaAliList *clump)
 /* Return TRUE if cal doesn't overlap in a big way with what's already in clump. */
 int calStart = cal->start;
 int calEnd = cal->end;
 int calSize = calEnd - calStart;
 int maxOverlap = calSize/3;
 char dir = cal->dir;
 int s, e, o;
 for (; clump != NULL; clump = clump->next)
     if (clump->dir == dir)
         s = max(calStart, clump->start);
         e = min(calEnd, clump->end);
         o = e - s;
         if (o > maxOverlap)
             return FALSE;
 return TRUE;
 boolean allSameContig(struct cdnaAliList *calList)
 /* Return TRUE if all members of list are part of same contig. */
 struct cdnaAliList *cal;
 int bacIx, seqIx;
 if (calList == NULL)
     return TRUE;
 bacIx = calList->bacIx;
 seqIx = calList->seqIx;
 for (cal = calList->next; cal != NULL; cal = cal->next)
     assert(cal->bacIx == bacIx);
     if (cal->seqIx != seqIx)
         return FALSE;
 return TRUE;
 void writeMergers(struct cdnaAliList *calList, char *cdnaName, char *bacNames[])
 /* Write out any mergers indicated by this cdna. This destroys calList. */
 struct cdnaAliList *startBac, *endBac, *cal, *prevCal, *nextCal;
 int bacCount;
 int bacIx;
 slSort(&calList, cmpCal);
 for (startBac = calList; startBac != NULL; startBac = endBac)
     /* Scan until find a cal that isn't pointing into the same BAC. */
     bacCount = 1;
     bacIx = startBac->bacIx;
     prevCal = startBac;
     for (cal =  startBac->next; cal != NULL; cal = cal->next)
         if (cal->bacIx != bacIx)
             prevCal->next = NULL;
         prevCal = cal;
     endBac = cal;
     if (bacCount > 1)
         while (startBac != NULL)
             struct cdnaAliList *clumpList = NULL, *leftoverList = NULL;
             for (cal = startBac; cal != NULL; cal = nextCal)
                 nextCal = cal->next;
                 if (noMajorOverlap(cal, clumpList))
                     slAddHead(&clumpList, cal);
                     slAddHead(&leftoverList, cal);
             if (slCount(clumpList) > 1)
                 char lastStrand = 0;
                 boolean switchedStrand = FALSE;
                 if (!allSameContig(clumpList))
                     fprintf(mergerOut, "%s glues %s contigs", cdnaName, bacNames[bacIx]);
                     lastStrand = clumpList->strand;
                     for (cal = clumpList; cal != NULL; cal = cal->next)
                         if (cal->strand != lastStrand)
                             switchedStrand = TRUE;
                         fprintf(mergerOut, " %d %c %c' (%d-%d) %3.1f%%", cal->seqIx, cal->strand, 
                             cal->start, cal->end, 100.0*cal->cookedScore);
                     fprintf(mergerOut, "\n");
             startBac = leftoverList;
 void usage()
 errAbort("aliGlue - tell where a cDNA is located quickly.\n"
          "    aliGlue genomeListFile cdnaListFile ignore.ooc 5and3.pai outRoot\n"
          "The program will create the files outRoot.hit outRoot.glu outRoot.ok\n"
          "which contain the cDNA hits, gluing cDNAs, and a sign that the program\n"
          "ended ok respectively.");
 boolean fastFaReadNext(FILE *f, DNA **retDna, int *retSize, char **retName)
 /* Read in next FA entry as fast as we can. Return FALSE at EOF. */
 static int bufSize = 0;
 static DNA *buf;
 int c;
 int bufIx = 0;
 static char name[256];
 int nameIx = 0;
 boolean gotSpace = FALSE;
 /* Seek to next '\n' and save first word as name. */
 name[0] = 0;
 for (;;)
     if ((c = fgetc(f)) == EOF)
         *retDna = NULL;
         *retSize = 0;
         *retName = NULL;
         return FALSE;
     if (!gotSpace && nameIx < ArraySize(name)-1)
         if (isspace(c))
             gotSpace = TRUE;
             name[nameIx++] = c;
     if (c == '\n')
 name[nameIx] = 0;
 /* Read until next '>' */
 for (;;)
     c = fgetc(f);
     if (isspace(c) || isdigit(c))
     if (c == EOF || c == '>')
         c = 0;
         c = tolower(c);
     if (bufIx >= bufSize)
         if (bufSize == 0)
             bufSize = 64 * 1024;
             buf = needMem(bufSize);
             DNA *newBuf;
             int newBufSize = bufSize + bufSize;
             newBuf = needMem(newBufSize);
             memcpy(newBuf, buf, bufIx);
             buf = newBuf;
             bufSize = newBufSize;
     buf[bufIx++] = c;
     if (c == 0)
         *retDna = buf;
         *retSize = bufIx-1;
         *retName = name;
         return TRUE;
 struct seq
 /* Little structure that holds DNA sequence and size. */
     DNA *dna;
     int size;
 struct estPair
 /* This struct manages a 3' and 5' pair of ests.  The main loop will check
  * to see if an est is part of a pair.  If so it will store the sequence
  * rather than process it immediately.  When the second part of a pair is
  * found both are processed. */
     struct estPair *next;
     char *name5;            /* Name of 5' part of pair. */
     char *name3;            /* Name of 3' part of pair. */
     struct seq seq5;   /* Sequence of 5' pair - kept loaded until get 3' seq too. */
     struct seq seq3;   /* Sequence of 3' pair - kept loaded until get 5' seq too. */
 struct estPair *estPairList = NULL;
 struct hash *makePairHash(char *pairFile)
 /* Make up a hash table out of paired ESTs. */
 FILE *f = mustOpen(pairFile, "r");
 char line[256];
 char *words[3];
 int wordCount;
 int lineCount = 0;
 struct hash *hash;
 struct hashEl *h5, *h3;
 struct estPair *ep;
 char *name5, *name3;
 hash = newHash(19);
 while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), f))
     wordCount = chopLine(line, words);
     if (wordCount == 0)
     if (wordCount != 2)
         errAbort("%d words in pair line %d of %s", wordCount, lineCount, pairFile);
     name5 = words[0];
     name3 = words[1];
     h5 = hashAdd(hash, name5, ep);
     h3 = hashAdd(hash, name3, ep);
     ep->name5 = h5->name;
     ep->name3 = h3->name;
     slAddHead(&estPairList, ep);
 printf("Read %d lines of pair info\n", lineCount);
 return hash;
 void glueFindOne(struct patSpace *ps, DNA *cdna, int cdnaSize, 
     char strand, char dir, char *cdnaName, struct cdnaAliList **pList)
 /* Find occurrences of DNA in patSpace and print to hitOut. */
 struct patClump *clumpList, *clump;
 clumpList = patSpaceFindOne(ps, cdna, cdnaSize);
 for (clump = clumpList; clump != NULL; clump = clump->next)
     struct ffAli *ff;
     struct dnaSeq *seq = clump->seq;
     DNA *tStart = seq->dna + clump->start;
     char *contigName = seq->name;
     int seqIx = clump->seqIx;
     int bacIx = clump->bacIx;
     ff = ffFind(cdna, cdna+cdnaSize, tStart, tStart + clump->size, ffCdna);
     if (ff != NULL)
         int ffScore = ffScoreCdna(ff);
         if (ffScore >= 22)
             int hiStart, hiEnd;
             int oldStart, oldEnd;
             struct ffAli *left, *right;
             ffFindEnds(ff, &left, &right);
             hiStart = oldStart = left->nStart - cdna;
             hiEnd = oldEnd = right->nEnd - cdna;
             if (solidMatch(&left, &right, cdna, &hiStart, &hiEnd))
                 int solidSize = hiEnd - hiStart;
                 int solidScore;
                 int seqStart, seqEnd;
                 double cookedScore;
                 solidScore = scoreCdna(left, right);
                 cookedScore = (double)solidScore/solidSize;
                 if (cookedScore > 0.25)
                     struct cdnaAliList *cal;
                     seqStart = left->hStart - seq->dna;
                     seqEnd = right->hEnd - seq->dna;
                     fprintf(hitOut, "%3.1f%% %c %s:%d-%d (old %d-%d) of %d at %s.%d:%d-%d\n", 
                         100.0 * cookedScore, strand, cdnaName, 
                         hiStart, hiEnd, oldStart, oldEnd, cdnaSize,
                         contigName, seqIx, seqStart, seqEnd);
                     cal = newCal(bacIx, seqIx, hiStart, hiEnd, cdnaSize, strand, dir, cookedScore);
                     slAddHead(pList, cal);
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 char *genoListName;
 char *cdnaListName;
 char *oocFileName;
 char *pairFileName;
 struct patSpace *patSpace;
 long startTime, endTime;
 char **genoList;
 int genoListSize;
 char *genoListBuf;
 char **cdnaList;
 int cdnaListSize;
 char *cdnaListBuf;
 char *genoName;
 int i;
 int estIx = 0;
 struct dnaSeq **seqListList = NULL, *seq;
 static char hitFileName[512], mergerFileName[512], okFileName[512];
 char *outRoot;
 struct hash *pairHash;
 if ((hostName = getenv("HOST")) == NULL)
     hostName = "";
 if (argc != 6)
 startTime = clock1000();
 genoListName = argv[1];
 cdnaListName = argv[2];
 oocFileName = argv[3];
 pairFileName = argv[4];
 outRoot = argv[5];
 sprintf(hitFileName, "%s.hit", outRoot);
 sprintf(mergerFileName, "%s.glu", outRoot);
 sprintf(okFileName, "%s.ok", outRoot);
 readAllWords(genoListName, &genoList, &genoListSize, &genoListBuf);
 readAllWords(cdnaListName, &cdnaList, &cdnaListSize, &cdnaListBuf);
 pairHash = makePairHash(pairFileName);
 hitOut = mustOpen(hitFileName, "w");
 mergerOut = mustOpen(mergerFileName, "w");
 seqListList = needMem(genoListSize*sizeof(seqListList[0]) );
 fprintf(hitOut, "Pattern space 0.2 cDNA matcher\n");
 fprintf(hitOut, "cDNA files: ");
 for (i=0; i<cdnaListSize; ++i)
     fprintf(hitOut, " %s", cdnaList[i]);
 fprintf(hitOut, "\n");
 fprintf(hitOut, "%d genomic files\n", genoListSize);
 for (i=0; i<genoListSize; ++i)
     genoName = genoList[i];
     if (!startsWith("//", genoName)  )
         seqListList[i] = seq = faReadAllDna(genoName);
         fprintf(hitOut, "%d els in %s ", slCount(seq), genoList[i]);
         for (; seq != NULL; seq = seq->next)
             fprintf(hitOut, "%d ", seq->size);
         fprintf(hitOut, "\n");
 patSpace = makePatSpace(seqListList, genoListSize, 10, oocFileName, 4, 100000);
 for (i=0; i<cdnaListSize; ++i)
     FILE *f;
     char *estFileName;
     DNA *dna;
     char *estName;
     int size;
     int c;
     int maxSizeForFuzzyFind = 20000;
     int dotCount = 0;
     estFileName = cdnaList[i];
     if (startsWith("//", estFileName)  )
     f = mustOpen(estFileName, "rb");
     while ((c = fgetc(f)) != EOF)
     if (c == '>')
     printf("%s", cdnaList[i]);
     while (fastFaReadNext(f, &dna, &size, &estName))
 	aliSeqName = estName;
         if (size < maxSizeForFuzzyFind)  /* Some day need to fix this somehow... */
             struct hashEl *hel;
             struct cdnaAliList *calList = NULL;
             hel = hashLookup(pairHash, estName);
             if (hel != NULL)    /* Do pair processing. */
                 struct estPair *ep;
                 struct seq *thisSeq, *otherSeq;
                 ep = hel->val;
                 if (hel->name == ep->name3)
                     thisSeq = &ep->seq3;
                     otherSeq = &ep->seq5;
                     thisSeq = &ep->seq5;
                     otherSeq = &ep->seq3;
                 if (otherSeq->dna == NULL)  /* First in pair - need to save sequence. */
                     thisSeq->size = size;
                     thisSeq->dna = needMem(size);
                     memcpy(thisSeq->dna, dna, size);
                 else                        /* Second in pair - do gluing and free partner. */
                     char mergedName[64];
                     thisSeq->dna = dna;
                     thisSeq->size = size;
                     sprintf(mergedName, "%s_AND_%s", ep->name5, ep->name3);
                     glueFindOne(patSpace, ep->seq5.dna, ep->seq5.size,
                         '+', '5', ep->name5, &calList);
                     reverseComplement(ep->seq5.dna, ep->seq5.size);
                     glueFindOne(patSpace, ep->seq5.dna, ep->seq5.size,
                         '-', '5', ep->name5, &calList);
                     glueFindOne(patSpace, ep->seq3.dna, ep->seq3.size,
                         '+', '3', ep->name3, &calList);
                     reverseComplement(ep->seq3.dna, ep->seq3.size);
                     glueFindOne(patSpace, ep->seq3.dna, ep->seq3.size,
                         '-', '3', ep->name3, &calList);
                     writeMergers(calList, mergedName, genoList);
                     thisSeq->dna = NULL;
                     thisSeq->size =otherSeq->size = 0;
                 glueFindOne(patSpace, dna, size, '+', '5', estName, &calList);
                 reverseComplement(dna, size);
                 glueFindOne(patSpace, dna, size, '-', '5', estName, &calList);
                 writeMergers(calList, estName, genoList);
             if ((estIx & 0xfff) == 0)
 aliSeqName = "";
 printf("ffSubmitted %3d ffAccepted %3d ffOkScore %3d ffSolidMatch %2d\n",
     ffSubmitted, ffAccepted, ffOkScore, ffSolidMatch);
 endTime = clock1000();
 printf("Total time is %4.2f\n", 0.001*(endTime-startTime));
 /* Write out file who's presence say's we succeeded */
     FILE *f = mustOpen(okFileName, "w");
     fputs("ok", f);
 return 0;