e70152e44cc66cc599ff6b699eb8adc07f3e656a kent Sat May 24 21:09:34 2014 -0700 Adding Copyright NNNN Regents of the University of California to all files I believe with reasonable certainty were developed under UCSC employ or as part of Genome Browser copyright assignment. diff --git src/hg/genePredToMafFrames/mkMafFrames.c src/hg/genePredToMafFrames/mkMafFrames.c index fe3d29a..eea520c 100644 --- src/hg/genePredToMafFrames/mkMafFrames.c +++ src/hg/genePredToMafFrames/mkMafFrames.c @@ -1,345 +1,348 @@ /* mkMafFrames - build mafFrames objects for exons, this does not handle * issues of linking mafFrames. */ + +/* Copyright (C) 2006 The Regents of the University of California + * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */ #include "common.h" #include "genePred.h" #include "frameIncr.h" #include "maf.h" #include "dnautil.h" #include "orgGenes.h" #include "chromBins.h" #include "binRange.h" #include "verbose.h" #include "localmem.h" /* assert for a frame being valid */ #define assertFrame(fr) assert(((fr) >= 0) && ((fr) <= 2)) /* data structure used to scan a mafComp object */ struct compCursor { struct mafComp *comp; /* component object */ int pos; /* corresponding position in the sequence; it at a * gap in the alignment, this is the next position * in the sequence*/ char *ptr; /* pointer into text */ }; /* data structure used to scan a pair of mafComp objects */ struct scanCursor { struct compCursor query; /* cursor for gene (query) */ struct compCursor target; /* cursor for target (genome) */ }; static struct compCursor compCursorNew(struct mafComp *comp) /* construct a new compCursor. Note: struct is copied, it is not dynamic */ { struct compCursor cc; cc.comp = comp; cc.pos = comp->start; cc.ptr = comp->text; return cc; } static boolean compCursorAtBase(struct compCursor *cc) /* Check if a position contains a base, this uses a quick check that really * doesn't test for a base, just >= A, so '.', '-', and '\0' fail */ { return (*cc->ptr >= 'A'); } static struct scanCursor scanCursorNew(struct mafComp *geneComp, struct mafComp *targetComp) /* construct a new scanCursor. Note: struct is copied, it is not dynamic */ { struct scanCursor sc; sc.query = compCursorNew(geneComp); sc.target = compCursorNew(targetComp); return sc; } static boolean scanCursorIncr(struct scanCursor *sc) /* increment scan cursor one position, return FALSE at end */ { /* the < 'A' tests for '.', '-', '\0' so that we advance past the last position * in at the end of the string. */ if (compCursorAtBase(&sc->query)) sc->query.pos++; sc->query.ptr++; if (compCursorAtBase(&sc->target)) sc->target.pos++; sc->target.ptr++; return (*sc->query.ptr != '\0'); } static boolean scanCursorAdvToQueryPos(struct scanCursor *sc, int qPos) /* advance cursor to a position in the gene's component space */ { while (sc->query.pos < qPos) { if (!scanCursorIncr(sc)) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } struct scanInfo /* object that holds state while scanning the alignment for an exon */ { struct scanCursor *sc; /* cursor into the alignment */ struct cdsExon *exon; /* exon being processed */ int exonQStart; /* exon coords mapped query seq strand */ int exonQEnd; int blkQStart; /* exon coords, mapped and adjust to block bounds */ int blkQEnd; int frame; /* current frame */ int frScanDir; /* frame scanning direction (+1|-1) relative to transcription */ int subQStart; /* query and target start of current subrange of exon, * -1 for none */ int subTStart; int subStartFrame; /* frame frame subrange of exon, start scan start */ int subEndFrame; }; static void traceFrameDef(int level, struct scanInfo *si, struct exonFrames *ef) /* verbose trace to indicate why a mafFrames record was defined */ { verbose(level, "exon %s[%d] %s:%d-%d [%d] %c fm: %d; ", si->exon->gene->name, si->exon->exonNum, si->exon->gene->chrom, si->exon->chromStart, si->exon->chromEnd, (si->exon->chromEnd - si->exon->chromStart), si->exon->gene->strand, si->exon->frame); verbose(level, "subQuery %s:%d-%d [%d] %c fm: %d-%d; ", si->sc->query.comp->src, si->subQStart, si->sc->query.pos, (si->sc->query.pos - si->subQStart), si->sc->query.comp->strand, si->subStartFrame, si->subEndFrame); verbose(level, "subTarget %s:%d-%d [%d] %c fm: %d\n", si->sc->target.comp->src, si->subTStart, si->sc->target.pos, (si->sc->target.pos - si->subTStart), si->sc->target.comp->strand, ef->mf.frame); } static void addMafFrame(struct scanInfo *si) /* add an MAF frame record for the current subrange to the exon. Assumes that * the cursor has gone past the last query column to include in record. Resets * the state.*/ { struct exonFrames *ef; char src[256], *tName, strand, *dot, frame; int cdsOff; /* target excludes organism */ tName = (strchr(si->sc->target.comp->src, '.')+1); /* frame is for first base in direction of transcription */ if (si->frScanDir > 0) frame = si->subStartFrame; else frame = si->subEndFrame; /* project strand to target */ strand = (si->exon->gene->strand == si->sc->query.comp->strand) ? '+' : '-'; if (si->sc->target.comp->strand == '-') strand = (strand == '+') ? '-' : '+'; /* get src name, removing sequence id */ safef(src, sizeof(src), "%s", si->sc->query.comp->src); dot = strchr(src, '.'); if (dot != NULL) *dot = '\0'; /* compute offset within CDS */ if (si->frScanDir > 0) cdsOff = si->exon->cdsOff + (si->subQStart - si->exonQStart); else cdsOff = si->exon->cdsOff + (si->exonQEnd - si->sc->query.pos); /* create and link exon */ ef = cdsExonAddFrames(si->exon, si->subQStart, si->sc->query.pos, si->sc->query.comp->strand, tName, si->subTStart, si->sc->target.pos, frame, strand, cdsOff); if (verboseLevel() >= 2) traceFrameDef(2, si, ef); assert((ef->srcEnd-ef->srcStart) == (ef->mf.chromEnd-ef->mf.chromStart)); /* reset state */ si->subQStart = -1; si->subTStart = -1; si->subStartFrame = -1; si->subEndFrame = -1; } static struct scanInfo scanInfoInit(struct scanCursor *sc, struct cdsExon *exon) /* initialize scanInfo object for an exon. This doesn't advance to the first * aligned position in the exon */ { struct scanInfo si; int queryEnd = sc->query.comp->start + sc->query.comp->size; int frameStart, frameEnd; ZeroVar(&si); si.sc = sc; si.exon = exon; si.subTStart = -1; si.subStartFrame = -1; si.subEndFrame = -1; /* direction frame will increment */ assert(sc->target.comp->strand == '+'); si.frScanDir = (exon->gene->strand == sc->query.comp->strand) ? 1 : -1; /* get coordinates and frame at each end of the exon */ si.exonQStart = exon->chromStart; si.exonQEnd = exon->chromEnd; frameStart = (exon->gene->strand == '+') ? exon->frame : frameIncr(exon->frame, (si.exonQEnd - si.exonQStart)-1); frameEnd = (exon->gene->strand == '+') ? frameIncr(exon->frame, (si.exonQEnd - si.exonQStart)-1) : exon->frame; /* genePred coordinates are always on the positive strand, we need to reverse * them to search the strand-specific MAF coords if the component is on the * negative strand */ if (sc->query.comp->strand == '-') { int hold = frameStart; frameStart = frameEnd; frameEnd = hold; reverseIntRange(&si.exonQStart, &si.exonQEnd, sc->query.comp->srcSize); } /* adjust to bounds of query in maf block */ si.blkQStart = si.exonQStart; si.blkQEnd = si.exonQEnd; if (si.blkQStart < sc->query.comp->start) { int delta = sc->query.comp->start - si.blkQStart; si.blkQStart = sc->query.comp->start; frameStart = frameIncr(frameStart, si.frScanDir*delta); } if (si.blkQEnd > queryEnd) { int delta = si.blkQEnd - queryEnd; si.blkQEnd = queryEnd; frameEnd = frameIncr(frameEnd, -1*si.frScanDir*delta); } si.frame = frameStart; /* Ugly side-affect: record src chrom size for gene the first time it's * encounter, since it was available when gene is read in */ if (exon->gene->chromSize == 0) exon->gene->chromSize = sc->query.comp->srcSize; else if (exon->gene->chromSize != sc->query.comp->srcSize) errAbort("srcSize for %s differes in MAF; previous found as, %d, now %d", sc->query.comp->src, exon->gene->chromSize, sc->query.comp->srcSize); return si; } static void processColumn(struct scanInfo *si) /* process one column of the alignment for an exon */ { if (compCursorAtBase(&si->sc->query)) { /* column contains query */ if (compCursorAtBase(&si->sc->target)) { /* target also aligns position */ if (si->subTStart < 0) { /* remember start */ si->subQStart = si->sc->query.pos; si->subTStart = si->sc->target.pos; si->subStartFrame = si->frame; } si->subEndFrame = si->frame; } else { /* target does not align position */ if (si->subTStart >= 0) { addMafFrame(si); } } /* advance frame */ si->frame = frameIncr(si->frame, si->frScanDir); } else { /* query not aligned, if target is aligned, output current frame */ if (compCursorAtBase(&si->sc->target) && (si->subTStart >= 0)) { addMafFrame(si); } } } static void mkCompExonFrames(struct scanCursor *sc, struct cdsExon *exon) /* create mafFrames objects for a mafComp and an exon. */ { struct scanInfo si = scanInfoInit(sc, exon); /* advance to start of exon in component, which must be there due * to the bin search */ if (!scanCursorAdvToQueryPos(sc, si.blkQStart)) errAbort("BUG: should have found exon in this component"); si.frame = frameIncr(si.frame, si.frScanDir*(sc->query.pos - si.blkQStart)); /* scan columns of alignment overlapping exon */ while (sc->query.pos < si.blkQEnd) { processColumn(&si); if (!scanCursorIncr(si.sc)) break; } if (si.subTStart >= 0) addMafFrame(&si); } static void mkCompFrames(struct orgGenes *genes, struct mafComp *queryComp, struct mafComp *targetComp) /* create mafFrames objects for an mafComp */ { struct scanCursor sc = scanCursorNew(queryComp, targetComp); /* n.b. the order of scanning is very important here or will miss some exons * if they share a block */ int sortDir = (queryComp->strand == targetComp->strand) ? 1 : -1; struct binElement *exonRefs = orgGenesFind(genes, queryComp, sortDir); struct binElement *exonRef; for (exonRef = exonRefs; exonRef != NULL; exonRef = exonRef->next) mkCompExonFrames(&sc, (struct cdsExon*)exonRef->val); slFreeList(&exonRefs); } static void mkFramesForOrg(struct mafAli *ali, struct mafComp *targetComp, struct orgGenes *genes) /* create frames for an organism and a maf alignment */ { struct mafComp *queryComp = mafMayFindComponentDb(ali, genes->srcDb); if (queryComp != NULL) mkCompFrames(genes, queryComp, targetComp); } void mkMafFramesForMaf(char *targetDb, struct orgGenes *orgs, char *mafFilePath) /* create mafFrames objects from an MAF file */ { struct mafFile *mafFile = mafOpen(mafFilePath); struct mafAli *ali; struct orgGenes *genes; while ((ali = mafNext(mafFile)) != NULL) { struct mafComp *targetComp = mafMayFindComponentDb(ali, targetDb); if (targetComp != NULL) { if (targetComp->strand == '-') mafFlipStrand(ali); /* code requires target strand is + */ for (genes = orgs; genes != NULL; genes = genes->next) mkFramesForOrg(ali, targetComp, genes); } mafAliFree(&ali); } mafFileFree(&mafFile); }