e70152e44cc66cc599ff6b699eb8adc07f3e656a kent Sat May 24 21:09:34 2014 -0700 Adding Copyright NNNN Regents of the University of California to all files I believe with reasonable certainty were developed under UCSC employ or as part of Genome Browser copyright assignment. diff --git src/hg/hgGene/wikiTrack.c src/hg/hgGene/wikiTrack.c index 35b2819..8561697 100644 --- src/hg/hgGene/wikiTrack.c +++ src/hg/hgGene/wikiTrack.c @@ -1,510 +1,513 @@ /* wikiTrack - handle the wikiTrack section. */ +/* Copyright (C) 2013 The Regents of the University of California + * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */ + #include "common.h" #include "hash.h" #include "linefile.h" #include "dystring.h" #include "spDb.h" #include "web.h" #include "hgConfig.h" #include "hgGene.h" #include "htmlPage.h" #include "hgColors.h" #include "hdb.h" #include "binRange.h" #include "wikiLink.h" #include "wikiTrack.h" static char *hgGeneUrl() { static char retBuf[1024]; safef(retBuf, ArraySize(retBuf), "cgi-bin/hgGene?%s=1&%s", hggDoWikiTrack, cartSidUrlString(cart)); return retBuf; } static char *wikiTrackUserLoginUrl() /* Return the URL for the wiki user login page. */ { char *retEnc = encodedReturnUrl(hgGeneUrl); char buf[2048]; safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/index.php?title=Special:UserloginUCSC&returnto=%s", cfgOptionDefault(CFG_WIKI_URL, NULL), retEnc); freez(&retEnc); return(cloneString(buf)); } static void offerLogin() /* display login prompts to the wiki when user isn't already logged in */ { char *wikiHost = wikiLinkHost(); char *loginUrl = wikiTrackUserLoginUrl(); printf("

Please login to add annotations to this UCSC gene.

\n"); printf("

The login page is handled by our " "wiki system:\n", wikiHost); printf("click here to login.
\n", loginUrl); printf("The wiki also serves as a forum for users " "to share knowledge and ideas.\n

\n"); freeMem(loginUrl); } static struct bed *bedItem(char *chr, int start, int end, char *name, int plusCount, int negativeCount) { struct bed *bb; AllocVar(bb); bb->chrom = chr; /* do not need to clone chr string, it is already a clone */ bb->chromStart = start; bb->chromEnd = end; bb->name = cloneString(name); if ((0 == negativeCount) && (plusCount > 0)) safecpy(bb->strand, sizeof(bb->strand), "+"); else if ((0 == plusCount) && (negativeCount > 0)) safecpy(bb->strand, sizeof(bb->strand), "-"); else safecpy(bb->strand, sizeof(bb->strand), " "); return bb; } static char *canonicalGene(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *id, char **protein) /* given UCSC gene id, find canonical UCSC gene id and protein if asked for */ { char *geneName; struct sqlResult *sr; char **row; char query[1024]; sqlSafef(query, ArraySize(query), "SELECT e.transcript,e.protein FROM " "knownCanonical e, knownIsoforms j " "WHERE e.clusterId = j.clusterId AND j.transcript ='%s'", id); sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query); row = sqlNextRow(sr); if (row) { geneName = cloneString(row[0]); if (protein) *protein = cloneString(row[1]); } else geneName = NULL; sqlFreeResult(&sr); return geneName; } static struct bed *geneCluster(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *geneSymbol, struct bed **allIsoforms, struct bed **allProteins) /* simple cluster of all knownGenes with name geneSymbol * any items overlapping are clustered together * returned answer is the cluster list * also, if given, return full list of genes in allIsoforms */ { struct sqlResult *sr; char **row; struct bed *bed; struct bed *protein; struct bed *bedList = NULL; struct bed *proteinList = NULL; struct bed *clustered = NULL; char query[1024]; if (! (sqlTableExists(conn, "knownGene") && sqlTableExists(conn, "kgXref"))) { if (allIsoforms) *allIsoforms = NULL; return NULL; } sqlSafef(query, ArraySize(query), "SELECT e.chrom,e.txStart,e.txEnd,e.alignID,e.strand " "FROM knownGene e, kgXref j WHERE e.alignID = j.kgID AND " "j.geneSymbol ='%s' ORDER BY e.chrom,e.txStart", geneSymbol); sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query); while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL) { AllocVar(bed); bed->chrom = cloneString(row[0]); bed->chromStart = sqlUnsigned(row[1]); bed->chromEnd = sqlUnsigned(row[2]); bed->name = cloneString(row[3]); safecpy(bed->strand, sizeof(bed->strand), row[4]); slAddHead(&bedList, bed); } sqlFreeResult(&sr); slSort(&bedList, bedCmpExtendedChr); for (bed = bedList; bed; bed = bed->next) { char *swissProtAcc = getSwissProtAcc(conn, spConn, bed->name); AllocVar(protein); protein->chrom = cloneString(bed->chrom); protein->chromStart = bed->chromStart; protein->chromEnd = bed->chromEnd; protein->name = cloneString(swissProtAcc); slAddHead(&proteinList, protein); } slSort(&proteinList, bedCmpExtendedChr); /* now cluster that list, anything overlapping collapses into one item */ int start = BIGNUM; int end = 0; char *prevChr = NULL; int strandPlus = 0; int strandNegative = 0; for (bed = bedList; bed; bed = bed->next) { int txStart = bed->chromStart; int txEnd = bed->chromEnd; if (prevChr) { boolean notOverlap = TRUE; if ((txEnd > start) && (txStart < end)) notOverlap = FALSE; if (notOverlap || differentWord(prevChr,bed->chrom)) { struct bed *bb = bedItem(prevChr, start, end, geneSymbol, strandPlus, strandNegative); slAddHead(&clustered, bb); start = txStart; end = txEnd; /* do not need to freeMem(prevChr) because it is now used * in the bed item */ prevChr = cloneString(bed->chrom); strandPlus = 0; strandNegative = 0; } else { if (start > txStart) start = txStart; if (end < txEnd) end = txEnd; } if (differentWord(prevChr,bed->chrom)) { freeMem(prevChr); prevChr = cloneString(bed->chrom); } } else { start = txStart; end = txEnd; prevChr = cloneString(bed->chrom); } if (sameWord("+",bed->strand)) ++strandPlus; if (sameWord("-",bed->strand)) ++strandNegative; } /* and the final item is waiting to go on the list */ struct bed *bb = bedItem(prevChr, start, end, geneSymbol, strandPlus, strandNegative); slAddHead(&clustered, bb); slSort(&clustered, bedCmpExtendedChr); if (allIsoforms) *allIsoforms = bedList; else bedFreeList(&bedList); if (allProteins) *allProteins = proteinList; else bedFreeList(&proteinList); return clustered; } /* static struct bed *geneCluster() */ static int addWikiTrackItem(char *db, char *chrom, int start, int end, char *name, int score, char *strand, char *owner, char *class, char *color, char *category, char *geneSymbol, char *wikiKey) /* create new wikiTrack row with given parameters */ { struct sqlConnection *wikiConn = wikiConnect(); struct wikiTrack *newItem; AllocVar(newItem); newItem->bin = binFromRange(start, end); newItem->chrom = cloneString(chrom); newItem->chromStart = start; newItem->chromEnd = end; newItem->name = cloneString(name); newItem->score = score; safef(newItem->strand, sizeof(newItem->strand), "%s", strand); newItem->db = cloneString(db); newItem->owner = cloneString(owner); newItem->class = cloneString(class); newItem->color = cloneString(color); newItem->creationDate = cloneString("0"); newItem->lastModifiedDate = cloneString("0"); newItem->descriptionKey = cloneString("0"); newItem->id = 0; newItem->geneSymbol = cloneString(geneSymbol); wikiTrackSaveToDb(wikiConn, newItem, WIKI_TRACK_TABLE, 1024); int id = sqlLastAutoId(wikiConn); char descriptionKey[256]; /* when wikiKey is NULL, assign the default key of category:db-id, * else, it is the proper key */ if (wikiKey) safef(descriptionKey,ArraySize(descriptionKey), "%s", wikiKey); else safef(descriptionKey,ArraySize(descriptionKey), "%s:%s-%d", category, db, id); wikiTrackFree(&newItem); char query[1024]; sqlSafef(query, ArraySize(query), "UPDATE %s set creationDate=now(),lastModifiedDate=now(),descriptionKey='%s' WHERE id='%d'", WIKI_TRACK_TABLE, descriptionKey, id); sqlUpdate(wikiConn,query); wikiDisconnect(&wikiConn); return (id); } static struct wikiTrack *startNewItem(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *chrom, int itemStart, int itemEnd, char *name, char *strand, struct bed *clusterList, struct bed *allIsoforms, struct bed *allProteins) /* create the database item to get a new one started */ { char *userName = NULL; int score = 0; int id = 0; char *description = descriptionString(curGeneId, conn); char *aliases = aliasString(curGeneId, conn); struct dyString *extraHeader = dyStringNew(0); char *protein = NULL; char *canonical = canonicalGene(conn, curGeneId, &protein); char transcriptTag[1024]; safef(transcriptTag, ArraySize(transcriptTag), "%s", curGeneId); if (canonical) dyStringPrintf(extraHeader, "Canonical gene details [http://%s/cgi-bin/hgGene?hgg_chrom=none&org=%s&db=0&hgg_gene=%s " "%s %s]
\n", cfgOptionDefault(CFG_WIKI_BROWSER, DEFAULT_BROWSER), genome, canonical, name, canonical); if ((slCount(allIsoforms) > 1) || (!canonical)) { dyStringPrintf(extraHeader, "Other loci: "); struct bed *el; for (el = allIsoforms; el; el = el->next) { if (isNotEmpty(canonical) && sameWord(canonical,el->name)) continue; dyStringPrintf(extraHeader, "[http://%s/cgi-bin/hgGene?hgg_chrom=none&org=%s&db=0&hgg_gene=%s %s]", cfgOptionDefault(CFG_WIKI_BROWSER, DEFAULT_BROWSER), genome, el->name, el->name); if (el->next) dyStringPrintf(extraHeader,", "); } dyStringPrintf(extraHeader, "
\n"); } dyStringPrintf(extraHeader, "%s", description); /* add a date/time stamp to the description comments */ dyStringPrintf(extraHeader, "\n(description snapshot ~~~~~)
\n"); if (aliases) { dyStringPrintf(extraHeader, "%s\n", aliases); freeMem(aliases); } dyStringPrintf(extraHeader, "\n
\n"); if (! wikiTrackEnabled(database, &userName)) errAbort("create new wiki item: wiki track not enabled"); if (NULL == userName) errAbort("create new wiki item: user not logged in ?"); id = addWikiTrackItem(database, chrom, itemStart, itemEnd, name, score, strand, userName, GENE_CLASS, "#000000", "UCSCGeneAnnotation", name, NULL); char wikiItemId[64]; safef(wikiItemId,ArraySize(wikiItemId),"%d", id); struct wikiTrack *item = findWikiItemId(wikiItemId); addDescription(item, userName, chrom, itemStart, itemEnd, cart, database, extraHeader->string, transcriptTag, NEW_ITEM_CATEGORY); dyStringFree(&extraHeader); return(item); } static void addComments(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct wikiTrack **item, char *userName, struct bed *clusterList, struct bed *allIsoforms, struct bed *allProteins) { if (*item) { char transcriptTag[1024]; safef(transcriptTag, ArraySize(transcriptTag), "%s", curGeneId); addDescription(*item, userName, curGeneChrom, curGeneStart, curGeneEnd, cart, database, NULL, transcriptTag, NEW_ITEM_CATEGORY); } else { struct bed *el = clusterList; *item = startNewItem(conn, el->chrom, el->chromStart, el->chromEnd, el->name, el->strand, clusterList, allIsoforms, allProteins); el = el->next; for ( ; el; el = el->next) { (void) addWikiTrackItem(database, el->chrom, el->chromStart, el->chromEnd, el->name, 0, el->strand, userName, GENE_CLASS, "#000000", "UCSCGeneAnnotation", el->name, (*item)->descriptionKey); } } } void doWikiTrack(struct sqlConnection *conn) /* display wiki track business */ { char *userName = NULL; struct wikiTrack *item = findWikiItemByGeneSymbol(database, curGeneName); char title[1024]; struct bed *allIsoforms = NULL; struct bed *allProteins = NULL; struct bed *clusterList = geneCluster(conn, curGeneName, &allIsoforms, &allProteins); boolean editOK = FALSE; safef(title,ArraySize(title), "UCSC gene annotations: %s", curGeneName); /* we already know the wiki track is enabled since we are here, * now calling this just to see if user is logged into the wiki */ if(!wikiTrackEnabled(database, &userName)) { cartWebStart(cart, database, "%s", title); errAbort("hgGene.doWikiTrack: called when wiki track is not enabled ?"); } /* FALSE == do not print message */ if (isNotEmpty(userName) && emailVerified(FALSE)) editOK = TRUE; if (editOK && cartVarExists(cart, hggDoWikiAddComment)) addComments(conn, &item, userName, clusterList, allIsoforms, allProteins); else cartRemove(cart, NEW_ITEM_COMMENT); /* item exists, show wiki page */ if (item) { char *url = cfgOptionDefault(CFG_WIKI_URL, NULL); puts(""); puts("\n\n"); hPrintf("\n", url, item->descriptionKey); puts("\n"); return; } cartWebStart(cart, database, "%s", title); /* safety check, both of these lists should be non-zero */ int locusLocationCount = slCount(clusterList); int rawListCount = slCount(allIsoforms); if ((0 == rawListCount) || (0 == locusLocationCount)) { hPrintf("(Feature under development, not available for " "all genome browsers yet)
\n"); hPrintf("hgGene.doWikiTrack: can not find any genes " "of gene symbol %s
\n",curGeneName); cartWebEnd(); return; } if (isEmpty(userName)) { if (! wikiTrackReadOnly() ) /* read-only option 2012-06-25 */ offerLogin(); } else if (emailVerified(TRUE)) /* prints message when not verified */ { hPrintf("
\n\n"); cartSaveSession(cart); cgiMakeHiddenVar(hggDoWikiTrack, "1"); cgiMakeHiddenVar(hggDoWikiAddComment, "1"); cgiMakeHiddenVar("db", database); cgiMakeHiddenVar("hgg_gene", curGeneId); webPrintLinkTableStart(); /* first row is a title line */ char label[256]; safef(label, ArraySize(label), "'%s' adding comments to gene %s\n", userName, curGeneName); webPrintWideLabelCell(label, 2); webPrintLinkTableNewRow(); /* second row is initial comment/description text entry */ webPrintWideCellStart(2, HG_COL_TABLE); cgiMakeTextArea(NEW_ITEM_COMMENT, ADD_ITEM_COMMENT_DEFAULT, 3, 70); webPrintLinkCellEnd(); webPrintLinkTableNewRow(); hPrintf("", HG_COL_TABLE); cgiMakeButton("submit", "add comments"); hPrintf("\n
\n"); webPrintLinkCellEnd(); webPrintLinkTableEnd(); if (NULL != item) { char *url = cfgOptionDefault(CFG_WIKI_URL, NULL); hPrintf("For extensive edits, it may be more convenient to edit the "); hPrintf("wiki article %s " "for this item's description", url, item->descriptionKey, item->descriptionKey); } hPrintf( "This entry form starts the comments for this gene annotation.
\n" "Subsequent edits will be performed in the wiki editing system." "
\n"); } if ((1 == locusLocationCount) && (1 == rawListCount)) { hPrintf("There is a single locus for gene symbol %s (%s)
\n", curGeneName, curGeneId); } else { if (1 == locusLocationCount) hPrintf("There is a single locus for gene symbol %s:
\n", curGeneName); else hPrintf("There are %d loci for gene symbol %s:
\n", locusLocationCount, curGeneName); struct bed *el; for (el = clusterList; el; el = el->next) hPrintf("%s:%d-%d %s
\n", el->chrom, el->chromStart, el->chromEnd, el->strand); hPrintf("From %d separate UCSC gene IDs:
\n", rawListCount); for (el = allIsoforms; el; el = el->next) { hPrintf("%s", el->name); if (el->next) hPrintf(", "); } hPrintf("
\n"); } webIncludeHelpFile("wikiTrackGeneAnnotationHelp", TRUE); webIncludeHelpFile("wikiTrack", TRUE); /* generic description page */ cartWebEnd(); bedFreeList(&allIsoforms); bedFreeList(&clusterList); }