Sat May 24 21:09:34 2014 -0700
Adding Copyright NNNN Regents of the University of California to all files I believe with reasonable certainty were developed under UCSC employ or as part of Genome Browser copyright assignment.
diff --git src/hg/hgGenome/upload.c src/hg/hgGenome/upload.c
index 371687b..af57264 100644
--- src/hg/hgGenome/upload.c
+++ src/hg/hgGenome/upload.c
@@ -1,245 +1,248 @@
/* Upload - put up upload pages and sub-pages. */
+/* Copyright (C) 2011 The Regents of the University of California
+ * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
#include "common.h"
#include "linefile.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "ra.h"
#include "portable.h"
#include "cheapcgi.h"
#include "localmem.h"
#include "cart.h"
#include "web.h"
#include "chromInfo.h"
#include "chromGraph.h"
#include "chromGraphFactory.h"
#include "errCatch.h"
#include "hPrint.h"
#include "customTrack.h"
#include "hgGenome.h"
#include "trashDir.h"
static char *markerNames[] = {
// cgfMarkerAffy100,
static char *formatNames[] = {
static char *colLabelNames[] = {
void uploadPage()
/* Put up initial upload page. */
char *oldFileName = cartUsualString(cart, hggUploadFile "__filename", "");
cartWebStart(cart, database, "Upload Data to Genome Graphs");
hPrintf("Note: If you are uploading more than one data set please give them ");
hPrintf("different names. Only the most recent data set of a given name is ");
hPrintf("kept. Otherwise data sets will be kept for at least 48 hours from ");
hPrintf("last use. After that time you may have to upload them again.");
/* Put up section that describes file formats. */
webNewSection("Upload file formats");
"The upload file is a table in some format. In all formats there is "
"a single line for each marker. "
"Each line starts with information on the marker, and ends with "
"the numerical values associated with that marker. The exact format "
"of the line depends on what is selected from the markers drop "
"down menu. If this is chromosome base then the line will "
"contain the tab or space-separated fields: chromosome, position, "
"and value(s). The first base in a chromosome is considered position 0. "
"An example chromosome base type line is:
"chrX 100000 1.23\n"
The lines for other marker types contain two fields: "
"marker and value(s). For dbSNP rsID's an example is:\n"
"rs10218492 0.384\n"
"The file can contain multiple value fields. In this case a "
"separate graph will be available for each value column in the input "
"table. It's a "
"good idea to set the display min/max values above if you want the "
"graphs to share the same scale."
webNewSection("Using the upload page");
"To upload a file in any of the supported formats, "
"locate the file on your computer using the controls next to file name, "
"or supply a URL to the data, "
"and then submit. The other controls on this form are optional, though "
"filling them out will sometimes enhance the display. In general "
"the controls that default to best guess can be left alone, "
"since the guess is almost always correct. The controls for display min and "
"max values and connecting lines can be set later via the configuration "
"page as well. Here is a description of each control."
"- name of data set: Displayed in graph drop-down in Genome Graphs "
" and as trackname in Genome Browser. Only the first 16 characters are "
" visible in some contexts. For data sets with multiple graphs, this is the "
" first part of the name, shared with all members of the data set.
"- description: A short sentence describing the data set. Displayed in "
"the Genome Graphs and Genome Browser configuration pages, and as the center "
"label in the Genome Browser.
"- file format: Controls whether the upload file is a tab-separated, "
" comma-separated, or space separated table.
"- markers are: Describes how to map the data to chromosomes. The choices "
" are either the first column of the file is an ID of some sort, or the first column "
" is a chromosome and the next a base. The IDs can be SNP rs numbers, STS marker names "
" or ID's from any of the supported genotyping platforms.
"- column labels: Controls whether the first row of the upload file is "
" interpreted as labels rather than data. If the first row contains text in the "
" numerical fields, or if the mapping fields are empty, it is interpreted by "
" \"best guess\" as labels. This is generally correct, but you can override this "
" interpretation by explicitly setting the control.
"- display min value/max value: Set the range of the data set that will "
" be plotted. If left blank, the range will be taken from the min/max values in the "
" data set itself. For all data sets to share the same scale usually you'll need "
" to set this.
"- label values: A comma-separated list of numbers for the vertical axis. "
" If left blank the axis will be labeled at the 1/3 and 2/3 point.
"- draw connecting lines: Lines connecting data points separated by "
" no more than this number of bases are drawn.
"- file name, or Paste URLs or data: Specify the uploaded data --"
" enter either a file on your local computer; or a URL at which the data file can be"
" found; or simply paste-in the data. If entries are made in both fields, the file name will take"
" precedence.
static void addIfNonempty(struct hash *hash, char *cgiVar, char *trackVar)
/* If cgiVar exists and is non-empty, add it to ra. */
char *val = skipLeadingSpaces(cartUsualString(cart, cgiVar, ""));
if (val[0] != 0)
hashAdd(hash, trackVar, val);
void updateCustomTracks(struct customTrack *upList)
/* Update custom tracks file with current upload data */
struct customTrack *oldList = customTracksParseCart(database, cart, NULL, NULL);
struct customTrack *outList = customTrackAddToList(oldList, upList, NULL, FALSE);
customTracksSaveCart(database, cart, outList);
hPrintf("These data are now available in the drop-down menus on the ");
hPrintf("main page for graphing.
void trySubmitUpload(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *rawText)
/* Called when they've submitted from uploads page */
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOnString("uploaded data", TRUE, rawText);
struct customPp *cpp = customPpNew(lf);
struct hash *settings = hashNew(8);
addIfNonempty(settings, hggMinVal, "minVal");
addIfNonempty(settings, hggMaxVal, "maxVal");
addIfNonempty(settings, hggMaxGapToFill, "maxGapToFill");
addIfNonempty(settings, hggLabelVals, "linesAt");
struct customTrack *trackList = chromGraphParser(database, cpp,
cartUsualString(cart, hggFormatType, formatNames[0]),
cartUsualString(cart, hggMarkerType, cgfMarkerGenomic),
cartUsualString(cart, hggColumnLabels, colLabelNames[0]),
nullIfAllSpace(cartUsualString(cart, hggDataSetName, NULL)),
nullIfAllSpace(cartUsualString(cart, hggDataSetDescription, NULL)),
settings, TRUE);
void submitUpload(struct sqlConnection *conn)
/* Called when they've submitted from uploads page */
char *urlText = cartUsualString(cart, hggUploadUrl, NULL);
char *fileText = cartUsualString(cart, hggUploadFile, NULL);
char *rawText = urlText;
if (isNotEmpty(fileText))
rawText = fileText;
int rawTextSize = strlen(rawText);
struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew();
cartWebStart(cart, database, "Data Upload Complete (%d bytes)", rawTextSize);