  Sat May 24 21:09:34 2014 -0700
Adding Copyright NNNN Regents of the University of California to all files I believe with reasonable certainty were developed under UCSC employ or as part of Genome Browser copyright assignment.
diff --git src/hg/hgTracks/mafTrack.c src/hg/hgTracks/mafTrack.c
index e2e3acc..1fe1cec 100644
--- src/hg/hgTracks/mafTrack.c
+++ src/hg/hgTracks/mafTrack.c
@@ -1,971 +1,974 @@
 /* mafTrack - stuff to handle loading and display of
  * maf type tracks in browser. Mafs are multiple alignments. 
  * This also handles axt's, mostly by convincing them they
  * are really mafs.... */
+/* Copyright (C) 2014 The Regents of the University of California 
+ * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "jksql.h"
 #include "hdb.h"
 #include "hgTracks.h"
 #include "maf.h"
 #include "scoredRef.h"
 #include "hgMaf.h"
 #include "mafTrack.h"
 #include "customTrack.h"
 struct mafItem
 /* A maf track item. */
     struct mafItem *next;
     char *name;		/* Common name */
     char *db;		/* Database */
     int ix;		/* Position in list. */
     int height;		/* Pixel height of item. */
 static void mafItemFree(struct mafItem **pEl)
 /* Free up a mafItem. */
 struct mafItem *el = *pEl;
 if (el != NULL)
 void mafItemFreeList(struct mafItem **pList)
 /* Free a list of dynamically allocated mafItem's */
 struct mafItem *el, *next;
 for (el = *pList; el != NULL; el = next)
     next = el->next;
 *pList = NULL;
 struct mafAli *mafOrAxtLoadInRegion(struct sqlConnection *conn, 
 	struct track *tg, char *chrom, 
 	int start, int end, boolean isAxt)
 /* Load mafs from region, either from maf or axt file. */
 if (isAxt)
     struct hash *qSizeHash = hChromSizeHash(tg->otherDb);
     struct mafAli *mafList = 
             axtLoadAsMafInRegion(conn, tg->table, chrom, start, end,
                                  database, tg->otherDb, hChromSize(database, chrom), qSizeHash);
     return mafList;
     return mafLoadInRegion(conn, tg->table, chrom, start, end);
 static struct mafItem *baseByBaseItems(struct track *tg, int scoreHeight)
 /* Make up base-by-base track items. */
 struct mafItem *miList = NULL, *mi;
 struct mafAli *maf;
 char *myOrg = hOrganism(database);
 char buf[64];
 char *otherOrganism;
 /* Make up item that will show inserts in this organism. */
 mi->name = cloneString("Hidden Gaps");
 mi->height = tl.fontHeight;
 slAddHead(&miList, mi);
 /* Make up item for this organism. */
 mi->name = myOrg;
 mi->height = tl.fontHeight;
 mi->db = cloneString(database);
 slAddHead(&miList, mi);
 /* Make up items for other organisms by scanning through
  * all mafs and looking at database prefix to source. */
     struct hash *hash = newHash(8);	/* keyed by database. */
     hashAdd(hash, mi->db, mi);		/* Add in current organism. */
     struct mafPriv *mp = getMafPriv(tg);
     for (maf = mp->list; maf != NULL; maf = maf->next)
 	struct mafComp *mc;
 	for (mc = maf->components; mc != NULL; mc = mc->next)
 	    mafSrcDb(mc->src, buf, sizeof(buf));
 	    if (hashLookup(hash, buf) == NULL)
 		mi->db = cloneString(buf);
                 otherOrganism = hOrganism(mi->db);
                 mi->name = 
                     (otherOrganism == NULL ? cloneString(buf) : otherOrganism);
 		mi->height = tl.fontHeight;
 		slAddHead(&miList, mi);
 		hashAdd(hash, mi->db, mi);
 /* Make up item that will show the score as grayscale. */
 mi->name = cloneString("Score");
 mi->height = scoreHeight;
 slAddHead(&miList, mi);
 return miList;
 static struct mafItem *pairwiseItems(struct track *tg, int scoreHeight)
 /* Make up pairwise alignment items for each 
    "other species" in the multiple alignment. */
 struct mafItem *miList = NULL, *mi;
 struct mafAli *maf;
 char buf[64];
 char *otherOrganism;
 /* Make up item for wiggle */
 mi->name = cloneString("Score");
 mi->height = scoreHeight;
 slAddHead(&miList, mi);
 if (trackDbSetting(tg->tdb, "pairwise") != NULL)
 /* Make up items for other organisms by scanning through
  * all mafs and looking at database prefix to source. */
     // TODO: share code with baseByBaseItems
     struct hash *hash = newHash(8);	/* keyed by database. */
     struct mafPriv *mp = getMafPriv(tg);
     for (maf = mp->list; maf != NULL; maf = maf->next)
 	struct mafComp *mc;
         boolean isMyOrg = TRUE;
 	for (mc = maf->components; mc != NULL; mc = mc->next)
             if (isMyOrg) 
                 /* skip first maf component (this organism) */
                 isMyOrg = FALSE;
 	    mafSrcDb(mc->src, buf, sizeof(buf));
 	    if (hashLookup(hash, buf) == NULL)
 		mi->db = cloneString(buf);
                 otherOrganism = hOrganism(mi->db);
                 mi->name = 
                     (otherOrganism == NULL ? cloneString(buf) : otherOrganism);
 		mi->height = tl.fontHeight;
 		slAddHead(&miList, mi);
 		hashAdd(hash, mi->db, mi);
 return miList;
 static struct mafItem *mafItems(struct track *tg, int scoreHeight,
 					   boolean isBaseLevel, boolean isAxt)
 /* Load up items for full mode */
 struct mafAli *mafList = NULL;
 struct mafItem *miList = NULL;
 struct sqlConnection *conn = NULL;
 struct mafPriv *mp = getMafPriv(tg);
 if (mp->ct != NULL)
     errAbort("this maf path not supported for custom maf tracks");
     conn = hAllocConn(database);
     /* Load up mafs and store in track so drawer doesn't have
      * to do it again. */
     mafList = mafOrAxtLoadInRegion(conn, tg, chromName, winStart, winEnd, isAxt);
 mp->list = mafList;
 /* Make up tracks for display. */
 if (isBaseLevel)
     miList = baseByBaseItems(tg, scoreHeight);
     miList = pairwiseItems(tg, scoreHeight);
 return miList;
 static void mafOrAxtLoad(struct track *tg, boolean isAxt)
 /* Load up maf or axt tracks.  What this will do depends on
  * the zoom level and the display density. */
 struct mafItem *miList = NULL;
 int scoreHeight = tl.fontHeight;
 /* Create item list and set height depending
  * on display type. */
 if (tg->visibility == tvFull)
     scoreHeight *= 4;
 if (zoomedToBaseLevel)
     miList = mafItems(tg, scoreHeight, zoomedToBaseLevel, isAxt);
     if (tg->visibility == tvFull && winBaseCount < MAF_SUMMARY_VIEW)
         /* currently implemented only for medium zoom out */
         miList = mafItems(tg, scoreHeight, FALSE, isAxt);
         miList->name = cloneString(tg->shortLabel);
         miList->height = scoreHeight;
 tg->items = miList;
 static void mafLoad(struct track *tg)
 /* Load up maf tracks.  */
 mafOrAxtLoad(tg, FALSE);
 static int mafTotalHeight(struct track *tg, 
 	enum trackVisibility vis)
 /* Return total height of maf track.  */
 struct mafItem *mi;
 int total = 0;
 for (mi = tg->items; mi != NULL; mi = mi->next)
     total += mi->height;
 tg->height =  total;
 return tg->height;
 static int mafItemHeight(struct track *tg, void *item)
 /* Return total height of maf track.  */
 struct mafItem *mi = item;
 return mi->height;
 static void mafFree(struct track *tg)
 /* Free up mafGroup items. */
 struct mafPriv *mp = getMafPriv(tg);
 mafAliFreeList((struct mafAli **)&mp->list);
 mafItemFreeList((struct mafItem **)&tg->items);
 static char *mafName(struct track *tg, void *item)
 /* Return name of maf level track. */
 struct mafItem *mi = item;
 return mi->name;
 static void processInserts(char *text, int textSize, 
 	char *insertLine, int baseCount)
 /* Make up insert line - it has a ' ' if there is no space
  * before char, and a '-' if there is.  */
 int i, baseIx = 0;
 char c;
 for (i=0; i<textSize && baseIx < baseCount; ++i)
     c = text[i];
     if (c == '-')
 	unsigned char b = insertLine[baseIx];
 	if (b < 255)
 	    insertLine[baseIx] = b+1;
         baseIx += 1;
 static void charifyInserts(char *insertLine, int size)
 /* Convert insert line from counts to characters. */
 int i;
 char c;
 for (i=0; i<size; ++i)
     unsigned char b = insertLine[i];
     if (b == 0)
        c = ' ';
     else if (b <= 9)
        c = b + '0';
        c = '+';
     insertLine[i] = c;
 static void processOtherSeq(char *text, char *masterText, int textSize,
 	char *outLine, int outSize)
 /* Copy text to outLine, suppressing copy where there are dashes
  * in masterText.  This effectively projects the alignment onto
  * the master genome. */
 int i, outIx = 0;
 for (i=0; i<textSize && outIx < outSize;  ++i)
     if (masterText[i] != '-')
 	outLine[outIx] = text[i];
 	outIx += 1;
 static void setIxMafAlign(int ix, int *ixMafAli, int count)
 /* make an array of alignment indices, one per base */
     int i;
     for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
         *ixMafAli++ = ix;
 static int getIxMafAli(int *ixMafAli, int position, int maxPos)
 /* get alignment index for a base position */
     if (position > maxPos)
         return 0;
     return *(ixMafAli + position);
 static void getNormalizedScores(struct mafAli *maf, char *masterText,
 	double *scores, int scoreCount)
 /* Make an array of normalized scores, one per base. */
 int textIx, outIx = 0;
 double maxScore, minScore;
 double scoreScale;
 double score;
 mafColMinMaxScore(maf, &minScore, &maxScore);
 scoreScale = 1.0/(maxScore - minScore);
 for (textIx = 0; textIx < maf->textSize; ++textIx)
     if (masterText[textIx] != '-')
 	score = (mafScoreRangeMultiz(maf, textIx, 1) - minScore)*scoreScale;
 	if (score < 0.0) score = 0.0;
 	if (score > 1.0) score = 1.0;
 	scores[outIx] = score;
 void mafFillInPixelScores(struct mafAli *maf, struct mafComp *mcMaster,
 	double *scores, int numScores)
 /* Calculate one score per pixel normalized to be between 0.0 and 1.0. */
 int i,j;
 double score, minScore, maxScore, scoreScale;
 int textSize = maf->textSize;
 int masterSize = mcMaster->size;
 char *masterText = mcMaster->text;
 mafColMinMaxScore(maf, &minScore, &maxScore);
 if ((maxScore - minScore) < 0.0001)
     scoreScale = 0.0001;
     scoreScale = 1.0/(maxScore - minScore);
 if (numScores >= masterSize)	 /* More pixels than bases */
     int x1,x2;
     int masterPos = 0;
     for (i=0; i<textSize; ++i)
 	if (masterText[i] != '-')
 	    score = mafScoreRangeMultiz(maf, i, 1);
 	    score = (score - minScore) * scoreScale;
 	    if (score < 0.0) score = 0.0;
 	    if (score > 1.0) score = 1.0;
 	    x1 = masterPos*numScores/masterSize;
 	    x2 = (masterPos+1)*numScores/masterSize;
 	    /* make sure we don't overflow our array */
 	    if (x2 > numScores - 1)
 		x2 = numScores - 1;
 	    if (x1 < numScores)
 		for (j=x1; j<x2; ++j)
 		    scores[j] = score;
     /* More bases than pixels. */
     /* This handles the case where you're
       fitting  M bases of alignment into N pixels, and
       M is not a perfect multiple of N.  That is it
       handles the case where you want to average over
       2 bases, then 3 bases, then 2 bases, then 3 bases
       (which would be the case where N = 4 and M = 10). */
     int b1=0, b2;       /* start and end in the reference (master) genome */
     int deltaB;
     int t1=0, t2;       /* start and end in the maf text.  The spacing between
                          * them may be larger than b1,b2 due to '-' chars in 
                          * the * row of the alignment corresponding to 
                          * the master genome. */ 
     int deltaT;
     for (i=0; i<numScores; ++i)
 	b2 = (i+1)*masterSize/numScores;
 	deltaB = b2 - b1;
 	for (t2 = t1; t2 < textSize; ++t2)
 	    if (deltaB <= 0)
 	    if (masterText[t2] != '-')
 		deltaB -= 1;
 	deltaT = t2 - t1;
         /* Take the score over the relevant range of text symbols in the maf,
          * and divide it by the bases we cover in the master genome to 
          * get a normalized by base score. */ 
 	score = 0;
 	if (deltaT != 0)
 	    score = mafScoreRangeMultiz(maf, t1, deltaT)/(b2-b1);
         /* Scale the score so that it is between 0 and 1 */ 
 	score = (score - minScore) * scoreScale;
 	if (score < 0.0) score = 0.0;
 	if (score > 1.0) score = 1.0;
 	scores[i] = score;
 	b1 = b2;
 	t1 = t2;
 static void mafDrawOverview(struct track *tg, int seqStart, int seqEnd,
         struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff, int width, 
         MgFont *font, Color color, enum trackVisibility vis)
 /* Draw wiggle-plot based on overall maf scores rather than
  * computing them for sections.  For this routine we don't
  * need to actually load the mafs, it's sufficient to load
  * the scoredRefs. */
 char **row;
 int rowOffset;
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
 struct sqlResult *sr = hRangeQuery(conn, tg->table, chromName, 
     seqStart, seqEnd, NULL, &rowOffset);
 double scale = scaleForPixels(width);
 int x1,x2,y,w;
 struct mafItem *mi = tg->items;
 int height1 = mi->height-2;
 while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     struct scoredRef ref;
     scoredRefStaticLoad(row + rowOffset, &ref);
     x1 = round((ref.chromStart - seqStart)*scale);
     x2 = round((ref.chromEnd - seqStart)*scale);
     w = x2-x1;
     if (w < 1) w = 1;
     if (vis == tvFull)
 	y = ref.score * height1;
 	hvGfxBox(hvg, x1 + xOff, yOff + height1 - y, w, y+1, color);
 	int shade = ref.score * maxShade;
 	Color c;
 	if ((shade < 0) || (shade >= maxShade))
 	    shade = 0;
 	c = shadesOfGray[shade];
 	hvGfxBox(hvg, x1 + xOff, yOff, w, tg->heightPer, c);
 void drawMafChain(struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff, int width, int height,
                         boolean isDouble)
 /* draw single or double chain line between alignments in MAF display */
 int midY = yOff + (height>>1);
 int midY1 = midY - (height>>2);
 int midY2 = midY + (height>>2) - 1;
 Color gray = shadesOfGray[5];
 /* tweaking end pixels, as done in chainTrack.c */
 xOff--; /* this causes some lines to overwrite one
          * pixel of the previous box */
 if (width == 1)
     /* width=1 lines won't draw via innerline, so widen them */
 if (isDouble)
     innerLine(hvg, xOff, midY1, width, gray);
     innerLine(hvg, xOff, midY2, width, gray);
     int x;
     Color fuzz = shadesOfGray[3];
     hvGfxBox(hvg, xOff, yOff+height-5, width, 3, fuzz1);
     for (x = xOff+1; x < xOff+width; x += 2)
         hvGfxBox(hvg, x, yOff+height-5, 1, 3, fuzz1);
     for (x = xOff+1; x < xOff+width; x += 3)
         hvGfxBox(hvg, x, yOff+height-5, 2, 3, fuzz);
     innerLine(hvg, xOff, midY, width, gray);
 void drawMafRegionDetails(struct mafAli *mafList, int height,
         int seqStart, int seqEnd, struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff,
         int width, MgFont *font, Color color, Color altColor,
         enum trackVisibility vis, boolean isAxt, boolean chainBreaks)
 /* Draw wiggle/density plot based on scoring things on the fly
  * from list of MAF */
 struct mafAli *full, *sub = NULL, *maf = NULL;
 struct mafComp *mcMaster, *mc;
 char dbChrom[64];
 int height1 = height-2;
 int ixMafAli = 0;       /* alignment index, to allow alternating color */
 int x1, x2;
 int lastAlignX2 = -1;
 int lastChainX2 = -1;
 double scale = scaleForPixels(width);
 safef(dbChrom, sizeof(dbChrom), "%s.%s", database, chromName);
 for (full = mafList; full != NULL; full = full->next)
     double *pixelScores = NULL;
     int i;
     int w;
     sub = NULL;
     if (mafNeedSubset(full, dbChrom, seqStart, seqEnd))
         sub = maf = mafSubset(full, dbChrom, seqStart, seqEnd);
         maf = full;
     if (maf != NULL)
 	mcMaster = mafFindComponent(maf, dbChrom);
         mc = mcMaster->next;
         if (mc == NULL)
             if (sub != NULL)
 	if (mcMaster->strand == '-')
         x1 = floor((double)((int)mcMaster->start-seqStart)*scale) + xOff;
         x2 = ceil((double)((int)mcMaster->start-seqStart + mcMaster->size)*scale) + xOff;
 	w = x2-x1+1;
         if (mc->size == 0)
             /* suppress chain/alignment overlap */
             if (x1 <= lastAlignX2)
                 int offset = lastAlignX2 - x1 + 1;
                 x1 += offset;
                 w -= offset;
                 if (w <= 0)
             if (!chainBreaks)
             lastChainX2 = x2+1;
             /* no alignment here -- just a gap/break annotation */
             if ((mc->leftStatus == MAF_MISSING_STATUS ) && (mc->rightStatus == MAF_MISSING_STATUS))
 		Color yellow = hvGfxFindRgb(hvg, &undefinedYellowColor);
 		hvGfxBox(hvg, x1, yOff, w, height - 1, yellow);
             else if ((mc->leftStatus == MAF_INSERT_STATUS ||  mc->leftStatus == MAF_NEW_NESTED_STATUS)  ||
                 (mc->rightStatus == MAF_INSERT_STATUS ||  mc->rightStatus == MAF_NEW_NESTED_STATUS))
 		/* double gap -> display double line ala chain tracks */
 		drawMafChain(hvg, x1, yOff, w, height, TRUE);
             else if (isContigOrTandem( mc->leftStatus)  || isContigOrTandem( mc->rightStatus))
 		/* single gap -> display single line ala chain tracks */
 		drawMafChain(hvg, x1, yOff, w, height, FALSE);
             lastAlignX2 = x2;
             AllocArray(pixelScores, w);
             mafFillInPixelScores(maf, mcMaster, pixelScores, w);
             if (vis != tvFull && mc->leftStatus == MAF_NEW_STATUS)
 		hvGfxBox(hvg, x1-3, yOff, 2, height, getChromBreakBlueColor());
             for (i=0; i<w; ++i)
                 if (vis == tvFull)
                     int y = pixelScores[i] * height1;
                     hvGfxBox(hvg, i+x1, yOff + height1 - y, 
                         1, y+1, (ixMafAli % 2) ? color : altColor);
                     int shade = (pixelScores[i] * maxShade) + 1;
                     Color c;
                     if (shade > maxShade)
                         shade = maxShade;
                     c = shadesOfGray[shade];
                     //hvGfxBox(hvg, i+x1, yOff+2, 1, height - 5, c);
                     hvGfxBox(hvg, i+x1, yOff, 1, height - 1, c);
             if (vis != tvFull && mc->leftStatus == MAF_NEW_NESTED_STATUS)
 		hvGfxBox(hvg, x1-1, yOff, 2, 1, getChromBreakGreenColor());
 		hvGfxBox(hvg, x1-1, yOff, 1, height, getChromBreakGreenColor());
 		hvGfxBox(hvg, x1-1, yOff + height-1, 2, 1, 
             if (vis != tvFull && mc->rightStatus == MAF_NEW_NESTED_STATUS)
 		hvGfxBox(hvg, i+x1-1, yOff, 2, 1, getChromBreakGreenColor());
 		hvGfxBox(hvg, i+x1, yOff, 1, height, getChromBreakGreenColor());
 		hvGfxBox(hvg, i+x1-1, yOff + height-1, 2, 1, 
             if (vis != tvFull && mc->rightStatus == MAF_NEW_STATUS) 
 		hvGfxBox(hvg, i+x1+1, yOff, 2, height, getChromBreakBlueColor());
     if (sub != NULL)
 static void mafDrawDetails(struct track *tg, int seqStart, int seqEnd,
         struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff, int width, MgFont *font,
         Color color, enum trackVisibility vis, boolean isAxt)
 /* Draw wiggle/density plot based on scoring things on the fly. */
 struct mafAli *mafList;
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
 struct mafItem *miList = tg->items, *mi = miList;
 char *suffix;
 struct mafPriv *mp = getMafPriv(tg);
 mafList = mp->list;
 if (mafList == NULL)
     mafList = mafOrAxtLoadInRegion(conn, tg, chromName, 
                                                 seqStart, seqEnd, isAxt);
 /* display the multiple alignment in this region */
 drawMafRegionDetails(mafList, mi->height, seqStart, seqEnd, hvg, xOff, yOff,
                          width, font, color, tg->ixAltColor,  vis, isAxt, FALSE);
 yOff += mi->height + 1;
 if (vis == tvFull)
     while ((mi = mi->next) != NULL)
         /* construct pairwise table name for this organism */
         /* if there's a value for the "pairwise" trackDb setting, use this
          * to construct the tablename, otherwise, use the track name */
         char mafTable[64];
         if ((suffix = trackDbSetting(tg->tdb, "pairwise")) == NULL ||
             *suffix == 0)
                 suffix = tg->table;
         safef(mafTable, sizeof(mafTable), "%s_%s", mi->name, suffix);
         if (!hTableExists(database, mafTable))
         mafList = mafLoadInRegion(conn, mafTable, chromName, seqStart, seqEnd);
         /* display pairwise alignments in this region in dense format */
         drawMafRegionDetails(mafList, mi->height, seqStart, seqEnd, 
                                  hvg, xOff, yOff, width, font,
                                  color, tg->ixAltColor, tvDense, isAxt, FALSE);
         yOff += mi->height + 1;
 static void mafDrawGraphic(struct track *tg, int seqStart, int seqEnd,
         struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff, int width, 
         MgFont *font, Color color, enum trackVisibility vis, boolean isAxt)
 /* Draw wiggle or density plot, not base-by-base. */
 int seqSize = seqEnd - seqStart;
 if (seqSize >= MAF_SUMMARY_VIEW)
     mafDrawOverview(tg, seqStart, seqEnd, hvg, xOff, yOff, width, font, 
             color, vis);
     mafDrawDetails(tg, seqStart, seqEnd, hvg, 
                         xOff, yOff, width, font, color, vis, isAxt);
 // density gradient of blastz's
 // mafDrawPairwise(tg, seqStart, seqEnd, hvg, xOff, yOff, font, width, color, vis);
 static void mafDrawBases(struct track *tg, int seqStart, int seqEnd,
         struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff, int width, 
         MgFont *font, Color color, enum trackVisibility vis)
 /* Draw base-by-base view. */
 struct mafItem *miList = tg->items, *mi;
 struct mafPriv *mp = getMafPriv(tg);
 struct mafAli *mafList = mp->list, *maf, *sub;
 int lineCount = slCount(miList);
 char **lines = NULL, *selfLine, *insertLine;
 double *scores;  /* per base scores */
 int *ixMafAli;   /* per base alignment index */
 double scoreScale;
 int i, y = yOff;
 struct dnaSeq *seq = NULL;
 struct hash *miHash = newHash(9);
 char dbChrom[64];
 /* Allocate a line of characters for each item. */
 AllocArray(lines, lineCount-1);
 lines[0] = needMem(winBaseCount+1);
 for (i=1; i<lineCount-1; ++i)
     lines[i] = needMem(winBaseCount+1);
     memset(lines[i], ' ', winBaseCount);
 AllocArray(scores, winBaseCount);
 AllocArray(ixMafAli, winBaseCount);
 /* Give nice names to first three. */
 insertLine = lines[0];
 selfLine = lines[1];
 /* Load up self-line with DNA */
 seq = hChromSeq(database, chromName, seqStart, seqEnd);
 memcpy(selfLine, seq->dna, winBaseCount);
 toUpperN(selfLine, winBaseCount);
 /* Make hash of items keyed by database. */
 i = 0;
 for (mi = miList; mi != NULL; mi = mi->next)
     mi->ix = i++;
     if (mi->db != NULL)
 	hashAdd(miHash, mi->db, mi);
 /* Go through the mafs saving relevant info in lines. */
 safef(dbChrom, sizeof(dbChrom), "%s.%s", database, chromName);
 i = 0;
 for (maf = mafList; maf != NULL; maf = maf->next)
     sub = mafSubset(maf, dbChrom, winStart, winEnd);
     if (sub != NULL)
 	struct mafComp *mc, *mcMaster;
 	char db[64];
 	int subStart,subEnd;
 	int lineOffset, subSize;
 	mcMaster = mafFindComponent(sub, dbChrom);
 	if (mcMaster->strand == '-')
 	subStart = mcMaster->start;
 	subEnd = subStart + mcMaster->size;
 	subSize = subEnd - subStart;
 	lineOffset = subStart - seqStart;
 	for (mc = sub->components; mc != NULL; mc = mc->next)
             mafSrcDb(mc->src, db, sizeof(db));
 	    if (mc == mcMaster)
 		processInserts(mc->text, sub->textSize, 
 			insertLine+lineOffset, subSize);
 		mi = hashMustFindVal(miHash, db);
 		processOtherSeq(mc->text, mcMaster->text, sub->textSize, 
 			lines[mi->ix] + lineOffset, subSize);
 	getNormalizedScores(sub, mcMaster->text, scores + lineOffset, subSize);
         setIxMafAlign(i, ixMafAli + lineOffset, subSize);
 /* Convert insert line from counts to characters. */
 charifyInserts(insertLine, winBaseCount);
 for (mi = miList, i=0; mi->next != NULL; mi = mi->next, ++i)
     char *line = lines[i];
     int x = xOff;
     if (line == insertLine)
 	x -= (width/winBaseCount)/2;
     spreadBasesString(hvg, x, y, width, mi->height-1, color, font, 
     	line, winBaseCount, FALSE);
     y += mi->height;
 /* Draw score line. */
 if (vis == tvDense)
     scoreScale = (maxShade);
     scoreScale = (mi->height-2);
 for (i=0; i<winBaseCount; ++i)
     int x1 = i * width/winBaseCount;
     int x2 = (i+1) * width/winBaseCount;
     if (vis == tvDense)
 	int shade = scores[i] * scoreScale;
 	int color = shadesOfGray[shade];
 	hvGfxBox(hvg, x1+xOff, y, x2-x1, mi->height-1, color);
 	int wiggleH = scores[i] * scoreScale;
 	hvGfxBox(hvg, x1+xOff, y + mi->height-2 - wiggleH, 
 	    x2-x1, wiggleH+1, 
             getIxMafAli(ixMafAli, i, winBaseCount) % 2 ? color : tg->ixAltColor);
 y += mi->height;
 /* Clean up */
 for (i=0; i<lineCount-1; ++i)
 static void mafOrAxtDraw(struct track *tg, int seqStart, int seqEnd,
         struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff, int width, 
         MgFont *font, Color color, enum trackVisibility vis, 
 	boolean isAxt)
 /* Draw routine for maf or axt type tracks.  This will load
  * the items as well as drawing them. */
 if (zoomedToBaseLevel)
     mafDrawBases(tg, seqStart, seqEnd, hvg, xOff, yOff, width, font, color, vis);
     mafDrawGraphic(tg, seqStart, seqEnd, hvg, xOff, yOff, width, font, 
                     color, vis, isAxt);
 mapBoxHc(hvg, seqStart, seqEnd, xOff, yOff, width, tg->height, tg->track, 
     tg->track, NULL);
 static void mafDraw(struct track *tg, int seqStart, int seqEnd,
         struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff, int width, 
         MgFont *font, Color color, enum trackVisibility vis)
 /* Draw routine for mafAlign type tracks.  This will load
  * the items as well as drawing them. */
 void mafMethods(struct track *tg)
 /* Make track group for maf multiple alignment. */
 tg->loadItems = mafLoad;
 tg->freeItems = mafFree;
 tg->drawItems = mafDraw;
 tg->itemName = mafName;
 tg->mapItemName = mafName;
 tg->totalHeight = mafTotalHeight;
 tg->itemHeight = mafItemHeight;
 tg->itemStart = tgItemNoStart;
 tg->itemEnd = tgItemNoEnd;
 tg->mapsSelf = TRUE;
 static void axtLoad(struct track *tg)
 /* Load up axt tracks.  What this will do depends on
  * the zoom level and the display density. */
 mafOrAxtLoad(tg, TRUE);
 static void axtDraw(struct track *tg, int seqStart, int seqEnd,
         struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff, int width, 
         MgFont *font, Color color, enum trackVisibility vis)
 /* Draw routine for axt type tracks.  This will load
  * the items as well as drawing them. */
 void axtMethods(struct track *tg, char *otherDb)
 /* Make track group for axt alignments. */
 tg->otherDb = cloneString(otherDb);
 tg->loadItems = axtLoad;
 tg->freeItems = mafFree;
 tg->drawItems = axtDraw;
 tg->itemName = mafName;
 tg->mapItemName = mafName;
 tg->totalHeight = mafTotalHeight;
 tg->itemHeight = mafItemHeight;
 tg->itemStart = tgItemNoStart;
 tg->itemEnd = tgItemNoEnd;
 tg->mapsSelf = TRUE;