e70152e44cc66cc599ff6b699eb8adc07f3e656a kent Sat May 24 21:09:34 2014 -0700 Adding Copyright NNNN Regents of the University of California to all files I believe with reasonable certainty were developed under UCSC employ or as part of Genome Browser copyright assignment. diff --git src/hg/inc/hCommon.h src/hg/inc/hCommon.h index a3d3153..92701b0 100644 --- src/hg/inc/hCommon.h +++ src/hg/inc/hCommon.h @@ -1,132 +1,135 @@ /* hCommon.h - routines used by many files in hgap project. */ +/* Copyright (C) 2013 The Regents of the University of California + * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */ + #ifndef HCOMMON_H #define HCOMMON_H #ifndef HGCOLORS_H #include "hgColors.h" #endif char *hgcName(); /* Relative URL to click processing program. */ char *hgTracksName(); /* Relative URL to browser. */ char *hgTrackUiName(); /* Relative URL to extended track UI. */ char *hgFileUiName(); /* Relative URL to downloladable files UI. */ char *hgTextName(); /* Relative URL to old table browser. */ char *hgTablesName(); /* Relative URL to table browser. */ char *hgVaiName(); /* Relative URL to variant annotation integrator. */ char *hgCustomName(); /* Relative URL to custom tracks manager. */ char *hgHubConnectName(); /* Relative URL to track hub manager. */ char *hgSessionName(); /* Relative URL to session manager. */ char *hgPalName(); /* Relative URL to click processing program. */ char *hgVarAnnogratorName(); /* Relative URL to variant annotation integrator program. */ void fragToCloneName(char *fragName, char cloneName[128]); /* Convert fragment name to clone name. */ void fragToCloneVerName(char *fragName, char cloneVerName[128]); /* Convert fragment name to clone.version name. */ void recNameToFileName(char *dir, char *recName, char *fileName, char *suffix); /* Convert UCSC style fragment name to name of file for a clone. */ void faRecNameToFaFileName(char *dir, char *recName, char *fileName); /* Convert fa record name to file name. */ void faRecNameToQacFileName(char *dir, char *recName, char *fileName); /* Convert fa record name to file name. */ void gsToUcsc(char *gsName, char *ucscName); /* Convert from * AC020585.5~1.2 Fragment 2 of 29 (AC020585.5:1..1195) * to * AC020585.5_1_2 */ char *skipChr(char *s); /* Skip leading 'chr' in string (to get the actual chromosome part). */ int chromToInt(char *s); /* converts a chrom name chrXX into an integer from 1 to 54. * X = 23 Y = 24 Un = 25 M = 26 random = chr + 26;*/ boolean hIsGisaidServer(); /* Is this the GISAID-customized server? Change for config variable * gisaid.server=yes */ boolean hIsGsidServer(); /* Is this the GSID-customized server? Change for config variable * gsid.server=yes */ boolean hIsCgbServer(); /* Is this a cancer genome browser server? Change for config variable * cgb.server=yes */ void hTableStart(); /* Output a table with solid borders. */ void hTableEnd(); /* Close out table started with hTableStart() */ #define hgDefaultPixWidth 800 #define DEFAULT_PIX_WIDTH "800" /* if this default pix width is changed, also note relationship in * CONTROL_TABLE_WIDTH in hui.h */ #define hgDefaultLeftLabelWidth 120 #define hgDefaultGfxBorder 1 /* gisaid selection file option variable names */ #define gisaidSubjList "gisaidTable.gisaidSubjList" #define gisaidSeqList "gisaidTable.gisaidSeqList" #define gisaidAaSeqList "gisaidTable.gisaidAaSeqList" boolean validateGisaidUser(); boolean hDumpStackEnabled(void); /* is browser.dumpStack enabled? */ void hDumpStackDisallow(void); /* prevent any dumping of the stack */ void hDumpStackPushAbortHandler(void); /* push the stack dump abort handler on the stack if it's enabled. This should be pushed * after the warn handle that will do the actual reporting */ void hDumpStackPopAbortHandler(void); /* pop the stack dump abort handler from the stack if it's enabled */ void hVaUserAbort(char *format, va_list args); /* errAbort when a `user' error is detected. This is an error that comes * from user input. This disables the logging stack dumps. */ void hUserAbort(char *format, ...) /* errAbort when a `user' error is detected. This is an error that comes * from user input. This disables the logging stack dumps. */ #if defined(__GNUC__) __attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2))) #endif ; #endif /* HCOMMON_H */