  Sat May 24 21:09:34 2014 -0700
Adding Copyright NNNN Regents of the University of California to all files I believe with reasonable certainty were developed under UCSC employ or as part of Genome Browser copyright assignment.
diff --git src/hg/inc/targetDb.h src/hg/inc/targetDb.h
index 8aa3d1b..117e5a5 100644
--- src/hg/inc/targetDb.h
+++ src/hg/inc/targetDb.h
@@ -1,88 +1,91 @@
 /* targetDb.h was originally generated by the autoSql program, which also 
  * generated targetDb.c and targetDb.sql.  This header links the database and
  * the RAM representation of objects. */
+/* Copyright (C) 2008 The Regents of the University of California 
+ * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
 #ifndef TARGETDB_H
 #define TARGETDB_H
 struct targetDb
 /* Description of non-genomic target sequences (e.g. native mRNAs for PCR) */
     struct targetDb *next;  /* Next in singly linked list. */
     char *name;	/* Identifier for this target */
     char *description;	/* Brief description for select box */
     char *db;	/* Database to which target has been mapped */
     char *pslTable;	/* PSL table in db that maps target coords to db coords */
     char *seqTable;	/* Table in db that has extFileTable indices of target sequences */
     char *extFileTable;	/* Table in db that has .id, .path, and .size of target sequence files */
     char *seqFile;	/* Target sequence file path (typically /gbdb/$db/targetDb/$name.2bit) */
     float priority;	/* Relative priority compared to other targets for same db (smaller numbers are higher priority) */
     char *time;	/* Time at which this record was updated -- should be newer than db tables (so should blat server) */
     char *settings;	/* .ra-formatted metadata */
     struct hash *settingsHash;  /* Hash for settings. Not saved in database.
                                  * Don't use directly, rely on targetDbSetting to access. */
 void targetDbStaticLoad(char **row, struct targetDb *ret);
 /* Load a row from targetDb table into ret.  The contents of ret will
  * be replaced at the next call to this function. */
 struct targetDb *targetDbLoad(char **row);
 /* Load a targetDb from row fetched with select * from targetDb
  * from database.  Dispose of this with targetDbFree(). */
 struct targetDb *targetDbLoadAll(char *fileName);
 /* Load all targetDb from whitespace-separated file.
  * Dispose of this with targetDbFreeList(). */
 struct targetDb *targetDbLoadAllByChar(char *fileName, char chopper);
 /* Load all targetDb from chopper separated file.
  * Dispose of this with targetDbFreeList(). */
 #define targetDbLoadAllByTab(a) targetDbLoadAllByChar(a, '\t');
 /* Load all targetDb from tab separated file.
  * Dispose of this with targetDbFreeList(). */
 struct targetDb *targetDbCommaIn(char **pS, struct targetDb *ret);
 /* Create a targetDb out of a comma separated string. 
  * This will fill in ret if non-null, otherwise will
  * return a new targetDb */
 void targetDbFree(struct targetDb **pEl);
 /* Free a single dynamically allocated targetDb such as created
  * with targetDbLoad(). */
 void targetDbFreeList(struct targetDb **pList);
 /* Free a list of dynamically allocated targetDb's */
 void targetDbOutput(struct targetDb *el, FILE *f, char sep, char lastSep);
 /* Print out targetDb.  Separate fields with sep. Follow last field with lastSep. */
 #define targetDbTabOut(el,f) targetDbOutput(el,f,'\t','\n');
 /* Print out targetDb as a line in a tab-separated file. */
 #define targetDbCommaOut(el,f) targetDbOutput(el,f,',',',');
 /* Print out targetDb as a comma separated list including final comma. */
 /* -------------------------------- End autoSql Generated Code -------------------------------- */
 #include "jksql.h"
 struct targetDb *targetDbMaybeLoad(struct sqlConnection *conn, char **row);
 /* If row specifies a target whose tables and file exist, and are not newer
  * than target, allocate and return a targetDb; otherwise, return NULL
  * and log a warning to stderr for QA monitoring. */
 struct targetDb *targetDbLookup(char *db, char *name);
 /* Given the name of a genomic database and the name of a PCR target
  * (or NULL to get all available PCR targets for db), query the
  * central database targetDb table and load the results.  Remove 
  * entries that are out of sync or have missing tables. */
 char *targetDbSetting(struct targetDb *tdb, char *name);
 /* Return setting string or NULL if none exists. */
 #endif /* TARGETDB_H */