  Sat May 24 21:09:34 2014 -0700
Adding Copyright NNNN Regents of the University of California to all files I believe with reasonable certainty were developed under UCSC employ or as part of Genome Browser copyright assignment.
diff --git src/hg/lib/featureBits.c src/hg/lib/featureBits.c
index 460c126..96f46a0 100644
--- src/hg/lib/featureBits.c
+++ src/hg/lib/featureBits.c
@@ -1,785 +1,788 @@
 /* FeatureBits - convert features tables to bitmaps. */
+/* Copyright (C) 2014 The Regents of the University of California 
+ * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "jksql.h"
 #include "hdb.h"
 #include "bits.h"
 #include "cart.h"
 #include "cheapcgi.h"
 #include "trackDb.h"
 #include "bed.h"
 #include "psl.h"
 #include "genePred.h"
 #include "rmskOut.h"
 #include "featureBits.h"
 #include "fa.h"
 /* By default, clip features to the search range.  It's important to clip 
  * when featureBits output will be used to populate Bits etc.  But allow 
  * the user to turn off clipping if they don't want it. */
 boolean clipToWin = TRUE;
 void featureBitsFree(struct featureBits **pBits)
 /* Free up feature bits. */
 struct featureBits *bits;
 if ((bits = *pBits) != NULL)
 void featureBitsFreeList(struct featureBits **pList)
 /* Free up a list of featureBits */
 struct featureBits *el, *next;
 for (el = *pList; el != NULL; el = next)
     next = el->next;
 *pList = NULL;
 static boolean fetchQualifiers(char *type, char *qualifier, char *extra, int *retSize)
 /* Return true if qualifier is of type.  Convert extra to *retSize. */
 if (qualifier != NULL && sameWord(qualifier, type))
     int size = 0;
     if (extra != NULL)
         size = atoi(extra);
     *retSize = size;
     return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
 static boolean scoreQualifier(char *qualifier, char *extra, int *retSize)
 /* Return TRUE if it's a score qualifier. */
 return fetchQualifiers("score", qualifier, extra, retSize);
 static boolean upstreamQualifier(char *qualifier, char *extra, int *retSize)
 /* Return TRUE if it's a upstream qualifier. */
 return fetchQualifiers("upstream", qualifier, extra, retSize);
 static boolean upstreamAllQualifier(char *qualifier, char *extra, int *retSize)
 /* Return TRUE if it's a upstreamAll qualifier. */
 return fetchQualifiers("upstreamAll", qualifier, extra, retSize);
 static boolean exonQualifier(char *qualifier, char *extra, int *retSize)
 /* Return TRUE if it's a exon qualifier. */
 return fetchQualifiers("exon", qualifier, extra, retSize);
 static boolean intronQualifier(char *qualifier, char *extra, int *retSize)
 /* Return TRUE if it's a exon qualifier. */
 return fetchQualifiers("intron", qualifier, extra, retSize);
 static boolean cdsQualifier(char *qualifier, char *extra, int *retSize)
 /* Return TRUE if it's a cds qualifier. */
 return fetchQualifiers("cds", qualifier, extra, retSize);
 static boolean endQualifier(char *qualifier, char *extra, int *retSize)
 /* Return TRUE if it's an end or downstream qualifier. */
 boolean res = fetchQualifiers("downstream", qualifier, extra, retSize);
 if (res)
     return res;
 return fetchQualifiers("end", qualifier, extra, retSize);
 static boolean endAllQualifier(char *qualifier, char *extra, int *retSize)
 /* Return TRUE if it's an endAll or downstreamAll qualifier. */
 boolean res = fetchQualifiers("downstreamAll", qualifier, extra, retSize);
 if (res)
     return res;
 return fetchQualifiers("endAll", qualifier, extra, retSize);
 static boolean utr3Qualifier(char *qualifier, char *extra, int *retSize)
 /* Return TRUE if it's a utr3 qualifier. */
 return fetchQualifiers("utr3", qualifier, extra, retSize);
 static boolean utr5Qualifier(char *qualifier, char *extra, int *retSize)
 /* Return TRUE if it's a utr5 qualifier. */
 return fetchQualifiers("utr5", qualifier, extra, retSize);
 boolean fbUnderstandTrack(char *db, char *track)
 /* Return TRUE if can turn track into a set of ranges or bits. */
 struct hTableInfo *hti = hFindTableInfo(db, NULL, track);
 if (hti == NULL)
     return FALSE;
     return hti->isPos;
 static void fbAddFeature(char *db, struct featureBits **pList, char *name,
 	char *chrom, int start, int size, char strand, 
 	int winStart, int winEnd)
 /* Add new feature to head of list.  Name can be NULL. */
 struct featureBits *fb;
 int s, e;
 char nameBuf[512];
 int chromSize = hChromSize(db, chrom);
 if (name == NULL)
     safef(nameBuf, sizeof(nameBuf), "%s:%d-%d", chrom, start+1, start+size);
     safef(nameBuf, sizeof(nameBuf), "%s %s:%d-%d", name, chrom, start+1,
 s = start;
 e = s + size;
 /* Padding might push us off the edge of the chrom; if so, truncate: */
 if (s < 0)
     s = 0;
 if (e > chromSize)
     e = chromSize;
 if (clipToWin)
     if (s < winStart) s = winStart;
     if (e > winEnd) e = winEnd;
 if (s < e)
     fb->name = cloneString(nameBuf);
     fb->chrom = cloneString(chrom);
     fb->start = s;
     fb->end = e;
     fb->strand = strand;
     slAddHead(pList, fb);
 static void setRangePlusExtra(char *db, struct featureBits **pList, 
 	char *name, char *chrom, int s, int e, char strand, 
 	int extraStart, int extraEnd, 
 	int winStart, int winEnd)
 /* Set range between s and e plus possibly some extra. */
 int w;
 s -= extraStart;
 e += extraEnd;
 w = e - s;
 fbAddFeature(db, pList, name, chrom, s, w, strand, winStart,winEnd);
 char frForStrand(char strand)
 /* Return 'r' for '-', else 'f' */
 if (strand == '-')
     return 'r';
     return 'f';
 static void parseTrackQualifier(char *trackQualifier, char **retTrack, 
 	char **retQualifier, char **retExtra)
 /* Parse track:qualifier:extra. */
 char *words[4];
 int wordCount;
 words[1] = words[2] = words[3] = 0;
 wordCount = chopString(trackQualifier, ":", words, ArraySize(words));
 if (wordCount < 1)
     errAbort("empty trackQualifier");
 *retTrack = words[0];
 *retQualifier = words[1];
 *retExtra = words[2];
 void fbOptionsHtiCart(struct hTableInfo *hti, struct cart *cart)
 /* Print out an HTML table with radio buttons for featureBits options. 
  * Use defaults from CGI and cart. */
 boolean isGene;
 char *setting, *fbQual;
 if (sameString("psl", hti->type))
     isGene = FALSE;
     isGene = TRUE;
 fbQual = cartCgiUsualString(cart, "fbQual", "whole");
 cgiMakeRadioButton("fbQual", "whole", sameString(fbQual, "whole"));
 if (isGene)
     puts(" Whole Gene </TD><TD> ");
     puts(" Whole Alignment </TD><TD> ");
 puts(" </TD></TR><TR><TD>\n");
 cgiMakeRadioButton("fbQual", "upstreamAll", sameString(fbQual, "upstreamAll"));
 puts(" Upstream by </TD><TD> ");
 setting = cartCgiUsualString(cart, "fbUpBases", "200");
 cgiMakeTextVar("fbUpBases", setting, 8);
 puts(" bases </TD></TR><TR><TD>\n");
 if (hti->hasBlocks)
     cgiMakeRadioButton("fbQual", "exon", sameString(fbQual, "exon"));
     if (isGene)
 	puts(" Exons plus </TD><TD> ");
 	puts(" Blocks plus </TD><TD> ");
     setting = cartCgiUsualString(cart, "fbExonBases", "0");
     cgiMakeTextVar("fbExonBases", setting, 8);
     puts(" bases at each end </TD></TR><TR><TD>\n");
     cgiMakeRadioButton("fbQual", "intron", sameString(fbQual, "intron"));
     if (isGene)
 	puts(" Introns plus </TD><TD> ");
 	puts(" Regions between blocks plus </TD><TD> ");
     setting = cartCgiUsualString(cart, "fbIntronBases", "0");
     cgiMakeTextVar("fbIntronBases", setting, 8);
     puts(" bases at each end </TD></TR><TR><TD>\n");
 if (hti->hasBlocks && hti->hasCDS)
     cgiMakeRadioButton("fbQual", "utr5", sameString(fbQual, "utr5"));
     puts(" 5' UTR Exons </TD><TD> ");
     puts(" </TD></TR><TR><TD>\n");
     cgiMakeRadioButton("fbQual", "cds", sameString(fbQual, "cds"));
     puts(" Coding Exons </TD><TD> ");
     puts(" </TD></TR><TR><TD>\n");
     cgiMakeRadioButton("fbQual", "utr3", sameString(fbQual, "utr3"));
     puts(" 3' UTR Exons </TD><TD> ");
     puts(" </TD></TR><TR><TD>\n");
 else if (hti->hasCDS)
     cgiMakeRadioButton("fbQual", "utr5", sameString(fbQual, "utr5"));
     puts(" 5' UTR  </TD><TD> ");
     puts(" </TD></TR><TR><TD>\n");
     cgiMakeRadioButton("fbQual", "cds", sameString(fbQual, "cds"));
     puts(" CDS </TD><TD> ");
     puts(" </TD></TR><TR><TD>\n");
     cgiMakeRadioButton("fbQual", "utr3", sameString(fbQual, "utr3"));
     puts(" 3' UTR </TD><TD> ");
     puts(" </TD></TR><TR><TD>\n");
 cgiMakeRadioButton("fbQual", "endAll", sameString(fbQual, "endAll"));
 puts(" Downstream by </TD><TD> ");
 setting = cartCgiUsualString(cart, "fbDownBases", "200");
 cgiMakeTextVar("fbDownBases", setting, 8);
 puts(" bases </TD></TR></TABLE>");
 puts("Note: if a feature is close to the beginning or end of a chromosome \n"
      "and upstream/downstream bases are added, they may be truncated \n"
      "in order to avoid extending past the edge of the chromosome. <BR>");
 void fbOptionsHti(struct hTableInfo *hti)
 /* Print out an HTML table with radio buttons for featureBits options.
  * Use defaults from CGI. */
 fbOptionsHtiCart(hti, NULL);
 void fbOptions(char *db, char *track)
 /* Print out an HTML table with radio buttons for featureBits options. */
 struct hTableInfo *hti = hFindTableInfo(db, NULL, track);
 if (hti == NULL)
     errAbort("Could not find table info for table %s in database %s",
 	     track, db);
 char *fbOptionsToQualifier()
 /* Translate CGI variable created by fbOptions() to a featureBits qualifier. */
 char qual[128];
 char *fbQual  = cgiOptionalString("fbQual");
 if (fbQual == NULL)
     return NULL;
 if (sameString(fbQual, "whole"))
     qual[0] = 0;
 else if (sameString(fbQual, "exon"))
     safef(qual, sizeof(qual), "%s:%s", fbQual, cgiString("fbExonBases"));
 else if (sameString(fbQual, "intron"))
     safef(qual, sizeof(qual), "%s:%s", fbQual,
 else if (sameString(fbQual, "upstreamAll"))
     safef(qual, sizeof(qual), "%s:%s", fbQual, cgiString("fbUpBases"));
 else if (sameString(fbQual, "upstream"))
     safef(qual, sizeof(qual), "%s:%s", fbQual, cgiString("fbUpBases"));
 else if (sameString(fbQual, "endAll"))
     safef(qual, sizeof(qual), "%s:%s", fbQual, cgiString("fbDownBases"));
 else if (sameString(fbQual, "end"))
     safef(qual, sizeof(qual), "%s:%s", fbQual, cgiString("fbDownBases"));
     strcpy(qual, fbQual);
 struct featureBits *fbFromBed(char *db, char *trackQualifier, struct hTableInfo *hti,
 	struct bed *bedList, int chromStart, int chromEnd,
 	boolean clipToWindow, boolean filterOutNoUTR)
 /* Translate a list of bed items into featureBits. */
 struct bed *bed;
 struct featureBits *fbList = NULL;
 char nameBuf[512];
 char *fName;
 char *track, *qualifier, *extra;
 boolean doUp = FALSE, doEnd = FALSE, doCds = FALSE, doExon = FALSE,
 	doUtr3 = FALSE, doUtr5 = FALSE, doIntron = FALSE, doScore = FALSE,
 	doUpAll = FALSE, doEndAll = FALSE;
 int promoSize = 0, extraSize = 0, endSize = 0, scoreThreshold = 0;
 boolean canDoIntrons, canDoUTR, canDoScore;
 boolean oldClipToWin = clipToWin;
 int i, count, *starts, *sizes;
 int s, e;
 clipToWin = clipToWindow;
 trackQualifier = cloneString(trackQualifier);
 parseTrackQualifier(trackQualifier, &track, &qualifier, &extra);
 canDoUTR = hti->hasCDS;
 canDoIntrons = hti->hasBlocks;
 canDoScore = (hti->scoreField[0] != 0);
 if ((doScore = scoreQualifier(qualifier, extra, &scoreThreshold)) != FALSE)
     if (! canDoScore)
 	errAbort("Can't handle score on table %s, sorry", track);
 if ((doUpAll = upstreamAllQualifier(qualifier, extra, &promoSize)) != FALSE)
 else if ((doUp = upstreamQualifier(qualifier, extra, &promoSize)) != FALSE)
 else if ((doEnd = endQualifier(qualifier, extra, &endSize)) != FALSE)
 else if ((doEndAll = endAllQualifier(qualifier, extra, &endSize)) != FALSE)
 else if ((doExon = exonQualifier(qualifier, extra, &extraSize)) != FALSE)
     if (! canDoIntrons)
 	errAbort("Can't handle exon on table %s, sorry", track);
 else if ((doIntron = intronQualifier(qualifier, extra, &extraSize)) != FALSE)
     if (! canDoIntrons)
 	errAbort("Can't handle intron on table %s, sorry", track);
 else if ((doCds = cdsQualifier(qualifier, extra, &extraSize)) != FALSE)
     if (! canDoUTR)
 	errAbort("Can't handle cds on table %s, sorry", track);
 else if ((doUtr3 = utr3Qualifier(qualifier, extra, &extraSize)) != FALSE)
     if (! canDoUTR)
 	errAbort("Can't handle utr3 on table %s, sorry", track);
 else if ((doUtr5 = utr5Qualifier(qualifier, extra, &extraSize)) != FALSE)
     if (! canDoUTR)
 	errAbort("Can't handle utr5 on table %s, sorry", track);
 if (doUpAll || doEndAll)
     filterOutNoUTR = FALSE;
 for (bed = bedList;  bed != NULL;  bed = bed->next)
     if (doUp || doUpAll)
 	if (!canDoUTR || !filterOutNoUTR ||
 	    ((bed->chromStart != bed->thickStart) &&
 	     (bed->chromEnd != bed->thickEnd)))
 	    if (bed->strand[0] == '-')
 		s = bed->chromEnd;
 		e = s + promoSize;
 		e = bed->chromStart;
 		s = e - promoSize;
 	    safef(nameBuf, sizeof(nameBuf), "%s_up_%d_%s_%d_%c", 
 		    bed->name, promoSize, bed->chrom, s+1,
 	    fbAddFeature(db, &fbList, nameBuf, bed->chrom, s, e - s,
 			 bed->strand[0], chromStart, chromEnd);
     else if (doEnd || doEndAll)
 	if (!canDoUTR || !filterOutNoUTR ||
 	    ((bed->chromStart != bed->thickStart) &&
 	     (bed->chromEnd != bed->thickEnd)))
 	    if (bed->strand[0] == '-')
 		e = bed->chromStart;
 		s = e - endSize;
 		s = bed->chromEnd;
 		e = s + endSize;
 	    safef(nameBuf, sizeof(nameBuf), "%s_end_%d_%s_%d_%c", 
 		    bed->name, endSize, bed->chrom, s+1,
 	    fbAddFeature(db, &fbList, nameBuf, bed->chrom, s, e - s,
 			 bed->strand[0], chromStart, chromEnd);
     else if (doIntron)
 	count  = bed->blockCount;
 	starts = bed->chromStarts;
 	sizes  = bed->blockSizes;
 	for (i=1; i<count; ++i)
 	    s = bed->chromStart + starts[i-1] + sizes[i-1];
 	    e = bed->chromStart + starts[i];
 	    safef(nameBuf, sizeof(nameBuf), "%s_intron_%d_%d_%s_%d_%c", 
 		    bed->name, i-1, extraSize, bed->chrom, s+1,
 	    setRangePlusExtra(db, &fbList, nameBuf, bed->chrom, s, e,
 			      bed->strand[0], extraSize, extraSize,
 			      chromStart, chromEnd);
 	if (canDoIntrons)
 	    // doExon is the default action.
 	    count  = bed->blockCount;
 	    starts = bed->chromStarts;
 	    sizes  = bed->blockSizes;
 	    for (i=0; i<count; ++i)
 		s = bed->chromStart + starts[i];
 		e = bed->chromStart + starts[i] + sizes[i];
 		if (doCds)
 		    if ((e < bed->thickStart) || (s > bed->thickEnd)) continue;
 		    if (s < bed->thickStart) s = bed->thickStart;
 		    if (e > bed->thickEnd) e = bed->thickEnd;
 		    fName = "cds";
 		else if (doUtr5)
 		    if (bed->strand[0] == '-')
 			if (e < bed->thickEnd) continue;
 			if (s < bed->thickEnd) s = bed->thickEnd;
 			if (s > bed->thickStart) continue;
 			if (e > bed->thickStart) e = bed->thickStart;
 		    fName = "utr5";
 		else if (doUtr3)
 		    if (bed->strand[0] == '-')
 			if (s > bed->thickStart) continue;
 			if (e > bed->thickStart) e = bed->thickStart;
 			if (e < bed->thickEnd) continue;
 			if (s < bed->thickEnd) s = bed->thickEnd;
 		    fName = "utr3";
 		    fName = "exon";
 		if (!doScore || (doScore && bed->score >= scoreThreshold))
 		    safef(nameBuf, sizeof(nameBuf), "%s_%s_%d_%d_%s_%d_%c", 
 			    bed->name, fName, i, extraSize, bed->chrom, s+1,
 		    setRangePlusExtra(db, &fbList, nameBuf, bed->chrom, s, e,
 				      bed->strand[0], extraSize, extraSize,
 				      chromStart, chromEnd);
 	    if (doCds)
 		s = bed->thickStart;
 		e = bed->thickEnd;
 		fName = "cds";
 	    else if (doUtr5)
 		if (bed->strand[0] == '-')
 		    s = bed->thickEnd;
 		    e = bed->chromEnd;
 		    s = bed->chromStart;
 		    e = bed->thickStart;
 		fName = "utr5";
 	    else if (doUtr3)
 		if (bed->strand[0] == '-')
 		    s = bed->chromStart;
 		    e = bed->thickStart;
 		    s = bed->thickEnd;
 		    e = bed->chromEnd;
 		fName = "utr3";
 		s = bed->chromStart;
 		e = bed->chromEnd;
 		fName = "whole";
 	    if (!doScore || (doScore && bed->score >= scoreThreshold))
 		safef(nameBuf, sizeof(nameBuf), "%s_%s_%d_%s_%d_%c", 
 			bed->name, fName, extraSize, bed->chrom, s+1,
 		setRangePlusExtra(db, &fbList, nameBuf, bed->chrom, s, e,
 				  bed->strand[0], extraSize, extraSize,
 				  chromStart, chromEnd);
 clipToWin = oldClipToWin;
 return fbList;
 struct featureBits *fbGetRangeQuery(char *db, char *trackQualifier,
 	char *chrom, int chromStart, int chromEnd, char *sqlConstraints,
 	boolean clipToWindow, boolean filterOutNoUTR)
 /* Get features in range that match sqlConstraints. */
 struct hTableInfo *hti;
 struct bed *bedList;
 struct featureBits *fbList;
 char *tQ, *track, *qualifier, *extra;
 tQ = cloneString(trackQualifier);
 parseTrackQualifier(tQ, &track, &qualifier, &extra);
 hti = hFindTableInfo(db, NULL, track);
 if (hti == NULL)
     errAbort("Could not find table info for table %s in database %s",
 	     track, db);
 bedList = hGetBedRange(db, track, chrom, chromStart, chromEnd,
 fbList = fbFromBed(db, trackQualifier, hti, bedList, chromStart, chromEnd,
 		   clipToWindow, filterOutNoUTR);
 struct featureBits *fbGetRange(char *db, char *trackQualifier, char *chrom,
 	int chromStart, int chromEnd)
 /* Get features in range that match sqlConstraints. */
 return(fbGetRangeQuery(db, trackQualifier,
                        chrom, chromStart, chromEnd, NULL, TRUE, TRUE));
 void fbOrBits(Bits *bits, int bitSize, struct featureBits *fbList, int bitOffset)
 /* Or in bits.   Bits should have bitSize bits.  */
 int s, e, w;
 struct featureBits *fb;
 for (fb = fbList; fb != NULL; fb = fb->next)
     s = fb->start - bitOffset;
     e = fb->end - bitOffset;
     if (e > bitSize) e = bitSize;
     if (s < 0) s = 0;
     w = e - s;
     if (w > 0)
 	bitSetRange(bits, s , w);
 void fbOrTableBits(char *db, Bits *bits, char *trackQualifier, char *chrom, 
 	int chromSize, struct sqlConnection *conn)
 /* Ors in features in track on chromosome into bits.  */
 struct featureBits *fbList = fbGetRange(db, trackQualifier, chrom, 0, chromSize);
 fbOrBits(bits, chromSize, fbList, 0);
 void fbOrTableBitsQueryMinSize(char *db, Bits *bits, char *trackQualifier, char *chrom, 
 	int chromSize, struct sqlConnection *conn, char *sqlConstraints,
 	boolean clipToWindow, boolean filterOutNoUTR, int minSize)
 /* Ors in features matching sqlConstraints in track on chromosome into bits. 
    Skips featureBits that are less than minSize. minSize is useful for introns where
    things less than a given threshold are alignment gaps rather than introns. */
 struct featureBits *goodList = NULL, *badList = NULL, *fb = NULL, *fbNext = NULL;
 struct featureBits *fbList = fbGetRangeQuery(db, trackQualifier, chrom, 0,
 					     chromSize, sqlConstraints,
 					     clipToWindow, filterOutNoUTR);
 if(minSize > 0) 
     for(fb = fbList; fb != NULL; fb = fbNext)
 	fbNext = fb->next;
 	if(fb->end - fb->start > minSize) 
 	    slAddHead(&goodList, fb);
 	    slAddHead(&badList, fb);
     goodList = fbList;
 fbOrBits(bits, chromSize, goodList, 0);
 void fbOrTableBitsQuery(char *db, Bits *bits, char *trackQualifier, char *chrom, 
 	int chromSize, struct sqlConnection *conn, char *sqlConstraints,
 	boolean clipToWindow, boolean filterOutNoUTR)
 /* Ors in features matching sqlConstraints in track on chromosome into bits. */
 fbOrTableBitsQueryMinSize(db, bits, trackQualifier, chrom, chromSize, conn,
 			  sqlConstraints, clipToWindow, filterOutNoUTR, 0);
 struct bed *fbToBedOne(struct featureBits *fb)
 /* Translate a featureBits item into (scoreless) bed 6. */
 struct bed *bed;
 bed->chrom = cloneString(fb->chrom);
 bed->chromStart = fb->start;
 bed->chromEnd = fb->end;
 bed->name = cloneString(fb->name);
 bed->strand[0] = fb->strand;
 return bed;
 struct bed *fbToBed(struct featureBits *fbList)
 /* Translate a list of featureBits items into (scoreless) bed 6. */
 struct bed *bedList = NULL, *bed;
 struct featureBits *fb;
 for (fb=fbList;  fb != NULL;  fb=fb->next)
     bed = fbToBedOne(fb);
     slAddHead(&bedList, bed);
 void bitsToBed(char *db, Bits *bits, char *chrom, int chromSize, FILE *bed, FILE *fa, 
 	int minSize)
 /* Write out runs of bits of at least minSize as items in a bed file. */
 int i;
 boolean thisBit, lastBit = FALSE;
 int start = 0;
 int id = 0;
 for (i=0; i<chromSize; ++i)
     thisBit = bitReadOne(bits, i);
     if (thisBit)
 	if (!lastBit)
 	    start = i;
 	if (lastBit && i-start >= minSize)
 	    if (bed)
 		fprintf(bed, "%s\t%d\t%d\t%s.%d\n", chrom, start, i, chrom, ++id);
 	    if (fa)
 		char name[256];
 		struct dnaSeq *seq = hDnaFromSeq(db,chrom, start, i, dnaLower);
 		sprintf(name, "%s:%d-%d", chrom, start, i);
 		faWriteNext(fa, name, seq->dna, seq->size);
     lastBit = thisBit;
 if (lastBit && i-start >= minSize)
     if (bed)
 	fprintf(bed, "%s\t%d\t%d\t%s.%d\n", chrom, start, i, chrom, ++id);
     if (fa)
 	char name[256];
 	struct dnaSeq *seq = hDnaFromSeq(db, chrom, start, i, dnaLower);
 	sprintf(name, "%s:%d-%d", chrom, start, i);
 	faWriteNext(fa, name, seq->dna, seq->size);