  Sat May 24 21:09:34 2014 -0700
Adding Copyright NNNN Regents of the University of California to all files I believe with reasonable certainty were developed under UCSC employ or as part of Genome Browser copyright assignment.
diff --git src/hg/lib/hgFindSpecCustom.c src/hg/lib/hgFindSpecCustom.c
index 1ba1091..6c65a1f 100644
--- src/hg/lib/hgFindSpecCustom.c
+++ src/hg/lib/hgFindSpecCustom.c
@@ -1,536 +1,539 @@
 /* hgFindSpecCustom - custom (not autoSQL generated) code for working
  * with hgFindSpec.  This code is concerned with making the hgFindSpec
  * MySQL table out of the trackDb.ra files. */
+/* Copyright (C) 2014 The Regents of the University of California 
+ * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "jksql.h"
 #include "hgFindSpec.h"
 #include "hdb.h"
 #include "hui.h"
 #include "ra.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "obscure.h"
 #include "regexHelper.h"
 #include "trackDb.h"
 /* ----------- End of AutoSQL generated code --------------------- */
 static void anchorTermRegex(struct hgFindSpec *hfs)
 /* termRegex must match the whole term.  If it doesn't already start with 
  * ^ and end in $, add those (no need to make the trackDb.ra file even 
  * harder to read with those extra magic chars :). */
 if (isNotEmpty(hfs->termRegex))
     char *orig = hfs->termRegex;
     char first = orig[0];
     char last  = orig[strlen(orig)-1];
     char buf[512];
     safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%s%s",
 	  (first == '^') ? "" : "^",
 	  (last  == '$') ? "" : "$");
     hfs->termRegex = cloneString(buf);
 else if (hfs->termRegex == NULL)
     hfs->termRegex = "";
 static void checkTermRegex(struct hgFindSpec *hfs)
 /* Make sure termRegex compiles OK. */
 if (isNotEmpty(hfs->termRegex))
     char buf[256];
     safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "hfsPolish: search %s: termRegex", hfs->searchName);
     const regex_t *compiledExp = regexCompile(hfs->termRegex, buf,
     compiledExp = NULL;  // Avoid compiler warning about unused variable / return value
 static void escapeTermRegex(struct hgFindSpec *hfs)
 /* Escape any '\' characters in termRegex for sql storage. */
 if (isNotEmpty(hfs->termRegex))
     char *orig = hfs->termRegex;
     hfs->termRegex = makeEscapedString(orig, '\\');
 static char *genePredDefaultFormat =
 	"select chrom,txStart,txEnd,name from %s where name like ";
 static char *bedDefaultFormat =
 	"select chrom,chromStart,chromEnd,name from %s where name like ";
 static char *pslDefaultFormat =
 	"select tName,tStart,tEnd,qName from %s where qName like ";
 static char *exactTermFormat = "'%s'";
 static char *prefixTermFormat = "'%s%%'";
 static char *fuzzyTermFormat = "'%%%s%%'";
 static char *getQueryFormat(struct hgFindSpec *hfs)
 /* Fill in query format from searchType if necessary. */
 char *queryFormat = hfs->query;
 char buf[256];
 if (isEmpty(queryFormat))
     char *baseFmt = "";
     char *termFmt = "";
     buf[0] = 0;
     if (sameString(hfs->searchType, "genePred"))
 	baseFmt = genePredDefaultFormat;
     else if (sameString(hfs->searchType, "bed"))
 	baseFmt = bedDefaultFormat;
     else if (sameString(hfs->searchType, "psl"))
 	baseFmt = pslDefaultFormat;
     if (isNotEmpty(baseFmt))
 	if (isNotEmpty(hfs->xrefQuery))
 	    termFmt = exactTermFormat;
 	else if (sameString(hfs->searchMethod, "fuzzy"))
 	    termFmt = fuzzyTermFormat;
 	else if (sameString(hfs->searchMethod, "prefix"))
 	    termFmt = prefixTermFormat;
 	    termFmt = exactTermFormat;
     safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%s", baseFmt, termFmt);
     queryFormat = cloneString(buf);
 static char *queryFormatRegex =
     "^select [[:alnum:]]+, ?[[:alnum:]]+, ?[[:alnum:]]+, ?[[:alnum:]]+ "
     "from %s where [[:alnum:]]+ (r?like|=) ['\"]?.*%s.*['\"]?$";
 static char *exactTermFormatRegex = "['\"]?.*%s.*['\"]?$";
 static char *prefixTermFormatRegex = "['\"]?%s.*%%['\"]?$";
 static void checkQueryFormat(struct hgFindSpec *hfs)
 /* Make sure query looks right and jives with searchMethod. */
 if (isNotEmpty(hfs->query) && !hgFindSpecSetting(hfs, "dontCheckQueryFormat"))
     if (! regexMatchNoCase(hfs->query, queryFormatRegex))
 	errAbort("hfsPolish: search %s: query needs to be of the format "
 		 "\"select field1,field2,field3,field4 from %%s "
 		 "where field4 like '%%s'\" "
 		 "(for prefix, '%%s%%%%'; for fuzzy, '%%%%%%s%%%%'), "
 		 "but instead is this:\n%s",
 		 hfs->searchName, hfs->query);
     if (isNotEmpty(hfs->xrefQuery))
 	if (!regexMatchNoCase(hfs->query, exactTermFormatRegex))
 	    errAbort("hfsPolish: search %s: there is an xrefQuery so query "
 		     "needs to end with %s (exact match to xref results).",
 		     hfs->searchName, exactTermFormat);
 	if (sameString(hfs->searchMethod, "fuzzy") &&
 	    !endsWith(hfs->query, fuzzyTermFormat))
 	    errAbort("hfsPolish: search %s: searchMethod is fuzzy so query "
 		     "needs to end with %s.",
 		     hfs->searchName, fuzzyTermFormat);
 	else if (sameString(hfs->searchMethod, "prefix") &&
 		 !regexMatchNoCase(hfs->query, prefixTermFormatRegex))
 	    errAbort("hfsPolish: search %s: searchMethod is prefix so query "
 		     "needs to end with %s.",
 		     hfs->searchName, prefixTermFormat);
 	else if (sameString(hfs->searchMethod, "exact") &&
 		 !regexMatchNoCase(hfs->query, exactTermFormatRegex))
 	    errAbort("hfsPolish: search %s: searchMethod is exact so query "
 		     "needs to end with %s.",
 		     hfs->searchName, exactTermFormat);
 static char *xrefQueryFormatRegex =
     "select [[:alnum:]]+, ?[[:alnum:]]+(\\([^)]+\\))? from %s where [[:alnum:]]+ (like|=) ['\"]?[%s]+['\"]?";
 static void checkXrefQueryFormat(struct hgFindSpec *hfs)
 /* Make sure xrefQuery looks right and jives with searchMethod. */
 if (isNotEmpty(hfs->xrefQuery) &&
     !hgFindSpecSetting(hfs, "dontCheckXrefQueryFormat"))
     if (! regexMatchNoCase(hfs->xrefQuery, xrefQueryFormatRegex))
 	errAbort("hfsPolish: search %s: xrefQuery needs to be of the format "
 		 "\"select field1,field2 from %%s where field2 like '%%s'\" "
 		 "(for prefix, '%%s%%%%'; for exact, '%%%%%%s%%%%'), "
 		 "but instead is this:\n%s",
 		 hfs->searchName, hfs->xrefQuery);
     if (sameString(hfs->searchMethod, "fuzzy") &&
 	!endsWith(hfs->xrefQuery, fuzzyTermFormat))
 	errAbort("hfsPolish: search %s: searchMethod is fuzzy so xrefQuery "
 		 "needs to end with %s.",
 		 hfs->searchName, fuzzyTermFormat);
     else if (sameString(hfs->searchMethod, "prefix") &&
 	     !regexMatchNoCase(hfs->xrefQuery, prefixTermFormatRegex))
 	errAbort("hfsPolish: search %s: searchMethod is prefix so xrefQuery "
 		 "needs to end with %s.",
 		 hfs->searchName, prefixTermFormat);
     else if (sameString(hfs->searchMethod, "exact") &&
 	     !regexMatchNoCase(hfs->xrefQuery, exactTermFormatRegex))
 	errAbort("hfsPolish: search %s: searchMethod is exact so xrefQuery "
 		 " needs to end with %s.",
 		 hfs->searchName, exactTermFormat);
 static void hgFindSpecPolish(char *db, struct hgFindSpec *hfs)
 /* Fill in missing values with defaults, check for consistency. */
 /* At least one of {searchName, searchTable} must be defined. */
 if ((hfs->searchName == NULL) && (hfs->searchTable == NULL))
     errAbort("hfsPolish: searchName or searchTable must be defined.\n");
 if (hfs->searchName == NULL)
     hfs->searchName = cloneString(hfs->searchTable);
 if (hfs->searchTable == NULL)
     hfs->searchTable = cloneString(hfs->searchName);
 /* If searchType is not defined, query must be defined. */
 if (hfs->searchType == NULL && hfs->query == NULL)
     errAbort("hfsPolish: search %s: if searchType is not defined, "
 	     "then query must be defined.\n",
 /* If one of {xrefTable,xrefQuery} is defined, both must be. */
 if ((hfs->xrefTable == NULL) ^ (hfs->xrefQuery == NULL))
     errAbort("hfsPolish: search %s: can't define xrefTable without xrefQuery "
 	     "or vice versa.\n",
 if (hfs->searchMethod == NULL)
     hfs->searchMethod = cloneString("exact");
 if (hfs->searchType == NULL)
     hfs->searchType = "";
 if (hfs->query == NULL)
     hfs->query = getQueryFormat(hfs);
 if (hfs->xrefTable == NULL)
     hfs->xrefTable = "";
 if (hfs->xrefQuery == NULL)
     hfs->xrefQuery = "";
 if (hfs->searchPriority == 0.0)
     hfs->searchPriority = 1000.0;
 if (hfs->searchDescription == NULL)
     char buf[512];
     struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(db);
     struct trackDb *tdb = hMaybeTrackInfo(conn, hfs->searchTable);
     if (tdb != NULL)
 	safecpy(buf, sizeof(buf), tdb->longLabel);
 	safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", hfs->searchTable);
     hfs->searchDescription = cloneString(buf);
 if (hfs->searchSettings == NULL)
     hfs->searchSettings = cloneString("");
 int hgFindSpecCmp(const void *va, const void *vb)
 /* Compare to sort based on searchPriority. */
 const struct hgFindSpec *a = *((struct hgFindSpec **)va);
 const struct hgFindSpec *b = *((struct hgFindSpec **)vb);
 float dif = a->searchPriority - b->searchPriority;
 if (dif < 0)
    return -1;
 else if (dif == 0.0)
    return 0;
    return 1;
 static void hgFindSpecAddInfo(struct hgFindSpec *hfs, char *var, char *value)
 /* Add info from a variable/value pair to hgFindSpec. */
 if (sameString(var, "searchName"))
     hfs->searchName = cloneString(value);
 else if (sameString(var, "searchTable"))
     hfs->searchTable = cloneString(value);
 else if (sameString(var, "searchMethod"))
     hfs->searchMethod = cloneString(value);
 else if (sameString(var, "searchType"))
     hfs->searchType = cloneString(value);
 else if (sameWord(var, "shortCircuit"))
     hfs->shortCircuit = TRUE;
 else if (sameString(var, "termRegex"))
     hfs->termRegex = cloneString(value);
 else if (sameString(var, "query"))
     hfs->query = cloneString(value);
 else if (sameString(var, "xrefTable"))
     hfs->xrefTable = cloneString(value);
 else if (sameString(var, "xrefQuery"))
     hfs->xrefQuery = cloneString(value);
 else if (sameString(var, "searchPriority"))
     hfs->searchPriority = atof(value);
 else if (sameString(var, "searchDescription"))
     hfs->searchDescription = cloneString(value);
 else	/* Add to settings. */
     if (hfs->settingsHash == NULL)
 	hfs->settingsHash = hashNew(7);
     hashAdd(hfs->settingsHash, var, cloneString(value));
     if (sameWord(var, "semiShortCircuit"))
 	hfs->shortCircuit = TRUE;
 static void hgFindSpecAddRelease(struct hgFindSpec *hfs, char *releaseTag)
 /* Add release tag */
 hgFindSpecAddInfo(hfs, "release", cloneString(releaseTag));
 struct hgFindSpec *hgFindSpecFromRa(char *db, char *raFile, char *releaseTag)
 /* Load track info from ra file into list. */
 static boolean reEntered = FALSE;
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(raFile, TRUE);
 char *line, *word;
 struct hgFindSpec *hfsList = NULL, *hfs;
 boolean done = FALSE;
 char *incFile;
 for (;;)
     /* Seek to next line that starts with 'searchName' or 'searchTable' */
     for (;;)
         char *subRelease;
 	if (!lineFileNext(lf, &line, NULL))
 	   done = TRUE;
 	if (startsWith("searchName", line) || startsWith("searchTable", line))
         else if ((incFile = trackDbInclude(raFile, line, &subRelease)) != NULL)
             if (subRelease)
             if (releaseTag && subRelease && !sameString(subRelease, releaseTag))
                 errAbort("Include with release %s inside include with release %s line %d of %s", subRelease, releaseTag, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
 	    /* Set reEntered=TRUE whenever we recurse, so we don't polish
 	     * multiple times and get too many backslash-escapes. */
 	    boolean reBak = reEntered;
 	    reEntered = TRUE;
             struct hgFindSpec *incHfs = hgFindSpecFromRa(db, incFile, subRelease);
 	    reEntered = reBak;
             hfsList = slCat(hfsList, incHfs);
     if (done)
     /* Allocate track structure and fill it in until next blank line. */
     slAddHead(&hfsList, hfs);
     for (;;)
 	/* Break at blank line or EOF. */
 	if (!lineFileNext(lf, &line, NULL))
 	line = skipLeadingSpaces(line);
 	if (line == NULL || line[0] == 0)
 	/* Skip comments. */
 	if (line[0] == '#')
 	/* Parse out first word and decide what to do. */
 	word = nextWord(&line);
 	if (line == NULL)
 	    errAbort("No value for %s line %d of %s",
 		     word, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
 	line = trimSpaces(line);
 	hgFindSpecAddInfo(hfs, word, line);
     if (releaseTag)
         hgFindSpecAddRelease(hfs, releaseTag);
 if (! reEntered)
     for (hfs = hfsList; hfs != NULL; hfs = hfs->next)
 	hgFindSpecPolish(db, hfs);
 return hfsList;
 char *hgFindSpecSetting(struct hgFindSpec *hfs, char *name)
 /* Return setting string or NULL if none exists. */
 if (hfs == NULL)
     errAbort("Program error: null hfs passed to hgFindSpecSetting.");
 if (hfs->settingsHash == NULL)
     hfs->settingsHash = raFromString(hfs->searchSettings);
 return hashFindVal(hfs->settingsHash, name);
 char *hgFindSpecRequiredSetting(struct hgFindSpec *hfs, char *name)
 /* Return setting string or squawk and die. */
 char *ret = hgFindSpecSetting(hfs, name);
 if (ret == NULL)
    errAbort("Missing required %s setting in %s (%s) search spec",
 	    name, hfs->searchTable, hfs->searchName);
 return ret;
 char *hgFindSpecSettingOrDefault(struct hgFindSpec *hfs, char *name,
 				 char *defaultVal)
 /* Return setting string, or defaultVal if none exists */
     char *val = hgFindSpecSetting(hfs, name);
     return (val == NULL ? defaultVal : val);
 static struct slName *hgFindSpecNameList(char *db)
 /* Return the hgFindSpec table name(s) to use (based on trackDb name). */
 struct slName *trackDbList = hTrackDbList();
 struct slName *specNameList = NULL;
 struct slName *tdbName;
 for (tdbName = trackDbList; tdbName != NULL; tdbName = tdbName->next)
     char *subbed = replaceChars(tdbName->name, "trackDb", "hgFindSpec");
     if (hTableExists(db, subbed))
 	slNameAddHead(&specNameList, subbed);
 if (!specNameList)
     specNameList = slNameNew("hgFindSpec");
 return specNameList;
 static boolean haveSpecAlready(struct hgFindSpec *list, struct hgFindSpec *spec)
 /* Simply check to see if we have this search in our list already. */
 struct hgFindSpec *cur = list;
 while ((cur != NULL) && (!sameString(cur->searchName, spec->searchName)))
     cur = cur->next;
 return (cur) ? TRUE : FALSE;
 static int hgFindSpecPriCmp(const void *va, const void *vb)
 /* Compare to sort by assending searchPriority. */
 const struct hgFindSpec *a = *((struct hgFindSpec **)va);
 const struct hgFindSpec *b = *((struct hgFindSpec **)vb);
 float diff = a->searchPriority - b->searchPriority;
 if (diff < 0)
     return -1;
 else if (diff > 0)
     return 1;
     return 0;
 static struct hgFindSpec *loadFindSpecsTbl(char *db, char *tblSpec, char *where)
 /* Load find specs for the given where and a given tblSpec. where can be
  * NULL. */
 struct hgFindSpec *hfsList = NULL;
 char *tbl;
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConnProfileTbl(db, tblSpec, &tbl);
 char query[512];
 if (where != NULL)
     sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select * from %s where %s", tbl, where);
     sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select * from %s", tbl);
 struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
 char **row = NULL;
 while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     struct hgFindSpec *hfs = hgFindSpecLoad(row);
     if (!haveSpecAlready(hfsList, hfs))
         slAddHead(&hfsList, hfs);
 static struct hgFindSpec *loadFindSpecs(char *db, char *where)
 /* Load find specs for the given where. */
 struct hgFindSpec *hfsList = NULL;
 struct slName *hgFindSpecList = hgFindSpecNameList(db);
 struct slName *oneSpec;
 for (oneSpec = hgFindSpecList; oneSpec != NULL; oneSpec = oneSpec->next)
     hfsList = slCat(hfsList, loadFindSpecsTbl(db, oneSpec->name, where));
 slSort(&hfsList, hgFindSpecPriCmp);
 struct hgFindSpec *hgFindSpecGetSpecs(char *db, boolean shortCircuit)
 /* Load all short-circuit (or not) search specs from the current db, sorted by 
  * searchPriority. */
 char where[64];
 sqlSafefFrag(where, sizeof(where), "shortCircuit = %d", shortCircuit);
 struct hgFindSpec *hfsList = loadFindSpecs(db, where);
 slSort(&hfsList, hgFindSpecPriCmp);
 void hgFindSpecGetAllSpecs(char *db, 
                            struct hgFindSpec **retShortCircuitList,
 			   struct hgFindSpec **retAdditiveList)
 /* Load all search specs from the current db, separated according to 
  * shortCircuit and sorted by searchPriority. */
 struct hgFindSpec *hfs, *hfsList = loadFindSpecs(db, NULL);
 struct hgFindSpec *shortList = NULL, *longList = NULL;
 while ((hfs = slPopHead(&hfsList)) != NULL)
     if (hfs->shortCircuit)
         slAddHead(&shortList, hfs);
         slAddHead(&longList, hfs);
 if (retShortCircuitList != NULL)
     slSort(&shortList, hgFindSpecPriCmp);
     *retShortCircuitList = shortList;
 if (retAdditiveList != NULL)
     slSort(&longList, hgFindSpecPriCmp);
     *retAdditiveList = longList;