  Sat May 24 21:09:34 2014 -0700
Adding Copyright NNNN Regents of the University of California to all files I believe with reasonable certainty were developed under UCSC employ or as part of Genome Browser copyright assignment.
diff --git src/hg/lib/rangeTreeFile.c src/hg/lib/rangeTreeFile.c
index 02b07d8..36d0ff9 100644
--- src/hg/lib/rangeTreeFile.c
+++ src/hg/lib/rangeTreeFile.c
@@ -1,747 +1,750 @@
 /* rangeTree - This module is a way of keeping track of
  * non-overlapping ranges (half-open intervals). It is
  * based on the self-balancing rbTree code.  Use it in
  * place of a bitmap when the total number of ranges
  * is significantly smaller than the number of bits would
  * be. 
  * Beware the several static/global variables which can be
  * changed by various function calls. */
+/* Copyright (C) 2014 The Regents of the University of California 
+ * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "limits.h"
 #include "localmem.h"
 #include "rangeTree.h"
 #include "rangeTreeFile.h"
 struct range rangeReadOne(FILE *f, boolean isSwapped)
 /* Returns a single range from the file */
 struct range r = {NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
 r.start = readBits32(f, isSwapped);
 r.end = r.start + readBits32(f, isSwapped);
 return r;
 void rangeWriteOne(struct range *r, FILE *f)
 /* Write out one range structure to binary file f.
  * This only writes start and size. */
 bits32 start = r->start;
 bits32 size = r->end-r->start;
 writeOne(f, start);
 writeOne(f, size);
 void rangeReadArray(FILE *f, struct rangeStartSize *r, int n, boolean isSwapped)
 /* Read 'n' elements of range array (start,size) from file 'f'. */
 mustRead(f, r, n*sizeof(*r));
 if (isSwapped)
     while (n)
 	r->start = byteSwap32(r->start);
 	r->size = byteSwap32(r->size);
 void rangeWriteArray(struct rangeStartSize *r, int n, FILE *f)
 /* Write 'n' elements of range array (start,size) to file 'f'. */
 mustWrite(f, r, n*sizeof(*r));
 void rangeWriteArrayToBed(char *chrom, struct rangeStartSize *r, int n, boolean withId, boolean mergeAdjacent, FILE *f)
 /* Write 'n' elements of range array (start,size) to file 'f' in bed format.
  * If withId then adds an id in the name field in the format 'chrom.N' .
  * If mergeAdjacent then any ranges which are adjacent, and would otherwise appear 
  * on multiple bed lines, are merged into a single bed line. */
 int i, id = 0;
 int start, end;
 if (n==0)
 start = r[0].start;
 end = r[0].start+r[0].size;
 for (i=1 ; i<n ; ++i)
     if (end > r[i].start)
 	errAbort("overlapping bed records in chrom %s (start,end=%d) (start=%d,end=%d)\n", chrom, end, r[i].start, r[i].start+r[i].size);
     if (mergeAdjacent && end == r[i].start) /* keep the previous start and dont write bed */
 	end = r[i].start+r[i].size;
     else /* print the previous range and update */
 	if (withId)
 	    fprintf(f, "%s\t%d\t%d\t%s.%d\n", chrom, start, end, chrom, ++id);
 	    fprintf(f, "%s\t%d\t%d\n", chrom, start, end);
 	start = r[i].start;
 	end = r[i].start+r[i].size;
 /* print the last item */
 if (withId) 
     fprintf(f, "%s\t%d\t%d\t%s.%d\n", chrom, start, end, chrom, ++id);
     fprintf(f, "%s\t%d\t%d\n", chrom, start, end);
 unsigned rangeArraySize(struct rangeStartSize *r, int n)
 /* calculate the total size of the array */
 unsigned size = 0;
 int i;
 for ( i = 0 ; i<n ; ++i )
     size += r[i].size;
 return size;
 void rangeReadWriteN(FILE *inF, int n, boolean isSwapped, FILE *outF)
 /* Read 'n' ranges in from file 'inF' and write them to file 'outF'.
  * Reads and writes ranges one at a time. */
 int i;
 struct range r;
 for (i=0 ; i<n ; ++i )
     r = rangeReadOne(inF, isSwapped);
     rangeWriteOne(&r, outF);
 struct range rangeReadOneWithVal(FILE *f, boolean isSwapped, void *(*valReadOne)(FILE *f, boolean isSwapped))
 /* Read one range structure from binary file f, including range val.
  * Returns start, end.
  * valWriteOne should point to a function which writes the value (not called if null).
  * Returns val if valWriteOne is not null */
 struct range r = {NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
 r.start = readBits32(f, isSwapped);
 r.end = r.start + readBits32(f, isSwapped);
 if (valReadOne)
     r.val = valReadOne(f, isSwapped);
 return r;
 void rangeWriteOneWithVal(struct range *r, FILE *f, void (*valWriteOne)(void *val, FILE *f))
 /* Write out one range structure to binary file f.
  * Writes start and size.
  * valWriteOne should point to a function which writes the value (not called if null). */
 rangeWriteOne(r, f);
 if (valWriteOne)
 	valWriteOne(r->val, f);
 /* Some file-globals to be used by rangeTreeWriteFile, rangeTreeWriteFileWithVal, rangeTreeSizeInFileWithVal */
 static FILE *tempF = NULL;
 static void (*tempFuncWriteNodesWithVal)(void *val, FILE *f) = NULL;
 static int tempValSize = 0;
 static int (*tempFuncRangeValSize)(void *val) = NULL;
 static void rangeWriteFile(void *item)
 /* Utility function to pass file handle. See rangeTreeWriteOne() below.
  * Not thread-safe. */
 rangeWriteOne(item, tempF);
 static void rangeWriteFileWithVal(void *item)
 /* Utility function to pass file handle and func ptr. See rangeTreeWriteOneWithVal() below.
  * Not thread-safe. */
 rangeWriteOneWithVal(item, tempF, tempFuncWriteNodesWithVal);
 static void rangeValSize(void *val) 
 /* Utility function to calculate binary file size of range val.
  * Not thread-safe. */
 tempValSize += tempFuncRangeValSize(val);
 void rangeArrayToTree(struct rbTree *rt, struct rangeStartSize r[], int numNodes)
 /* Reads numNodes ranges from the range array 'r' and adds them to rangeTree rt. 
  * Does not read range val. */
 int i;
 for (i = 0 ; i<numNodes ; ++i)
     rangeTreeAdd(rt, r[i].start, r[i].start+r[i].size);
 void rangeTreeReadNodes(FILE *f, struct rbTree *rt, int numNodes, boolean isSwapped)
 /* Reads numNodes ranges from the file and adds them to rangeTree rt.
  * Does not read range val.  */
 struct range r;
 int i;
 for (i = 0 ; i<numNodes ; ++i)
     r = rangeReadOne(f, isSwapped);
     rangeTreeAdd(rt, r.start, r.end);
 void rangeTreeWriteNodes(struct rbTree *tree, FILE *f)
 /* Write out one rangeTree structure to binary file f. 
  * Note this does not include the name, which is stored only in index. 
  * Ranges are written in start sequence (depth-first tree traversal).
  * Writes start and size but not val. 
  * Not thread-safe. */
 tempF = f;
 rbTreeTraverse(tree, rangeWriteFile);
 static void *assignVal(void *existing, void *new)
 /* Local helper function to assign range val in case of reading rangeTree 
  * with guaranteed non-overlapping ranges on disk (no merging of values would occur).
  * Simply assignes new value and ignores null existing value.
  * Produces error if existing value is non-null. */
 if (existing != NULL)
     errAbort("assignVal found existing val (%p) where NULL expected\n", existing);
 return new;
 void rangeTreeReadNodesWithVal(FILE *f, struct rbTree *rt, int numNodes, boolean isSwapped, void *(*valReadOne)(FILE *f, boolean isSwapped))
 /* Reads numNodes ranges from the file and adds them to rangeTree rt.
  * If rt contains no nodes, and since rangeTree was saved to disk 
  * implying its ranges are already non-overlapping, it is safe 
  * to use a mergeVal function which simply assigns the stored value 
  * to the range since the existing val must always be null.
  * Produces an error if the rt contains nodes already. */
 if (rt->n > 0)
     errAbort("Range tree already contains %d ranges. Use rangeTreeReadOneWithValMerge().\n", rt->n);
 rangeTreeReadNodesWithValMerge(f, rt, numNodes, isSwapped, valReadOne, assignVal);
 void rangeTreeReadNodesWithValMerge(FILE *f, struct rbTree *rt, int numNodes, boolean isSwapped, void *(*valReadOne)(FILE *f, boolean isSwapped), void *(*mergeVals)(void *existing, void *new) )
 /* Reads numNodes ranges from the file and adds them to rangeTree rt.
  * Reads range values using valReadOne function, if function is non-null.
  * Input rangeTree rt could already have nodes, so mergeVals is called 
  * to merge values read from disk to values in the tree.  */
 struct range r;
 int i;
 for (i = 0 ; i<numNodes ; ++i)
     r = rangeReadOneWithVal(f, isSwapped, valReadOne);
     rangeTreeAddVal(rt, r.start, r.end, r.val, mergeVals);
 void rangeTreeWriteNodesWithVal(struct rbTree *tree, FILE *f, void (*valWriteOne)(void *val, FILE *f))
 /* Write out one rangeTree structure to binary file f. 
  * Note this does not include the name, which is stored only in index. 
  * Ranges are written in start sequence (depth-first tree traversal).
  * Writes start and size.
  * valWriteOne should be a function which writes the range val. Not called if null. 
  * Not thread-safe. */
 tempF = f;
 tempFuncWriteNodesWithVal = valWriteOne;
 rbTreeTraverse(tree, rangeWriteFileWithVal);
 int rangeTreeSizeInFile(struct rbTree *tree)
 /* Returns size of rangeTree written in binary file format.
  * Includes start and size. 
  * Does not include val. */
 return sizeof(bits32)*2*tree->n;
 int rangeTreeSizeInFileWithVal(struct rbTree *tree, int (*rangeValSizeInFile)(void *val))
 /* Returns size of rangeTree written in binary file format.
  * Includes start, size, and val. 
  * rangeValSizeInFile should refer to a function which calculates the size of the val 
  * in a binary file. Not called if null. */
 tempValSize = 0;
 tempFuncRangeValSize = rangeValSizeInFile;
 rbTreeTraverse(tree, rangeValSize);
 return rangeTreeSizeInFile(tree) + tempValSize;
 unsigned rangeArrayIntersection(struct rangeStartSize *r1, struct rangeStartSize *r2, int n1, int n2, struct rangeStartSize **pRange, boolean saveMem, struct bed **pBed, char *chrom, struct lm *lm, int *n)
 /* Create intersection of array of 'n1' ranges (start,size) in r1 with 
  * 'n2' ranges (start,size) in r2.
  * If pRange is not null, the ranges are saved into an allocated array 'r' 
  * and then returned in *pRange. 
  * Note that the ranges in *pRange are as stored on disk (start,size), 
  * not as in the rangeTree (start,end).
  * If saveMem is true, tries to shrink size of array r before returning it.
  * Free array with freez(&r).
  * If pBed is not null, the ranges are saved as a list of bed records
  * and returned in *pBed. The bed->chrom field is set to chrom. Memory 
  * for bed records is allocated from lm. Free using lmCleanup.
  * The number of merged ranges is stored in n.
  * If no ranges, returns NULL in *pRange and *pBed.
  * Returns total size of ranges in intersection or zero if none. */
 int r1end, r2end, i = 0;
 unsigned totSize = 0;
 struct rangeStartSize *r = NULL;
 int rSize = max(n1,n2); /* max size needed is larger of two */
 struct bed *bList = NULL;
 if (pBed && !lm)
     errAbort("specify localmem when requesting bed output");
 if (pBed && !chrom)
     errAbort("specify chrom when requesting bed output");
 if (pRange)
     AllocArray(r, rSize);
 /* loop around merging while we have ranges in both lists */
 while ( n1 > 0 && n2 > 0)
     verbose(2,"loop n1=%d n2=%d\n", n1, n2);
     r1end = r1->start+r1->size;
     r2end = r2->start+r2->size;
     /* check which should be merged or output */
     if ( r1end <= r2->start ) /* r1 is upstream, get next one */
     else if (r2end <= r1->start) /* r2 is upstream, get next one */
     /* Overlap: take the max(start) and min(end) as the intersection */
     /* Overlap: keep the one with rightmost end, and extend its start position
      * to the left if need be. Note that the next element from this rangeTree 
      * will not overlap. 
      * Read the next element from the other rangeTree as it may overlap. 
      * If they both end on the same base, output the largest of the two
      * and read in the next from each rangeTree. */
 	if (r1end > r2end) /* 1 is rightmost, get highest start, fix size, and read next r2 */
 	    int start = max(r1->start,r2->start);
 	    int l = r2end-start;
 		struct bed *b;
 		lmAllocVar(lm, b);
 		b->chrom = chrom;
 		b->chromStart = start;
 		b->chromEnd = r2end;
 		slAddHead(&bList, b);
 	    if (r)
 		r[i].start = start;
 		r[i].size = l;
 	    totSize += l;
 	else if (r2end > r1end) /* 2 is rightmost, set lowest start, fix size, and read next r1 */
 	    int start = max(r1->start,r2->start);
 	    int l = r1end-start;
 		struct bed *b;
                 lmAllocVar(lm, b);
                 b->chrom = chrom;
                 b->chromStart = start;
                 b->chromEnd = r1end;
                 slAddHead(&bList, b);
 	    if (r)
 		r[i].start = start;
 		r[i].size = l;
 	    totSize += l;
 	else /* 1 and 2 both end on same base, write out smallest one, and read both */
             int start = max(r1->start,r2->start);
             int l = r1end-start;
 		struct bed *b;
                 lmAllocVar(lm, b);
                 b->chrom = chrom;
                 b->chromStart = start;
                 b->chromEnd = r1end;
                 slAddHead(&bList, b);
 	    if (r)
 		r[i].start = start;
 		r[i].size = l;
             totSize += l;
 *n = i;
 if (r && *n == 0) /* if no results, free this memory */
 else if (r && saveMem && *n < rSize/2) /* we seriously overestimated mem reqts so free it up */
     struct rangeStartSize *r0 = CloneArray(r, *n);
     r = r0;
 if (pBed)
     *pBed = bList;
 if (pRange)
     *pRange = r;
 return totSize;
 unsigned rangeArrayUnion(struct rangeStartSize *r1, struct rangeStartSize *r2, int n1, int n2, struct rangeStartSize **pRange, boolean saveMem, struct bed **pBed, char *chrom, struct lm *lm, int *n)
 /* Create union of array of 'n1' ranges (start,size) in r1 with 
  * 'n2' ranges (start,size) in r2.
  * If pRange is not null, the ranges are saved into an allocated array 'r' 
  * and then returned in *pRange. 
  * Note that the ranges in *pRange are as stored on disk (start,size), 
  * not as in the rangeTree (start,end).
  * If saveMem is true, tries to shrink size of array r before returning it.
  * Free array with freez(&r).
  * If pBed is not null, the ranges are saved as a list of bed records
  * and returned in *pBed. The bed->chrom field is set to chrom. Memory 
  * for bed records is allocated from lm. Free using lmCleanup.
  * The number of merged ranges is stored in n.
  * If no ranges, returns NULL in *pRange and *pBed.
  * Returns total size of ranges in intersection or zero if none. */
 int r1end, r2end, i = 0; 
 unsigned totSize = 0;
 struct rangeStartSize *r = NULL;
 int rSize = n1 + n2; /* worst case these dont overlap at all */
 struct bed *bList = NULL;
 if (pBed && !lm)
     errAbort("specify localmem when requesting bed output");
 if (pBed && !chrom)
     errAbort("specify chrom when requesting bed output");
 if (pRange)     
     AllocArray(r, rSize);
 /* loop around merging while we have ranges in both lists */
 while ( n1 > 0 && n2 > 0)
     r1end = r1->start+r1->size;
     r2end = r2->start+r2->size;
     /* check which should be merged or output */
     if ( r1end <= r2->start ) /* r1 is upstream, write it and get next one */
             struct bed *b;
             lmAllocVar(lm, b);
             b->chrom = chrom;
             b->chromStart = r1->start;
             b->chromEnd = r1->start+r1->size;
             slAddHead(&bList, b);
 	if (r)
 	    r[i].start = r1->start;
 	    r[i].size = r1->size;
 	totSize += r1->size;
     else if (r2end <= r1->start) /* r2 is upstream, write it and get next one */
             struct bed *b;
             lmAllocVar(lm, b);
             b->chrom = chrom;
             b->chromStart = r2->start;
             b->chromEnd = r2->start+r2->size;
             slAddHead(&bList, b);
 	if (r)
 	    r[i].start = r2->start;
 	    r[i].size = r2->size;
 	totSize += r2->size;
     /* Overlap: keep the one with rightmost end, and extend its start position
      * to the left if need be. Note that the next element from this rangeTree 
      * will not overlap. 
      * Read the next element from the other rangeTree as it may overlap. 
      * If they both end on the same base, output the largest of the two
      * and read in the next from each rangeTree. */
 	if (r1end > r2end) /* 1 is rightmost, set lowest start, fix size, and read next r2 */
 	    if (r2->start < r1->start)
 		r1->start = r2->start;
 		r1->size = r1end - r1->start;
 	else if (r2end > r1end) /* 2 is rightmost, set lowest start, fix size, and read next r1 */
 	    if (r1->start < r2->start)
 		r2->start = r1->start;
 		r2->size = r2end - r2->start;
 	else /* 1 and 2 both end on same base, write out left-most one */
 	    if (r1->start <= r2->start)
 		    struct bed *b;
 		    lmAllocVar(lm, b);
 		    b->chrom = chrom;
 		    b->chromStart = r1->start;
 		    b->chromEnd = r1->start+r1->size;
 		    slAddHead(&bList, b);
 		if (r)
 		    r[i].start = r1->start;
 		    r[i].size = r1->size;
 		totSize += r1->size;
                     struct bed *b;
                     lmAllocVar(lm, b);
                     b->chrom = chrom;
                     b->chromStart = r2->start;
                     b->chromEnd = r2->start+r2->size;
                     slAddHead(&bList, b);
 		if (r)
 		    r[i].start = r2->start;
 		    r[i].size = r2->size;
 		totSize += r2->size;
 /* write out any remaining nodes that are either in n1 or n2 */
 while (n1)
         struct bed *b;
         lmAllocVar(lm, b);
         b->chrom = chrom;
         b->chromStart = r1->start;
         b->chromEnd = r1->start+r1->size;
         slAddHead(&bList, b);
     if (r)
 	r[i].start = r1->start;
 	r[i].size = r1->size;
     totSize += r1->size;
 while (n2)
         struct bed *b;
         lmAllocVar(lm, b);
         b->chrom = chrom;
         b->chromStart = r2->start;
         b->chromEnd = r2->start+r2->size;
         slAddHead(&bList, b);
     if (r)
 	r[i].start = r2->start;
 	r[i].size = r2->size;
     totSize += r2->size;
 if (i == 0) /* if no results, free this memory */
 else if (saveMem && i < rSize/2) /* we seriously overestimated mem reqts so free it up */
     struct rangeStartSize *r0 = CloneArray(r, i);
     r = r0;
 *n = i;
 if (pBed)
     *pBed = bList;
 if (pRange)
     *pRange = r;
 return totSize;
 unsigned rangeArrayUnionToFile(struct rangeStartSize *r1, struct rangeStartSize *r2, int n1, int n2, FILE *of, int *n)
 /* Create union of array of 'n1' ranges (start,size) in r1 with 
  * 'n2' ranges in r2, writing them to output file 'of' and returning 
  * the number of merged ranges written in 'n'. 
  * Note that the ranges are as stored on disk (start,size)
  * not as in the rangeTree (start,end).
  * Writes the ranges one-by-one.
  * Returns total size of ranges in merged file. */
 int r1end, r2end;
 unsigned size = 0;
 *n = 0;
 /* loop around merging while we have ranges in both lists */
 while ( n1 > 0 && n2 > 0)
     r1end = r1->start+r1->size;
     r2end = r2->start+r2->size;
     /* check which should be merged or output */
     if ( r1end <= r2->start ) /* r1 is upstream, write it and get next one */
 	if (of)
 	    mustWrite(of, r1, sizeof(*r1));
 	size += r1->size;
     else if (r2end <= r1->start) /* r2 is upstream, write it and get next one */
 	if (of)
 	    mustWrite(of, r2, sizeof(*r2));
 	size += r2->size;
     /* Overlap: keep the one with rightmost end, and extend its start position
      * to the left if need be. Note that the next element from this rangeTree 
      * will not overlap. 
      * Read the next element from the other rangeTree as it may overlap. 
      * If they both end on the same base, output the largest of the two
      * and read in the next from each rangeTree. */
 	if (r1end > r2end) /* 1 is rightmost, set lowest start, fix size, and read next r2 */
 	    if (r2->start < r1->start)
 		r1->start = r2->start;
 		r1->size = r1end - r1->start;
 	else if (r2end > r1end) /* 2 is rightmost, set lowest start, fix size, and read next r1 */
 	    if (r1->start < r2->start)
 		r2->start = r1->start;
 		r2->size = r2end - r2->start;
 	else /* 1 and 2 both end on same base, write out left-most one */
 	    if (r1->start <= r2->start)
 		if (of)
 		    mustWrite(of, r1, sizeof(*r1));
 		size += r1->size;
 		if (of)
 		    mustWrite(of, r2, sizeof(*r2));
 		size += r2->size;
 /* write out any remaining nodes that are either in n1 or n2 */
 while (n1)
     if (of)
 	mustWrite(of, r1, sizeof(*r1));
     size += r1->size;
 while (n2)
     if (of)
 	mustWrite(of, r2, sizeof(*r2));
     size += r2->size;
 return size;