  Sat May 24 21:09:34 2014 -0700
Adding Copyright NNNN Regents of the University of California to all files I believe with reasonable certainty were developed under UCSC employ or as part of Genome Browser copyright assignment.
diff --git src/hg/lib/wiggleUtils.c src/hg/lib/wiggleUtils.c
index 805d91c..d66e57d 100644
--- src/hg/lib/wiggleUtils.c
+++ src/hg/lib/wiggleUtils.c
@@ -1,940 +1,943 @@
 /*	wiggleUtils - operations to fetch data from .wib files
  *	first used in hgText
+/* Copyright (C) 2014 The Regents of the University of California 
+ * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "jksql.h"
 #include "dystring.h"
 #include "hdb.h"
 #include "wiggle.h"
 #include "hCommon.h"
 #include "obscure.h"
 #ifndef GBROWSE
 #include "customTrack.h"
 #endif /* GBROWSE */
 void printHistoGram(struct histoResult *histoResults, boolean html)
 if (html)
     printf("<P><!--outer table is for border purposes-->" "\n"
 	    "\" BORDER=\"0\" CELLSPACING=\"0\" CELLPADDING=\"1\"><TR><TD>\n");
     if (histoResults)
 	printf("<TR><TH ALIGN=CENTER COLSPAN=8>%d bin histogram on %u values (zero count bins not shown)</TH></TR>\n",
 	    histoResults->binCount - 1, histoResults->count);
 	printf("<TR><TH ALIGN=CENTER COLSPAN=8> histogram (zero count bins not shown)</TH></TR>\n");
     puts ("<TR><TH ALIGN=LEFT> bin </TH>\n");
     puts ("    <TD COLSPAN=2 ALIGN=CENTER>\n");
     puts (" HSPACE=0>\n<TR><TH COLSPAN=2 ALIGN=CENTER>range&nbsp;in&nbsp;bin</TH></TR>\n");
     puts ("        <TR><TH ALIGN=LEFT>minimum</TH>\n");
     puts ("              <TH ALIGN=RIGHT>maximum</TH></TR>\n");
     puts ("      </TABLE>\n");
     puts ("    </TD>\n");
     puts ("    <TH ALIGN=CENTER>count</TH>\n");
     puts ("    <TH ALIGN=CENTER>Relative<BR>Frequency</TH>\n");
     puts ("    <TH ALIGN=CENTER>log2(Frequency)</TH><TH ALIGN=CENTER>Cumulative<BR>Relative<BR>Frequency<BR>(CRF)</TH>\n");
     puts ("    <TH ALIGN=CENTER>1.0&nbsp;-&nbsp;CRF</TH></TR>\n");
     if (histoResults)
 	printf("#\tbin histogram (zero count bins not shown)\n");
 	printf("#\t%d bin histogram on %u values (zero count bins not shown)\n",
 	    histoResults->binCount - 1, histoResults->count);
     printf("# bin    range   count  pValue   log2(pValue)  CPD   1.0 - CPD\n");
     printf("#      [min max)\n");
 if (histoResults)
     boolean someDisplayed = FALSE;
     double cpd = 0.0;
     double log2_0 = log(2.0);
     int i;
     for (i=0; i < histoResults->binCount; ++i)
 	if (histoResults->binCounts[i] > 0)
 	    double min, max, pValue;
 	    min = ((double)i * histoResults->binSize) +
 	    max = min + histoResults->binSize;
 	    if (html)
 		printf ("<TR><TD ALIGN=LEFT> %d </TD>\n", i );
 		printf ("    <TD ALIGN=RIGHT> %g </TD><TD ALIGN=RIGHT> %g </TD>\n", min, max);
 		printf ("    <TD ALIGN=RIGHT> %u </TD>\n",
 				histoResults->binCounts[i] );
 		printf ("%02d %g %g %u", i, min, max,
 	    if (histoResults->binCounts[i] > 0)
 		pValue = (double) histoResults->binCounts[i] /
 			    (double) histoResults->count;
 		cpd += pValue;
 		if (html)
 		    printf ("    <TD ALIGN=RIGHT> %g </TD>\n", pValue);
 		    printf ("    <TD ALIGN=RIGHT> %g </TD>\n",
 		    printf ("\t%f\t%f", pValue, log(pValue)/log2_0);
 		if (html)
 		    printf ("    <TD ALIGN=RIGHT> 0.0 </TD>\n");
 		    printf ("    <TD ALIGN=RIGHT> N/A </TD>\n");
 		    printf ("\t0.0\tN/A");
 	    if (html)
 		printf ("    <TD ALIGN=RIGHT> %g </TD>\n", cpd);
 		printf ("    <TD ALIGN=RIGHT> %g </TD></TR>\n", 1.0 - cpd);
 		printf ("\t%f\t%f\n", cpd, 1.0 - cpd);
 	    someDisplayed = TRUE;
     if (!someDisplayed)
 	if (html)
 	    puts ("<TR><TD COLSPAN=8 ALIGN=CENTER> "
 		"no data found for histogram </TD></TR>\n");
 	    puts ("#\tno data found for histogram\n");
     if (html)
 		"no data found for histogram </TD></TR>\n");
 	puts ("#\tno data found for histogram\n");
 if (html)
     printf ("</TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE></P>\n");
 int minSpan(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table, char *chrom,
 	int winStart, int winEnd, struct cart *cart, struct trackDb *tdb)
 /*	find minimum span in this area,
  *	winEnd == 0 means whole chrom	*/
 /*	To save time due to multiple calls to this function, see
  *	if everything is the same as before, and if so, return the
  *	same answer
 static char *prevDb = (char *) NULL;
 static char *prevTable = (char *) NULL;
 static char *prevChrom = (char *) NULL;
 static int prevWinStart = -1;
 static int prevWinEnd = -1;
 static struct cart *prevCart = (struct cart *) NULL;
 static struct trackDb *prevTdb = (struct trackDb *) NULL;
 static boolean prevTdbSpanList = FALSE;
 static int prevMin = -1;
 char query[256];
 int minSpan = BIGNUM;
 int maxSpan = 0;
 int spanCount = 0;
 struct hash *spans = (struct hash *)NULL;  /* list of spans in this table */
 struct hashEl *el;
 int *tdbSpanList = (int *)NULL;
 	/* array of positive integers terminated by a value 0	*/
 /*	Check if we have done this before via trackDb entry	*/
 if (tdb && (prevTdb == tdb) && prevTdbSpanList)
 /*	Check if we have done this before not via a trackDb entry */
 if  ( prevTable && prevChrom && prevDb &&
 	(sameWord(prevChrom,chrom)) &&
 	(sameWord(prevTable,table)) &&
 	(prevWinStart == winStart) &&
 	(prevWinEnd == winEnd) &&
 	(prevCart == cart) &&
 	(sameWord(prevDb, sqlGetDatabase(conn)))
 spans = newHash(0);	/* list of spans in this table */
 /*	Not here before with this one, seems to be new
  *	Does not work for customTrash database
 #ifndef GBROWSE
 if (differentString(sqlGetDatabase(conn),CUSTOM_TRASH))
 #endif /* GBROWSE */
     prevDb = cloneString(sqlGetDatabase(conn));
 prevTable = table;
 prevChrom = chrom;
 prevWinStart = winStart;
 prevWinEnd = winEnd;
 prevCart = cart;
 prevTdb = tdb;
 prevTdbSpanList = FALSE;
 if (tdb)
     tdbSpanList = wiggleSpanList(conn, tdb);
 if (tdbSpanList)
     int *ip;
     for (ip=tdbSpanList; *ip != 0; ++ip)
 	char spanName[128];
 	unsigned span = *ip;
 	safef(spanName, ArraySize(spanName), "%u", span);
 	el = hashLookup(spans, spanName);
 	if ( el == NULL)
 	    if (span > maxSpan) maxSpan = span;
 	    if (span < minSpan) minSpan = span;
 	    hashAddInt(spans, spanName, span);
     prevTdbSpanList = TRUE;
     /* just use first span if trackDb doesn't have spanList */
     sqlSafef(query, ArraySize(query),
 	"SELECT span from %s where chrom = '%s' limit 1", table, chrom);
     char *tmpSpan = sqlQuickString(conn, query);
     // if there's no data on this chrom just return 1 arbitrarily
     minSpan = 1;
     if (tmpSpan != NULL)
 	minSpan = sqlUnsigned(tmpSpan);
 prevMin = minSpan;
 return minSpan;
 }	/*	int minSpan()	*/
 int spanInUse(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table, char *chrom,
 	int winStart, int winEnd, struct cart *cart)
 /*	determine span used during hgTracks display,
  *	winEnd == 0 means whole chrom	*/
 struct sqlResult *sr;
 char query[256];
 char **row;
 float basesPerPixel = 0.0;
 int spanInUse = 0;
 struct hashCookie cookie;
 int insideWidth;
 int minSpan = BIGNUM;
 int maxSpan = 0;
 int spanCount = 0;
 struct hash *spans = newHash(0);	/*	list of spans in this table */
 struct hashEl *el;
 int insideX = hgDefaultGfxBorder;
 int pixWidth = atoi(cartUsualString(cart, "pix", DEFAULT_PIX_WIDTH ));
 boolean withLeftLabels = cartUsualBoolean(cart, "leftLabels", TRUE);
 /*	winEnd less than 1 (i.e. == 0), we need to find this chrom size	*/
 if (winEnd < 1)
     sqlSafef(query, ArraySize(query),
 	"SELECT size from chromInfo where chrom = '%s'", chrom);
     sr = sqlMustGetResult(conn,query);
     if ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) == NULL)
 	errAbort("spanInUse: query failed: '%s'\n", query);
     winEnd = sqlUnsigned(row[0]);
     if (winEnd < 1)
 	errAbort("spanInUse: failed to find valid chrom size via query: '%s'\n", query);
 /*	This is a time expensive query,
  *	~3 to 6 seconds on large chroms full of data	*/
 sqlSafef(query, ArraySize(query),
     "SELECT span from %s where chrom = '%s' group by span", table, chrom);
 sr = sqlMustGetResult(conn,query);
 while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     char spanName[128];
     unsigned span = sqlUnsigned(row[0]);
     safef(spanName, ArraySize(spanName), "%u", span);
     el = hashLookup(spans, spanName);
     if ( el == NULL)
 	if (span > maxSpan) maxSpan = span;
 	if (span < minSpan) minSpan = span;
 	hashAddInt(spans, spanName, span);
 spanInUse = minSpan;
 if (withLeftLabels)
 	insideX += hgDefaultLeftLabelWidth + hgDefaultGfxBorder;
 insideWidth = pixWidth - insideX - hgDefaultGfxBorder;
 basesPerPixel = (winEnd - winStart) / insideWidth;
 cookie = hashFirst(spans);
 while ((el = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
     int span = sqlSigned(el->name);
     if ((float) span <= basesPerPixel)
 	spanInUse = span;
 return spanInUse;
 }	/*	int spanInUse()	*/
 /******	spanList - fetch list of spans from trackDb *********************/
 /*	This is used to save time from trying to look it up in the
  *	actual table which is an expensive MySQL operation
 /*	Return is an array of integers, last one of value zero to indicate the
  *	end of the array.  In case of nothing found in trackDb, return
  *	a NULL pointer indicating no results.
  *      If the value is 'first' then use the first span value from the table.
  *      Assumes that all values in the table are the same. */
 int *wiggleSpanList(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct trackDb *tdb)
 char *tdbDefault = cloneString(trackDbSettingOrDefault(tdb, SPANLIST, "NONE"));
 int *ret = (int *)NULL;
 if (sameWord("NONE",tdbDefault))
     struct hashEl *hel;
     /*	if not found in trackDb, maybe it is in tdb->settings
      *	(custom tracks keep settings here)
     if ((tdb->settings != (char *)NULL) &&
 	(tdb->settingsHash != (struct hash *)NULL))
 	if ((hel = hashLookup(tdb->settingsHash, SPANLIST)) != NULL)
 	    tdbDefault = cloneString((char *)hel->val);
 /* if we still don't have a spanList, or we got "first" for spanList,
  * make up spanList by choosing the first span we find in the table */
 //if (sameWord("NONE",tdbDefault) || sameWord("first",tdbDefault))
 else if( sameWord("first",tdbDefault))
     char query[1024];
     sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT span FROM %s limit 1", tdb->table );
     char *tmpSpan = sqlQuickString(conn, query);
     ret[0] = sqlUnsigned(tmpSpan);
     ret[1] = 0;
     /*	If something found, let's parse it	*/
     int i;
     char *words[MAX_SPAN_COUNT];
     int wc;
     wc = chopCommas(tdbDefault,words);
     AllocArray(ret,wc+1);	/*	+ 1 for the extra zero	*/
     for ( i = 0; i < wc; ++i )
 	ret[i] = sqlUnsigned(words[i]);
     ret[wc] = 0;	/*	end of list	*/
 }	/*	int *wiggleSpanList(struct trackDb *tdb)	*/
  The following code to the end of this file will become obsolete and can
  be removed when the hgText binary is retired.  That is the only place
  this wigFetchData() business is used.
 static char *currentFile = (char *) NULL;	/* the binary file name */
 static FILE *wibFH = (FILE *) NULL;		/* file handle to binary file */
 static void openWibFile(char *fileName)
 /*  smart open of the .wib file - only if it isn't already open */
 if (currentFile)
     if (differentString(currentFile,fileName))
 	if (wibFH != (FILE *) NULL)
 	    wibFH = (FILE *) NULL;
 	    currentFile = (char *) NULL;
 	currentFile = cloneString(fileName);
 	if (differentString(currentFile,fileName))
 	    errAbort("openWibFile: currentFile != fileName %s != %s",
 		currentFile, fileName );
 	wibFH = mustOpen(currentFile, "r");
     currentFile = cloneString(fileName);
     if (differentString(currentFile,fileName))
 	errAbort("openWibFile: currentFile != fileName %s != %s",
 	    currentFile, fileName );
     wibFH = mustOpen(currentFile, "r");
 static void closeWibFile()
 /*	smart close of .wib file - close only if open	*/
 if (wibFH != (FILE *) NULL)
     wibFH = (FILE *) NULL;
     currentFile = (char *) NULL;
 static struct wiggleData * wigReadDataRow(struct wiggle *wiggle,
     int winStart, int winEnd, int tableId, boolean summaryOnly,
 	boolean (*wiggleCompare)(int tableId, double value,
 	    boolean summaryOnly, struct wiggle *wiggle))
 /*  read one row of wiggle data, return data values between winStart, winEnd */
 unsigned char *readData = (unsigned char *) NULL;
 size_t itemsRead = 0;
 int dataOffset = 0;
 int noData = 0;
 struct wiggleData *ret = (struct wiggleData *) NULL;
 struct wiggleDatum *data = (struct wiggleDatum *)NULL;
 struct wiggleDatum *dataPtr = (struct wiggleDatum *)NULL;
 unsigned chromPosition = 0;
 unsigned validCount = 0;
 long int chromStart = -1;
 unsigned chromEnd = 0;
 /* limits for the complete set of data, they must change from these initial
 	defaults during processing */
 double lowerLimit = wigEncodeStartingLowerLimit;
 double upperLimit = wigEncodeStartingUpperLimit;
 double sumData = 0.0;
 double sumSquares = 0.0;
 if (summaryOnly)
     boolean takeIt = TRUE;
     /*	the 0.0 argument is unused in this case of
      *	summaryOnly in wiggleCompare
     if (wiggleCompare)
 	takeIt = (*wiggleCompare)(tableId, 0.0, summaryOnly, wiggle);
     if (takeIt)
 	upperLimit = wiggle->lowerLimit + wiggle->dataRange;
 	lowerLimit = wiggle->lowerLimit;
 	chromStart = wiggle->chromStart;
 	chromEnd = wiggle->chromEnd;
 	validCount = wiggle->validCount;
 	sumData = wiggle->sumData;
 	sumSquares = wiggle->sumSquares;
     fseek(wibFH, wiggle->offset, SEEK_SET);
     readData = (unsigned char *) needMem((size_t) (wiggle->count + 1));
     itemsRead = fread(readData, (size_t) wiggle->count,
 	    (size_t) sizeof(unsigned char), wibFH);
     if (itemsRead != sizeof(unsigned char))
 	errAbort("wigReadDataRow: can not read %u bytes from %s at offset %u",
 	    wiggle->count, wiggle->file, wiggle->offset);
     /*	need at most this amount, perhaps less
      *	this data area goes with the result, this is freed by wigFreeData,
      *	as well as the rest of the business that goes with it in the
      *	returned structure */
     data = (struct wiggleDatum *) needMem((size_t)
 	(sizeof(struct wiggleDatum)*wiggle->validCount));
     dataPtr = data;
     chromPosition = wiggle->chromStart;
     for (dataOffset = 0; dataOffset < wiggle->count; ++dataOffset)
 	unsigned char datum = readData[dataOffset];
 	if (datum == WIG_NO_DATA)
 	    if (chromPosition >= winStart && chromPosition < winEnd)
 		double value =
 		boolean takeIt = TRUE;
 		if (wiggleCompare)
 		    takeIt = (*wiggleCompare)(tableId, value, summaryOnly,
 		if (takeIt)
 		    dataPtr->chromStart = chromPosition;
 		    dataPtr->value = value;
 		    if (validCount > wiggle->count)
 		errAbort("wigReadDataRow: validCount > wiggle->count %u > %u",
 				validCount, wiggle->count);
 		    if (chromStart < 0)
 			chromStart = chromPosition;
 		    chromEnd = chromPosition + wiggle->span;
 		    if (lowerLimit > dataPtr->value)
 			lowerLimit = dataPtr->value;
 		    if (upperLimit < dataPtr->value)
 			upperLimit = dataPtr->value;
 		    sumData += dataPtr->value;
 		    sumSquares += dataPtr->value * dataPtr->value;
 	chromPosition += wiggle->span;
 if (validCount)
     double dataRange = upperLimit - lowerLimit;
      /*	this ret structure is freed by wigFreeData */
     ret->next = (struct wiggleData *) NULL;
     ret->chrom = wiggle->chrom;
     ret->chromStart = chromStart;
     ret->chromEnd = chromEnd;
     ret->span = wiggle->span;
     ret->count = validCount;
     ret->lowerLimit = lowerLimit;
     ret->dataRange = dataRange;
     ret->sumData = sumData;
     ret->sumSquares = sumSquares;
     ret->data = data;
 return (ret);	/* may be null if validCount < 1	*/
 }	/*	static struct wiggleData * wigReadDataRow()	*/
 static void wigFree(struct wiggleData **pEl)
 /* Free a single dynamically allocated wiggle data item */
 struct wiggleData *el;
 if ((el = *pEl) == NULL) return;
 /*	The el->chrom is not freed, it may belong to something else
  *	since it is not a copy
 void wigFreeData(struct wiggleData **pList)
 /* free a list of dynamically allocated wiggle data items */
 struct wiggleData *el, *next;
 for (el = *pList; el != NULL; el = next)
     next = el->next;
 *pList = NULL;
 static struct bed *bedElement(char *chrom, unsigned start, unsigned end,
 	char *table, unsigned lineCount)
 struct bed *bed;
 char name[128];
 bed->chrom = cloneString(chrom);
 bed->chromStart = start;
 bed->chromEnd = end;
 safef(name, sizeof(name), "%s.%u",
     chrom, lineCount);
 bed->name = cloneString(name);
 return bed;
 struct wigStatsAcc
 /* statistic accumulators */
     unsigned span;	/* span of this data */
     unsigned start;	/* beginning chrom position */
     unsigned end;	/* end chrom position */
     double lowerLimit;	/* lowest data value in this block */
     double upperLimit;	/* highest data value in this block */
     double sumData;	/* sum of data values in this block */
     double sumSquares;	/* sum of data values squared */
     unsigned count;	/* number of data values in this statistic */
     unsigned bedElStart;	/*	bed element start coord	*/
     unsigned bedElEnd;		/*	bed element end coord	*/
     unsigned bedElCount;	/*	bed element count	*/
 static struct wigStatsAcc wigStatsAcc;
 static void resetStats(struct wigStatsAcc *wsa)
 wsa->span = 0;
 wsa->start = BIGNUM;
 wsa->end = 0;
 /* limits for the complete set of data, they must change from these initial
 	defaults during processing */
 wsa->lowerLimit = wigEncodeStartingLowerLimit;
 wsa->upperLimit = wigEncodeStartingUpperLimit;
 wsa->count = 0;
 wsa->sumData = 0.0;
 wsa->sumSquares = 0.0;
 wsa->bedElStart = 0;
 wsa->bedElEnd = 0;
 wsa->bedElCount = 0;
 static void returnStats(struct wigStatsAcc *wsa, struct wiggleStats **wsList,
     char *chrom, unsigned start, unsigned end, int span)
 if (wsa->count)
     struct wiggleStats *wsEl = (struct wiggleStats *) NULL;
     double mean = wsa->sumData / (double)wsa->count;
     double variance = 0.0;
     double stddev = 0.0;
     if (wsa->count > 1)
 	variance = (wsa->sumSquares -
 	    ((wsa->sumData*wsa->sumData)/(double)wsa->count)) /
 	if (variance > 0.0)
 	    stddev = sqrt(variance);
     wsEl->chrom = cloneString(chrom);
     wsEl->chromStart = start;
     wsEl->chromEnd = end;
     wsEl->span = span;
     wsEl->count = wsa->count;
     wsEl->lowerLimit = wsa->lowerLimit;
     wsEl->dataRange = wsa->upperLimit - wsa->lowerLimit;
     wsEl->mean = mean;
     wsEl->variance = variance;
     wsEl->stddev = stddev;
 static void accumStats(struct wigStatsAcc *ws, struct wiggleData *wdPtr,
     struct bed **bedList, unsigned maxBedElements, char *table)
 boolean createBedList = FALSE;
 if ((struct bed **)NULL != bedList)
     createBedList = TRUE;
 ws->sumData += wdPtr->sumData;
 ws->sumSquares += wdPtr->sumSquares;
 ws->count += wdPtr->count;
 if (wdPtr->lowerLimit < ws->lowerLimit)
     ws->lowerLimit = wdPtr->lowerLimit;
 if (wdPtr->lowerLimit+wdPtr->dataRange > ws->upperLimit)
     ws->upperLimit = wdPtr->lowerLimit+wdPtr->dataRange;
 if (wdPtr->chromStart < ws->start)
     ws->start = wdPtr->chromStart;
 if (wdPtr->chromEnd > ws->end)
     ws->end = wdPtr->chromEnd;
 if (createBedList && wdPtr->data)
     struct wiggleDatum *wd = wdPtr->data;
     int i;
     for (i = 0; (i < wdPtr->count); ++i, ++wd)
 	if (wd->chromStart == ws->bedElEnd)
 	    ws->bedElEnd += wdPtr->span;
 	else if (wd->chromStart < ws->bedElEnd) /* do not start */
 	    break;	/* over again (do not repeat for next span) */
 	else if (ws->bedElCount > maxBedElements)
 	    break;			/* too many */
 	    if (ws->bedElEnd > ws->bedElStart)
 		struct bed *bedEl;
 		bedEl = bedElement(wdPtr->chrom, ws->bedElStart, ws->bedElEnd,
 		    table, ++ws->bedElCount);
 		slAddHead(bedList, bedEl);
 	    ws->bedElStart = wd->chromStart;
 	    ws->bedElEnd = ws->bedElStart + wdPtr->span;
 }	/*	static void accumStats()	*/
  *	there are a variety of conditions that affect how FetchData is
  *	going to work.  This is an attempt to allow it to do as much
  *	as possible, but not get overloaded.
  *	summaryOnly is done when whole chrom summaries are requested
  *	for statistic purposes.  In those cases we do not need to go all
  *	the way to the data to get the averages, the SQL rows are good
  *	enough.  Although even on this level there is quite a bit of
  *	work to do on tracks such as Quality that have 180,000 rows on
  *	just chr1.
  *	a wiggleStats wsList is given when doing statistics, if it is
  *	purely a data fetch operation, there is no need to do
  *	wiggleStats and it will be a NULL pointer.
  *	a bedList pointer is given when a returned bed list is desired.
  *	In the case of processing a bedList, we honor the return limit
  *	of number of bed elements via the maxBedElements.
  *	If we are not returning a bedList and we are not doing a stats
  *	summary, then we have an honest data fetch operation, and in
  *	this case we honor the stated line limit of maxBedElements.
  *	When the caller is doing this data fetch operation and states
  *	that maxBedElements is zero, then we do all data that can be found.
  *	This would be the case for a stats operation when only one chrom
  *	is being worked on.
 struct wiggleData *wigFetchData(char *db, char *table, char *chromName,
     int winStart, int winEnd, boolean summaryOnly, boolean freeData,
 	int tableId, boolean (*wiggleCompare)(int tableId, double value,
 	    boolean summaryOnly, struct wiggle *wiggle),
 		char *constraints, struct bed **bedList,
 		    unsigned maxBedElements, struct wiggleStats **wsList)
 /*  return linked list of wiggle data between winStart, winEnd */
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(db);
 struct sqlResult *sr;
 char **row;
 int rowOffset;
 int rowCount = 0;
 struct wiggle *wiggle;
 struct hash *spans = NULL;      /* List of spans encountered during load */
 char spanName[128];
 char whereSpan[128];
 char query[256];
 struct hashEl *el;
 int leastSpan = BIGNUM;
 int mostSpan = 0;
 int spanCount = 0;
 int span = 0;
 struct hashCookie cookie;
 struct wiggleData *wigData = (struct wiggleData *) NULL;
 struct wiggleData *wdList = (struct wiggleData *) NULL;
 boolean bewareConstraints = FALSE;
 boolean createBedList = FALSE;
 boolean firstSpanDone = FALSE;
 unsigned dataLimit = 0;
 unsigned dataDone = 0;
 boolean reachedDataLimit = FALSE;
 /*	make sure table exists before we try to talk to it
  *	If it does not exist, we return a null result
 if (! sqlTableExists(conn, table))
     return((struct wiggleData *)NULL);
 if ((struct bed **)NULL != bedList)
     createBedList = TRUE;
 /*	if we are not doing a summary (== return all data) and
  *	we are not creating a bed list, then obey the limit requested
  *	It will be zero if they really want everything.
 if (!summaryOnly && !createBedList)
     dataLimit = maxBedElements;
 spans = newHash(0);	/*	a listing of all spans found here	*/
 resetStats(&wigStatsAcc);	/*	zero everything	*/
 /*	Are the constraints going to interfere with our span search ? */
 if (constraints)
     char *c = cloneString(constraints);
     if (stringIn("span",c))
 	bewareConstraints = TRUE;
 if (bewareConstraints)
     sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query),
 	"SELECT span from %s where chrom = '%s' AND %-s group by span",
 	table, chromName, constraints );
     sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query),
 	"SELECT span from %s where chrom = '%s' group by span",
 	table, chromName );
 /*	Survey the spans to see what the story is here */
 sr = sqlMustGetResult(conn,query);
 while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     unsigned span = sqlUnsigned(row[0]);
     safef(spanName, sizeof(spanName), "%u", span);
     el = hashLookup(spans, spanName);
     if ( el == NULL)
 	if (span > mostSpan) mostSpan = span;
 	if (span < leastSpan) leastSpan = span;
 	hashAddInt(spans, spanName, span);
 /*	Now, using that span list, go through each span, fetching data	*/
 cookie = hashFirst(spans);
 while ((! reachedDataLimit) && (el = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
     if ((struct wiggleStats **)NULL != wsList)
     if (bewareConstraints)
 	sqlSafef(whereSpan, sizeof(whereSpan), "((span = %s) AND %-s)", el->name,
 	sqlSafef(whereSpan, sizeof(whereSpan), "span = %s", el->name);
     span = atoi(el->name);
     sr = hOrderedRangeQuery(conn, table, chromName, winStart, winEnd,
         whereSpan, &rowOffset);
     rowCount = 0;
     while ((! reachedDataLimit) && (row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
 	wiggle = wiggleLoad(row + rowOffset);
 	if (wiggle->count > 0 && (! reachedDataLimit))
 	    wigData = wigReadDataRow(wiggle, winStart, winEnd,
 		    tableId, summaryOnly, wiggleCompare );
 	    if (wigData)
 		if (firstSpanDone)
 		    accumStats(&wigStatsAcc, wigData, (struct bed **)NULL,
 			maxBedElements, table);
 		    accumStats(&wigStatsAcc, wigData, bedList,
 			maxBedElements, table);
 		dataDone += wigData->count;
 		if (freeData)
 		    freeMem(wigData->data); /* and mark it gone */
 		    wigData->data = (struct wiggleDatum *)NULL;
 		if (!createBedList && dataLimit)
 		    if (dataLimit < dataDone)
 			reachedDataLimit = TRUE;
 		if (createBedList && (wigStatsAcc.bedElCount > maxBedElements))
 		    reachedDataLimit = TRUE;
 	/*	perhaps last bed line	*/
     if (!firstSpanDone && createBedList &&
 	(wigStatsAcc.bedElEnd > wigStatsAcc.bedElStart) && wigData)
 	struct bed *bedEl;
 	bedEl = bedElement(wigData->chrom, wigStatsAcc.bedElStart,
 	    wigStatsAcc.bedElEnd, table, ++wigStatsAcc.bedElCount);
 	slAddHead(bedList, bedEl);
     firstSpanDone = TRUE;
 if (createBedList)
 /*	last stats calculation	*/
 if ((struct wiggleStats **)NULL != wsList)
 if (wdList != (struct wiggleData *)NULL)
 /*	this wdList can be freed by wigFreeData */
 }	/*	struct wiggleData *wigFetchData()	*/